Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Outside Work Is Done.

I got the back yard detailed. As good as I could anyway. I'll probably run the lawnmower sometime next week to pick up stray shit, but really yard work is done for the year...outside of snow plowing,  and that isn't on the radar yet. I feel we are doing pretty good if we get little snow by Christmas. Who gives a shit about January and February. Those are Winter months. I am fine with 2 months of Winter. March doesn't count cuz its March. It is raining out now too. Raining pretty good, so it will be good to see who still has leaves in their yard. 

I am kinda already dreading tomorrow. What a horrible holiday. There is nothing to do. I don't feel  relaxed doing nothing. I feel relaxed after I spent a busy day of labor. How do people feel after a whole day of video gaming?  I know people do that. How did that become a thing?  

Lisa's brother who lives here works at a grocery store. After a 3 day break of video gaming and smoking pot he comes home complaining about people. He wants to kill them because of how stupid they are. I'm like you are obese. You eat only pizza, tacos, or chicken nuggets, you drink probably 3-2 litres of pop each day, and you live in your sister's house. You have no bills except the medical ones that get garnished out of your paycheck.  So, the people who go shopping for groceries to cook meals in their house for their family are the stupid ones. You want to kill them too,  cuz killing 100,000 each day in a video game isn't enough of a release for you. People.  How does he not know he is the stupid one? His life is not even worth living. 

You know what too?  There are CEOs of companies that make video games. They make a lot of money, and live in nice houses. What did their life's labor amount to?  

I saw that way back when. I was seeking for the honorable thing I could do with my life. I saw clearly too there was no such thing. I'm gonna die, and what could I possibly achieve?  You really want to make the World better I guess is what we want, but the World is too dirty to actually get better. 

In the end I didn't do anything. The World surely isn't better because of me. I know I labored,  but I don't know what I did. I cannot see what good came out of it you know?  I do know good was done, cuz after overcoming the 2nd time I was given the promise. "All for good"  

That is freedom at it's best. The anxiety and worry taken away. Now it is just me living the work, eat, sleep life. With a heart content with such things. That is a difference between you and I. You cannot be content as I am. That was a gift from my labor. You ain't born with that,  and you cannot create that. 

Anyway, I am sure my blog has told of these things enough. What am I at like 2400 entries?    :)    lol. 

Anyway I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.   :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeeeeee.        :)))

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

That Was A Day.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. Yesterday was definitely a full day. We worked 1-1/2 hours extra. I skipped my workout,  cuz yard work was definitely the priority. We got everything cut, and to the road by Thanksgiving. I used the leaf blower to get everything out from under flower beds, and hard to get to places in the front. Today I am going to detail the back yard. We had a 2 day window of dry 45°+ weather. These are the days to get it done. Wednesday may rain, and wintry mix by the weekend. I am pretty stoked at our fortunes this Fall. Spring cleanup is going to be minimal. 

The steps yesterday were over 32,000, and over 14 miles. I'll still have a light week, cuz of Thanksgiving off. There are going to be under 10,000 steps that day. 

Today we are going in an hour early to work,  cuz of the holiday. Bakery + Thanksgiving = you can imagine. Today will be work,  and backyard detail. I am pretty excited about getting the backyard detailed. Leaves anyway. It still will look like shit cuz the dogs trashed it, but most of our leaves fall in the back. It is fenced in, so you gotta drag a tarp to the front to get rid of them. It is the hardest part, and we will be done by Thanksgiving. Typically the worst tree doesn't lose its leaves til Christmas so we are always screwed. Not this year though. 

Yesterday was pretty nuts. I was busy all day. I had one drink, dinner, and I was ready for bed... at 6:00 PM. I find that to be ridiculous,  even for me, so Lisa watched a show while I slept during it. I was pass out tired just from the strain  of the day. I poured a 2nd drink, and that was stupid. I wasn't going to be able to keep my eyes open to take even one drink of it. I dumped it in the sink. 

I swear before it was work,  probably a run before work, come home, chill with some cocktails. I never  really wanted to waste a day. Have no fun you know?  Yesterday would have been a waste in old me eyes. It was a day of all labor. I felt fulfilled. I loved it. Who knew you know?  I am pretty excited about today too. I do have to make my cucumber sauce for gyros today before work. We are pretty addicted to them. Sam's has gyro meat you can buy. Great spices,  tastes like the hot dog place by our house. It is kinda fun making the cucumber sauce. It is so good. 

Anyways, I guess.   I got a big day planned. It should be pretty fun. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

Monday, November 25, 2019

Thanksgiving Week.

So it is Thanksgiving, which means it is basically Christmas. Christmas season anyway. It basically becomes super busy for everyone. Shopping,  and eating, working,  etc...  then it will be January, and we all hibernate and do nothing. 

I bought myself a Christmas present yesterday. I figured when it starts getting cold my bike wearing gear may not be enough. So I bought a North Face vest. That extra layer to cover my core. Other than that I should be  set. We did the leaves yesterday, and both of us were tired after. I don't know if its cuz I went shopping too or what. I never made my big salad for the week, so I'll have to make a small one before work. I didn't fold, and put laundry away either. 

