Monday, May 31, 2021

The Milestone.

Maybe not a milestone,  let's call it a yardstone. 

To all the doubters who said I couldn't do it...   just kidding.   :)  

Yesterday was a normal Sunday. Work,  listen to books, eat a whopper after work,  listen to more of book. I slept 9 hours too. Having today off means I work 4 days, and have another day off. I do like work days better than days off though. Especially if they are busy. Meaning continue to be busy after work. I do have a good amount to do today outside. Actually I am going to make a to do list. 

I think the weather is supposed to be okay. I read some this morning already,  and I thought I'd read more.  Maybe have a 2nd cup of coffee, but I am already anxious about all I have to do. The Sox have a 4 game set with Cleveland starting with a double header today. 2 of the 4 starting pitchers for Cleveland in the series have yet to be named. Injuries to starting pitching is a tough thing to overcome. Its not like Cleveland had 5 great starters to begin with. They have one outstanding one, and another really good one,  but the really good one is injured. Cleveland's manager is really good. They lose players all the time,  yet they are aiways good in the standings.  

So a busy day. I might even be able to watch one of the games if I get my list done. I should start sooner rather than later. 

Besides that not much. We have 6 months of warm weather. It may start cooling a bit in October. It should be a pretty good 6 months. I'll be busy, I'll work. I'll play golf, and garden, water the grass, save money,  cook on the grill. I'm looking forward to it. Once October hits I'll be looking forward to cooler weather,  and making lasagna for dinner.  

Change in seasons and change in outlook are good for me. I like it. Just think next year I won't have to worry about the pool. Also maybe the virus will be under control. Still a lot of people not getting vaccinated. 

The age of the internet hasn't exactly brought us a smarter population. More a population of Fox News and conspiracy theories. 

Anger comes from somewhere cuz there are mass shootings every week now. Why so much anger I don't know. People typically feel they are in the right too I suppose. 

There is no peace on Earth cuz humans are not equipped to live without hate. Our hearts know strife more than they know contentment. Shove happily ever after crap down our throats and our outlook of life is poisoned before we even reach puberty.  

You can't see it unless you threw everything away, but no one is willing. Too entrenched in their life I suppose. I was able to, cuz it seemed like an important step. 

Anyway, I spose. 

Laterzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeee.     :)))

MWAH.          :)

Sunday, May 30, 2021

One More Down.

After today,  I only have one blog entry left for the year. Tomorrow I have a day off too,  so I don't even have to wake up early. I am working on my acceptance speeches,  as I am sure there are many awards coming my way. 

Yesterday was okay. I did my shopping,  cleaned up some branches and stuff in the backyard,  did laundry,  started building our pool ladders too. That should have been part of the assembly fee. Turns out I need sand to weigh the part that goes in the water. Both ladders are built. I just have to get the one in the pool with sand, and attach the two together.  I don't think it will be hard. All this shit took me a while, cuz when I looked it was 3:30 already. 

I watered the grass twice. I bought a regular hose for my tractor to ride on. Those collapsible hoses don't work well with a tractor. Lawn looks good. 

We have a small local grocery store that sells high end fresh fish on the weekends,  so I bought an Alaskan cod fillet,  and some oysters, with a big baked potato. It was really good. The fish just crumbled. The cod was only $13 where a salmon would have been over $20 for the same size.  

In a moment of weakness I paid for the mlb ticket. $30/month for 4 months. The Sox swept a double header. 

Besides that not much I guess. Having tomorrow off will be nice. I'll get the ladder installed. Our pool will be ready then. 

I have the 2nd and 3rd book in the series I started so work will be fun. It will probably be a ghost town too with the holiday weekend. It is anyway most Sundays I think from the chip shortage.  Probably all industries that use chips are affected. Weird shortages,  inflation creeping up, we will probably feel the affects of the pandemic for a while.  Just too drastic a shift for almost everything.  

I won't mind a rise in interest rates. I have no debt, so in that case cash can make money. My cash no longer can make money really, but it doesn't mean you get rid of it. It can eventually make money. 

I spose. Guess I'll get ready for work. I don't know what people my age typically do. I work to build a little nest egg. 15 years from now all things being equal I should be sitting pretty good. Of course I don't even know what next year will look like.  No one does. 

Laterzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.            :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.          :)

Saturday, May 29, 2021

The Final Streach.

After today only two days left. One full year of blogging every day. I don't recommend it to anyone. It's not like you did 100 pushups everyday for 30 days,  and see significant progress. Blogging everyday for a year is more like eating a big Mac super-sized meal for every meal 30 days in a row. Closest comp I can think of.   ;)   haha.  J/k. 

Speaking of Big Mac diet I weighed 162.5 this morning. My weight will probably stay closer to 160 during the warm months.  It's not like summer is lasagna,  and pot roast weather. I can't really predict my weight though. Really it doesn't fluctuate too much. 

I fell asleep early last night. I wanted to stay up and read,  but my eyes wouldn't hear of it. Haha. See what I did there?  I thought fine, if I wake up at 11:00 pm, I'll read then. Nope,  I slept all night. I do start today at 71 miles. 

Not much really going on with me. Summer I guess is starting. It will be busy, which I like that. I don't have any big goals or anything. Stop my blogging streak will be goal #1.   

I just figure the days will roll by. One after another. I will golf,  which will be new for me. New in I haven't golfed consistently in 2 decades, and I wasn't good back then. I do think I figured out my iron problems.  I tried to create loft, instead of trusting the shape of the club to do the work.  Instead of hitting down and through the ball,  I was hitting under the ball and up. 

Not getting any good at golf 20 years ago probably saved me a lot of money. I can let any hobby infiltrate my whole life. See running, baseball games. Etc...  

Luckily I have nothing now that I do day after that takes up time serving no real purpose.  

Wait...    damn you BLOG!!!!!     :)

Anyway, I spose.  

Happy day off to me.  

Laterzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeee.          :)))

MWAH.         :)

Friday, May 28, 2021

It Is Just Like Anything.

I built my golf net,  and took some swings. I like it. At the age of 54 you don't just take up golf. As with everything you'll find muscles you don't use in the golf swing way. You can't exactly go out, and take 100 shots. At 54 the body has to acclimate to the motion. 

My net comes with a long (driver tee), and a short (iron par 3 tee)  I am just using the short tee with my 7 iron. I'll work on that a bit, and go back to the driving range, and see how its working.  

Yesterday was another big step day. I'll probably hit 72 miles today with all of tomorrow left. It is going to be a busy summer. We got the water tested for the pool, so we added the chlorine,  and stuff we needed. I think the pool is ready.  Too bad it isn't reaching 60⁰ today. 

It is Memorial day weekend too, so gardens should be up and running. I'm going to work on that tomorrow. Actually I really have a lot of outdoor work to do. I am just flat out busy. 

We actually watched a movie last night. Obviously this time of year we barely have time to watch a half hour episode of anything. We watched the Angelina Jolie movie on HBO Max. It was okay. I stayed up and watched the whole thing. Only dozed for 5 minutes or so. 

