Monday, August 31, 2020

Last Day Of August

It is the last day of August, and the week before Labor Day. There are protests going on in places. I have no  idea what they are protesting in Portland. In hear that is a hot bed of protesting. Something goes on almost every week. 

As far as protests go we are definitely worse off today than 4 years ago. The buck stops somewhere. I am definitely not a shaper and mover of events. I try and make do with my little life. I am not a big crowd guy, so probably not much of a protestor. Basically your typical entitled white guy. As someone who has never made more than $14.50/ hour, I haven't been keeping others down in any way. Plus I live in Holland, MI which is like a big white affluent suburb without any real big city to be a suburb to. 

Yesterday was okay as far as productivity goes. Not perfect. Clothes got cleaned, folded, and put away. Dishes got done. I got my run, and workout in. I read some, but I finished listening to my one book, and downloaded the next in the series. It is the female Sherlock Holmes series. It's pretty good. I didn't do any outside work,  and I didn't go shopping. The problem with Sundays is you eventually have too much time on your hands, and not much you want to do. It's why work is such a good thing. It fills up the day. I was at 18.9% body fat yesterday. I don't feel lean, and I don't feel like I am in particularly good shape. I am at an acceptable level of being in shape I guess. I use a good portion of my muscles. 

What does the future hold?  We are in the middle of a pandemic with the winter months coming up. There will be no outdoor seating soon. I think I've only sat down in a restaurant 3-4 times since March. I don't know if I am normal or not. We probably would have gone out more without a pandemic,  but maybe not a ton more. 

We've had a smattering of restaurant,  and store closings. Tourism is way down I assume,  but I have no way to know for sure. I have no desire to really travel anywhere. Not that I am much of a traveler. I do basically the same stuff today as I did before the pandemic. I work out at home though. My life hasn't really changed. I consider myself lucky there. 

Not much really going on with me I guess. The world goes on. Another day today,  and it will be done before you know it. I've been dreaming a lot lately, which I guess is a sign of good sleep. 

Oh well, I guess I'll have a day today.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Today Is Sunday

I stayed up too late last night, and now I am tired. Maybe my coffee will pep me up. Yesterday was a normal day. Ideally I'd like to do something productive after work Saturday, but I haven't added that to my repertoire yet. I usually am tired. 

I have my Sunday shit to do, but it doesn't seem too vital I go shopping today. I have to do laundry, and workout. I have to read some too. This week is definitely going to be a read week. I  have to finish my two books. 

On Sunday my day off, I don't have anything too pressing going on. I always feel like I am go go go, and I don't feel it is necessary today. Maybe I'll just read a bit, and start my day later. I can quick throw a batch in the washer. Of course the coffee is starting to work,  so maybe I will just go go go.  Weird how that works. 

This week may be a little busy with work, cuz of the holiday. but maybe not crazy either. Fall is coming pretty quickly. Football,  elections,  lasagna, etc...   changing seasons is the best. Out with the old, and in with the new. 

It seems I should come up with some new goal, but I got nothing right now. More of the same is fine with me. I don't have any crazy need to "accomplish" anything.  Nothing that comes to mind anyway. I do pretty good with work, eat, sleep I guess. 

Today should be okay I think. I don't have any pressure really. I have a few things to do, but not a ton. I think I'll search for a recipe for dinner. That's always a good Sunday thing. 

My World is pretty small. As to protests,  and shootings etc... I don't own a gun. I've never fired a gun. In my life guns aren't necessary. I've always lived in pretty safe areas, where not a lot of bad things happen. The areas I've lived have been mostly white. I have absolutely no idea what it is like to be a black man living in the USA. Not a clue. 

I really have lived an unremarkable life. I haven't done any great things. None on my to do list either. In life you really want to feel good on the inside. I do that pretty good,  but it's a whole long story as to how I got here. A story that doesn't really matter really. I know the story,  and so does the creator of  the story. I am known. I can be seen. I live in the light cuz I am such a way that I am not ashamed. 

My story isn't done yet.  That seems incredible huh?  It's been going on for over 30 years. Crazy right. At an  age where most lives are opening up for people mine went a different way. Death showed up, a college graduation,  a break up.  More than anything I think the realization that I was not a very good person. 

There was the person I wanted to be, and the one I was. A gap between the two. A gap I couldn't bridge no matter what I did. I tried. That is so long ago. Seems weird. A lot of things popped up along the way. Things that seemed important, and what I guess I learned is our lives are as significant, and with as much purpose as a sand pebble on the beach. Not much. None of it really matters. We are here for a while and gone. Shit that happened to me 30 years is no longer even important. Nothing significant remains. 

I got work,  eat, and sleep. That's fine by me, cuz I feel good on the inside,  even as I am as insignificant as anyone. My life sure didn't get sloppy either did it?  Left to my own devices at 24 years old, I would have created a pretty sloppy life. I was saved from myself in that regard.  

Anyway, I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzz          :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.         :)))

Saturday, August 29, 2020

200, And August Isn't Even Done

Good morning. How's it going?  I am fine. Today is my 200th entry, and August isn't even over. Ya kinda need to average 100 entries every 4 months to hit 300 entries. I am on my way to 300 again. Don't ask me why that is even a thing for me. It's just a long time ago that was my norm probably for a couple years. It's been a while since I hit that mark. 

Yesterday was a day. I worked,  watered the grass, and pulled some weeds. We made tacos for dinner, and I watched some of the Sox game. Today should be pretty good. It is a work day, and if I wasn't working I would have nothing to do. It would probably be the start of a lazy weekend, and I wouldn't be happy on Monday, cuz I was a lazy shit all weekend. Today, I get to be productive with work,  while listening to a book. 

This 2nd job is good money wise, and good for me in general. Just cuz left to my own devices I can be lazy. In the olden days in late August I normally would have put in a 20 mile run I guess, but 20 milers made me lazy too. I wouldn't do shit the rest of the day, and I'd be drained. 20 milers aren't refreshing. They are draining. 

So on a positive note, I get to work today. I'll be tired after. So what else?  The Sox are doing better than I thought they would be. I didn't see them hitting so many homeruns.  You go through their lineup though,  and it's pretty brutal. It never ends.  Most of these guys will be around for quite a while too. They will be good for a while. 

The temp I think is breaking for good. I am going to reseed grass in spots where I pulled weeds. At least in the front. The back I'll worry about next year. We will have a big ass pool next year so the backs landscape will be different. Not sure how it will look actually. So, I'll worry about the front. By temps breaking I mean I doubt we will have a week of 90° weather again. I find Fall to be a great time to plant grass. 

Life goes on. The world is kinda crazy, and my life looks the same, and feels the same. The different thing in me is I changed my schedule so I can sleep more. 

I saw the guy who played the black panther died of colon cancer at 43 years old. CNN had a thing saying colon cancer is on the rise for people under 50 years old. Males I believe. Why would that be?  Gotta be something in the diet right?  What else would cause it?  43 is a shitty time to die. 

I am 54, and cancer doesn't run in either side of my family,  so I worry about my heart more, and that is doing much better than a few years ago. At least on shit that can be seen with diet, and stuff. 

I am at peace with my life, and at peace with my future. I know why that is, and I know why others don't have that. I don't know how much future anxiety adds stress to the normal person. Some I would imagine. The end of the day work, eat, sleep keeps me in a pretty good spot. 

I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.     :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

Friday, August 28, 2020

Nothing Much On A Thursday

There really was nothing too significant on Thursday. My run was a run walk, cuz of the heat and humidity. I am in no running shape to run good in that crap. I did get my run, and workout in though. Workout was fine. I did see footage of the black guy who got shot. "Oh Shit" were the words that came out of my mouth. What the fuck?  I saw the white guy who came from IL walking with his long gun.  I don't know how many people he shot, but who are these people?  How many schools are going to be shot up this year?  By dudes like that. 

I don't know the typical person at all. I don't know the typical dialogue people have in their minds. I don't know what makes them tick. 2nd amendment stuff,  socialism is a word thrown around. I don't know how killing and hate became the norm. Just for random people.  What poisoned people?  

There are serious problems. People who get hooked on meth, and heroin are in real trouble. I don't know the cycle of the inner city. Gangs, drugs, etc... I don't know a thing about. I don't know the percentage of kids being brought up in broken homes. I don't know how a person breaks out from a home of poverty.  Advanced schooling is overly expensive. I can't imagine many good jobs coming from poor inner city communities. Schools probably aren't the best in those areas. 

