Sunday, February 28, 2021

Just Your Typical Saturday.

I slept great Friday night, not so much last night. I made a dinner for our anniversary. Lisa forgot about it of course. Lisa was sleeping when dinner was done. I ate a salad,  so I didn't even eat it. I wasn't hungry. Lisa ate when she got up. I know people always make it to be an important day,  but that's not us I guess. 

I worked out yesterday instead of Friday. Holy cow I felt strong. I got my 3rd run in for the week. No knee issues. I ordered a new pair of running shoes too. 

I am on my last day of the fitbit challenge. Be active (heart rate elevated) for 150 zone minutes for the week. I currently am at 547 zone minutes.  I didn't do anything special. Just a normal week. Actually only 70 miles out of my 72 goal miles. So a light week. 

I did get most of my Saturday stuff done. I have one batch  in the dryer I didn't fold. Besides that everything is done. I could have done more if there was outside work to do. I watched college basketball some. 

Once again I am glad I am working today. Not much to do for a 2nd day off. Might as well get my 20,000 steps,  make money,  and listen to a book. Yesterday I was going to listen to a Howard Stern interview of Drew Barrymore. Turns out I don't like her talking voice. I don't dislike her,  but her talking voice is annoying. 

Yeah, that's about it. 

I spose.    

Laterzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.      :)

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Another Tired Friday Night

I was tired again on a Friday night. I kinda wondered how I even used to whoop it up on a Friday night. It is more desire than ability.  I probably in the past wanted to do something on a Friday night. I guess that is called growing up. I actually have shit I have to do on Saturdays. 

Kinda interesting how the older you compares to the younger you. Maybe not really that interesting. I don't really see how the younger version of me wanted to ever whoop it up. Last Friday I was invited to a happy hour. I was too tired. 

People must have a need to be social,  and I guess I dont. Not sure where that goes. I have a feeling it is unique to me. People older than me still do sociable things. 

Think to just this blog. How I bulldozed my way into people's blogs long ago. I liked reading those things for whatever reason. 10 years later I wonder what that was about. 

I am not really sociable outside of work.  You know what?  I am not lonely or sad either. I am happy and content with my routine. 

My days are pretty full. I don't really have an opportunity to really add stuff you know?  Summer is coming, am I really going to have time to add hobbies?  

Maybe that is the most shocking piece. How do people find time in their lives to add a ton of shit. More like at what expense?  My days are full. I am happy and content with them. It is a pretty healthy lifestyle. My weight just hovers around 167. 166.8 today. My BMI,  and fat percentage just hover ever so slightly over the recommended range.    :)  ~21%, and 26 for BMI.  

I think if I lost 10 pounds though I'd be too skinny. We will see what happens this summer I guess. Its still technically February. Still the slow season.  

I spose.   

Laterzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.         :)

Friday, February 26, 2021

Everything Is Melting So Fast

We just jumped from everyday being 10⁰ to over 40⁰.  3' of snow is melting pretty quickly. I was able to bike yesterday cuz the sidewalks were clear,  and dry already. In the South where they rarely get snow they have no equipment for removal. Where I live sidewalks,  and streets get plowed. I don't remember there being such a drastic change. Doesn't mean there wasn't,  I just don't remember.  

I did get a little run in too yesterday, and that was pretty great.  I got a start on my day off stuff,  and made tacos for dinner. A pretty normal day I guess. 

Not much besides that. Today should be pretty normal. In good news I actually remember tomorrow is my anniversary.  Let's hope I remember tomorrow.  Pretty sure it is 22 years for those into counting stats. We are 54, and 51. Pretty settled into our life. The days are pretty easy. Personally I have a routine I like. My life is pretty easy. 

Anyway,  not that it is anything important. What else?  I see congress will be bickering about the stimulus. Fine by me,  cuz no one really knows what will happen. Its a lot of money,  and we all are in for about $60,000 or something per person  per debt. 

I'll leave it for them go bicker. We are at that pay bracket though where we would each get $1400. I am not against that. I have a CD maturing in less than 30 days. I have the rest of the pool, and IRA to pay for. I'll still probably need some of my CD regardless,  so I'll probably transfer it to savings. I locked in at a pretty good rate. 2.3%  now we aren't able to get that anywhere. 

Thats about it. I have no idea what decisions mean for future outcomes. Personally I find it best to live within one's means,  but governments don't necessarily have to. 

Today I will work,  then eat, and then sleep. I'll get my workout in too. 

Another day. 

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.         :)

Thursday, February 25, 2021

The End Of The Week Is Upon Us.

The end of the week is upon us. I got my 2nd workout of the week in yesterday. I have to work today,  and I am in no hurry to get home. I still always have a lot of free time. 

We all want to  have fun, and be entertained.  I look forward to today. I like working,  and having a meal at the end of the day. My life is set up in a way I like I guess. 

I am healthy,  and my lifestyle is pretty healthy. I eat pretty healthy. More so now than in the past. I eat a huge salad almost every day, and I eat a good amount of fruit too. I am active. 

My fitbit gave me a challenge to be active for 150 minutes this week. After day 3 I was 239 minutes active to my goal of 150. Just living I am active. That is such a luxury. 