Also Lisa went out to see Frozen 2 with some kids she babysits sometime, so I made the dumb mistake of going to bed at 5:00 PM. That basically meant I split my sleep. I was awake from 8:30-11:30.  :)  I thought maybe I could sneak in extra sleep. I should have known. I do feel fine though. 

Today is going to be super busy for a Monday. Work will be busy, I have to workout. We wanted to cut down some grasses, and get them to  the road, and dinner. It will be a big step day for sure. 

I did weigh myself yesterday. 167 lbs.  I think I'll weigh myself every Sunday. That way I do it. If I don't I may never weigh myself. Not a bad idea to keep track of that too. 

Not much else going on besides that. At Sam's Club I can scan the stuff I get, and pay for it without going through the line. I did that yesterday, and it was pretty nifty. I love Sam's. 

So yesterday I had a day. It wasn't my best Sunday, cuz I got tired. It was only like a 14,000 step day too. I'll be there at 10:00 AM today probably. It feels good knowing I'll have a full day. I do dread how tired I'll be at the end. It will probably be a power through kinda thing when I get home. Get out, and take care of the grasses. It is a very good year for getting our shit out to the road. Leaves fell quicker this year, and we don't have snow. 

Anyway I spose. Gotta take the monster.  

Laterzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.           :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.        :)))

Sunday, November 24, 2019

On My Tablet

Good morning.  How's it going?  Me, I am fine.  I slept over 8 hours the last two nights.  Needless to say I feel really refreshed.  I am using my tablet to do this.  We bought a cover that has a keyboard, which you kinda need if you don't want 8 million typos.   This is kinda new to me too, cuz I never use a computer, or keyboard.  It is definitely a bigger screen.  

Anyway, last week I ended up with 79 miles.  I don't know whatever happened to the 72 mile goal.  I am crushing it every week without trying.  I don't feel like I am busier, but I guess I am.  My resting heart rate is down a good 4-7 bpm.  I drank my max on Friday night.  It was kinda fun.  Then I fell asleep really early.  Drinks, plus eating = sleeping.  I walked the dogs last week instead of running, cuz my knee has been acting up.  It is just a thing I have to take care of really.  It won't hurt to walk, but getting up from bending down isn't all that fun, and steps aren't too kind.  Obviously I can still stay active.  

Not much really going on with me.  I feel good.  I am not stressed out in any way.  I have my Sunday shit to do, and I can get the leaves done again.  Lisa is going to help me this time.  It will make it quicker.  There is nothing too pressing on my mind at all.  I get an extra day off this week, which I guess is fine, but I like days on too quite a bit.  I have no idea what I'll do on Thanksgiving.  I mean we will eat obviously, but not sure what else.  Maybe I will read or something.  I can get my Sunday stuff caught up on as much as possible I guess, but that isn't much.  The kitchen will be a mess anyway, cuz of cooking.  

Yesterday was my norm.  work, movie, watch football.  I think next weeks MI/OSU game should be pretty good.  MI all of a sudden is playing pretty good football, and OSU is awesome.  I think it is a noon game, so I won't watch it.  I have work, and a movie.  I am fine just checking scores anyway.  I don't need to watch games.  The White Sox made a splash in free agency already.  Made their lineup stronger, with a high on base, good power guy.  He's also a good catcher too.  they basically have a 3 year window now I would say.  They will be good next year, but not sure if they will be playoff good.  It always comes down to getting good healthy pitching.  

I guess I don't have much to write about.  I kinda thought I would, but I guess you never really know, til you just start jotting things down.  This morning seems good.  I am in a good mood.  I feel very good on the inside.   Not really worried about anything you know?  Finances are fine.  We all would want more I guess, but really I have plenty.  My health seems very good.  The important stuff anyway, like the heart and stuff.  I am at a good weight.  I basically am at my Marathon PR weight.  168.  I checked last week.  I should probably check every week, just cuz.  I had all 3 workouts last week.  One thing I realize is my workouts are all after work.  I never really do them feeling fully charged.  I go with probably an average of 25,000 steps already in.  I am really glad I started doing that.  I feel it makes me even healthier.  A strong core = a healthier you.   

Anyway, I really got nothing today.  I'll hit publish, but I didn't write anything important.  Perhaps I never do, but this is how my morning starts.   It is just what I do.  

Laterzzzzzzzzzz        :)

xoxo          :)

xxoo              :)

Byeeeeeeeeeeee                :)))                                                   

Friday, November 22, 2019


I was just staring at the title thing,  and kept coming up with nothing. Yesterday was okay. I was busy. It was rainy, and forecast all day, so I didn't mess with the leaves. Almost thought about raking the leaves in the front, but didn't. My yard doesn't look so bad, and others are soooooo full. it makes my heart happy.  :)

I did get the dishes done, and cleaned the kitchen. It was a longer job than expected, cuz I threw out leftovers from the fridge and stuff. I started watching curb your enthusiasm. First two episodes from season 1. I took my blood pressure when I got home. 125/70. 