Life goes on. I have nothing terribly important going on in my mind. Just doing this insignificant little life. Working, eating,  and sleeping. 

I actually think long ago, I thought it was an important thing I blog. How many lifetimes ago was that?  Now I just feel how insignificant I am. I am fine with that though. No biggie to me.   My heart is content with my days,  and I am fine with it. 

The truth is always a struggle for people. Our hearts are one way, and we kinda have to show people we are in society's norm. Happily married,  doing whatever the happily ever after shit is.   Hearts typically are probably pretty hard to see. Kinda gotta take the log out to see it, and that isn't even in our power. Geesh until it is taken out, you don't even know its there.  Most think they are fine. Adjusted nicely to the vicissitudes of life. 

My log has been out for decades. What it meant for me I don't know. I learned a lot,  suffered some,  played the fool. Most probably think they are close to sainthood due to some generalizations of this and that. I know we are all pretty far. Log out, and a trip to the wilderness taught me that.  

It doesn't do anything though you see?  Its not like I was able to do anything with this information.  that's fine too, cuz I am accepted. Let the story go as intended.  

Anyhoo,  I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.        :)

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Winding Down.

I am winding down my year of blogging. It is actually anticlimactic. Not a big deal. My initial plan is to just stop blogging on my days off. Blogging isn't really part of my day off routine. I'd really like to just wake up and read. Maybe watch a movie. I have so much streaming stuff available to me,  I could watch a movie. We will see. 

Yesterday was fine,  I went shopping after work. My BIL is in town from Hawaii, so I kinda just hung out, and we went out to dinner. 

Luckily I got a lot done the night before, so I am not behind or anything. I can install my golf thingy today. 

It is a holiday weekend,  so I will get two days off. Nothing major planned. Read some,  maybe swim some,  finish my year in blogging.  :)

There isn't much on my mind. The weather is going to be a bit chilly for like a day.  High around 60⁰ tomorrow. I am fine with it. No biggie. I still see a lot of people wear masks when shopping. I do. Probably will forever. Why not?  It doesn't harm me,  and has anyone gotten even a cold last year?  

100 years from now they'll marvel how we we would walk around sending our spit molecules into the air wherever we go. 

I really got nothing. Still one day closer to a year. Even with a shitty blog entry. It still counts. I have close to a year straight of shitty blog entries. They all count.   :)

Laterzzzzzzz.          :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.        :)

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

When The Weatherman Is Right.

It is raining today, as the weatherman predicted, today is a good day to drive, and run errands. Just cut the grass yesterday too, so it is going to look awesome.  

I actually have quite a few errands to run today. Guinea pigs need hay, have to go to Lowe's, also have to pick up a few groceries. I think that's it. I got a lot done yesterday, which is awesome. 

Workout, yard cut, dogs, library,  dishes, dinner,  watered the front. (Just in case weatherman was wrong) made my lunch too the night before. 

Between being active everyday, and eating a big salad most days, and fruit,  I poop a lot. I used to always have a big poop in the morning, but now it seems at the end of work,  or when I get home,  I poop again. Or yesterday both those times,  and after I take the dogs. It was a real poop~a~thon yesterday. It was healthy,  no diarrhea, just frequency of pooping.  

We are getting an awesome rain. I won't have to water for a while.  

Anyway not much going on I guess. The pool expense is done. I find we aren't spending so much money. Accounts gradually on the rise. Also, my Discover use is low. $400 last month, so far $200 now. May have one more Sam's visit before next statement. Sam's and Discover are at 5% cash back. I did get a Sam's credit card, and signed up for extra membership thingy. That credit card is always 5% cash back with the extra membership. It is worth it to me,  cuz I go pretty much every week. 

Not much to report. I have my days, and they fill up. It is pretty refreshing knowing I just live out my days. I don't make any mark on this World,  and I don't need to. 

I am not super talented at anything,  and that's fine. Pretty content in things I guess. That's kinda a pretty great gift. Security too is nice. Being assured. 

We don't own the keys to our heart, or we'd all be saints. I lived with the fear of knowing what a person with this dreadful heart deserves. Its why security was so important. Wilderness days were brutal for showing my true nature. 

Security came before perfection, and I was hoping for the suffering that came so I could attain perfection. Acceptance also comes before perfection. Didnt know that either. Acceptance brings security. 

Still gotta do the suffering to perfection at some point. No clue when. Didn't think it would happen past 54, but its fine with me. Its a new story. This one hasn't been told before. I trust though,  so I don't have a thing to worry about as far as those things go. 

Anyway,  these things still pop in my mind. 

Laterzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.        :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Started Where I Left Off.

I stopped playing golf, cuz I was bad,  and yesterday I see I haven't improved any all these years not playing. I'll practice with my net thing. Outside the initial $99 cost that is free. I watched some YouTube videos. I don't make great contact with my irons. I only used a 7 iron yesterday. Did not make great contact. 

I'll work on it. Maybe take lessons if I am not getting it. I got some ideas on stuff I can work on. My new goal for the summer is to make good contact with my irons. Might take a while. 

Besides me sucking at golf yesterday was okay. Today I have a shit ton to do. I just  checked the weather to see if today is a good day to drive. Tomorrow will be. We have a screwy day Friday with highs in the 50s. 

I didn't workout yesterday, so I have to do that  today.   I checked on being a member at a local golf  club. $850/ year for 7 day Green fees. If I learn to strike my irons good,  I may do that next year. I could play almost every day after work for free. Just the initial cash outlay. I only work til 2:00 every day. Work,  go golfing.  

Hitting at the range seemed like a normal thing to do on a Summer day. Brought me back to my early 20s. When for $50/year, as a student I could play unlimited golf at my college course. I'd go sometimes 36 holes. Never got my irons down though. Never got good. 

If I could get it down though that would be a fun afternoon. 

I still got gardening,  lawn watering, and other stuff to do too. A busy life as it is, but I slept really good last night. That's the reward for a busy day. 

Outside that not much. Today is a work day. I'm gonna stop by the library to look at golf books. Things to help me strike my irons good. A lot of stuff to do at home,  and my golf net kit comes today. 

Busy busy = a good day. 

I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.          :)

Monday, May 24, 2021

Only 2 Mondays Left. Today Is One.

Finally my year is almost up. I don't think it will change anything, but the year is up. Kinda nice about my latest book giving me a glimpse of people who actually do this type of thing. A journal of sorts that no one ever has to read, but something I just do. 

I don't know what makes a person do this. I just had to when I first started. I had a story to tell, and I needed to get it out. 

This thing now is 10 years or however long of something I will probably never read again. Not really any reason anyone else should either. That doesn't matter though really. It would be hard to get this morning routine out of me. 

Its just become my journal I guess.  I don't know why a person would keep one. In my case I just do it. 

Anyway,  don't worry. I won't be talking about this stupid year thing for too much longer. I am not a big fan of doing something 30 days in a row. Pushups,  running at least a mile or whatever. Then I go out, and do this for one year. 