It's bad out there. Talk that riles up a powder keg is foolish, dangerous, and really dumb. Hate sells. Hate gives people something to hold onto. Hate gives people a feeling of purpose. Once hate has you in its grasp there probably is very little that can be done. You might as well be addicted to heroin. Looking for your next fix to feel your thoughts are justified. 

A lot would have to be done to change the narrative. The first step is to get rid of Nero in office.  My god, you can't just throw fire around.  You'll burn the whole place. 

I don't even know if that would help anyway. The narrative is pretty entrenched in people. 

Its Friday though. I got my 3 workouts in, and my first 3 runs, since injury. The rnc is over,  and I watched none of either. Time is just going to slip away, and next thing you know it will be November. Hard to make the Sunday news cycle if there is football,  or another hurricane. There probably won't be much movement either way in the polls.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Has The World Always Been This Chaotic?

Hurricanes, baseball, protestors,  presidential elections. There always is something to worry about I guess. I mean people have stress over any number of things. How much is self induced I know not. I don't really have an abundance of stress.  It helps I am not a parent I guess. 

I am going Monday to get my dad checked into an assisted living place. He no longer can do a lot of simple shit, and he needs it. It's been in the works, and a meeting was already set. It made it super easy to tell him when his heroin addict friend came to the house yesterday morning looking for money. I was at work. Lisa said she looked like she was going to die. In a full blown out withdrawal episode. She, and he is due in court today for her shoplifting, and whatever else. The cops know her by name, so I can only imagine the amount of priors.  My dad has just become a flat out liar. He said he had no place to go, but he lied. His case worker was still footing the bill. I told him no more shit with that girl, but that didn't work,  so he's out. Either assisted living or he's on his own again. Assisted living will probably take most of his social security which would be probably the best thing for him. His money now goes to a heroin addict. I'll never understand that. 

Whatever, soon no longer my problem. People make choices, and they have to live with them. Not my responsibility to fix it. That's why people get social work degrees. I don't have one so there. Obviously a person going through severe heroin withdrawal needs professional help, not an enabler. William Burroughs was able to flow in and out of heroin addiction pretty successfully, but you know they were probably cutting it with different shit. Today's stuff can, I'd imagine, make withdrawal life threatening.  

A simple thing like alcohol is easy for me to drink, and I'd be better off not. Alcohol is simple to quit. Ciggarettes are impossible to quit probably. Today's heroin, I can only imagine. 

So, its Thursday. Basically one more week of summer after this week. Labor Day, the official end. Work will slow down a bit til Christmas. Sports is all weird. Not helped by another black person shot. I can see big cities where there may be problems. Gangs, poverty, drugs, etc...  everyone owns a gun. Kenosha Wisconsin?  Geesh. 

You would think the most important thing facing the nation would be an intelligent discussion about social inequities. How to build up people. A message of divide is probably the spark that can ignite the inferno.  

The Rush Limbaughs have been getting pretty rich spewing hate, and division. Kinda a Joe McCarthy really. That's his goal too. Money. Hate sells the best. Division has been going on for decades now really. Division has only one end. Eruption.  We are seeing it now.  It would take a lot to change the trajectory of where we are headed. 

Anyway, I  guess today will be a work,  eat, sleep. Kinda excited to run, and workout too. I know I'll be tired after work though. To get the run, and workout in would be pretty huge though. 

You know getting your thoughts down can be relaxing. I've been doing it a while. I don't even know why. It's just in me you know?  

Anyway, I spose.   

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Tuesday Is Becoming An Important Day

Good morning. How's it going?  I am fine. Tuesday is an important day cuz it is the 2nd day of working out. I was tired after work. it was a full day. Riding my bike home kinda rejuvenated me. I  took Hope,  and Roman for a run. Roman's first run with me. It was fine. Not bad at all. Squirrels are dangerous. Those two dogs can really pull. Especially together. I got my cardio in, and it felt good. I was excited to get my workout in, cuz it was Tuesday. 2 of the 3 workouts would be done. Pushups were easier than the pullups,  and dips. I don't recall that always being the case, but I noticed it yesterday. 

Me adding reps to knee to chest thingies is just adding another set of 10. I think I got 5 sets, but I sometimes lose track. Was that 3 or 4?  My workouts consist of only 4 exercises. Pushups,  pullups,  dips, and knee to chest thingies.  4 sets of each. pushups are 15/20/15/20. The other 2 are 4 sets of 7. Up from 4 sets of 5, and 5-10s for knee to chest thingy. It doesn't seem like a lot, but it does me good. 

We made a simple meal last night, and I went to bed. The day fills up pretty quickly, so I don't have a ton of time to do extra stuff. Trying to read my book, and watch the sopranos too. Today, I think I'll take time out. I didn't need to water yesterday, cuz we got rain. 

What else. Day 2 of the rnc was yesterday. I watched as much as I did the dnc. Zero. Nada. I'll keep that up for a couple more days,  and that's done. Basically we will have two more months left. Some side is going to be mad.   :)  

Jerry Falwell jr. I see is in trouble. It's not so much for what he did. Guys are pigs. Our foolish minds can take us down any stupid path, especially if we are thinking with the head between our legs. What he did isn't illegal. Maybe not even uncommon in some circles. It's just so bad for him, cuz of his "religious" position in life. 

Trump has his past which doesn't seem to matter. I think Boris Johnson just had a kid with his mistress. Not sure when the divorce I assume was. Clinton got clobbered for it. If every thought we've ever had about sexual fantasies were open for all to see, there would be no one casting the first stone. We'd be too busy defriending our so called friends who are obviously perverts.   :)

Religion and sex don't mix.  So things have to be done in the dark. The light is a bit too scary for us. Man can we all be judged pretty harshly. You won't find much/no light in this World. We surely aren't courageous enough to stand in it. Easier to judge ourselves better than Hitler, and hope we are lucky like most. Our dirty laundry, and sexual fantasies never see the light. 

Anyways, I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.    :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.          :)))

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Just A Typical Monday

Monday was Monday. Nothing much to it. Work, take dogs, and do a couple small things. Lisa is taking a staycation this week to do a couple projects. Not exactly sure what. One of the things I'll probably have to do, cuz it is outside work,  and it is hot outside this week. She doesn't do heat. It's like she thinks sweating is a bad thing. It may be a girl thing too, cuz she is at that age where her thermostat can be out of whack. I don't know the first thing about that. 

Yesterday was a good day of work for me. I got a lot of little stuff done that won't bog me down the rest of the week. I took the dogs. It was a pretty good step/mileage day. Today I have to work out, water the grass, take the dogs again. I take two dogs now, and I'll have to try running today with two. Not sure how that will go. Luckily I will be running for cardio, not a time, or distance. For the health benefits. 

My days after work are busy. I always have stuff to do. The dogs I take almost always,  cuz it is one of their highlights.  Like today, I have to workout, and water the grass. Maybe start the outdoor project. We will see. 

Fall is really approaching. Kinda exciting huh?  Change of seasons. I don't know how the NFL will come out. It is an exciting sport. I saw someone in S. Korea officially caught the Corona virus for the 2nd time. I guess the fear of that is the virus mutated, and it may be different now. More or less deadly?  That is the worry about a 2nd wave. The 1918 one was deadly. The 2nd wave after it mutated. Typically you would have antibody protection if you caught it once. Even in a 2nd wave.  I don't know how serious it is, just got a blurb on my phone about it. Personally I am not worried. I do keep my eyes and ears open though. To my knowledge nothing bad has happened in Wuhan, so there is that. Not sure how forthright info comes out of there though. Once again I don't feel concerned.  

So life goes on. The days keep piling up. Most days are pretty good. I am active. For 54 I am healthy. I like the amount of sleep I get. Goodbye early alarm. My life is simple. Mostly from how I feel on the inside. I didn't reinvent the wheel, that's for sure. 

I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

Monday, August 24, 2020

Sunday Stuff Done

That's a good way to start the week. No doubt. I actually got my first run in, since my stupid 30 day thing. It was actually pretty easy. Maybe because it wasn't 90° outside. It didn't start off easy, as I got stung by something. Hope had something on her leg too, but I never felt like this running thing is hard. I am going to try to run 3 times/week. I did go paddle boarding after. It was a pretty good morning for it. Warm, and no wind to speak of. 