I did have a couple drinks last night. I drank them slowly, and my heart rate did not stay elevated during sleep. My sleep number has been high all week, cuz my heart rate hasn't been elevated. It never says my sleep number is really high, cuz it always assumes you need 8 hours of sleep. Pretty happy with how the week has been going in that regard. 

That was pretty much it. Work, eat, sleep with some shit thrown in. I may drive today,  as the wind seems to be howling. I rode my bike all week long anyways. My mileage may be close to my norm lately. Almost assuredly going to pass 72 miles at the least. I like keeping track of this stuff. Its good to know my cholesterol is low, my blood pressure is good, and I am healthy. 

I made a minor change to my diet,  by keeping bad stuff out, and putting more good stuff in. Alcohol is the one bad thing, but if I keep it to where my heart rate doesn't stay elevated I think it's okay. Basically don't suck down drinks fast. If I do that,  my consumption goes way down too. Not way down,  but it takes at least one drink away. That is because I start the end of my day tired anyway. 2 drinks in say 2 hours, a meal,  and I want sleep more than another drink. The secret will be to not suck them down. 

I don't know if that will be a challenge. It hasn't so far this week, but maybe once in a while I'll get a wild hair. 

I think about me a lot I guess. My health and whatnot. I am healthy, financially in a pretty good spot. One I assume most people want. No debt, house paid for, and saving money... trying to anyway. It isn't exciting to be like this. You still wish your balances were higher. I lived not being rich for so long though, I ain't all of a sudden going to live the high life. I continue to work, eat, sleep. It's a good use of my time. 

Others I know not, I just feel good about me you know?  I assume others still seek for that elusive feeling of contentment. Kind of a troublesome barrier from how you are to what you want huh?  

Anyway, I better take the monsters. 

Laterzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.     :)))

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Day Fills Up.

Sometimes I forget the normal thing that happens regularly. I get tired at the end of my day. Yesterday I worked,  got my workout in. Both parts. I did bring the grill to the shed like I planned. Pretty soon I can bring the lawnmower in too. Not quite yet though. I may be able to mulch up leaves still. I was tired though at the end of the day. I wanted to put the dishes away, but didn't. I did finish episode 3 of his dark materials.  I imagine that show is best viewed after reading the books. 

Anyway, yesterday was a big step day, and I was tired. Today will probably be busy too. I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week. Sheesh. There are deals coming up on a lot of stuff, except I don't need anything. I don't need any clothes or electronics or anything. I don't need tools either. 

We went out to dinner last night, which I rarely do that either. I ordered a beer, and drank half. I don't finish my meal when I go out. I eat around half. Who can finish their meals?  Portions are so big. I swear though,  I could eat more before I was 40 then I can now. I don't know if that is an aging thing or what. My hunger is typically pretty healthy during the work day. There always is a point in time where I desperately need food. 

Anyway today is a new day. It will be busy. I don't predict it will be much different than yesterday. I do not have to work out, which gives me an extra hour or so. It would be nice to clean up the kitchen today. Gat a head start on Sunday. Not much besides that. Maybe I'll watch tv. A show, or an on demand HBO movie or something. That doesn't always pan out. Really what I should do is mulch up leaves in the front. Snow is gone, and more leaves fell. There are a ton more out back too, along with an ass load of dog poo. 

There really isn't a lot on my mind. Just my little life going on. It is a pretty insignificant thing my little life. No point to it really. I am fine with that fact. My heart is fine with the truth. It's just the sugary coated World views I have no use for. 

Everybody is searching, or pretending they reached the happily ever after, when in fact there is no such thing. A content heart the World knows not, cuz no earthly paths end there.  

That is something I am guessing you cannot, and will not accept. Cuz it means all your deductive powers will not lead you to what you want most. 

In your omniscient all powerful self, you will find you still are helpless. I learned that a long time ago. This vessel here = not worth much. 

Anyway, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.      :)))

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Time Definitely Keeps Moving.

Thanksgiving is next week. We have 4 weeks of Christmas, and then January is upon us. Crazy I know.  Yesterday we had a scare. I smelled gas in the garage when I went to get my bike. Our vent-free heater's gas line runs in the garage. I opened the door, and it cleared up. I told Lisa to smell it when she wakes up. It still smelled. She picked me up from work, so I could shut off the valve. She called up the gas company. He figured the problem easy enough. I accidentally turned the knob on to the gas grill, and that was our problem. So dumb. I should shut off the tank each time we use it. I will from now on. I'm gonna put it in the shed for the winter too. I am not a grill outside in the winter kinda guy. I love our breezeway, it would have sucked if we had to be without heat in it. I drink coffee,  and do this in the breezeway each day. It's actually the warmest room in the house. 