You know though I don't think it is any achievement. Just something I did that doesn't really have any value. 

I did finish my book yesterday and got another from the same author. Also I listened to another book,  and got the next in that series.  

Today,  I am going to hit a bucket of balls. Get some practice in before I go out for real. I am kinda nervous I'll not hit the balls too squarely. I'll definitely need to use my golf net swing thing a lot. 

My grass is high too. Part of the problem when you water. Green though,  so that's good. It will be a busy week. I do have next Monday off though for Memorial Day. Then it is the busy season. I wonder if we should plan a trip in the Fall. Check out another city for like 4 nights.  We will see. I have that stupid aggressive saving plan that doesn't like me spending money. Especially after that pool expenditure.  

Do I really relax while on vacation?  Not really. We will see. See how the summer turns out I  guess. 

I spose. I gotta make my salad unfortunately. 

Laterzzzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeeee.         :)))

MWAH.           :)

Sunday, May 23, 2021

A Pretty Chill Day.

I did end up reading a good bit. We did get some stuff done. Got more mulch, we have a local place that takes cardboard to recycle,  so we got rid of that. Ours was from the pool mostly. I took my dad shopping,  and I went to Dicks and got golf balls,  and a glove. 

I saw this golf hitting net with rubber tees, and mat. It was $99. I almost got it. I thought about it later on, and checked Amazon for something similar. I liked the one at Dicks, so I bought it online,  and will ship by Tuesday. I'll get shoes too. I was wearing Adidas sandals without socks,  so I'll get those when I can try them on. There was Adidas golf shoes for like $65. 

I looked at golf clubs too. Mine look fine compared to what I could buy new. Maybe I didn't buy a super cheap set. They gotta be almost 30 years old.  I guess I took a jump off the deep end. 

Like I said I did end up reading a lot. I am hooked on this book. I have like 60 pages left. Once again I woke up from my original sleep, and read more. Finally put my nook down for good around 1:00 AM.   :)

I did feel relaxed yesterday.  I did get my workout in too, so that's good. I am not sure what I am gonna do today after work. Read my book probably. Finish the one, and get another from the same author. This is my 2nd one of hers,  and I like them. I'll eat something,  and that will be that. 

Pretty boring stuff my life is, but I like it fine. Pretty stupid this blog is too.  In my book I'm reading, a few characters keep journals or write letters frequently.  Before computers,  so in that way I guess I am like those characters. I keep a record of my day to day, although it isn't interesting. There is no cold case of like 70 years someone will be searching through my writing to investigate. 

However it isn't unheard of to keep a journal or diary,  or whatever this is. I just know of no one else who does it. 

I could quit, because who does this?  I don't really need to though cuz it isn't really a strange thing to do. Just probably not a  popular thing to do.  Good to know. 

I spose. 

Laterzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.        :)

Saturday, May 22, 2021

No Clue About Today.

Today seems like it would be nice to be lazy. Once again I was tired last night. I went to bed early only to wake up at 11:00pm. I read my book some,  didn't want to put it down. Fell asleep,  woke up again, and read more. That's what I want to do now. Read my book. 

I did take my clubs to a local park by me to hit my 7-iron. I think I'll go to the driving range a few times next week,  and start golfing. I won't be good,  but I think I can get pretty good by the end of the season.  That's all relative I know, but for me I'd like to consistently be at like 100 or below. That would be okay for me. I bet now I'd be closer to 120 for a 72 par. Just a hunch. 

I did take the dogs, and water the grass. I also hit 72 miles before my last day of the week. Also I am up to 163 pounds. Gained two pounds back. Says I lost body fat as a percentage. Probably cuz I was consistent working out,, and not so much the two weeks prior. Funny how that works. 

My mind is consistently fixed on my year of blogging. Can't wait for it to be over. It wasn't a goal of mine. At one point I figured I blogged a lot of days in a row, I should do it for a year. Unfortunately unbeknownst to me I would still have to blog for 4 months still.  Not 2.   Dammit.   What do you know though. Just a little over a week left.  

That is not an accomplishment I will be proud of. Just something that's finally done. 

I do like having a day off. Just a little time to relax. Typically I am go go go during the week. Its nice to shut down for just a bit. I already got my book for tomorrow's work all lock and loaded too. Same author from last week. 1st in a different series.  Pretty exciting.  

Anyway, I spose. I am going to make a grilled cheese with Velveeta. Yum yum. 

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.         :)

Friday, May 21, 2021

Why Not?

Golf is a pretty expensive sport to suck at, but I am thinking of picking it up again. I still got my old clubs. I'll need a new glove,  and shoes. I had a full Bud Light in my golf bag from the last time I golfed a million years ago. Obviously my last ISU weekend of golf, drinking,  and being stupid. I do have to clean my clubs.  

I was thinking this morning in just over a week I could sleep in,  and not do this. Not really sure I know how to quit doing this though. Others have, just like that. I don't really get that. 

I know people have tried to blog for 30 days in a row before,  and would struggle for shit to write. I don't really struggle there,  but I don't feel I write anything important. I don't feel this is a skill either. Just something I can do. 

Golf on the other hand is something I can do badly.   :)   

I was tired again yesterday after work. I didn't build my ladders.  I took the dogs,  did dishes,  worked out, watered the lawn,  and made dinner. Barbecue chicken on the grill. It was good. Grilling is so much better when using a meat thermometer. 

That was about it. I was too tired to watch TV, so I just went to bed.  Summer has definitely shown up before Memorial Day. Its kinda nice. We are still doing yard work, and stuff, so I don't feel we are really relaxing at all. Come home,  and do more work. I'll probably hit 72 miles today again. Just an uptick in steps.  I wonder about my weight. Tomorrow is weigh in day. I can't imagine I've gone below 161. Then again I can't believe I fell to 161. I don't think I'll gain any though. Not much anyway. I'll be surprised if I see a major swing. 

I look at myself in the mirror. I am strong from working out. I only do body weight stuff. I am not cut or anything. I'd have to probably up my working out to transform my body. I don't like working out, so that ain't happening.  What I do is sustainable,  just not enjoyable.  

At 54 though who really cares.  I am at that age where people see an aged man probably.  No one gives a fuck if a 54 year old guy  is cut. 

Anyway, I spose. Today is another day.  

Laterzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.          :)

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Closer To A Year About Nothing.

I am close to completing a year about nothing with my blog. I don't know how I'll feel after. Should I stop blogging after?  Obviously I have nothing to write about. 

I am an older person these days. No more crushes in my lifetime. You know the HS type ones that take over your whole life seemingly. What did my life amount to?  

Not much did it?  Which I am fine with. When we are young we think life is this major thing. In the end not so much. 

I think if I could have put it in words,  what my younger self would have wanted at my age is to feel pretty good about stuff. Mission accomplished.  