I guess what I am saying is life is a struggle for some probably,  and it isn't for me. That's what we want out of life. Early 90s I'd want to be something. Make a name for myself. Turns out I didn't do any of that. I just wanted my life to feel easy I  guess. Also not to be burdened with a ton of (have to) you know?  I don't have a lot of responsibilities. Outside of work not much is expected of me. I can do my own thing,  which isn't anything glamorous. I take the dogs cuz its good for them,  and good for me. As the weather warms I will have more yard work. Then dinner. 

At 54 I am excited about most days, even though my life lacks excitement looking from the outside. Internally I am fine with stuff. 

I don't know. Hard to explain I guess. 

I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeee.         :)))

MWAH.         :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Just Imagine.

So we have been below freezing for like a month,  with snow several days on top of the cold. Yesterday it was sunny,  and probably 45⁰ or so. That seems like 80⁰ really. I don't know if that accounted for my energy or what. I felt great all day. I took the dogs for a run. That was sloppy as you can imagine. I also did the dishes,  cuz it was one of those things where 90% of them were dirty. I made my lunch for today too. Lisa went out with friends so I made salmon for dinner. 

I haven't been keeping track of my blood pressure,  so I checked it. 126/76, so that's fine. I felt really great all day. Maybe cuz it was 45⁰ and sunny. It was a good day to be alive that's for sure. Today should be good too. 

Besides that not much. Today is a workout day, and I am excited. A lot has to do with yesterday.  Me feeling so good a day after my last workout.  Also I want to workout M-W-F. 

Whatever, life moves forward. I have a routine. It suits me fine. I could really do this forever.  I am not bored,  and I like it. Also I have plenty of free time. I can literally do anything after work. Of course sunny 45⁰, and that extra manic feeling that gives you. You can never really appreciate what a sunny day can do, until it is taken away for a period of time. That's why Spring is so great. Towards the end of Summer you couldn't care less about a sunny day. 

The change of seasons gives you a renewed look on life. I tell you it is the best way to live. Yesterday doesn't happen without it. 

I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.          :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Monday Monday

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I got a book from the library. What I really wanted was the best fiction book no one ever heard of. I found a book from an author. Don't remember her name. I took a chance. Turns out Lisa has read all of this author's books. 

I like reading all writers, but sometimes it is interesting to see how a woman thinks. I finished "Little Fires Everywhere"  Really good characters. I recommend it. They made a miniseries of it on Hulu,  I bet it is good. I don't have Hulu. 

I didn't take the dogs yesterday. It was gray, wet, and windy. I wasn't feeling it. I wasn't feeling my workout either,  but I got it in. When I toss in bed,  and I feel my stomach being strong,  I am glad I workout. It is pretty important at 54. 

All week the snow will be melting. Maybe Spring is on its way. I really have no big plans this year. More of the same as last year I guess. I think I stopped taking Hope early morning after covid hit. This time last year I was still waking up early. Not for long though. I hate to say it,  but we are better off now than we were last year. Not cuz of covid,  but cuz we got so much done last year. A big dumpster to get rid of shit,  and we even went to the dump twice. New fence up,  old one removed. We even parked our car in the garage all winter. I work out at home. We all wear masks so no one even got a cold this year to my recollection. 

This Spring should be pretty low key. Meaning I won't have a lot to do.  I have nothing in my mind for epic plans either. Not gonna be doing the next great thing. Just more of the same I guess. I think me taking Hope,  and Roman after work is better. I get more sleep,  and it fills my day better. 

My life is going pretty good I guess. I like it. Turns out when we go about making our life's plan, we have no idea what the heck we want. The World has a lot of bells and whistles,  so we think of things we think we want, but we run blind. 

I see pretty good now. Much better than the early 90s when my life was before me. Glad I was able to make that turn. 

I spose.   

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.         :)

Monday, February 22, 2021

The Big Thaw.

We will be thawing out for a couple days. It is already 36⁰  That is fine with me. It has been below freezing for like a month, and it snowed many of those days too. 

Today is the start of a new week. I don't think it will be too crazy. I think I will go to the library after work. I started listening to "Little Fires Everywhere" yesterday. It is pretty good. I can get sucked into a good book. Also I expanded what I listen too. I do audible,  but I get a ton free from my library. I started checking out what's available,  and popular. I've done a lot of murder mysteries, suspense,  and a lot of series. 

I've gone through a ton of books the last few years, and I rarely buy any. It isn't like I really have a ton of time to read for stretches of several hours, so I am glad I do listen to books. You can do several things at once that way. 

This week will be more work, eat, and sleep. Today will be busy. Dogs,  workout, and dinner. Kinda excited to see what book I'll pick up at the library. Today should be okay. Life is much better if you aren't dealing with a day off.  On my days off I feel I should do more,  and also I run out of things.  I am much happier being busy. 

Can you imagine a person who doesn't like working?  That's a lot of time being miserable,  or a person who doesn't work, that's a lot of time to fill. 

I am just glad to be me. My internals are pretty good. The internals are what we all want to be good. Good internals = an easier life. 

I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.       :)

Sunday, February 21, 2021

You Gotta Wonder

Here I am sitting before work contemplating what I would do with a day off. I don't know. I don't have a lot of productive things to do for 2 days in a row. I wonder what other people do. I listened to 3 Howard Stern interviews yesterday. Matthew McConaughey,  Lance Armstrong,  and Katy Perry. Those interviews are very interesting,  and entertaining. I am glad I listened to the Lance one. I didn't seek it out it just jumped to it.  It was from like 2017. 