I got all my other normal Sunday stuff done. Added reps to my workout too. That's the best part of a good Sunday. I only have two more workout days left. Once I get my Tuesday one in, I'll only have one left. School starts this week. Like on Wednesday I think. Labor day is next week. Actually 2 weeks. Football after that... probably. 

Oh hey the RNC starts today, I'll not watch that like I didn't watch the other one. I know who I am voting for. Just waiting for the ballots to show up in the mail. In my little circle we have 5 voters. All voting the same way. I don't see a ton of signs out. Seems dumb to have one doesn't it?  What's the point?  You going to change minds by having a sign in your yard?  

So far I've seen a few on my walks. One guy I already dislike, just cuz he stopped me a few years back, and was asking some nonsense if I went to church. I told him no, so he was going to try and convert me to something. I converted him though. Converted him to stop talking, cuz I told him he was dumb. Old fat guy leave me alone. I saw him a few days back. He's got a Trump sign, and he isn't walking so great these days. Big old belly. Weight and age do not mix in the least. What quality of life do you have if you can barely walk? 

Anyway, life goes on. Another week starts. I see it being more of the same. Work, eat, sleep. It is supposed to be warm this week. 

Not much besides that. Another day in the life. I think I'll make my lunch.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.    :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Saturday After Work, I Am Flat Out Lazy

I did take Hope, and I did the dishes, but Saturday is different than during the week. I don't know why. I guess I was listening to my book. I get home typically later too. It's definitely different. 

This week I did gain my 5 pounds back. Probably lost it from the fast. I did lose body fat as a percentage though. 19.3% from 19.9%  That's surprising.  Maybe my body had to work some to recover from tightness. I bet repairing sore muscles does that. Regardless when covid-19 started I had that one week of 158 pounds,  and 23% fat. Now, I am under 165, and 19.3% fat. This summer I lost 4% of body fat. 

It isn't hard work really that did it. It's my lifestyle really. Living my normal life is kinda healthy for me. I don't do epic workouts, and don't have any ultra training goals,  I just have my sustainable lifestyle.  No great changes or anything, I just plug along, day after day. Its easy. It's not really challenging. I wish I was better at stuff. Like stretching. I want to incorporate that in my day. Also it would be nice to add more cardio. I am afraid to start though kinda. It is SOOOOO hard starting from scratch. 

We will see how it goes. Today is a start to the week. I have my Sunday stuff to do. I woke up early which is nice. I am not hungover which is nice. I think today will be good. I am going to go out paddleboarding in a bit. I think I'll take Hope first. It is still dark out. I have to do laundry,  and shopping,  water the grass,  and some general cleaning. Something for dinner too. 

It will be a busy, but fun day. Sets me up for an easy Monday. 

Anyway, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.         :)))

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Just Your Typical Week

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. It was a pretty normal week. I'll hit 72 miles again this week, and that pretty much signifies my normal I guess. I did get my 3 workouts in too, so that also signifies my normal. Pretty uneventful I guess. I do remember being tired as the week wore on. I think it also is normal. or in minor peaks and valleys of our internals, I had a minor valley week. Minor peak weeks may give you a little extra push to finish up the week stronger. Who really knows though. I am going to say 3 workouts, 72 miles,  and 6 work days is a good week. Maybe some weeks you feel more energized. I got my normal though,  and I hit the numbers. 

Not much besides that. I think football is going to start soon I think. Can it be?  September something I think. NBA playoffs will be in full swing, pennant races heat up, Blackhawks are out, so I don't give a shit about hockey anymore.  Fall approaches. I am ready for Fall. Never did get the dog days this year, but I am ready for cooler weather, and all the change that brings. 

It's been a pretty good year I guess. Our normal was rocked pretty good, and my normal came right back. I got rid of my gym membership, and with a little investment work out at home. 

Not much really different besides that. No vacations. Geez we moved the kids out, got rid of all our crap in the house. 

I am doing the final years of my life I guess. I am as healthy at 54 as perhaps I ever have been. Last week I was 159 pounds. I still see weight I can lose too. Lean up a bit. I don't know if it would be sustainable though. For the last several years I've been pretty close to 165 average I'd say. Not a lot of movement either way, although it did move some. 

As with my workouts,  I don't want to be all gung ho, only to quit. Sustainable.  Basically means you can still do it when you don't really want to. I can slowly add reps, which I probably will pretty soon. Maybe Sunday.  What the heck. 

Life goes on. It's going okay with me I'd say. I work today, and I am off tomorrow. 

See you on the flipside. Oh, one other thing, I will probably be over 200 entries after 8 months. The ever elusive 300 will probably happen this year. Blog entries. 

A cup of coffee, a blog entry, and a bike ride to work ain't too shabby. My morning routine. Can't ride my bike on Saturday though. Too far away. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.     :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Numbers Are In

As expected my potassium levels are fine. Actually all my numbers are good. That's probably the best physical I ever had, not that I remember any as a kid. Not that I had any in my 40s. probably not many in my 30s either. 20s?  Probably 1 or 2 physicals from college to 50 years old. I had some bad numbers prior though. Cholesterol was high, and triglycerides. Not any more. I don't know enough about nutrition, but it seems in my body fruit and veggies soak up all the bad shit. What else would cause the significant drop in triglycerides?  I didn't change that much more. 

One health thing I did,  not realizing it was a health thing is sleep later. No more super duper early alarm. I've done the super duper early alarm forever. I take the dogs after work now. There isn't anything better than an early morning run, but I don't even know how I did it in the past. Sleep too is a health thing. 

What else?  Not much that's for sure. Thankfully I worked out on Sunday and Tuesday. I skipped yesterday, and can do it today. I was tired yesterday. I didn't even want to take the dogs, but I did. I could have gotten the workout in, but I figured an extra rest day is good. I was tight the day before,  and I was beat anyway. 

Today is a good day to workout anyway. I have to water the front and back. They came and fertilized yesterday. Not sure what to do for dinner tonight. I did steak, baked potatoes,  and zucchini last night. I watched a bit of tv, and went to bed. I didn't even try  to watch a Sopranos episode. I knew I was going to be out. 

So yesterday was okay. Work for me has been busy. I had to do a lot of time consuming mixes this week. Blueberry fudge, and irish soda bread. Granola and boeterkoek, just little shit too that always keeps you busy. Raspberry bars too, I almost forgot. I didn't do a lot of cookies this week, which means next week will be cookie Hell. Next week is the unknown too. School is back in session... sorta.  :)

Today I get my coffee. That may be why I was tired yesterday. No coffee in the morning. I don't get it in the morning, chances are I won't grab one later. I like my one cup in the morning. 

Another day in the life. I hope today doesn't find me so tired. Regardless I have to water and workout. Dinner, I do not know. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

Thursday, August 20, 2020

No Coffee This Morning

Gotta get blood work done this morning. I am going to leave work for an hour to do it though. I am not going 20 hours without food to get my blood work done. 14 is enough. Actually they say 10-12 is fine. They just want to double check my potassium. It kinda sucks I have to do it, but good to know the importance of potassium. Remember last year I was eating a banana everyday?  I got off that for some reason. My potassium read low last week though cuz I was peeing too much is my guess. I was at that peeing every half hour stage for like 3-4 pees. We will know for sure. They are doing a Hepatitis C screening too. Something typically done with people my age. 

Yesterday I was tired at the end of the day. I did ride my bike to the drugstore. It was a nice day for it. I took the dogs too, and made dinner. Watered the front again too. Surprising to me is my muscles were tight from working out. I worked out 3 days last week,  and Tuesday was my 2nd workout this week. No real reason my muscles should be tight. 

I don't think I have anything to do today after work. Walk the dogs, but that's it. 

Not really a lot on my mind otherwise. I mostly think about what I have to do, and how my day will fill up pretty much. There is a Presidential Election coming up,  and the days float by without any changes really. I pay very little attention, and that is nice. 

This election is a no brainer to me. Like hello, we all know who should win this election just by default. Then there is a whole other side who miraculously think otherwise.  No sense in me getting into any arguments. For one, I am not even that mad. I don't want to see the people whose whole life boils down to political arguments, or news blurbs and whatnot. What a bore. 

My life is busy. My days fill up. I eat meals. I work out, and that isn't exactly fun. It's kinda like a chore you have to do 3 days/week. Even if you are tired. The health benefits are worth it. I see guys with no muscle at all, and that's a harsh thing to do to oneself. 