I don't look back thinking my best years were behind me. These years are fine. I don't need to be in any kind of spotlight.  I don't need attention. I don't need to be considered smart,  intelligent or anything like that. I am comfortable with me,  and I guess that takes a lot of potential yearning away. 

I am pretty comfortable in my skin, and comfortable in my life. I still have a date at some point with the finishing of this life. The end. Will something invisible kill me?  Probably.  What and when I don't have the answer to. It is always in the back of your mind though.  

Anyway, I was surprisingly tired after work yesterday, and after taking the dogs. I did make for the first time homemade sausage gravy for biscuits and gravy. What an easy thing to make. It came out really good too. Put that in my repertoire I guess. We backflowed our pool filter,  and rinsed it too. We can do it once per week, but nothing wrong doing it every couple weeks. Today I am going to build the ladders. Won't be long til we are swimming. 

Besides that not much. Today is another day. The hours will fill up. I don't have much to worry about. It rained enough to water the grass yesterday, but not enough to make me drive. I didn't even know it rained til I saw my bike seat was wet after work. 

That's about it. Today is another day. Just me living out my days. I have a final day at some point. Just not sure when. My hours for this day will fill up. I'll eat something, and sleep. Tomorrow I'll do it again. 

I spose.    

Laterzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeee.          :)))

MWAH.            :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

The Long List.

Yesterday, I had a ton of stuff to do after work,  including work out. I did get everything done I wanted. To the tune of over 14 miles, and over 32,000 steps. On Friday they fertilized the grass, yesterday I cut, and watered. Afterwards I looked at my lawn,  my neighbors,  mine again,  and my neighbors again, with an arrogant type satisfaction.   ;)  

We made tacos for dinner, I watched like one episode of a modern family,  and slept. I slept pretty hard too. It was a good sleep, which bids well for a good day today. 

There really wasn't anything on my mind yesterday except to get my stuff done. It is a pretty good feeling to get everything done you wanted.  Also it feels good going to bed knowing you exerted a good amount of energy. Fulfilled I guess.  

There really is nothing on my mind. Nothing I an terribly stressed about,  and nothing I am really anxious about. Today will be more of work,  eat, sleep. Our pool is paid for,  so that big expense is out of the way. 

We bought a chair a while ago. Actually it is like a love seat, except both sides recline too. A really great investment,  cuz I always sit in it. Anyway we did a zero percent thing. Paid $69/month for the bill,  for like a year or something. I hated that $69/month bill. I am glad when the interest rates were so low,  I didn't take out a loan. For one thing I didn't need the money for anything. For another I guess I don't like payments.  That $69 was just a little thing I learned about myself. 

Outside of that not much. Just plugging along doing my thing.  We are going to get another 2 yards of mulch this week. Memorial day is coming up, and I think we will be pretty set. I just have to do my gardens I guess. Sooner, rather than later. 

I'll check the weather, today may be a drive day, which would come in handy getting plants.  

I spose. 

Less than two weeks for my year.   Then what?  Yikes.  

Laterzzzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.       :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Now What?

So we got rid of the titleless car in our yard yesterday. We didn't really feel like driving to get it done, but we did. Since we were up that way we decided to do dinner in Grand Haven. First time I went out to eat in quite a while. Last Fall maybe?  

We went to an Italian place since Holland has 5 restaurants for each citizen, but all the Italian ones went out of business. Eating out is expensive. I enjoyed doing it though. Our waitress was cute and bubbly. Her name was Kayla, which is what I would have guessed if she didn't sign it on our check. 

I didn't need to wear a mask. That takes some getting used to. I still had one,  but still. There has been enough time,  I am guessing those with the vaccination just don't get the virus. It puts the ball in the court of the antivaxers. The mask security is gone. Everywhere we go people will be without one. I am glad to be in the vaccinated group. I wouldn't feel secure in the other one.  

Not much besides that. The bug people actually came yesterday. The grass people on Friday. Today,  I have to cut the grass, and a few more things. It is good we got rid of that stupid vehicle.  

I stopped by my insurance agent to give them information on my fender bender. Turns out I don't really have to do anything since I am not filing a claim. I told them about the pool since I was there.  It may not change my rates, but it is a thing they need to be informed about. 

Thats about it. It felt good to eat outside at a restaurant on a summer type day. I had a couple beers with dinner. Its the only time I drink beer. When I go out to eat. It has been a while.   

See how boring my life is?  I love it. Today should be okay. It is supposed to be close to 80⁰ for the next week or so. 

That's about it. Nothing exciting going on with me.  

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.        :)

Monday, May 17, 2021

Didn't I Read Her Before?

Yesterday,  I could have listened to another deal of the day book, but the previous two were just fair,  so I searched for a new one. Luckily I found a 2 books for 1 credit. I got a book by Lisa Gardner. I must have listened to a book by her before,  but looking through the titles,  I couldn't swear to it. The book I listened to was really good. An alcoholic girl, who tries to find missing people. She lives out of one suitcase,  travels to an area, becomes a bartender,  and investigates into the missing person. 

She isn't a cop, has no standing really. Good premise for a book right?  She's found 14 people in this career before the first novel. I believe all were dead when found. Then starts story 1. It was really good. Hope she makes a series out of this character. 

That's all I did yesterday. Work, listened to my book. Watched a couple episodes of its always sunny.  Such a stupid funny show.  Those characters are insane.  I slept really good last night. 

Besides that not much. I ate a whopper after work. :)   There is something about Mondays I like. I guess during the week the days fill up. My day off doesn't really,  and Sunday I have no plans after work. During the week my days are full. I am busy, then there is dinner,  and sleep. 

I guess I felt relaxed enough yesterday. I had nothing pressing to do. This week I will concentrate on back yard landscaping. Figure out my garden, and around the pool and stuff.  I think it is supposed to be close to 80⁰ tomorrow. 

This is my life. Not much to it. It is pretty easy. I don't feel guilt or remorse, cuz maybe other lives are harder. I have no control over much. My heart is content with my day to day. That is a gift,  cuz I know we don't even control that. I don't live in a war torn area. I don't have any fear of rockets landing in my back yard. I see gas is close to $3/gallon, so I figure driving is a waste of money at that point. 

People do grow up in bad parts. Their truth to life would appear to be different than mine,  but I learned at a pretty young age there is nothing for me here. Maybe that is what we all have to learn. A lot of bells and whistles though. A lot of fairy tales to overcome.  

I know my story. I remember how I became how I am. I know no one else's story. When the World holds promise for you, then I can never really know you I guess.  Mostly cuz you still have your true self buried by the noise of the World.  The seed was planted, but the weeds overtook it.  

If it was my job to cultivate my garden I didn't do a good job. All I got out of it was weeds. 

It appears what I was here to do has been a complete failure,  but I trust wholeheartedly,  cuz it isn't my story.  That's a good thing to see about myself I guess. My heart is right.   

I spose.   

Laterzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.         :)

Sunday, May 16, 2021

It Was A Day

I got all my stuff done yesterday. Cleaned a lot of miscellaneous stuff. Ran the robot twice, just a good amount of little stuff. I got into a little fender bender. My fault,  I was switching lanes, cuz of a stalled car, which I found out later. All I saw was a lady in a suburban stopped in the intersection during a green light. I backed up, in case she wanted to. The light was red, and she was in the intersection. Anyway she eventually started backing up, too much for my liking,  and the light turned green again, so I started honking,  and tried to get out of the lane. I didn't look good,  and clipped a car. No damage to my vehicle, and she has a little scratch,  and dent. 

It was stupid. The lady was real nice. Pretty too.  :)  she is a physician's assistant in Ann Arbor. Maybe 30 years old,  attractive figure. She ate breakfast at my place of employment that morning.  She was there, cuz her sister is graduating from Hope College. It was a stupid accident. 

The suburban girl stopped too, cuz a car was stalled in front of her,  and I think there was another car involved somehow. A perfect storm if you will. I only saw the suburban. The dude kept backing into her suburban.  :)  so stupid.   

Besides that the day was okay. I lost 3 pounds last week, which is ridiculous. 161.4.   Let's see if I gain some back this week. I'll need to eat a whopper after work today to help.   ;)  

I see the Middle East is being dumb again. We all have one life. Yet everyone is trying to take others lives away. If that is the endgame of the existence of Country,  than all Countries are wrong. Don't tie your name to a country I'd say. With one life comes one's name. Of those you only have one. On top of your one name are your deeds. Why should you be a slave to your country,  upbringing,  society whatever?

Rendering unto Caesar that which is his is your tax money. Your other coin belongs elsewhere.  

Hate,  and anger, and killing seem stupid.  Killing only happens cuz of hate and anger. Beware those who spread the flames of discontent. Escalation spreads faster than peace.  

I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.        :)

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Almost 10 Hours Of Sleep. Actual Sleep.

As the title suggests I slept for almost 10 hours. That's not in bed time,  which was closer to 12 hours. I was tired I guess. I knew I was,  but that is way above the norm for me. 

Work was busy this week. Any week I start low on cookies I'll be busy. I plan on being pretty busy til Labor Day. 

My pool is up though,  I watered the grass again, cooked on the grill for the first time. My pork chop was tough as leather.  :)  Veggies were good though. I start today with 74 miles. I don't plan on doing a lot today. Just my normal stuff. I'll probably water again. 

Besides that not much. The weather has been pretty great this week. So great I had to start watering the grass. Early on it was like 50⁰ and sunny, which I am happy with. Now we start approaching 70⁰, and sunny. A lot of outside time obviously. 

I just checked the weather,  a good chance of rain tonight,  so I won't water. I may pick up some tomato plants. I think we are safe. 

Not really a lot going on. I forgot to weigh myself. I am curious.  Pretty sure I lost some weight this week,  which means I probably gained a pound.  

Another day in the life. Mine is pretty boring,  and that's the way I like it.   :)

Laterzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.          :)

Friday, May 14, 2021

It Has Been Quite The Week.

Last Saturday, I picked up two bags of cement to rebuild the gate and fence we tore down. I have no idea where we stood with the pool running at all. Today the gate,  and fence are built,  and our pool is set on a timer to run 9-5:00.  The pump. So now we just check the water once per week,  until we got a pretty good idea of how its going. Regular upkeep in other words. Yesterday I ran the sprinkler in the front. The grass took to it. Seemed to green in front of our eyes. 

Basically things are turning to a sort of normal. There is still a ton to do, but this was definitely a good week. I'll hit 72 miles sometime at work today,  if not then when I take the dogs. Work has been busy this week, and it will be for a while. Oh I sent in the check for the pool installation too. So that's done. I don't recall how much total I spent. $7,000, $7500?  More?  That's a lot of money. How long have I been talking about this stupid pool?  That's kinda a big deal I guess. I'm sure I was the same with the driveway.  

Things continue to be pretty good,  and even better and better year over year.  I don't foresee any more big finances coming up. That shit is brutal kinda. You think about it all the time. I basically used stimulus to pay for a lot. I save at a pretty good clip,  and I don't like to touch any. I feel my non IRA investment account is as untouchable as my IRA one. I just plan to let those grow and grow for the next 15 years give or take. Plus my Discover savings. I will touch my Discover savings account though if I need be. Really I'd just like all my accounts to grow. Disposable income ones too. 

I'd like to get back to a spot where I have too much money,  and nothing to spend it on. That's boring though. Every day I got shit running through my mind. If I wake up in the middle of the night my mind doesn't shut off. Probably,  cuz I got so much going on. 

This Spring has started out super busy. So different than winter,  yet my steps are only slightly higher. 

Anyway, I spose.  Sox are doing good. Chicago talk radio has been bashing Larussa, and I cannot be happier with him as manager. Have you noticed the Cardinal organization never sucks since he was at the helm. I witnessed through my phone an early year decision. Leave the young lefty in to pitch vs. Nelson Cruz in a tight spot. The young lefty threw change ups, sliders etc...  the young lefty can throw 100 mph. Grooming him to be a starter in the future. Getting him used to high leverage situations early in the year. 

Anyway, it means nothing,  but we do have the best record in baseball. 2 outfielder Allstars are injured too. 

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.         :)

Thursday, May 13, 2021

A Plan Made Good.

Yesterday before work,  I was thinking I really had a lot of stuff I needed to get done,  so I made a to-do list. These days all you have to do is talk to your phone to make one. It wasn't anything major,  but just several minor things, you know you would forget. I got it all done, even made a real dinner,  which didn't make my list,  but was in my mind to do. 

Most important thing was get the pool running.  Chemicals in, pump running,  and cover on. That cover will stay on for a while.  Water has to warm up,  and helicopters have to fall. Just that little shit kinda makes the day. Today, I think I just want to get my front watering started. There is a pretty good shot I hit my 72 miles on Friday. 

Besides that not much. Activity is the key to happiness I think. At least for me.  Also having energy, and generally being positive I guess.  Feeling good on the inside. A couple times yesterday I was thinking I am pretty lucky to live my life.  I was busy at work,  I had my to-do list for after. I felt pretty good. I learned a lot about the pool yesterday too. With a new pool you kinda just get thrown to the wolves.  Previously I had no idea how all that stuff works.  Still don't really,  but a ton more since last week. 

I think Spring is here to stay. Close to 70⁰ as far as the eye can see. I will have to start planning my gardens.  I lose a lot of space with the pool. I'll be ready by Memorial Day or before.  My Springs have been busy. Driveway, fence,  dumpster,  move downstairs,  and this year the pool. Next year there probably won't be anything.  I wonder what that will be like?  I guess the pool may be something you have to fuck with frequently.  

Whatever,  yesterday was pretty good. Today will be just as sunny,  but warmer.  Pretty sweet huh?  

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.         :)))

MWAH.         :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

They Had To Tear It Down, But We Built It Back.