I was a Lance guy. I wore the yellow bracelet,  I bought shirts. I rode my bike etc...   I read books on bike racing, I watched the TDF every year. He said the right  things. Doping is one thing. I'll leave that alone. It was how he treated those who accused him. I was a Lance guy. He gets tested so when he butchers an accuser I'm fine with it. When it comes out he cheated,  and he butchered truth tellers that's a different thing. 

I feel he is absolutely horrified by those actions. I would be too. Remorseful too. I'm glad I listened to it like I said. Its good to forgive. I can go on not disliking him from now on. Still I am no longer a Lance guy. I don't wear yellow livestrong shirts or bracelets. 

Anyway that was my day off. I took my dad shopping, and made Chinese for dinner. I went to bed early, and yadda yadda. I don't know what I'd do with today off. 

One thing I've learned is a lot of famous people go into therapy. Probably trying to figure out why they aren't content I guess. Katy Perry suffered a bout of Depression. Hard to get out of bed Depression. 

I imagine it might be good for people. I've gone through my life. I've been through my childhood etc...  I have no more baggage,  cuz I dealt with all that shit.  Its kinda a necessary avenue in life. I guess people still carry their BS. Howard Stern, and Katy Perry can tell you money and fame do not lead to a contented life. They still have to deal with the darkness inside. The shit that leaves us wanting more from life. 

Keeping shit buried inside kinda fucks you up. It will find a way out somehow. In what form who knows. 

I've gone through my BS,  so my life is pointless in that regard. Nothing in my past is important any longer. It doesn't make me. Who I am is entirely not because of what happened to me as a kid. Irrelevant. What makes me is many things. The path that led me overcoming twice. The third time I become what this whole journey was about in the first place. I am just no longer in a hurry. Security is what I wanted most,  and I have it. Security, and a content heart. Money doesn't buy those things. 

I spose. 

Laterzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeee.         :)))

MWAH.          :)

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Weird Night Sleep.

I only slept til like 2:00 AM for some reason. Yesterday was kinda weird anyway. I felt great all day. I left work,  and met the electrician. He only took like a half hour. Like I figured an easy job for him. Afterwards I was beat. Tired for some reason. I didn't even take the dogs. I didn't cook anything either. I just had Lisa pick something up. 

It is my day off. I don't really have a ton to do. Just my usual. I have to take the dogs, and workout too. Do something for dinner too. 

There isn't a lot on my mind. I see the house passed a big stimulus bill. What do I think of it?  Not really sure. I have no idea what something like that means on a macro level. $15 minimum wage?  Not sure of that either. 

I lived my grown up life at a good time. We got into our house under $100,000. One of the few houses on the market at that price. We've stayed here since too, so my property taxes are still only ~$2000. 

I have lived cheaply I guess all my life. I don't know the current predicament of people now. Renting is more than a mortgage. My house currently would sell over $200,000. We've made improvements,  but the market is high too. What is the mortgage payment on a $200,000 house?  More than I'd want to pay I am sure. 

People have to live, and living is expensive. I want small businesses to thrive also. If people had more expendable income that helps businesses. Somehow executives never figured that out. Labor expense was a necessary evil as far as people thought since capitalism has been around. When really I guess corporate greed was really the unnecessary evil. 

It is that chasing after wind thing that money is huh?  Once you got money on your mind, you can never have enough. 

I know. I get it. I have enough money really,  and it isn't enough. You always want the amount to be higher I guess. If I had a million dollars that would be too much. I couldn't spend it. Some people make over a million each year. 

Anyway, I am getting off track. I guess since I am writing I think $15 might be an okay thing. Albeit a scary thing too, just risk in anything is scary. You throw a bill down for $1.9 Trillion I mean geez that's scary right?  

Eventually a normalcy would have to come around. You know the government inflows become more than outflows. When you throw $1.9 Trillion down that's the eventual goal. 

Regardless,  I guess I became an adult at a good time. Also I turned 50 at a good time too. I am a cheap liver of life. 50 year olds don't do the same things our younger selves do. 40 is for the bucket list people. 50 is just easy really. 

Anyway, I spose. I am pretty lucky to have such an easy life.  

Laterzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.            :)

Byeeee.       :)))

MWAH.        :)

Friday, February 19, 2021

The End Of Another Week.

Yesterday it was around 4:45, and I could finally kick back, and relax. Not too much though cuz of dinner. I just had a empty stuff out of the freezer dinner. Breaded fish stick sandwiches with a veggie. Good enough. 

Yesterday was busy. I did get my workout in. 2 in for the week, and Saturday my day off left. I am giad I work out, not necessarily all that excited to do it. It makes me feel stronger. 

I will easily pass 72 miles this week. The week actually has gone pretty good considering. I ran my robot twice yesterday. This newer model is much better. It doesn't use a lot of battery. I have an electrician coming today to put in a light fixture. A pretty simple job for this person, and not so for me. We have two pendant lights in the ceiling,  and she has a new wall fixture with just one connection. She got the fixture cheap from work, and I'd rather pay the electrician. 

That's about it for me. Another day done, and another day about to start. As we approach March we are sitting pretty good. We got a lot accomplished last year. I'll have to do a garden,  and water the grass this year, but that's about it. New fence is finished. We have 2 gates now,  which is pretty sweet. The pool will be put in at some point. 

I feel pretty good about this year. I can't say it will be anything terribly exciting. Yesterday was a fine day for me. Nothing exciting about it, but I like the way the day filled up. I like the way I just crashed after eating 3 popsicles. 