I judge in that way sometimes I guess. A lifetime of drinking alcohol is a pretty harsh thing to do to oneself too, yet here I am. Judge away. :)  I have changed things through the years though. 

Actually I started working out only a few years ago. Lucky I had a base built from childhood. I did work out even in 8th grade. 

I am so far removed from running any distance. Pretty sure I never want to get it back either. Too many times my knee couldn't hack it. What I have noticed is I do a ton stuff more around the house now. Switched from one labor to another. House labor never ends. There always is more to do. 

My life is pretty easy, and that's because by just working  I am active. I don't have to worry about lazy days, cuz I don't get any. If I have a lazy Sunday it puts me behind, so not even worth it. 

Life isn't exciting in the least. Its routine after routine kinda. If your routines are unhealthy you may want to switch it up. Regardless it can be boring. I don't get bored, I am never sad. I am happy with my routine. I accept my little life with a grateful heart. 

I see lives of the unhealthy at home too. Lisa's brother is obese. He eats no fruits, and no veggies. Drinks only pop. Diet consists of frozen pizza,  frozen chicken tenders, and sometimes tacos. Tacos with no veggies.  Plays video games when not working, and gets high. He has asthma bad too. He'll die soon of pneumonia,  a heart attack or something. He is gross to look at. 

My dad is ridiculous too. He can do nothing for himself really. He has turned into a 4 year old. He cannot cook a meal for himself. He'd eat toast all day long. The thing is I don't think he was ever good at life. Can't control his finances for the life of him. He's disgusting to look at too. It's even worse talking to him. 

We are vile creatures huh?  Pretty disgusting. 

Anyway, I spose 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

More To Do Than I Thought

Yesterday just never really stopped. I know I had a few things to do after work,  but the list kept growing. Take the dogs, cut the back, water the back, workout,  clean the kitchen, cook dinner. Work was a full day too, so it was a busy day. 

My workout I wasn't excited to do, dinner?!?!  What to do there. I got it  all in.  My dinner was easy, and actually pretty good. I wanted to read more of my book, but that was the casualty. I watched two more episodes of the Sopranos,  before I crashed. 

Today luckily I don't have a lot to do. Just stop by the drugstore. That will add about 6 miles to my commute. I may drive though. I have a few things to do before work. Make my sandwich, salad,  and I have to make a salad dressing. It doesn't take real long, but I will be rushing a bit. 

The temps broke, so we are experiencing mild temps.  The little local college started up. They tested everybody, and 38 I think were positive.  Less than 1%, but this is just a local College. Really small. The big Universities are going to be a challenge. More people coming from all over. 

The DNC is going on. I think it starts at 9:00 PM every night.   :)  not that I was ever going to watch it. I am curious to know who will speak at Trump's?  Family members. William Barr maybe. Who else would want to?  Ted Nugent?  Giuliani I guess, but he's turned into a complete lunatic. I did wonder about that.  

Really today will be a day. It should be pretty pleasant. Next week school starts up around here. How different will that be?  Some doing online, and some not. For me, my life will not change at all. I'll be doing the same. The population of people I come into contact with won't change, and either will it for anyone in my house. 

Some houses may be a little stressed. Maybe not too. I imagine those with health issues may. I guess we will see if these school things change the dynamics of the numbers in any way. All of a sudden you potentially have more people coming into contact with more people,  and bringing whatever home. When flu season hits look out.  School is a bigger public health issue than I really considered.  

Oh well.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

I Didn't Really Get Tired

I was worried I stayed up too late on Sunday, but I never really got tired yesterday like I thought I might. I cut the front grass yesterday,  but not the back cuz the guinea pigs, and rabbit were outside. Don't know if I told you we had those. I think the Guinea pig someone was allergic too, so Lisa took one in, and you can't have just one. Also we got the rabbit, cuz of a mean Dad just told the kid he couldn't have it anymore. 

It is a zoo around here. My grocery bill for veggies has gone up quite a bit from these rascals. I like them though. The pigs scream at me when I get home, and when I get up, cuz I always feed them the good stuff. 

Yesterday was a good day for me. I got a good amount of reading done in my book. I started watching the Sopranos. 3 episodes. I did my shopping, made an easy meal, and slept good last night. 

Today will be busy. I have to cut the back grass, take the dogs,  work out, do dinner, read some, and watch the Sopranos. Not going to get caught watching the Blackhawks. I am not even sure what time they play. Maybe 10:00 for all I know. 

So, not really much going on. Doing my day to day.  I am glad I am healthy. I bought bananas yesterday, just to bump my potassium, although I am sure my problem was drinking so much water. You know when you pee every half hour you drank too much water. Still though potassium is a good nutrient to be stocked up on. Good for heart health. 

Other than that not much at all. Doing my simple life during a Presidential election period. Regardless of how it comes out my life will go on. I think I watched more news for a bit, cuz of the virus. Yesterday I have no idea what happened in the news. You know I feel pretty good about it too. I know our numbers for the virus were good for two days straight. I don't know the amount of testing done though. I really only pay close attention to Michigan. 

My life is pretty easy. Pretty peaceful. Not getting worked up over the news is good. Not having people post news shit on social media all the time is good too. They still do I am sure, but I don't see it. 

All in all I think with help the directions my life has taken have kept stress to a minimum. Not encumbered with a lot of burdens. I just do my work, eat, sleep thing.  That's made all the difference I guess. Oh, and being satisfied with it too.  Not so arrogant,  and/or ignorant to think I am making some kind of difference. That is a thought for the foolish.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

Monday, August 17, 2020

Dummy Me

I stayed up watching hockey again. Playoff hockey is fun, but I didn't sleep as good as I could have. I have a lot to do today too. Work, cut  the grass, I have  to pick up a few things shopping. Take the dogs. Busy busy. 

I started a new book yesterday. It is already good. I  think I'll read it tonight. Yesterday was okay as far as sundays go. I did get my workout in, so that's good. I weighed a stupid 159 lbs.  Fat was 19.99%  First time under 20% for me. Last time I weighed under 160 I didn't feel good about it. It was the start of the virus,  I was off of work for a week from it, and I wasn't working out. Fast forward 5 months later, I am working out. Fat under 20%, last time it was 23%  I feel better about this weight loss. It is healthier. Of course most of it is from the fast from blood work I bet. I still could stand to gain muscle, and lean up. I know I know, I am not worried about cancer now. but I am worried about anorexia.   

Just kidding, which probably isn't a good joke, cuz people do suffer from eating disorders. That's another topic altogether. One that probably affects girls more than guys. Some guys you see, and you figure they could stand to embrace an eating disorder for a few months. You ever see guys riding their Harley wondering what their cholesterol,  and triglyceride numbers must be?  It's natural for me to be curious about those people. I am on my feet all day. Its pretty hard for me to get overweight, just cuz of my lifestyle.  I eat like a guinea pig too. Pick at food all day kinda, but I cannot really eat a huge huge meal at any time. 

I believe our bodies are meant to be active. For me active is natural. It's my jobs to be active. Getting active for no other reason than cuz you have to is much harder. I wouldn't walk after work if I didn't have a dog to walk. I don't think. Maybe I would. You can listen to a book or whatever. 

I think I'll finish my coffee. Then I'll have a day. It promises to be a busy one. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.    :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

Sunday, August 16, 2020

So, I Got The News

Right after I published my blog yesterday, my lab work posted to my app. Better than I could have hoped for. My cholesterol numbers looked real good. Bad cholesterol was higher than last year, but only 74 when it should be <= 99. A good number still. My good cholesterol went up 18 points. From 56-74. Supposed to be >= 60. A good number. My triglyceride number is always high. Last year it was 260. This year 94. Supposed to be <= 149. I wasn't worried about my bad cholesterol,  cuz it's been low. Good cholesterol I wanted higher. Started taking a fish oil pill every day to help it. Glad to see that number go up. Triglyceride number worried me. I call it the drinking number. It's all I could think was my reason for being so high. To have it drop so drastically just made my day. That number has never been good for me. 

I don't know exactly what caused it, but I bet it is me kinda taking some form of the Mediterranean diet. Adding fruits and vegetables. My first doctor gave me books to look up to incorporate the Mediterranean diet in my normal day to day. I never did look at it. I saw yesterday it is still in his notes,  so I may look it up now. Exercise, fruits, and veggies works. Also cutting back/quitting drinking would be good too. 

