Thursday, July 8, 2021

Every Day Is Something.

Good morning. How's it going?  I am fine. I got a good night sleep last night. I was super tired for some reason, and went to bed even early for me. I may be tired from being so sore. I was able to practice my golf swing, which is why I am sore in the first place. It was hard to warm up. We are playing today, and I am taking two aspirin beforehand. I know I know the guy who takes aspirin mostly zero times/year. Golf is different. It is hard to get everything loose. I wonder if the Seniors take aspirin before their rounds. You would think they have some aches and pains that can use a little masking. Especially over a weekend.  

I took the dogs yesterday, and watered too. We ate dinner,  and I was like I gotta go to bed. I went downstairs around 6:00 or so, and watched a Nancy Drew and was asleep before 7:00. See, even early for me. There is nothing really exciting going on after dinner. I imagine people watch a lot of TV at that time. I sleep. That way I can keep people entertained with my early morning blog.   :)   I kid.   :)

Looks like we are hitting another nice patch of weather.  Only one day with a high in the 80s.  82⁰  other than that in the 70s, lows in the 60s. That's pretty ridiculous.  

Not much else to report. Life is busy,  but a good busy. I was almost 30,000 and 13 again yesterday.  Pretty normal.  On Sunday I was 1.78 miles. Goes to show you how the off days can really drag you down. A Sunday workday usually approaches 10 miles. I don't feel recharged after a lazy day. Quite the opposite. That's just one day. I can't imagine a person living most days like that. My dad does currently, and I can't say for sure he always didn't want to live that way. I know not the man at all, and he's not worth knowing.  

Can I say that about a lot of people?  Probably.   :)  is that a normal 50+mentality?  Maybe I am just comfortable in my life. I have no need for a ton of friends cuz I am fine as I am. Me going to bed early is more positive than me doing whatever it is people do later on in the night. 

I don't worry about what I am "supposed" to be doing, cuz I don't carry any of those weights on my back.  Sorry society. Climb on someone else's back. Mine is free from such entanglements.  

Laterzzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.         :)))

MWAH.          :)

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