I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.     :)))

MWAH.       :)

Thursday, February 18, 2021

That's A Wrap On Another Day.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I had another good night sleep. Yesterday was pretty typical. Work, took the dogs,  did dinner, and slept. Today will be more of the same except I have to work out too.  I like it when life is predictable I guess. 

I figure in life fighting boredom is probably a thing, and I don't get bored with my routine. One of the best things about my age is I don't have any bucket list items. I don't feel the need to impress people. I don't feel the need to be super human. 

I am a jack of no trades and master of none either. I am not a superior intellect. I have no great skills, yet I continue to work, eat, and sleep. 

I remember when I finished college, and I was all alone in the World, I did think what great things can I do with this life?  I fancied myself someone with plenty of potential. Turns out there are no great things to accomplish. I've seen the young turn old. The faces change. None to my knowledge have done any great things. 

Marriage, kids, houses, jobs of some sort. We climb into debt dreaming of the day we climb back out. I got a little inheritance (big for me) climbed out of my little debt I had. Mortgage, and owed like $2000 on a car or something. The payment was $100/month. We upgraded our cars,  and house. Debt free is nice, I can't say it changed our life much though. We took two trips we may not have. They were enough for me to remember traveling ain't really my thing. My normal life is a vacation.  

I don't know, I feel there may be a tendency to complicate life trying to do all the things. At 50+, I am happy to do none of the things. I simplified,  I didn't complicate. Being a jack of no trades, I do just fine.    :)

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.      :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

I Had To Go Back To 60,000 Steps

Yesterday I approached 30,000 steps, and 13 miles. Nothing crazy. There was a dog walk, some shoveling. Some bending,  picking up a random 50 lb. Bag of something here and there. By the end of the day I was beat. I worked out, did dishes,  and cooked dinner too. 30,000 is not anywhere near 60,000. 12.92 miies isn't anywhere near 25+  

I will concede I have to bend a lot,  kneel,  lift shit. I am not just straight out walking, but still. 30,000- 60,000, and 13- 25 + is quite a difference. I don't think I could do it day after day. 

Luckily I am at an  age, where I don't feel the need to do superhuman stuff. Also I don't have a form of psychosis which speaks to me to up my steps to 60,000 each day. I do marvel at that guy though.  60,000 steps every day is an achievement. For one day let alone every day. Ridiculous. 

Yesterday was busy for me. I already told you I was tired at the end of the day. I made catfish for dinner, cuz I like it, and Lisa went out with work friends. She doesn't like it for some reason. 

We probably got around 4-5" of snow yesterday, but my driveway is clear. Not many houses in town can say that. Also I roof raked, and things are melting. The sun came out yesterday, and things started melting. I doubt it reached 20⁰, but the sun was still melting stuff. There is some scientific explanation as to why the sun melts stuff when the temp is below freezing, but I am not sure why that is. I am glad it does though. Today,  I am going to take the truck through the car wash. Probably pick up a rotisserie chicken for dinner, walk the dogs, and that is it. A simple day. 

Yesterday's 30,000 steps has me realizing this summer will be pretty busy. I called up my financial guy,  and I am starting to put money in again every week into my taxable account. My IRA I will lump sum in late March. I feel good about that. Lisa puts 10% of every check into her 401K. My second job I do too, plus the company matches a percentage. Assuming good health we will live well in our later years. I will work in some capacity always. I would have to. I have a solid 15 years to do what I do now. Live simply, work,  and stash money away. All things being equal. 

If I slow down at some point I will still do something for 4-5 hours-5 days/week. I am sure I will still want a routine. Luckily for me, I have no desire to travel. That's an expense I really don't have to worry about. It doesn't mean I won't,  but it isn't a priority by any means.  

Anyways,  I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.       :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

The Weather Makes The News

Not really for me. We got some more snow. We get snow almost every day it seems, but we aren't getting a ton. At least so far. We will start thawing though next week. I don't think on any day we had a ton of snow,  but we have over 2' accumulated sitting in our yards. It will be heavy on flat roofs eventually. The roof icicles around town are getting crazy. Personally I use a roof rake after every snow. 

Yesterday we got our new roomba. We also bought another vacuum, cuz our other one took a shit. I did the extended warranty. I have like $1000 worth of vacuums now for $400 out of pocket. Our floors will be clean. Theoretically anyway.     ;)

Today is fat Tuesday. I'll eat a paczkis or two. I do this time of year anyway. I love a jelly filled donut. Work will be busy this week. No way around it. Down 2 people will do that. 

One person remaining does about 4 hours of work in an 8 hour shift, and he doesn't get faster if we are down people. So not much help there. The restaurant on the North side opens up tomorrow too after the floor remodel. Restaurant has been closed since around Thanksgiving. Before Thanksgiving. Then it will be March,  and then Summer. 

Life moves on. There is nothing really major going on with me. Another day in the life. Nothing too exciting either. Work, eat, sleep. That is fine with me. That is what life comes down to. 

The good life is when your heart is content. When you are not looking over your shoulder to see if anyone's life is better. It isn't. We all have to fill the hours of the day. Not everything makes us feel good. You can't watch TV all day, and feel recharged. For me staying busy, and being tired at the end is the best way to live. 

Anyway,  as always I got nothing.  

Laterzzzzzzz.    :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.       :)

Monday, February 15, 2021

A Day Off Yesterday Would Have Been Horrible.