It's kinda easy for me to quit drinking. It's kinda easy to start up too.  :)  anyway as far as my blood goes I am pretty healthy. 

Other than that it was a normal day. It was my birthday and yadda yadda yadda. I don't really care about that. More excited about my numbers. 

Going paddle boarding this morning with a few friends. If it is nice we will head out to the Big Lake. If it is choppy we will go out by my house. It should be fun. It's kinda going to be a Sunday morning thing we do. I want to go out more during the week too, but I am busy still. I should find time. Maybe I will after today. 

Outside that not much. I have a few things to do today. Going to take Lisa out to lunch for her birthday, and get some Sunday shit done. Today should be okay,  and tomorrow is Monday. Before you know it I'll be off around 2:00 PM, and it will be Monday afternoon. Another week will be under way. See what I mean?  My life is easy. 

Anyways, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

Saturday, August 15, 2020

The Anticipation Sorta

So my doc got my lab results. Everything is normal. Liver function, kidney function, blood sugar etc...  my potassium was low, so he wants me to cut a dosage of a peeing pill in half (blood pressure), and retest on Thursday. I am not worried about that, cuz I fasted for 20 hours. Drank a shit ton of water, and peed a lot. It would seem to me my potassium should be depleted. I want  to know my other numbers though. Cholesterol,  good, bad, and triglycerides. It's not posted yet.  My bad cholesterol I think was 58 last time. Supposed to <= 90. I am sure it is still low. My good cholesterol was 56, supposed to be >= 60. Triglycerides were high too. Those are the numbers I am concerned with. Those are the numbers I want to know, but can't see them yet. 

Outside me impatiently waiting for my numbers, and  fasting for 20 hours things are okay. Work was fine. I was lazy after getting my blood work, so a low mileage day. Can't really have a big mile day without taking the dogs. I'll probably end up with 66 miles for the week give or take. I did get 3 workouts in though so that's good. One thing I am lacking is getting my heart rate up in the aerobic zone. I haven't been running for obvious reasons,  although I probably can start again. I haven't been biking in a non commute way either. It's hard to do all the things right. 

I know my Sundays are pretty busy. It doesn't really give me that one real chill day during the week. Sometimes I think it would be fun to have one of those,  but typically I am filled with self loathing once I do.   :)   hahaha. 

Hey guess what?  It's my birthday today. 54 years old. Pretty healthy. Weight, blood pressure, and blood work all pretty good, except for potassium.  That's pretty much what you want for 54 years old. 

Wanna know a crazy thing about me?  Maybe guys in general. The girl at the lab was an Indian girl. I'd say anywhere from 40-50 years old. Okay looking. but looks attractive in her mask. Masks are becoming a fetish of mine now.  :)  always something with us creeps. Anyway she kept sitting on one of those round stools that turns, and is on rollers. She sat on one of her feet. Bent her legs each time, and sat on her foot. I kept thinking that would probably hurt my knee, and ankle. I thought shit, I don't do any stretching either. She probably does yoga. I found that to be attractive about her. She sits on her feet. So now I got that fetish too. Haha.  Guys guys guys. 

You won't  see my birthday on FB, cuz I don't give one flying fuck about my birthday. Tomorrow is Lisa's. it's an easy one for me to remember. I didn't get her any gift, cuz I don't think we do  that to my recollection. 

Anyway, today is a work day. Hope to see my lab results,  but it is the weekend, so I have my doubts. I have a book to listen to, and that's okay by me. 

Have a good one.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

Friday, August 14, 2020

Today Is The Big Day

It is blood work day. Always interested to see how it goes. I think it will go well. I cannot remember if it is the full panel or just cholesterol. I think the cholesterol one. It is all I am interested in anyway. Everything else is always normal. I wanna see lipid number, and good cholesterol number. My bad cholesterol number was really low last time, and I don't see that changing. The only bad thing is not eating all day. Obviously I am not used to that. I usually  eat constantly while working. Fruit, my salad, a sandwich. I guess that's it. I'll have a pig sometimes, and may grab a fry here and there. After work, I typically am hungry again. Today no food, and probably 3500 calories expended. 

Yesterday was okay. I finished watering the backyard, got my workout in. Is there anything worse than dreading your workout?  Anything better than getting it in?  I felt strong again yesterday. Workouts are done for the week. I don't have to water the grass for a couple days either. I think Sunday I will cut and water. 

Not much besides that. I got a book from the author of Big Little Lies. I enjoyed the show on HBO quite a bit, so I thought I'd get a new book from the author . Not much besides that. I stayed up late watching the Hawks lose in OT. Pretty dumb, but my sleep number was really good for me. 80. I think it was cuz when I woke up I always fell asleep right away. Sometimes I'll wake up after 5 hours, and have trouble falling back asleep. 

My mileage is down a bit this week. I need 2- 12 mile days to hit 72 miles. probably not gonna happen. Last week was 71 miles. I lost another half pound last week too. 

School starts soon. It will be interesting for sure. Politics will probably go crazy. I hear Trump is attacking the post office now. The left will be motivated to get this guy out. The left has anger as a motivating factor as well as hate. A lot of people hate that guy. Can't wait til all the BS is over. I don't see much right wing posts anymore though. That shit made my life worse to be honest. If you have the means I highly recommend getting rid of shit you don't want to see. 

Luckily I don't have any close friends so I don't give a fuck if I am friends with people or not. Why would I want to be taken down a rabbit hole of anger?  I don't,  so I won't.   
I guess that's it. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.     :)))

Thursday, August 13, 2020

The Days Still Are Busy

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I got a good night sleep. Yesterday filled up as days do. I had to take the dogs, water the grass, get the garbage out to the road. I pulled two of my cucumber plants. They are done. I should have pulled the other 2. They are in the yard waste bin. We did chicago style dogs for dinner. Tomatoes, onions, pickles,  sauerkraut,  relish, mustard,  celery salt,  and sport peppers. I devoured 2-1/2, and my shirt ate the other half.  ;)

The day filled up. Today,  I have to take the dogs, and workout. Run the dishwasher, and whatever else pops up. Tomorrow I can get my blood taken. Pretty excited about it. Year over year I do better and better with diet, and exercise. Not so much running and stuff. but resistance training. Diet definitely. I am not a food weenie, but I do take care to eat a good amount of fruit and veggies. 

I mostly am interested in my good cholesterol number. my bad cholesterol is low, but so was my good cholesterol. I've been taking a fish oil pill every day to help that. My lipid number I want to see too. It tends to run high, which i assume has been from alcohol consumption. I've cut back quite a bit again in my never ending quit/not quit drinking battle I always have with myself. 

So much good can come from not drinking, but there isn't much any better than that hour or so of chill time before dinner with a couple drinks. Drinks + dinner = sleep time for me after. Cuts into reading and tv shows. 

My life is busy. I like it that way. There is a Presidential election coming up. One side is going to be pissed. No predictions from me. I will say I like Biden's pick for VP. Not cuz she is black,  or has immigrant parents,  and whatever. Not cuz she is a senator,  and a past State of California AG. More cuz she was a District Attorney of SF. 

I read a lot, actually listen to a lot of mystery novels. I think anyone who is a District Attorney of a big city already has a pretty good resume. It takes brains, strength, and time in the courtroom. 

I know a district attorney is a political post for sure. Typically it is a buck stops here post. She owns the shit her office did. It takes ambition sure, and courage. Senator,  and States AG are less impressive. More of a figure head post to my thinking.  I wouldn't mind a leader who as Truman said, takes a buck stops here approach. Own your position. God knows our current President has never made a mistake. Its always those around him, or someone else to blame. A man of weak character. A man of no courage. A man who NEEDS people to like him. Not a leader. A salesman. A con man if you will. He can sell snake oil to the ones who can succumb to such things. The right wing machine can peddle anything. 

Anyway, my 2 cents. I know nothing about Kamala Harris,  except she was a DA of a big city. In my little World of knowing very little,  I find that impressive. For whatever reason. The snake oil salesman I am unimpressed with. Despise his type actually. 

I am one man though. Living my little life of little significance. I like it. It is simple. I put in a good amount of labor for a fair wage. I eat good meals, and I like the place I live. Next year I'll even have a pool. The contractor will want us to pull permits in February already. Pretty exciting. 