We had to tear down one of our gates to the back yard so the excavator could get his bobcat in. He didn't use a small one, which is what I expected.  He tore up the grass too, but that came back as expected, except for a couple spots. Easy fix. The gate and fence are back up. It wasn't hard, it didn't take long, but looking at the project as just the whole thing being torn down, it seemed it would be a big project. 

I guess I feel pretty good about that. Electrical is done,  our back yard is closed in. Things definitely look better than last week. 

The extended forecast says we are warming up. 50⁰, and sunny is still pretty sweet, but nothing wrong with approaching 70⁰.  That is where we are heading. 

I still have stuff to do, and I will be busy through Memorial Day, but little by little we are getting there.  

The days definitely are different. In the winter I take the dogs,  and prep dinner. These days I take the dogs,  and work outside. Then I chill for a bit, and dinner ends up being something quick. Brats on Monday,  frozen pizza yesterday.  Not as good as winter eating. 

I may lose some more weight this week. Yesterday I didn't eat my sandwich at work. I always do that. Who can eat a lot of shitty frozen pizza too?  

I do feel pretty good though. I have a busy work week, but I feel I got a lot done the first two days.  

Life just goes on I guess. I have plenty of stuff to keep me busy. That tends to make me wanna go go go.  I kinda have to to keep on top of things.  

Anyway, I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.        :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Time Moves On.

Well we got some more stuff done. Poles are in the ground, I can rebuild gate, and fence. It shouldn't be too difficult. We started the chemicals in the pool too. We never took the car yet, cuz who wants to drive?  I did get two salads made last night, so that's good. Then there was eat, and then sleep. 

Serial came out with another podcast. The improvement association. It is about a group trying to get a block of black people to vote in rural North Carolina. Its pretty good. This group has been tarnished by unsubstantiated claims of illegal ballots. These allegations have all been investigated,  and found to be without substance.  

The right actually rigged an election. Guilty,  they needed to redo the whole thing in 2018. It made national news back then. Trump even campaigned the night before the election. 

Maybe you heard this later on too. Unsubstantiated claims about stealing elections. It is interesting. Once something gets screamed about enough it is hard to turn off the noise. 

Anyway it's about a group trying to build political power for blacks in an area that knows all about Jim Crow. This group has been around a while, so there is political infighting. I just go back to you scream a lie enough it is bound to be considered the truth. 

The right actually rigged the election. Guilty,  but they didn't seem to get in any trouble. I think the guy who brainstormed the false ballots did. White people are more mad at the group who they consider just as Guilty,  just not proven.  Proven in their own minds however.  

That's how fox News and others created a whole stink about the Presidential election being stolen. Scream a lie enough people will believe it to be true. 

I think they are on the wrong side of this,  and will pay a price.  When fringe right news becomes the accepted truth for a group,  they will never get numbers. Cuz its based on bullshit. Think Joseph McCarthy. Oh he had his day in the sun, but ended up being a dishonorable pos in the end. The truth has a way of winning in the end.  See Germany circa 1933-1945. 

I have no idea what circa means. I know it is used in that way, or close to it.    :)

I don't do podcasts all too often, but if serial comes out with one I jump on it. It is always informative,  and makes you think. Also exposes the ugly truth in most cases. 

I spose.   

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.        :)

Monday, May 10, 2021

Ehhh, I'll Just Go To Bed.

Yesterday was pretty good. I was able to do my normal work stuff pretty much. We cemented two poles for our fence. We need one more bag of cement. The fence and gate will be up and running in a day or two. I can call the city for the final pool inspection after that. 

Its just when it was almost time for dinner I decided to just go to bed. I wasn't really that hungry, and I was definitely tired. After work on Sundays I've been getting a whopper. No fries or anything,  just a whopper. They are soooooo good. I did it one week a while back for some reason or another. I couldn't believe how good it was. Now I am craving one after work almost every Sunday. I pass a BK on my way home too. 

Besides that not much. I do like having that little extra work to do after Sunday work. I think usually I'd sit on my ass and watch sportsing. I listened to another deal of the day audio book. Another in a series I won't continue. Its okay, but it takes place in France, so all places in France sound weird. Sex scenes described by a Scottish dude are weird too. The story is okay. There is just too much of a barrier for me. 

There wasn't much on my mind yesterday. Just another day in the life. Work, eat, sleep for sure. I just skipped the final eat part. 3 more weeks,  and I have my year of blogging done. Hopefully I will have more to write about than today. 

We got some more shit to do today. Get rid of my dads car. He traded his car to someone for another car. The guy got my dad's car with a title. My dad got his car with no title. So Lisa called the police, and went through a whole thing. Got a police report showing last person with the title.  It wasn't this dude. Anyway our junkyard wouldn't take it without the title. Even with the police report,  so we are taking it to another that will take it. No money though.  So my dad screwed himself. Not anymore than he has the past few years by giving heroin addicts money. We finally get that piece of shit out of our yard. 

Now we will only have 3 cars in our yard with 3 people with licenses. We used to have 5 at one time. We are just waiting for Kevin,  and my Dad to die. One is old,  and one is old beyond his years cuz of a unhealthy lifestyle. Video games,  pizza, and a never ending supply of 2-liter Pepsi. No exercise or anything outdoors actually. Just an ever expanding waist line. 

It is really kinda gross to see people live like that. I see bad in people, and I don't want to be like them. Maybe that's why I am antisocial. Everybody is always angry about something or other.  In my head I typically am not angry. My dad is always angry. Been treating people like shit all his life. 

I spose. Better get this day started. I have a lot of mixing to do this week.  Probably most of the cookies, soda bread, bars, you name it. 

I guess my busy season starts now.  

Laterzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.           :)

Byeeeeeee.         :)))

MWAH.         :)

Sunday, May 9, 2021

As Days Off Go...

Good morning. How's it going?  I am doing fine. Yesterday was okay as far as days off go. I got a fair amount done. Stayed busy pretty much the whole day. I went shopping at Lowe's for stuff to rebuild our gate. Also, bought top soil for some spots the bobcat tore up,  and isn't coming back. Most of it came back. I did some grocery shopping,  skimmed and vacuumed the pool. Went back to Lowe's,  cuz Lisa wanted something,  and wanted to use my gift card. E-card actually from discover. I figured out how to use the e-card. It's pretty easy. 

For dinner I roasted a whole chicken,  and we watched Harley Quinn on HBO max. Then I went to bed. Party animal right here. As a day off it was fine. I don't know what people like to do for fun, but that day was good enough for me. Oh, I also made my salads for today,  and tomorrow. Nice not having to fuck with that in the morning.  

Tulip time is over too, so normal traffic continues again. Downtown could really be a cluster fuck. I am not sure the allure of gathering in crowds. I would have stayed away even before last year. Now I can't imagine a time I don't go shopping without a mask.  When will it end?  For me maybe never. 

If it makes me uncool, well I don't care. I can't picture anything negative coming from it. Unless you consider not getting colds or flu negative. Socially distancing I tried during this pandemic,  and have become a fan. 