I can't imagine what I would have done yesterday with a day off. It was cold snowy,  and gray. Instead I got 8 hours of work in. It is February. We haven't approached 30⁰ in weeks, this is the only really bad month in Michigan. Outside of this month there is change, and typically it is pretty nice. I get sick of the same weather all the time. I like the warm up after the cold,  and the cool down after the warm. I am sick of Summer by the end, and sick of winter at the end. 

We do have a couple more cold days, and then we will start to thaw out a bit. I don't know if this winter will increase the water levels of Lake Michigan or not. Beaches have been eroding on the coast. It probably still depends on Spring rains. 

Today is a start of a new week. Fat Tuesday is tomorrow,  and March starts to get closer. Still I have no big plans this year. The days will get busy. All of a sudden outdoor work will pop up more. Meals start to change. Winter is good for eating. Summer not so much. I don't get excited for burgers, brats, or steaks on the grill. I do like fish. Maybe I should just eat more of that. If Lisa goes out, I usually make salmon, but typically that is it. 

I don't know. Nothing major going on with me at all. I did see another 30 day challenge. 200 pushups a day for 30 days. That would be fine if I remembered to stop and do 10, 15, or 20 at various times throughout the day. 6:00 PM with 200 to go would suck. I was thinking no way when I first saw that,  but now I wonder. Something to think about I guess.  

Really just thinking out loud I guess.  

Laterzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.         :)

Sunday, February 14, 2021

A Busy Day Off As Expected.

I am glad I started my day off right away yesterday. The day ended up being full. I did get my full workout in as expected. I wish I liked doing it more. I am never really excited to workout. I never did get my new roomba. I'll get it Monday. 

I made my banana bread. It came out fine. I had old bananas that needed to be used. What better than banana bread?  Normally it wouldn't be a priority to me. I did gain a half pound last week. 

So yeah that was the day. I made dinner, watched some TV,  and went to bed. My sleep number was good, so that's good. The temps are going to break later in the week. Getting close to 30s. March is approaching too, so you never know. Could be it breaks for good. 

No clue really what to predict for the year. I think I am just going to stay busy. Nothing pressing on my mind of things I need to accomplish. Today will be a day of work. Typically I don't take the dogs on Sunday, and I don't cook dinner. Probably won't be enough snow to run the snowblower. Not sure what I will do after work. Sunday is a weird day. Monday everything is back to normal. We are down 2 guys this week,  so it will be a challenge. 

I guess I got nothing. Just this simple little life.  

Laterzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.          :)

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Finished The Week Off.

Yesterday was full for sure. We worked an hour late. I had to take my dad to a doctor's appointment. I took the dogs. Saw some dude walking his dog. His dog is just as mean as Hope, so I went a different way. I must have gone long, cuz I didn't get home til 5:15. I did a double look, I thought it was 4:00. 

In a good surprise my snowblower is done, and he delivered it to my house. Starts, and runs like brand new.  That is a super good feeling. Not sure if we will get enough snow to use it today. Kinda hope we do. I'm gonna bring my stuff to him in March. Tiller, snowblower,  and weed whacker. 

I made homemade pizza last night. I use the dough we make at the bakery. Its really good. I made a deep dish loaded with everything. Lisa makes a thin pesto pizza. I had sausage, pepperoni,  onions,  green peppers,  and mushrooms. Like I said loaded. 

We got in a fight. She told me Kevin was complaining about my dad again. I lost it. My dad is a pain to live with, but Kevin is an asshole. He tells shit about himself putting him in a good light, but I've seen his first response in any social gathering is he is an asshole. Picture obese 40 something who smokes a ton of dope,  and plays video games every waking hour he isn't forced with gun against his head to have to go to work. At work he has to deal with the public. More stories about the evil John Q. Public, when really I bet 95% of the cases are him being an asshoie as his first response,  cuz he has to work. I'm just tired of that fat fucker to be honest. He never cut the grass in his life. He never shoveled or used the snowblower. He doesn't do dishes or any chores. A real lazy piece of shit. He drinks like 3-2 liters of pop each day,  and never ate a piece of fruit or a veggie in his life. 

No one else is making his life bad. He did it himself.  Fuck him. He's nothing to me.  

There got that off my chest. Yesterday was going good too, until the last Kevin story,  so I went to bed. Fat and lazy people who try to elevate their worth with words instead of action i have no use for. 

Anyway, today I have a busy day. I have to go shopping,  pick up my roomba,  do dishes, workout,  make banana bread, make dinner,  maybe do a load of laundry. The day will fill up pretty quick. I have to take the dogs too. 

It should be okay. No time to sit and watch a movie or something before I start my day. 

I guess I better get going.  

Laterzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.            :)

Friday, February 12, 2021

This Is Turning Into A Good Week.

Since I had time off my workouts got jacked up. I didn't do more with the extra time,  but less. I have no idea why that happens. Probably only to me. My routine is probably the best thing about me. Take it away, and I am a pile of shit. I guess until I create a new one. 

My workout yesterday was hard. I did my full sets of pushups,  but did only 3 sets of my other stuff. I decreased the reps a bit too,  cuz my muscles were getting that rubbery feeling of being taxed. Luckily I've been there before,  so I know by Saturday muscle memory will kick in,  and I can do my full workout again. It doesn't take long does it?  That is surprising. Before my time off I was increasing reps.   :)  you can never really quit working out. 

The last two nights I slept really good. Out until the alarm. When I  was off my sleep was all jacked.  