Anyways, I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

A Day That Comes Together

You never really know how a day will turn out. Mine came out pretty good. Work was busy. I didn't get everything done I wanted. I had things to do at home. Take the dogs, clean the kitchen, get my workout in. That doesn't seem like a lot, but I got home close to 3:00, and you figure dinner ~5:00. We ended up eating dinner later, but I did get everything done. I even organized the fridge. We have a fridge downstairs too. I put my veggies there. I threw out some cucumbers that were going soft. That leaves me currently with 24.   :)  Lisa is bringing a lot to a friend at work thankfully. By a lot. I mean like 12. 

We did the gyros for dinner. Came out really good. I had some ice cream, and read my book. Still didn't quite finish it. Couldn't keep my eyes open. I woke up early. I  thought maybe I'll just get up, and read. Fell back asleep again, and was a zombie when the alarm went off. 

My day was full though. That's the way I like it. I felt pretty good about it at the end. I am mostly never excited about working out. I am glad I do it though. Having a strong core I think helps a lot. Even with things like regular bowel movements. Yesterday I felt strong. I think I even did an extra set on my bar exercises. 

Outside that not much. Just doing this living thing. With quite a bit indifference I'd say. Not really concerned with much. My blood pressure is good. I'll be doing my blood work Friday. Super interested to see how that goes. I think it will be pretty good. 

So yeah. A day in the life. A good one for me. I think today should be more of the same. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

That Was Kinda Major

So, we went to check out about getting a pool. It turns out pools and spas are hard to come by. I imagine many of the parts and pieces come from overseas. The company had a deal going on. $500 down for Spring time delivery. The total price for a 24' round pool will be ~$6500 installed. I had no idea we'd be talking that kind of money. We decided to go for it. 

I knew nothing about pools. Turns out you don't have to empty and refill them. Winterizing, and start up is actually pretty easy.  You figure we won't be going on any vacations for a while. Plus we will probably be getting $2500 from the guvmint. The pool is actually pretty nice. It will take up a good portion of our backyard. What does it say, a fool and his money are soon departed.  :)  something like that.  It actually is pretty exciting. 

I got two books from the library. We stopped by the mexican store and got fajita meat for dinner. It's already premixed with peppers and stuff. Easy dinner. Today will be gyros. Guess what I found at the grocery store?  A jar of sport peppers. We will be doing chicago dogs for dinner sometime this week. I have never seen sport peppers in Michigan before. 

The school year is starting soon. Who knows what that will be like. I heard the fall college football season will be canceled, probably announced today. Sportsing cannot stand up to a pandemic. 

I wonder what the science people think about this corona thing. A flu evolves, a flu doesn't need civilization to survive. It uses birds too, and swine too. The flu of 1918 had a few waves. The 2nd wave doing the most damage. Will Corona have an evolved 2nd wave?  One that can do more damage than the first? I sure as heck don't know. I know when a virus makes a jump from animal to man, than those are dangerous. This they thought made the jump from bats if I recall. Is it nearing the end, or will there be an evolved 2nd wave?  One way more deadly?  

I don't know. Too early to say for sure we are out of the woods. I would just keep acting responsibly. 

I guess besides that everything is going okay. Does a weird school year mean an extra long summer?  The bakery could stay pretty busy through Christmas. We do anyway, but typically it slows down a bit during school. Tourism is gone, etc...   The final two weeks of Christmas is ridiculous no matter what. You cannot make enough stuff. 

It won't be long before we start making pumpkin muffins. and pumpkin bars. Fun fun.  I guess I better make my cucumber sauce for the gyros.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

Monday, August 10, 2020

A Normal Sunday

I had my normal Sunday. I wished I would have slept better Saturday, cuz I was kinda tired. I did get my Sunday shit done. Clothes all washed, folded,  and put away. Kitchen cleaned. I made italian beef last night in the insta-pot. It came out good. I got my workout in, and  watered the grass. I got my shopping done too. So, a normal Sunday. 

It is definitely a good start to the week. You figure I only have 2 workouts left this week, and its Monday. Barring rain, I have to water next on Wednesday. I think I may go to the library after work. Get another Dean Koontz novel. It is surprising I didn't finish the one I was reading yet. Probably cuz I finished a 19 hour book in two listens. Books I listen to I usually can shut off easily. The one on the Spanish flu I couldn't stop listening. 

Wanna know why it's called the Spanish flu?  Cuz Spain was neutral in the War, so they reported honestly about it. They were not being censored by their Gov't,  so they called it the Spanish flu. It's the only country who was writing anything about it. :)  it almost definitely started in the US. 

I accidentally bought heavy cream instead of half and half for my coffee. Oops. It is Monday morning, and I guess I am pretty excited I get to work. Weird right. My day is planned though. The hours will fill up. I'll be active. I'll be able to read tonight. Have gyros for dinner, read my book, and watch the final episode of Perry  Mason. 

I also am going with Lisa to a local place, to maybe get an above ground pool. They will install it too. I am not really into getting one, but Lisa is. To me it is too much work. I won't be doing it though. Well maybe if we get it. It probably isn't really a ton of work. 

I had a couple glasses of wine yesterday. My sleeping heart rate never got below my resting heart rate. Saturday night with no drinks my sleeping heart rate was below my resting heart rate 98% of the time. Crazy right?  That is normal between drinking, and not drinking for me. My blood pressure was 130/79 yesterday. 

It is Monday though. A new week. Last week I didn't sleep good on Sunday,  cuz I was kinda hungover. My hangovers I don't get sick, and I don't get a headache. I was just tired,  and lazy. My normal Sunday is so much better. 

Life goes on. Mine doesn't really change too too much. I don't dread a Monday morning. It's fine. 

Anyway I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

Sunday, August 9, 2020

A Saturday When You Have Stuff To Do

I kinda worry about Saturday after work. There really is nothing to do, so I generally drink. Yesterday I didn't. I actually started my Sunday stuff. I started listening to the book on the Spanish flu of 1918. Holy cow is that super interesting. 

You can see even back then how public health and politics don't really mix. Especially during war time. Something so simple as canceling a parade is like pulling teeth. In philly a parade in 1918 was not cancelled. There were dire warnings from the knowledgeable about public health. The parade went on with disastrous results. 

Crowds are bad for this type of pandemic. Politics hasn't made us much smarter 100+ years later. During our pandemic we are lucky it only affects the older people to such a degree. The flu of 1918 took the younger generation too. Sometimes very quickly. Like in a day. 

Anyway I found it to be interesting. I still have 8 hours left of the 19 hour book, so I couldn't stop listening. It made me realize how stupid politics, and politicians are. It made me realize how little we can trust the shit coming out of politicians mouths. Also it made me realize how stupid War is. 

I definitely gained an appreciation for the lab rats. The pioneers who changed medicine from leeches to science based research. Those who changed the medical profession from HS graduates who listened to 9 lectures to become a doctor to actually people who are well trained. You may think it is the Harvards and Yales that were the front runners in changing things, but actually they were backward ass as we would call them these days. It was the startup John Hopkins that led the revolution kinda, and later on John D. Rockefeller added his money to the arena. We were far behind Europe as far as medicine, and the study of health things, but were able to catch up. 

Anyway it is pretty interesting. I kinda wished I did lab work for my income. I know I know it is tedious, but it seemed interesting. Obviously I can be enamored with data. 

So, what I did yesterday was some of my typical Sunday stuff. My flu book made me realize how much I liked learning. Audible had a 2 for 1 sale,  so I got a great courses book on Russian history. Also one on biology. In my  younger years when I was consuming every history book I got my hands on, I fancied myself wanting to be an expert on Russian history.  I don't know why. To me the greatest thing one could do was to learn history. Up until I read the history of the us by Howard Zinn. Then I realized the history books are full of shit. 

So many goddamn heroes out there,  and my true learning tells me there are no heroes. 

What I took from yesterday is my disgust with the absolute ignorance of politicians during a global pandemic. They actually make matters worse. By pretending everything is normal. The US is a perfect example of how politicians should NOT act during a pandemic. We definitely didn't learn our lessons of 1918.  We didn't even have a war. The amount of travel the World does on a regular basis makes the war unnecessary for the virus to do maximum damage. 

Anyway the same holds true today as it did back then. Crowds are bad.  Viruses can stay active on a door knob for a couple days. Hand to knob, hand to face can make the transfer. Shaking hands etc...   it is airborn. Sneeze, cough etc...   is bad uncovered. 

Everybody wants normal,  but during a pandemic facing the actual truth will have a better effect than saying the worst is past and shit like that. 