Being social is a way of having fun. I stay plenty entertained just by my lonesome. I don't even need a TV on. I have no problem being in my own head.  

I am so comfortable with myself I don't even see the allure of being sociable.  My regular life is fine though. I don't need to escape it. The normal stress people may want to escape from I don't really have. I don't need to create a brief bubble where I don't have to worry about anything, cuz that pretty much is my day to day. 

As far as a flawed person goes of which we all belong to that club, I have very little to no guilt.  I am accepted. Not cuz I am a saint, but cuz I was willing to take this path. 

The one where I denied myself the ability to create the best life I could come up with, and went the blind way. Turns out this turn made the whole difference.  Peace of mind I guess. 

You know what?  The best life I could have come up for myself would have been horrible compared with this. I am an average guy. Prone to fucking shit up. As my life turned out, I got pulled just when my life was before me. I saw a World with nothing in it for me. I was willing,  but my heart had no other choice.  It was all that was left.  I really just wanted to be a good person. If I didn't make a name for myself that's fine.  The good person part is still in the future. The name who cares.  To be content in my days, well that is pretty sweet.  

I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.         :)

Saturday, May 8, 2021

The Friday Night Sleep.

I slept a lot last night. I wasn't sure if I was,  cuz I woke up for (a while) at 2:20 AM, but eventually fell back asleep. I lost almost a full pound last week, which is a lot for me, especially coming off consecutive weeks of losing .5 lbs. 164.4. It is a good weight, and I like to see weight falling instead of rising.  Not that I  try to gain or lose.  Typically I assume I'll gain weight every week. I don't feel like I eat little throughout the week, I feel I eat a good amount. I guess it is just activity level weight loss, although I don't feel more active than some months in the winter. 

Anyway, I really am not concerned too much with these things, I just monitor it. No reason even for that. I heard if you weigh yourself do it one time per week, so I do. No weight gain/loss goals at all. Stay the same I guess.  I don't really have a ton to do today. A little,  and I can plug along with outdoor stuff. I cut the grass yesterday just in time for the fertilizer people to come today. Everyone's grass looks green this time of year. Some have dandelions,  but my front grass looks pretty good. No spring weeds to speak of. My back yard looks good too, the little patch that's left. 

I ended up working a bit of overtime on my main job last week. We may every week before too long. Not a lot,  but a little. It is fine by me,  I want to see accounts rising more after the pool expenditures.  

Today should be a pretty good day. I have enough to keep me busy. I only need 3 miles for 72, so I'll hit that easily. The sun is out, but it won't be really warm, which I am fine with. 

Just another day I guess. Should be pretty good.  

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.       :)

Friday, May 7, 2021

It Wasn't A Bad Rainy Day.

When it is rainy,  and 50⁰, you aren't gonna do much outside. I got the oil changed in the truck. One of those things you never feel like doing. You do get a good peace of mind after. I also took care of all the dishes,  and fixed the venting on my dryer. It became unattached. I shimmed the bottom to level it, so it doesn't wobble anymore,  and make the duct become unattached. I did some laundry too. Then I fixed dinner. A couple ribeyes with baked potato, and asparagus. A shitty rainy day made good. Especially since some inside stuff was in my head of things I need to do as well as the oil change. 

We watched some modern family,  and I fell asleep at some point. The week is almost over, and I am ready for it. Saturday will be grand central Station here. I have a pest control company,  and a lawn service. Pest control are doing 2 services scheduled the 8th, and lawn service are scheduled the 8th. Pest is perimeter,  and one for mosquito, flea and tick. It works great too. Our animals don't get fleas anymore,  which is pretty sweet. Also we no longer have any mole problems,  obviously that's huge. Lawn service I am very happy with too. Lawn service is prepaid for the year, and pest service they charge me when they do it. Charged twice this time. Perimeter they only do like 4 times per year. 

Today,  I have to cut the grass. Always good to get that done. My backyard will only take 2 minutes due to big pool taking up the backyard. Everything is fine. I don't know what the heck I was stressing about. Maybe it was the dryer, and the oil change on top of everything else. Dryer was an easy fix. It just hit me to level the stupid thing at some point. It should have occured to me to do it when I saw it happening,  beginning about 15 years ago.   ;)

I feel pretty good today. Sometimes on Friday I am tired from the week, but not today. 

I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.         :)

Thursday, May 6, 2021

The Day Got Me.

I took my dad for his first shot,  and afterwards stopped so he could get some groceries. I didn't get home til like 4:30, which pretty much screwed up the rest of my night. Not to mention I was so tired. I slept for over 8 hours so I was tired. 

Not much besides that. Shitty errands do fuck up your day. Today is a rain day, so I doubt I get anything done outside. We will see if it clears up later. 

Everything will clear up in a bit. I just feel a bit overwhelmed. So much to do. 

Having kids must be a never ending cycle of errands. I don't even know what kind of trouble kids get into. My life is busy enough. 

Life goes on though. Today is another day. I don't really have all that much to worry about. Financially I am fine, both of us have good jobs. We are saving money,  and spending money. Looking at the big picture takes a bit of the overwhelmed feeling away. 

I just have a lot to do is all. Usually a pretty good problem for me to have. My life is best when it is busy. 

I spose. I have to make my salads again.  

Laterzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.     :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.        :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Seems Like A Little.

Two really small things in the grand scheme of things,  but they needed to be done. First I ran the vacuum in the pool. First time,  not sure really how to do it,  with the help of a YouTube video I did it. I didn't get everything,  cuz there was a lot of stuff I think my vacuum head clogged. I got a ton though. I'll do it again today,  run the chemicals,  and put the cover on. We should be good to go. 

Also I got my dad signed up for his first covid shot. First one today,  2nd one June 2. I would have done it through the county,  but it wasn't as easy as when I did it. They changed the website,  and I couldn't figure it out. I did it through Walgreens. I know,  I work full time how come the guy who has all the time in the world can't do it for himself?  Only answer I got is-- old people >:-/

2 little things got done, but I wasn't 100% how to go about either as the day started. I took the dogs too. The highlight of their day. 

I still don't feel relaxed though with all the things I got going on. Lisa was under the weather,  so she's been worthless too for a few days. 

I'll be busy through the weekend. Probably for a bit next week too. The time will fly,  and then Memorial Day will be here. My guess is it will be a busy Summer. I decided to take most of my $2700 bill out of Discover savings.  Under $11,000 brought me $3.45 in interest. My other savings account give you nothing. I decided to be a bit cash heavy in my other accounts for the summer. I'll still need to pay property taxes in August, and who doesn't like the sound of cash heavy for the Summer?  

Cash heavy is really cash heavy,  cuz I was going to pay ~$1000 from petty cash. I won't touch the discover account for a while,  and I put money into it every week anyway. It'll grow again. 

Besides that not much. I gotta take my dad for his shot today,  and clean the pool again. The little shitty errands take time away from other stuff. Like I said though. Just plug along.  

Laterzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.          :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

This Week Will Be Nuts.