I took my snowblower in to get serviced. He is a friend of mine the guy who does it. I brought him a couple coffee cakes. He's got kids, and who doesn't like coffee cakes fresh made from a bakery?  I bought my snowblower from him too,  instead of a big box place. Anyway he said it should be done in a couple days. He had like 10 snowblowers there being worked on. I told you those things are assholes.  Extra care really needs to be taken with those things. Lesson learned. Lawnmowers start up year after year. It must be cuz snowblowers run in the cold. 

Also I took my roomba in a bit ago. I called them to see what's up?  My app said I probably needed a new bin. I would have ordered one, but it was under warranty so. Anyway  I think they lost it. The guy said they couldn't get the part so they are giving me store credit for my original price.   I bought it when they were expensive. They've gone down in price.  Holy win win huh?  I'll get a new one, so if there are improvements it may even be better. 

All in all that's a good day. Dogs got a walk,  I was approaching 30,000 steps, and I made shepard's pie for dinner. My sleep score was 80 too.  Tomorrow I have off. My lunch is already made too. 

Another day in the life i guess. A day that ended up being pretty good I'd say. We actually got out on time too, which is really surprising,  since we are down two people.  

I spose.   

Laterzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeee.         :)))

MWAH.           :)

Thursday, February 11, 2021

The Day Definitely Filled Up.

Yesterday was busy, but I was able to keep going. Work was full, and will be for a while. I went to get new gas for the snowblower. I took Hope,  and Roman when I got home. I put a batch in the washer, and started on the snowblower. I drained the rest of the gas. Tried getting to the spark plug, but that wasn't so easy. Took off 4 screws to get to the carburetor. Looked at you tube videos. Put everything back together. That's a bit much for me. I am not a small engine mechanic by any stretch. 

We loaded the snowblower in the truck,  and I'll take it in today. Snowblowers are little assholes. Now that I've learned that I will be taking more care when putting it away for the summer. Take the gas out, and tarp it when I put it in the shed. Mine is a big one too. I thought it would be care free. It was for one year.  Lawnmowers run forever,  and snowblower are a pain in the ass. 

Besides that, I cleaned the remaining dishes,  cooked dinner, and couldn't keep my eyes open after. I slept all the way through too. The thing that surprised me yesterday was to keep going. The desire to keep going. I wanted to do more and more and more. Never did I think this can wait. It was a super productive day. Garbage went out too. 

Yesterday has not always been the normal me. That is what kinda surprised me. Who is this walking through my body?  

Besides that not much. Just a work,  eat, sleep day. I am up this morning feeling pretty good about yesterday. Confident today will be the same,  except I won't have as much to do. I do have to work out though. 

There you have it. A simple day in the life. One in which I am busy.  

Fun fun.  

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeeee.         :)))

MWAH.           :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

More Snow

So, we got more snow yesterday, which wasn't a big deal,  but I couldn't start the snowblower. Still not a big deal,  cuz I just shoveled. I did drain the gas out of the snowblower in case it was bad. Also bought carb cleaner,  and seafoam,  so I'll give it a tuneup today. If that doesn't work I'll bring it in. You tube can help me clean the carburetor. There isn't much that can really go wrong with a snowblower. My guess is I got debris in somewhere, cuz it ran rough all winter. 

My driveway is almost clear even though it snows every day,  and it rarely gets above 20⁰ anymore. The sun did come out for a bit, and melt some stuff. My roof too. Driving yesterday I see the icicles are out big time on roofs. I use a roof rake on mine to keep it under control. We insulated the heck out of the our attic, but we will still have problems. Not really sure why. There always is shit to worry about. My January gas bill was only $70 though. Not worried about that. I was pleasantly surprised. 

I went shopping yesterday, and made ribs for dinner. My lunch and salad is already made too. I did get a few things done at work too. Work will not be easy for a while. One guy isn't coming back til after next week,  and another guy had surgery on his thumb yesterday, so he will be quite a bit less than 100% for a while. We will just do what we can I guess. 

So my life is back to busy again. A lot to do today, and the hours will fly by. Back to my normal, but I am a little stressed, cuz work won't be easy for a while,  and probably the stupid snowblower I guess.  

I didn't take the dogs yesterday cuz my knee bugged me after shoveling. Just one of those weird things though,  cuz it was fine by dinner time,  and it is fine now. Go figure.  

So back at it I guess. A full day today. 

I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.        :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Back To Work.

I am going to work for a few hours today. Just to get a jump start. Days off don't really fit my schedule.  You think with a lot of time off you would do a lot of productive stuff,  but it is February,  and its been a while since we hit 20⁰.  How much can we do?  

Plus we got a guy out with a baby or soon to have baby,  and another guy is having surgery for a broken thumb. We will not exactly be at 100%.  

I need to go grocery shopping, and I think I need to go to the library. I have stuff to read, but I think I want to just check shit out. Picking out a new book is fun. 

I have dinner,  and dogs,  and working out to do today too. I think my calf is fine too, so I can run. 

Life is getting back to my normal. Too many days off leave me with a hole inside. Like something is missing. At least in February it isn't good for my outlook. There is something to sleeping when your day was busy, and you can no longer keep your eyes open. 

Labor is definitely a thing that is good for me. 

I don't really have anything to write. Not going to guarantee this thing goes on indefinitely.  Then again I don't know else I'd do. I guess if I find something else to occupy this time it would be the end of this.  