I learned a lot yesterday. I learned I was pretty ignorant before about these types of things. 

Anyway, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.         :)))

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Those Sleeps

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am good. I had another one of those Friday sleeps. Wake up early for an hour or so, and fall into a deep sleep right before the alarm goes off. I was dreaming too. I was looking in the car I was driving for the phone. I heard it, but couldn't find it. Then I woke up, ohhhh no wonder I couldn't find it. It's right here next to me, and I was looking in dreamland.  

I do start today at 60 miles. only 12 to 72. Either way it still has been an active week, even with a lazy Sunday. I did get my workout in on Thursday. So, I am no longer behind. Of course I felt strong as heck with the recovery time. 

I am finishing one book today, and starting another on the 1918 flu pandemic. I think that will be pretty interesting. 

Work went pretty smooth this week. Next week will be busy again, but we didn't work more than normal. Just a bit over 40 hours. It helps the last two days I didn't have a ton of mixing to do, so I could help out in other areas. We had some other nonregular help too to help with other stuff. 

I am not sure what to do for dinner tonight. Last night we had fried chicken from my place of employment. I said hi to the 3rd shifters. I don't see them a lot obviously. I fell asleep watching an episode of GOT. I am back to just finishing it. 

I am toying with doing another 30 day challenge. I originally thought to do 100 pushups each day,  but I think I'll do 50 each day. Pushups are a part of my normal workout,  so I can do them every day without soreness or anything. Not sure when I'll start. 50 is doable,  even if you forget, and have to do it before bed. 100 is kinda trickier I think. The max I would do at one time is 20. 100 is 5 sets. It's like the mile thing. There is nothing easier, than running 1 mile for 30 straight days. Except,  I failed at that. I got injured, and actually it wasn't that easy to do it every day. Mine was more like 1-1/2 miles,  but still. 50 will be more than I think for 30 straight days I bet. If not. I can make another challenge later on. How about 20 pullups for 30 straight days. Pullups I do 4 sets of 6 for 3 days/week. I think there is something to that 30 day challenge. 

Anyway today is a day. Saturdays are pretty boring. Work is the highlight. You come home, and pretty much do nothing. Sunday is a big day. Definitely not getting drunk tonight, and getting shit done tomorrow. 

I guess that's it. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

Friday, August 7, 2020

A Fighting Chance

So, I am at 48 miles with 2 days left  It is usually easy to assume I'll get at least 10 miles in during a work day. If 10 miles is 12 miles instead I'll be at 72. Not unheard of in the least. The last 3 work days were over 12 miles, and yesterday over 13. So, a fighting chance. My miles come naturally. I am not going to do extra shit to get more miles. No need. Don't really give a fuck, but I check numbers at the end of the week. This week is different cuz Sunday I didn't do shit. 

I watered the grass for the first time in a while. We did get rain a few days ago. It looked really good. Better even since I didn't water it every single day. That is such a good thing to know. I always assumed you water it every day,  since people have been watering their sidewalks every day for as long as I can remember. Those who ride their bikes to work early know who is watering their grass and sidewalks. We dodge or get wet, depending on traffic.  Can I dodge in the street to escape water?  

I just took my blood pressure again. 132/83. That isn't too bad at all. 2 days in a row. For me, I bet drinking adds at least 10 numbers to the top, and maybe 20. Drinking is a factor in high blood pressure. For me it is the major one. Genetics may play a part too. If I didn't develop the side effect cough from my first medication I could probably drink still no problems. 

Not much going on besides that. I am getting my first tomatoes. Big ones. I have been getting cherry tomatoes. Cucumbers I am still at the eat one stage, and pick 5.  

Welcome to my boring life. I wonder how much has changed since I've been doing this?  A lot has changed just from the pandemic, but how I am.  Does my personality seem different I wonder.  My writing voice. Did it change at all?  I can't really say. I don't go back and read it that's for sure. I bet you I am approaching 2500 posts since the beginning of  the wait. A 40-something to a 50-something years old. 

One thing remains constant I guess. Still confident,  still assured. I don't get that from anyone else. That I get elsewhere. It's a good thing to have too. The best. I could be poor, and I'd still be confident and assured. I have been poor during these 2500 posts too. 

I've seen the plans of the young as they try to make their way. I once was young, but I gave up my plans. The turn if you will. That is where my confidence and assuredness comes from. The young and their plans don't always come out as planned. I cannot imagine how different I would be if I had plans I followed. Probably not good. I feel I may have been destined to be a piece of shit otherwise.  It's so hard to know. 

Confidence and assuredness > fame and fortune. Fame and fortune is more exciting to the young. Fortune people always strive for, cuz we think that is where security comes. 

Anyway, just thinking out loud.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Another Busy Day

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. Yesterday was busy. Work was a full day. I had to take the dogs. I was kinda tired after work, but I did cut the grass. Weed whacked the front even. I am still at the stage where I love when the grass gets cut. I didn't really feel like cutting the grass, but I would have felt worse if it didn't get done. 

I had to drive my dad to the store, which is fine,  cuz I needed a couple things for dinner. I don't know how long he won't drive. He has no insurance, so he will be in trouble if he gets pulled over. Not something I need to worry about. I'll be willing to take him shopping with me, etc...   

I picked up my stuff for dinner, and made it. I was pretty tired after dinner. I did read a bit before bed. I may have to go to the library to get another book. I've been reading Dean Koontz books, but I am out. I'll finish the current one in the next couple of days. I really need to work out today. My schedule kinda got fucked this week. Yesterday I was going to squeeze one in, but having to go shopping kinda screwed that up. 

My blood pressure this morning is 133/82. I can live with that. That's not bad at all. I am getting close to where I can do my blood work too. Next week some time. That will be interesting, cuz I did make small changes to my diet. Just more veggies added with my almost daily salad. Along the way maybe more fruits were added. It seems I may eat more fruits just as a thing to snack on at work. I may have always done that though. Who can remember?  

The stock market is ridiculous. My investments are doing great now that we have a pandemic.  Wait, what?  So dumb. I wanted to start putting money back in again soon. Cuz I thought it already would have crashed a good portion. Cash is king for me now. Just adding shit to savings. My smoking fund, and my drinking fund we'll call it. The rest just sits in the accounts they get deposited in. 

I have money, and nothing to spend it on. I have a passport for the first time in my life, and nowhere to go. I am such a nervous traveler I don't even want to go anywhere. Even without a pandemic. 

I guess I'll stick with work, eat, sleep. At this point of the week, I'll be looking at around 65 miles this week. I had less than two miles in on Sunday.  :)   Now that's lazy, also, I was kinda hungover.  I had that one or two extra drinks. A hangover at 50+ kinda sucks. It kinda feels like heart disease.   Alcohol is horrible for your heart. To extremes anyway. I've had zero drinks since Saturday night. Feeling like crap sucks.  Feeling good is pretty awesome. I guess that's why one would drink in the first place.   :)  

Anyway, I spose.     

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.            :)))

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Finally Got A Pretty Good Night Sleep

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I finally slept pretty good. I actually ended up getting a lot of stuff done yesterday, although I had that feeling of fatigue from 2 nights of not good sleep. 

I got a lot done at work. you know where your list seems bigger than what you can achieve?  I came home, and walked the dogs. Yesterday was definitely for their benefit. I got my dad hooked up with a banking app, which is getting me hooked up to his banking app. I told him we will look at it every day. See what the heck he does. 

He let his insurance lap, so he is driving without insurance. Illegal in Michigan. Now he is uninsurable. High risk=high premium. He cannot afford to drive.  I'll have to take his keys soon. 

I gave him some shit to do. Go through your drawers. Let's get rid of the junk. Go through your clothes. Let's give to good will, shit you will never wear or throw it out. 

He's a mess. At least I can keep an eye on his finances. Lisa was kinda getting on me like I should take his keys away now,  cuz he is going to kill someone. I told her it isn't my fucking job to protect the world from my dad. Also I sure as fuck am not his dad. His keys will be taken soon, cuz he isn't driving on a suspended licence. 

Anyway, I feel I have a little bit more control of stuff.  I look at my bank shit almost every day, so it ain't no biggie to look at his. 

Anyway, I cleaned the kitchen, and made dinner, and read a bit. It was just under a 13 mile day, so that's a lot on 3 hours sleep. 