I slept good again last night. It was only 6 hours, but I was up before my alarm. I felt energetic,  and my heart rate was down. If I drink my heart rate stays a bit elevated. Drink a certain amount I guess. Maybe if I drink too quickly. We've already established 95% or more of the time I drink less than a pint on a drinking day. Speed should equate in that factor I think... obviously. In the past I could suck down drinks pretty quick,  and be buzzed pretty quick. 

Anyway, what else?  I did get some shit done after work yesterday, and I always feel that makes for a good day. I was tired, and slept good. I tried watching episode 3 of his dark materials, but fell asleep pretty quickly.  :)  I'll watch it today after my workout. Not sure what to do about dinner. Probably hamburger helper. 

Not much else going on besides that. I have some shit to do. We definitely need to organize the garage. The kids will be moving out around Christmas. That will open up the house more. We have a sofa in there now, which is totally in the way. It's how I turned the propane grill on. Moving shit around to fit my bike. 

I guess its not too early to think of next year. We don't have to paint the house or have a driveway put in. No major projects. One pretty minor one, and yard work. It took us several years, but we pretty much can have most stuff squared away. Not too much shit laying around like hoarders. I don't need a dumpster to get rid of shit. We don't have that much. Plus we get 2 free dump passes each year. 

I feel like maybe I get more done year after year. One can always do better at that stuff, but I feel I am on a good track. My life is relatively easy,  but still busy you know?  I still have shit to occupy my time. In the end it doesn't really amount to anything, but my heart is happy to do it. That is the secret to the good life. A happy and content heart. It's what we strive for. Unfortunately it isn't something in our power to make. It has to be given,  and created for us. 

Geesh,  I had a long story just getting to this point. That was before the wait started. I have no idea how many years just this blog has gone on. A lot.   :)  Kinda funny huh?  

Today is a day. It should be full. I'll check off my list, as I always do. Work, eat, sleep.   :)

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Now That Was Sleep.

I was out last night. I knew I slept good,  cuz anytime I woke up, I went under. I ended up close to 7 hours of sleep. I just knew I slept good. 

Yesterday was pretty normal. I worked,  worked out, took Hope.  I did make an gyro sauce for gyros. Don't ask me to spell the name of the sauce. You can look it up. It is good,  and simple to make who knew?  It's just Greek yogurt, shredded cucumber,  salt, pepper,  garlic, dill, and a little cayenne. It is so good. I may use it for my salad dressing today. I really was amazed at how easy, and how good that was. 

Let's go through the list:

Work...  check

Eat...   check

Sleep...  check

Seems like a day was had. All items checked off my list. I did listen to the score yesterday for a bit. I had to.   :)   It was everything I dreamt it would be. Those Bears have zero confidence now. I was right yesterday too, Khalil Mack played a whole game without registering a stat. That's like impossible for a linebacker to do. I don't even know if bad players can do that. I'd bench him next game. Sit him out a quarter. I didn't watch the game, but to me that's not trying. Feeling sorry for yourself. 

Anyway, I guess that's neither here nor there. Just my silly indulgence. I don't think I thought of anything too terribly important. Yep, it was a pretty chill day. Today starts off pretty much like most days. I am up, I'll go to work, and yadda yadda yadda. 

I can look inside myself, and I feel fine. Nothing really stressing me out. pretty much at all. I feel relaxed, and at ease. I may pretty much wake up like this all the time I guess. I can't say I am looking forward to anything particularly. It's a day. It should be fine. Most are. Nothing weighing me down. 

I don't know how ordinary ordinary people are. I suspect there is plenty to weigh people down. Finances are always a worry. Work can be worrisome for some. Maybe all relationships aren't great. I don't know. I really don't worry about much. I guess that's confidence, and being assured. Being strong you know?  Like I am untouchable. I can do this most days,  cuz even if people read it I am not concerned. I'll do my work, eat, sleep. I'll be fine, and life will be fine. I'll wake up the next day confident,  and probably not much stress. 

I took the right path. No one can knock me off it. Untouchable in that way. People have no power over me in that way. I don't have any remorse either. I am fine in things. I don't have to do anything I don't want. If I am mean to people I don't lose any sleep. 

What it means is our lives are equated with one coin. People try to dress their coin up in any number of ways the World entices us. You are a coin though. What significance to me is that?  None. 

You see?  That's what I mean. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.       :)))

Monday, November 18, 2019

A Successful Sunday.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I got all my Sunday stuff done. It's kinda a lot of work. Mostly it is the shopping, and making of the salad. Radishes, onions, beets, carrots, cucumber, greens, and whatever else I put in there. It took a while. I made chili too. I ran Hope, did dishes,  and laundry. Folded laundry, and put it away, and organized my winter clothes finally. I finished book 5 of the dark tower too. Got the 6th  one free from the library. A busy day. I still was probably only 13,000 steps. Nothing really. 

That surprises me. Like how do I magically end up approaching 30,000 during the week. I feel I did a lot yesterday. That still is surprising to me. I watched a bit of football. I didn't stay up for the Bears. I thought they would win. There season is over. I looked at their remaining schedule,  and I see a lot of losses. They don't even have their #1 pick.  :)  the linebacker the pick was used on didn't even show up on the stat sheet.  I may have to check out chicago sports radio today. I bet they are really pissed now.  :)

I did sleep til my middle alarm today. I was tired for some reason. I'll take Hope after work. It will be a walk, cuz my knee is cracking. I'll have to rest it a bit probably. 