There is something to this unstructured time of jotting shit down though.  It doesn't really do anything,  but I guess I still like it. 

It might just be the few moments I am able to relax, reflect,  and ponder.  No rules,  no time limits,  no pressure.  Relax, drink coffee, and jot down some shit that pops into my mind.  

That is what it is. Freedom.  Freedom to do, freedom to be,  and freedom to think what I want.  

Maybe in the end this does nothing,  but maybe it helps me in some small way. 

Anyway, I guess it will probably go on.  Just had to think it through.   

Laterzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.        :)

Monday, February 8, 2021

It Is Snowing Again.

Sheesh. It is really cold though, so it's a light snow.   Still though. I watched the full Superbowl. It was horrible. Boring. I did get through a ton of my queen's gambit book. The show on Netflix is really good. I'm watching it for a 2nd time. What I realize in the book is chess is a lot of study. You can dig deep for years and years,  and still not make a dent. 

Couple that with a person's natural ability for recall, and its a difficult game to master. That I get my ass kicked regularly by a 1200 ranked computer player doesn't bug me so much. Also,  I am coming up with a standard plan of how I open games. I am not going to be good anytime soon, and more likely never,  but I will have fun learning. 

If this pandemic ever ends, I may even see if there is a local club,  and maybe even go to a tournament sometime.  I am not sure if there is such a thing I haven't checked, but it could be fun. 

A new week starts today. Superbowl was a waste of time. Are they always that dumb?  

One thing I learned about the queen's gambit is it is kinda a solo journey to become a great chess player. People can marvel at you, but you really aren't doing shit. We all are on a solo journey,  and we aren't doing shit.  We aren't making people's lives better no matter what we are doing. 

Look at this stupid blog. I've done it a long time,  and it does nothing. It doesn't make my life better, and it makes no one else's better either. Tom Brady won his 7th Superbowl. That makes no one else's life better. In fact typically that kind of shit gives people an overeggagerated view of oneself.  Trophies don't turn people into Saints.  As Solomon says its all vanity. 

Anyway, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.        :)

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Today Is A Work Day. yay

I am excited to be able to work today. It isn't about making money either. I'll get paid for 40 hours last week. I'd rather get paid with 40 hours of work in me. It is so much better for me.  That people may think differently than me,  I cannot even comprehend it. Yesterday I finished my book, and it didn't make me feel good. I felt lethargic. I took the dogs for a walk, and felt much better. Being outside is just more normal wherever you are. I think anyway. 

I finished listening to another book, cuz I got the queens gambit book to listen to today. Also, I started watching it again. It really is that good. 

Besides that not much. Super Bowl is tonight, and I don't have to be up early tomorrow. I'll be able to watch more than the first quarter. I think the Chiefs will win. You never know though. 

It is pretty exciting to be back to normal. Work today,  and officially back Wednesday.  On the bright side I did get the vessel sink, and vanity installed. That was definitely on my list of things I don't want to do. 3 more packages of ceiling up too. We didn't feel too amped to do that either. Our breezeway we got done last time. 

I think there will probably be more stimulus. So my pool is almost free.   :)  I'll just have to pay the installer,  and contribute to my IRA for the year. Who knows what taxes will be like. We did have taxes deducted when we got paid unemployment. I don't think it will be too different from last year.   

Anyway, today is a work day, and those are good days for me. 

Laterzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.        :)

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Time For A Quickie.

My sleep is really fucked. I don't have to do a damn thing today. I'm not even in charge of dinner. I am okay with it. For once. I have like 150 more pages of my book. Its good. Its written by Jo Nesbø. He had a book called the snowman they made into a movie. Lisa got it for me for Christmas as a maybe you'll like this book kinda thing. It is good. 

I made my dinner yesterday, and actually read a lot. Didn't sleep for shit though last night. 

I did do dishes though,  and I have absolutely nothing I need to do. I will shovel the 1/4" of snow we got since I ran the snowblower,  but that is about it. I don't recall the last time I could have a day where there really isn't anything pressing that needs to be done. Lazy day with no guilt. Also my engine isn't revved up wanting to be busy. 

I am okay with today. Tomorrow I work, the next day I gotta take my dad to the doctor. Tuesday I could be off, but I am going to see if I can work some,  cuz I will be behind if I don't. In baking you work ahead,  when you have 1-1/2 weeks off you don't so...   fat Tuesday is coming up too, and February will speed by. 

I did think this morning why I didn't just take dogs for long walks. The dude who gets 60,000 steps in a day does.  Walks a marathon basically every day while listening to books or podcasts. I have my areas I walk by. I like it, I could increase the area, and the steps too. I didn't even think of it for some reason. 

Today is different though. I don't feel I have to be busy. 

I spose 

Laterzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.      :)

Friday, February 5, 2021

The Snowblower Will Be Used Today

I don't really feel like blogging today. First time in 8 months. It ain't no thing though. It snowed last night,  so I'll be snowblowing once Lisa leaves for work. My final project has been cancelled for the time being. OSB quadrupled in price at some point. Its gotta be a supply thing,  cuz you know?  OSB. Its not gold, or gamestop stocks. I am just going to put something on the garage wall that is attached to the breezeway at some point. It is insulated,  cuz our breezeway is heated. Warmest room in the winter. 

I tweaked my right calf yesterday. One mile into my run. I tried to stretch it out. I didn't think much of it,  but it did hurt. A slight pull I guess.  Luckily I am not doing any important running, so I have no need to try to run-through it. I'll take a few days off. 