It was cold last night so I wore a sweatshirt to bed. Temps will pick back up in a day or two. I feel pretty good today. I got a good night sleep, and I am not in a irritated way with my dad. It's been decades since I've realized my dad is someone I don't want to be like. Mission accomplished. We have never been alike. 

Just one of those lives that probably seems big to him, but really so fucking pointless.  Like us all I spose, but his seems to have a little more pointlessness than others if that is possible. Here a short while doing stupid shit before he dies. 

Anyway,  I don't think my work list is too big today. That I can think of right now. The day should be okay. I'll probably cut the grass. I've decided my salads are gonna just be cucumbers and my homemade italian dressing. Way too many cucumbers. 

That's about it. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.         :)))

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

What Is My Problem?

So, I stayed up late again. Couldn't fall asleep. It already is fucking up my week. I didn't just lay there though. I did read a lot of my book. I love suspense books. You know where you cannot wait to see what happens next. 

I did come home and relax yesterday, cuz of lack of sleep. I plan on doing that again. 

I watched the new episode of Perry Mason. Only one left in Season 1. Unfortunately it is sometimes hard to follow along. Like maybe they try to put too much in. I hope season 2 will be better. I don't really have any shows to watch. I could probably search for another. 

Life sure is  different with a good night sleep. You wake up thinking all the things you want to get done. When you are tired you think of just relaxing. Sleeping, reading,  or watching tv. 

In my younger years I might fight fatigue. Pretend I am Superman, and that I don't need sleep. In my later years now I realize there are no points for stupidity. 

The weather has cooled down for a couple days, I am kinda looking forward to just relaxing kinda. I probably haven't done it all Summer. 

There are some new things in the house. Namely my dad is back. Day 1, and he is starting his same old shit. After work,  i am going through his finances. I know what it is going to look like. Piss through money by channeling it to the heroin addict. He is like a 4 year old intellectual wise. He called me like 4 times yesterday lying he was out doing this and that. Well, there is no going out doing stuff. You can't sit in a restaurant all day, or see a movie, or anything. I told him you stay here no heroin addict friend. If you cannot abide by those rules go live with her. I surely don't care. He's got a track record, and it isn't good. It's the stupidest track record I've ever seen. 

Anyway. I'll figure this shit out. He has to get a doctor's appointment to get a physical exam to make sure he is fit to drive. If he doesn't his license will be suspended. I think he should start doing that. also give away clothes you will never wear. Go through bullshit you don't want anymore, do you can dump it. He does have some productive things that can be done. He  does suffer from a lifetime of lazy though. Also a lifetime of stupid. 

Anyway I am out.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

Monday, August 3, 2020

That Was Something Completely Different

So, I had my lazy Sunday. It was alright. The only problem is when you do nothing sleeping is harder to come by. I couldn't fall asleep when I went to bed past my normal time, so I read some, and slept pretty restlessly. 

I did catch up on the Perry Mason series. I was really wanting to get into it, and I did. I didn't watch last nights new episode though. I'll watch that today. Also I finally finished watching "sharp objects".  Another HBO series based on a book I either read or listened to. Speaking of, I gotta check if Gillian Flynn has a new book out. 

I skipped my workout yesterday. I only did laundry, and dishes. Laundry is not folded. I didn't sleep all that great last night, so today may be a lazy day too. 

I have to cut the grass soon. Check my gardens, workout,  fold laundry, etc...   Dinner too, and I really just want to watch the new episode of Perry Mason. Work should tire me out, and we can just start everything tomorrow after a good night sleep. We shall see. I am going to be lazy if I am tired after work. I am tired before work,  so that seems likely. 

We did turn our air off for a few days, but we will have to turn it back on for an extended time if the later day forecasts are correct. 

Outside that not much. I don't feel guilty for being lazy yesterday. It probably helps it's been a while since I had a lazy day. Sportsing is going on, which is really weird. You have like Basketball playoffs,  and Hockey playoffs, and baseball. I know its pre-playoffs, but close enough. No fans though. The games still matter though in a sense.  Let's face it the Sox/KC series really didn't have a lot less fans than normal watching at the stadium.   :)

This thing will be around a while. It's a pretty bad thing. Alabama is going to pass Michigan for good today. They have half our population. Georgia's population is about the same as ours,  and they doubled us. We will be wearing masks for the foreseeable future. That's fine with me, I don't really care. It's kinda different always looking into people's eyes only. 

I'll just do more of the same I guess. Today should be okay. I normally don't actually feel tired during the work day. Just too busy really. I like that about my jobs.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.    :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

Sunday, August 2, 2020

A Late Start To The Day

I slept a lot last night, and I stayed in bed late. Just a lazy morning. I feel fine about it too. A lazy day for me. Only a few things to do. It  rained too, so I'll just cut the grass tomorrow. I don't think I even need to go shopping,  so I'll just do laundry, and that's it. 

I really don't feel like blogging today, but I am over 2 months straight of blogging every day so. I'd hate to break that streak.  I did lose another pound last week, and gained a bit of body fat as a percentage. How that works I don't know. I was only at 73 miles last week too  I thought it might be more. Next week may be low miles mostly, cuz I ain't doing shit today. I did turn our AC off for the first time in forever. I may have to wear a jacket too when riding my bike to work in the mornings. Maybe Fall will come early. 

Other than that not much. I don't really have anything to say on this thing. I have no words of wisdom. I am fine with me, and my life. I don't know how others are. I am secure, and that is a pretty great thing. It's a big World out  there, and one great thing is being secure in it. I don't feel others have any great words of wisdom either. 

What is the purpose of life?  To escape it if you can, but  you cant, so it's a good question.  There really are no good deeds to do. Our hearts we cannot perfect. Even if you pretend you did. 

Everything in my life seems so minor now. It wasn't always like that. In the past I felt I had major things to my life. I've gone through everything though, so i guess it is that which heals us. I carry absolutely no baggage in that regard. I don't have to celebrate birthdays, or holidays or anything. I am just free to live, and free to be. 

I don't owe people anything. I am not anyone's good friend. I really am the perfect person to live in a covid-19 World. I never get lonely, and I never get sad. I don't really do anything, and I don't get bored. I don't really have much to worry about. 

Anyway today starts a new week. I  think I'll start the week off being lazier than I have in the past. Its probably a good idea too, because we will be busy with work. 

Anyway I spose. 

Looking forward to really having a full day off. I don't do it often. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

Saturday, August 1, 2020

It Is Saturday, So That's Good

Good morning. How's it going?  Me. I am fine. I slept okay. Woke up for a bit, but I feel mostly refreshed. I am having a coffee right now, and that will put me over the top. 

On Fridays I am generally tired,  cuz its the end of the week, but I did get my workout in. That Sunday workout is becoming a necessity,  just in case I miss a workout,  I can still make it up with the extra day. Saturday is most assuredly a non work out day. It's just not gonna happen. I felt my arms and chest are feeling pretty toned this week, so maybe I'll lose fat as a percentage. I  will be over 72 miles too. 

The bakery was busy yesterday. At least it felt like it  to me. Everytime I looked there were lines outside. School is gonna be super weird this year, so maybe the busy season is even longer. Around here kids don't even know when school starts. At least the ones I asked. 

Not much else going on with me. We did taco bell last night for dinner. Sat in the car by the water. The water is high, and I am not sure why. After the Spring we become a non rain zone pretty much. Yet the levels are still high. I don't really know why that is. 

Life goes on. Another day today. We are thinking of taking a long weekend after Labor Day. Just renting a cabin for like 4 nights, and do nothing. It should be relaxing I think. Other than that no big plans. I don't have any financial outlays in the future. Just plod along doing my day to day. 

I am not out changing the World. 50+ is a pretty good age. At least for me. You have absolutely no peer pressure. You pretty much don't give a shit about anything. Not interested in popularity contests or things like that. I am fine with my life as it is. I am active and healthy. That's kind of an important thing for 50+.  I don't have a ton of stress. That too is important. I am not lonely, and not sad. Disinterested in so much stuff, and maybe that too is important. 

The World goes on, and whatever.  It's not really a very good place. 

I am fine though. I feel pretty good about me.  Happy to do my day to day. I definitely don't feel overwhelmed, or overburdened. Not frustrated, and not sad. 

Today,  I have a day, and tomorrow is off. We will be short at work next week, cuz we'll be down a person. Busy busy, but it will be okay. It will be a challenge,  and we will get through it like always. Might just be a little more overtime. No biggie. 

Anyway, I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.    :)

xoxo.    :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeee.      :)))