Other than that not much. Another day down. Another week to start cutting down on drinking. Let's see if I can do better. Last week was better, but not great. 

As you can see from my blog I really only have to worry about me. I don't worry about me either. I am confident in my days. I feel my life is busy. I read a blog yesterday from someone who has 3 kids. Holy crap. Where would you find time for yourself?  I have nothing, but time for myself. Also,  I don't worry about anyone. My life is solo in that way. I am not a surety to anyone. I really just work,  eat, sleep. 

When I was younger I definitely did think what I wanted from life. Originally I was following the graduate, get married, have kids route, but that exploded. I was a fuck up. Hurt people I didn't want to. People died etc...  so, I made the turn, cuz anything else did not seem very good. I played the fool while doing this. I have done, and am doing what the turn consisted of. Blindly really,  cuz I knew not what I was getting into. I did it though. Overcame with help twice now, and one more to go. I made assumptions along the way, because faith believes all things, and hopes all things, or whatever. 

What I am here I don't know. Maybe toiling vainly. I wouldn't know. I just do as I feel, and I feel pretty good. What life looks after 3 I am not sure. Not good is my guess. Now I just do my day to day. Most/all are a part of this World, and I have no use for the World. 

Anyway, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Shut Down Half The Stuff.

So last week among my regular Sunday routine I had to pick up leaves. The snow was coming,  so it was pretty necessary. I got it done,  and the snow did come. What's it mean?  Snow still is on the ground. It hasn't all melted, so no outside work to do. Not that everyday is filled with outdoor work,  but it can be when there is no snow on the ground. 

Last Sunday was busy. This Sunday will not be so busy. I'll take Hope,  but it may turn into a walk instead of a run. I think my knee might be starting to give me problems. It started late in the week, and some weird things since. Yesterday getting up while bending down on my knees my left knee felt weird. Weak kinda. 

I feel well rested today. 7 hours and 35 minutes of sleep. Sleep really is important. Just Thursday I was not happy with how tired I was. I was worried about my weekly mileage maybe wearing me down. It was just one day of not ideal sleep. Maybe a couple cuz how tired I was. Today I feel fine. My mileage last week was 77 for the 3rd straight week. The week before that was 76. My average sleep I get during the week is like 6-1/2 hours. I may get a bit more on Friday and Saturday. 

It isn't a ton really,  except work is filled with bending, lifting, pinning out dough. You end up always being very active. On a day off I've been known to have like 5000 steps the whole day. Its kinda normal for me to be at 10,000 at 7:30 AM during the week. Without even thinking I pile on steps. For me to be 77 miles, 77,77,76 is pretty ridiculous. I mean how can it be that consistent?  I sure don't plan on it. 

Other than that my dad is fine. Probably added 5 years to his life. He's just gotta stay together mentally,  and that's no given. Remote controls are hard for him to work. Impossible really. 

I think work keeps my mind sharp. I have to think ahead to be efficient. My mind has to stay sharp while mixing too. Missing one ingredient like baking soda to a cookie fucks up the whole batch. Missing yeast to croissant dough fucks up the whole batch. I am constantly rethinking what I am doing. Remembering details. Did I add this? Yes. Shit like that keeps your mind sharp. Always busy, always remembering the little details. I noticed that yesterday. Lisa ordered food,  had someone pick it up. I would have thought beforehand what could go wrong?  Name. Tell the person whose name it is under. She didn't,  order got fucked up so she had to go back. 

Also she has 4 days off in a row. She always complains the weekend is too quick so she doesn't get everything done. Her first day off she got nothing done. I have one day off each week, and I get everything done in that one day. I am not mad or anything, but better to get your shit done,  so then you can relax. Why have all these things pile up?  

I may get that from work too. I am always working ahead,  cuz working behind is so much harder. I guess what I am saying is my life is set up to keep me sharp. That is important for longevity of a sharp mind. Look how old Supreme Court judges keep their mind sharp. It's like a muscle. You don't use it you lose it. 

A turn pretty much gave me the best of all things. I am active,  my mind gets used a lot. Always thinking so I don't fuck up. I am content with my life. 

I am not famous, and I am not rich. Doesn't matter. I am happy on my inside. That really is all we want. There are an infinite amount of avenues that promise that to us, but only one that actually works. I think that Avenue was pointed out to you at one time, but you didn't take it. As far as I can tell anyway. When that happens I don't know how the story goes from there. A reconciling of some sort must take place I spose. I am not the director of those events, just like I am not the director of the events that have me where I am now. 

My work is done you see. A failure in every way really,  but I wasn't the cause of the failure. So my blog is the wait, and I should have known it was going to be a bit of a wait. All the stories are like that anyway. 