I stayed up late last night reading. I was hoping I'd sleep in later,  but that didn't really work, so I'll read more. Besides snow, and some cleaning,  I don't have much to do today. I think I am okay with that. It takes a while to ween the go go go out of my system. I am as addicted to that lifestyle as one would be addicted to opioids. Take it away,  and I feel weird. Like I should be doing more. 

I guess some people get addicted to the opposite,  and I'd rather be the latter I guess.  Its not easy to shut oneself off, but from memory its probably harder to turn oneself on. 

Besides that not much. I have another day today,  but closer to my normal. Next week I'll be back to normal. 

I think today I will make a meal,  and read. I am thinking shake~n~bake chicken with stuffing and gravy,  because how good does that sound on a cold wintry day?  Purdddy good.  

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.         :)

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Life Goes On.

We got a good amount done yesterday. If I don't do anything else on my time off, I'll be okay with it. I still have another project I may tackle. Still though, all these days off. 

My eating is all whack, and my sleep. I wake up every day at 2:00AM. Then I  just wait til I fall asleep again. This is not how I am intended to live. 

It is February though. We have a cold spell coming up, but before long it will be March, and Spring before we know it. I actually am pretty excited about this Summer. I will be busy. 

I cannot even remember this Winter really. Christmas was busy. What happened to January?  I don't even remember it. 

I guess that is the way life goes. I don't really know. I haven't been 54 before. This is my first time. 

Life seems to be okay. My life is pretty easy. Not a ton of stress. I pay ~$167/ month for my housing,  which actually is what my property taxes come out to. You cannot live for free. I don't feel the need to accumulate stuff. I don't have expensive hobbies. I don't collect cars. Basically what I collect is miles on my feet during a normal work week. That is free. Actually I get paid money to accumulate those miles. It is definitely a good thing about my life. I don't look over my shoulder,  except maybe to pity those who aren't living like me.    :)

I have no need to be remembered. I have no need to be important. Those things do not stand the test of time, so best keep those things out of my heart.   I like the miles I accumulate. It's as good a thing as any. 

I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.      :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Staying Up Late, And Sleeping Late.

Yesterday was another day off. We got a lot of stupid shit done. It wasn't a great day off, cuz there was too much running around. Not to mention me, and days off are not the best of buds to begin with. 

Me being busy and doing stuff is a way better day. Luckily I did find some projects. If it was later in the year we could do outside stuff. Mulch,  and whatnot,  but still a lot of snow on the ground. 

I have a feeling people dream of a time where they don't have to work,  and I say no thank you.  Idleness just adds misery. That isn't what you seek. Your heart always will betray you.   

Hearts are unreadable. Its why people get married only to later get divorced. What is true one day isn't true later on. Hearts are the weapon of our own demise. 

Anyway no one knows this really. I had to go in the wilderness to learn how utterly hopeless life is. Just to see how far away Sainthood is. My heart today cannot even imagine what a Saint is like. Way too far away from the likes of me. To us all actually,  but I am the one who knows it. 

I spose, I can start my day.    

Laterzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.        :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

The Worst Part Of The Week Done.

I got the most dreaded job done yesterday. A new vanity, and top. A vessel bowl too, which I've never done before. Complicated by an 18" deep vanity, and a 24" top. It all came together pretty reasonably. Everything is hooked up, except I need a part for the drain.  Water comes out of the faucet,  and everything.   I dread those projects, cuz I am the one who has to do them,  and I would never do them in the first place. 

I guess that's something about me. I have an ability to do things like that. An aptitude you can say. I get no enjoyment out of it. I don't like doing electric or plumbing. 

I did get a run in yesterday, and got my workout in. Did dishes and yadda yadda yadda. I ate way less than when I work. Normally I eat all day long. Yesterday I had breakfast,  and it was about 5:30 pm, and we decided we should order a pizza. Lunch was never in the thought process.  Only 12,000 steps instead of 25-30,000.  My run wasn't very long, but longer than usual. 

A pretty successful day yesterday was. The other projects in store are easy in comparison. I have an appointment today,  but I should be home around 10:00. 

It should be a pretty stress free day. I'll come home,  and get back to work. I'll take the dogs, and there will be a meal. I wish I could run every day, cuz I would like another run, but I'll stick with 3 per week for now. No consecutive days either. Running is better than not running. Easiest way to get your heart rate up. For me anyway. 

Anyway, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.         :)

Monday, February 1, 2021

I Am Ready For My Day Off.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me,  I am doing fine. I am ready for my day off. We got a little project we are going to work on later. I do have to run,  and workout too. I used to dread being lazy on days off, but I am not hampered by that it seems. I have no problem getting busy doing shit. 

There used to be a lazy inertia with me, but it no longer holds power over me. Just a mental ability to get work done. Where that came from I don't know. It just is a part of me now. 

Yesterday was busy. I worked 9 hours. It takes me longer to do jobs. Maybe cuz we no longer get in our usual places every week,  so there is just a ton more glass to clean up. After work,  I had to rake  the roof, and run the snowblower. I love a clear driveway, and it doesn't really take long. 

That's about it. We got pick up for dinner. I slept good. I am excited for the day off. I am going to watch a movie now. 

Yeah, that's about it. Blogging on days off is harder, cuz my routine is whack. I am this far along though, I may as well try for a full year straight. Not that it ever was a goal,  but what the heck. 

Laterzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.       :)