Monday, August 24, 2020

Sunday Stuff Done

That's a good way to start the week. No doubt. I actually got my first run in, since my stupid 30 day thing. It was actually pretty easy. Maybe because it wasn't 90° outside. It didn't start off easy, as I got stung by something. Hope had something on her leg too, but I never felt like this running thing is hard. I am going to try to run 3 times/week. I did go paddle boarding after. It was a pretty good morning for it. Warm, and no wind to speak of. 

I got all my other normal Sunday stuff done. Added reps to my workout too. That's the best part of a good Sunday. I only have two more workout days left. Once I get my Tuesday one in, I'll only have one left. School starts this week. Like on Wednesday I think. Labor day is next week. Actually 2 weeks. Football after that... probably. 

Oh hey the RNC starts today, I'll not watch that like I didn't watch the other one. I know who I am voting for. Just waiting for the ballots to show up in the mail. In my little circle we have 5 voters. All voting the same way. I don't see a ton of signs out. Seems dumb to have one doesn't it?  What's the point?  You going to change minds by having a sign in your yard?  

So far I've seen a few on my walks. One guy I already dislike, just cuz he stopped me a few years back, and was asking some nonsense if I went to church. I told him no, so he was going to try and convert me to something. I converted him though. Converted him to stop talking, cuz I told him he was dumb. Old fat guy leave me alone. I saw him a few days back. He's got a Trump sign, and he isn't walking so great these days. Big old belly. Weight and age do not mix in the least. What quality of life do you have if you can barely walk? 

Anyway, life goes on. Another week starts. I see it being more of the same. Work, eat, sleep. It is supposed to be warm this week. 

Not much besides that. Another day in the life. I think I'll make my lunch.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.    :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

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