Meantime I am fine with things. Happy and content as it were. I am happy with my simple life. 

Time to start my day I guess. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.        :)))

Friday, November 15, 2019

I Needed Rest.

Yesterday I was tired. I felt it when I took Hope. My knee bugged me a bit so I turned it into a walk. I was sluggish anyway. When I left work yesterday my hammies were tight. You know the pain where you just want to fall asleep?  I am a bad napper,  but I tried. I ended up having a couple drinks, made chicken noodle soup for dinner, and fell asleep at 6:38.  :)  my sleep was split,  but I got over 7-1/2 hours. Already today I feel much better. 

My dad checked himself into the hospital with chest pains. I guess they put a stent in, and unfortunately he should be fine.    ;)  They aren't even going to take him off my hands for a month or two. That is what's wrong with our healthcare system. Geez. Old man has a health issue you keep him for at least a month.  :)

Really though today I feel pretty darn good. My resting heart rate went down a point. I am reading 2-5 bpm less than last week. I have no idea how fitbit calculates resting heart rate. Old rule of thumb is you calculate it right when you wake up. My resting heart rate via Fitbit can be 15 bpm higher than what my current reading is right then. I was bumbling around 59-65 for a half hour or so,  and slept in that range a good portion, and fitbit says resting is 75 bpm. Today was 73. I had a couple drinks so my heart rate was higher during sleep than a non drink night. Not too much, cuz I didn't really drink too much, but 65-70 I guess. I took my blood pressure yesterday. My heart rate was staying higher than normal. Maybe cuz I was tired and sore?  My first read was 129/76. I didn't take a 2nd reading. Usually I'll take 2, cuz the 2nd reading is usually less. I am fine with 129/76 though. 

This week I am once again 2 for 4. Last week on Friday I drank one more drink than normal. Still room to improve. Nothing is set in stone I am going to drink this weekend. I probably will,  but whatever was in me last Friday to drink isn't in me today. So if I do, I probably won't go crazy. Friday is a workout day too. I am going to drive, cuz my dad has to get home. I assume my brother will get him, but not sure how it all plays out. 

I am glad today I feel much better rested. If I take Hope it will be later. I'll pass 72 miles for the 4th week in a row. I'll probably be less than the 76-77 it has been. Hopefully anyway. I could use a down week. Thanksgiving, and Christmas season are right around the corner. Bakery + the Holidays = chaos. Not much time for a down week until after the New Year. 

Time for me to make improvements though. Day after day, week over week. 

Anyhoo, I'll let it go at that.  

Laterzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeeee.    :)))

Thursday, November 14, 2019

2 Of 3.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. Yesterday was pretty normal. A big step day. I did get my workout in, and picked up stuff for green bean casserole,  and shake~n~bake porkchops. Those are awesome btw. While I was shopping I was wondering what to do at home. I decided to have a couple cocktails while I made the meal. Only reason I did it cuz it seemed like the most entertaining use of my time. 

Yesterday was kinda odd in my hunger. I could not stop being hungry. I ate in different order than normal. I ate my salad before my sandwich. I had a grapefruit too along the way. I just felt hungry all day. At dinner I  didn't eat a ton. I ate the porkchop, and beans, but didn't even try the potato. I am finding that to be common these days. I eat more during the day, and a smaller amount for dinner. 

My salads I love. It is tasty as Hell, but you can tell there isn't a lot of calories in veggies. If you  eat a big salad you'll still be hungry soon after.  I eat the salad to jam veggies in my system. More than my previous norm. I have celery, carrots, jalapenos,  beets, beet stems, cucumber, greens of various kinds, and sometimes I add tomatoes. Red wine vinaigrette, and olive oil is my dressing. The beets turn everything red.  :)  It's a good salad. I should check to see if I should add more stuff. Almost forgot,  I add a ton of onions too, cuz I love them. 

My  sandwich is ham, salami,  mayonnaise,  green of some sort, and cheese. Sometimes I'll bring leftovers. 

I eat the same as always. I cut out French fries at work,  which really are easy to gobble up. I cut out pigs in the blanket too. I used to eat 3-4/week. I have my sandwich, fruit, and salad. I've been bringing a bowl of berries along with a grapefruit. Dinners are the same, but I add a bigger portion of veggies. Last night was green bean casserole,  so that is way too good to be healthy.  :)  I'll still eat hamburger helper, and chicken kiev thingies,  and that probably is processed food and stuff. I add my salad during the day, and fruit. Adding good things,  and taking some bad things out, like fries. I don't take out all bad stuff. Just a small positive change. I am not rewriting the whole playbook so to speak. 

Outside that not much. Tonight will make me 3 of 4. I could easily not have drunk last night, especially since I post shit on here, but I wanted to, just cuz cooking with a couple drinks is fun. I had no remorse, and actually once I decided to do it, I felt good about the decision. I definitely still feel good about drinking less too. Glad I am doing it. 

Anyway, today is a day. Should be pretty easy. Most of my hard shit at work is done for the week. 