Yesterday I was busy as expected. Over 30,000, and close to 14 miles. I don't think any day will slow down more. We got the cover for our pool, a tutorial on how to run the pump,  vacuum, chemicals and stuff. Also a few electrical supplies for connecting.  There is a lot of stuff to having a pool. I am sure its easy as time goes on, but it is more complicated then I thought.  

I had to do dishes, take the dogs etc...  I ate dinner went downstairs to watch a show for a bit/sleep.  Got our installation bill for a cool $2700. Then all that is over. In the end the city wasn't real helpful, neither was the owner of the installation company. He never returned texts or anything. In the end he did probably around a half hour of actual work. The crew who did the actual work was good. 

Anyway. Not much going on besides that. Just busy I guess. Unexpected busy. The pool is going to be work,  work will be work,  and yard work will be work. I felt pretty good about yesterday. Got a little of the craziness under control. This morning everything still seems crazy, but as I mark off the days of the week I think everything will look a bit better. Like maybe a plan will take shape of how to get everything done.  

I think my lifestyle gives me stamina. Maybe I've been doing more and more year after year, and my body is acclimating to go go go. I am pretty much go go go with work,  and then you add shit on top of that is nuts. 

I look at the start of the day though,  and today seems exciting. I'll go go, and have to catch a 2nd wind after work, cuz I got a lot of shit to do after. 

I spose. I didn't make my salads yesterday so that's annoying.  

Laterzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.    :)))

MWAH.          :)

Monday, May 3, 2021

I Think This Week Will Be A Challenge.

Between work,  and stuff at home I think this week will be challenging.  Our pool is all together. We need to fill it the rest of the way, and start the filter. I cut down some branches yesterday. So no more stuff falls into our pool. Helicopter season is nearing. Tree helicopter season. We are going to get a cover for the pool too today.  

Work will be pretty busy this week cuz of tulip time,  and Cinco de Mayo. The traffic downtown is ridiculous. I had to turn around and go another route home from work yesterday. It was 80⁰ yesterday, and that ends. Temps will be more seasonable the rest of the week. 

I have pool stuff,  landscaping, rebuild one of our gates we took down so the excavator had access to our back yard. I still have to take the dogs and workout too.  Sunday I typically stay around 20,000 steps,  mostly just from work. Typically I don't do anything after.  Yesterday I fucked with branches, and skimmed tree droppings out of the pool, so some extra steps. 

I have to build the two pool ladders too. It shouldn't be hard, but just extra stuff. It doesn't take much does it?  One day you feel like you see the light at the end of the tunnel,  and then one day later the light disappears.  

I think today will be just go go go, eventually I'll eat dinner and crash. I did start and finish a book yesterday. It was okay. First in a series. I'm not going to continue the series however. I'd rather continue with that Canadian writer. It was just an audible daily deal. $2.95. I sometimes check them out. I have two more of those to go through. I didn't watch any TV yesterday. Dinner,  and bed for me. To relax I sat outside for a bit listening to the Sox,  then I came inside to where I am now,  and sat and chilled. My big breezeway chair. A big round one. Hope,  and lay comfortably in it. I am comfortable in my own head. It isn't boring for me either. Actually yesterday turning on the TV sounded boring.  

Anyway, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.         :)

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Now That's A Day Off.

I got most of my regular stuff done yesterday, plus a lot of the mulch. I think the 2 yards will do almost all of the front. Maybe the whole front. 2 more yards will do most if not all of the back. The pool is ready for the guy to attach the filter. What is it May 2?  Memorial day is still a bit away. The biggest thing this year was that stupid pool, so that's a weight off my chest. 

Tulip time is going on now,  and there were a ton of people around. Maybe the pandemic brought a little more excitement to an otherwise pretty stupid festival. People may be itching to get out. Not me.  :)

The Sox were televised yesterday too, so I was able to watch the game. They are a pretty good team.  They should score runs,  but they are so deep at pitching. They have a handful or two of guys coming out and throwing 98 MPH.  Starters are pretty nasty too. Its early you never know. Lance Lynn was a great pickup. I do like this team. 

The rest of the Chicago teams suck. There is positive vibes about the Bears draft for once. I don't know enough about football to know if it is warranted. Justin Fields definitely looks the part. I know his career was ridiculously good outside one game I saw. I'd have to compare college numbers,  but Russell Wilson comes to mind as a comp for him. 

Being that good at Wisconsin is not the same as being that good at Ohio State. Wisconsin is a great program,  but Ohio State obviously is a better school for recruiting. Both teams had great running attacks.  I still feel good about that comparison though.  

Besides that not much. Today should be a good day. Work,  book, eat. I've been watching modern family on peacock TV. I haven't had HBO max on in forever. Typically I only watch TV one hour per day if that.  I relax with the TV off more than anything.  I like sitting outside listening to music.  

This year starts out pretty good I'd say.  Exciting for sure. 

I spose.  

Laterzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.        :)

Saturday, May 1, 2021

My Weight Is Magical.

Over the last few years my weight does not really fluctuate much. A couple times I almost got to 169 pounds, and for a short while at the beginning of the pandemic I was around 162 pounds. Before that and ever since it is somewhere between 164-167. Crazy about no fluctuation right?  Currently I am 165.1 pounds. I've only been weighing myself once per week for a few years, before that I'd only get weighed at the doctor's office. I used to never go there either.   :)

I start today with 70 miles out of my goal of 72 for the week, so I'll pass that easily. We picked up two yards of mulch yesterday too, so I have plenty to do. We have a 2-door F-150, so that's why we decided to dump two yards into it. Lisa checked hauling and towing for some reason and our F-150 is a monster, so we decided to put it to work. That's pretty handy.  Last year we took 1 yard trips.  

The pool guy has us filling the pool with a hose.  :)  that's gonna take a few days. He said he was having trouble getting water or something.  Tried to get in touch with the city, but not Holland BPW, which is where water comes from. Water from hydrant to hose would have gone quicker.  It is maybe 1/3 full right now.  We shut it off for the night. We are supposed to only fill it like 3/5 full then they finish the lining, and start the filter.  We will be up and running early next week.  

It is supposed to warm up today,  so mulching will be fun. The yard looks so good after.  Early Spring sure is a pretty exciting time huh?  Everybody is busy busy busy. 

That girl I had a crush on for a few days, remember her?  They had that weird addition put on. Anyway they just had like 6 or 8 full size pine trees put in the ground. You need a special trailer to haul those, and special equipment to dig the hole,  and dump the tree in the spot. Pine trees of all things.  The worst of all trees.  They obviously have money they hate having. Probably wake up every day screaming.  "Dammit, look how much money we still have."  We have to find something else stupid to spend it on.  

Spending the absolute full possible price for pine trees of all things seems stupid.  Whatever, to each their own. If I ever see her again, and she gives me that smile,  I'll fall in love all over again.     :)

Anyhoo,  not much besides that. I have an excitingly busy day today.  Should be fun.  

Laterzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.         :)