I spose. another day about me. I am not very interesting,  and either is my life. I am fine with it though.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

My Phone Says It Is Cold Out There.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. My phone says it is 15° outside.  :)   We got a good amount of snow yesterday. Enough I needed the snowblower. Glad I took it out a week before or whatever. My neighbor wasn't so lucky.  I forgot this year is the first year with our new driveway. I also used our roof rake. Looks like that thing really helps with icicles. It is a little more work on top of plowing, but worth it. 

I didn't drink  yesterday so 2 for 2. I did get a little twinge after snow removal. Like, now I deserve a drink.  :)  I finished season 2 of Jack Ryan, made dinner, and watched His Dark Materials episode 2. I went to bed early too cuz I was tired. I used to think I went to bed early cuz I drank. I go to bed early cuz I am tired. Even when I don't drink.  

I'll take Hope in  this weather before work, but I am not taking my bike.  I could, but it's a workout day. A lot of layers to take off, and put back on where I work out.  Too much of a pain. Not to mention it is cold anyway.  

I have no idea what to do after work today. No idea what to do for dinner. Since, I am driving I guess I can pick something up.  Nothing sounds exciting though.  I don't think I've ever tried a pork chop shake~n~bake. I bet that would be good.  Maybe I'll try that.  I'll need to find another show on tv.  Not sure what. I could do game of thrones I guess. I've read a couple of the books, and seen a couple seasons.  Who knows?  I have HBO, Amazon Prime,  and Netflix. I am sure i can find something.  Plus HBO has a ton of on demand movies. 

The house could always use some organizing. Today it will be enough to get a workout in, do dinner, and clean the kitchen. I assume I'll be tired at the end of the day. I'll catch an on demand movie. 

In my effort to keep bad stuff out of me, I bet it is sorta a low fat diet for me. More of my food is veggies, which fills me up some. I'll probably will get leaner, in my desire to just be healthier. An unintended side effect. My goal is numbers. Blood work, and blood pressure. Not really to change my outward appearance. I am too old to worry about that stuff. Especially since I typically won't be carrying a bad weight. 

I see plenty of young people already at at a bad weight. No muscle tone, so they've never worked out. Can't imagine they'll start now either. My guess is video games are what occupy their time, and other such stuff. I don't know what I think about it. Mostly I think they are screwed. They'll be bitter about life probably I guess. 

I just know they are not living their best life. Hard to get out of that cloud too. There is alcohol that needs to be consumed. Probably late night frozen pizzas. 

Pretty much these days I just worry about myself. I am not really concerned with others at all. I do my thing. I am solo in how I am.  In a good spot no doubt. Content, and comfortable. Confident too. Not worried about the future. Others should be. I feel confident in my path. Nothing is guaranteed for anyone else. Just that equates to stress. 

Anyways, I spose. Hope don't care it's only 15° outside.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.           :)

Byeeeeeeeeeeee.      :)))

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

That Was Easy.

We start off this week right. No drinking. It was easy. Already today seems it will be easy. My heart rate drops quickly when I don't drink. 

Yesterday was fine, I worked,  worked out, shoveled. I rode my bike to work, and it snowed once I got there. It wasn't bad. Snow got caked all over the pedals, and chain though. I shoveled, cuz there wasn't enough to plow. It was melting. We did get a few more inches overnight. 

I watched the first 5 episodes of Jack Ryan season 2. It sucked me in like season 1 did. We made a simple meal, and it was an easy day. 

Not really much on my mind. I am kinda just living my simple life. Not really much to worry about. It helps I am in good health. I am in relatively good shape. I have no bucket list before me of things I want to do. The life I live is fine. I am not yearning for anything. 

I am not a special person. I have no need to elevate myself above others.  I am trying to live a healthier lifestyle. Just adding more good stuff I put in me, and less bad stuff. I do want to see if i can get my triglyceride number down when it gets tested in July. It was really my only bad number, and pretty much just from alcohol. I've been a pretty consistent drinker over the last several years. Now i just want to be an occasional drinker to non-drinker. Whichever i turn into. Day 2 this week seems like it will be easy. 

I have over the course of some time really feel like getting shit done. I am tired at the end of my days. My days are full, and i guess that is the way i want them.  A busy day, and a meal to finish it. As of yesterday and seemingly today, i don't want alcohol. However that works. It's like a turn was made in my insides. A new norm perhaps.  I am guessing a stop during the week is what we are talking, but I guess I'll know more about that later. 

Today, I have a day. I'll have to drive, and it's not a workout day. My life is easy pretty much. 

Anyway, like I said. Not much on my mind. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.        :)))

Monday, November 11, 2019

A New Monday.

Good  morning. How's it going?  Me, I am doing good. I  got all my stuff done yesterday.  Never needed a 2nd cup of coffee, cuz i didn't get tired. Round 1 of Man vs. Leaves is done. Man wun.   :)   i really will only have one more round.  I need the rest of the leaves to fall. I'd say it is over halfway done too. 

I got all my shopping done,  laundry, dishes, my big salad is made for the week. Today we try another non drinking work week. I was 50% successful last week. I think I'll be better this week. I just have a feeling. 

Outside that not much going on. I watched a little football yesterday once I finished the leaves.  I made lasagna too. It came out good. I went to bed early. Had a couple drinks too. It was a super productive day off. Almost 20,000 steps too which is pretty much unheard of on a day off. I am not really sure what I'll do after work. I do have to work out, but not much after that. I'll figure that out later. Maybe organize the garage. That would be the smart thing to do. 

Really not much going on with me. The start of another week. Another day to live. Another day to have a meal. Another day to be tired at the end, cuz I was active. 

I'll drink a lot of water, cuz I squeeze lemon in it, so I love it. I'll eat pretty good. Try and stay away from bad fats, which is my new thing. Saturday I had a Wendy's burger and fry.  :)  that shit is so good. It's okay to do it once in a while.  Can't live on shit food. Well,  you can. I see people do it all the time, but they aren't living their best life. 

Anyways I  spose.  Better take the Hopester.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeeeeee.       :)))

Sunday, November 10, 2019

I Got A Lot To Do Today.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I only ended with 77 miles last week. Mostly cuz of equipment failure at my Saturday job. The plugs for two swing machines took a shit on the same day. I worked kinda short. I think 6-1/2 hours. I saw the movie Doctor Sleep. It was really good. Kinda like the sequel to the Shining. The kid grows up, and it's good. I'll just say that. 

My legs to finish off last week were wrecked. Sore and tired everywhere. I don't know if it's a culmination of 3 active weeks in a row. Over 72 miles each week, or my bike tires being low, so me really having to pedal hard. Maybe both. Regardless,  I have a lot to do today. Shopping, house cleaning,  laundry,  leaf raking. I have to make my big salad for the week too, which takes a lot of time. I'll run Hope too. If I get tired, I may even grab a 2nd cup of coffee late morning. 

We start a new week kinda. Let's see where it takes us. I am in book 5 of the gunslinger series. Another 26 hour one. This one I had to use an audible credit,  cuz it was a month wait for the library. They are good books. I am such a listener of books though,  I don't know how long it would take me to read it. On Saturdays I got like 10 hours to listen. It helps me plow through a lot of books. I'd be hard pressed to have 10 hours during the week to read. Plus I usually listen when I go workout after work too, so give me say another 5 hours or so during the week added. 

Anyway what else?  Another week of cutting back drinking. Last week wasn't a great success,  but it was progress I'd say. I drank a good amount on Friday. One more drink than my norm.   :)  I kinda wanted too though. I slept 8 hours that night. Almost 8 last night too. 

I feel pretty good about stuff. Excited to get shit done. I guess that's when I feel the best. It makes life fun kinda. Thinking about it though you need the spark. Without a spark doing nothing is probably what you want. I wake up, and I want activity. Stuff to do. I have that. Every day seems filled with activity. 

Anyway, enough about me. Today we start a new week. Let's see if I improve on the drinking front, and let's see how my legs do activity wise. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.     :)))

Friday, November 8, 2019

2 Of 4.

So, I did have a couple drinks last night. Just cuz pretty much. The liquor store is a block from work,  and on my way home. I didn't stop. I wasn't really planning on having a couple,  but I wasn't sure I did have some stuff to do. I got the snowblower started,  and in the garage. I got the air conditioner cover around the air conditioner. I was fucking around trying to get my phone to charge. I finally just ordered a new hub. Lisa has one, and it works perfectly every time.  I guess once I get my computer back I can charge it on there. 

Anyway, I decided to have a couple cocktails for the shits and grins. I didn't have any triggers again, I just did it for the heck of it. We made homemade pizza for dinner. It came out really good. I slept really good lady night. For a long stretch I've been sleeping between 6 and 7 hours. 6 hours and 38 minutes last night. 

Yesterday was just a day. Today will be another. It's a workout day though. Oh yesterday was another 30,000 step 13 plus mile day. Scratch that. 14 miles plus. I may reach 80 miles this week. I found out I go to sleep early during the week whether I drink or not. I am tired at the end of my day typically. 

I feel pretty good about my life. I am busy. I got stuff I have to do. Sunday and Monday will be busy. At least I tentatively plan on it being busy. Leaves in the back started falling. Still many more to fall, but might as well get started. Front is fine so far. I want to blow in insulation above our breezeway. I added last year, but I just want to maximize it. That should be a quick job. 

Plus the house needs to be cleaned etc...  laundry done of course. It's all pretty exciting. The change in season. The dog days have long passed. Now we are onto newer things. I like it. 

My life has a spark to it kinda. You wake up excited to live out the day. I finish the day tired typically. This morning I feel pretty good about stuff. 

I may have a 2nd cup of coffee. My quads are saying walk Hope today. Probably from biking, and not running is my guess. 

Gotta go.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.       :)))

Thursday, November 7, 2019

You Can't Really Predict Yourself

So yesterday there were no triggers. Not drinking was not a big deal. It was once again a busy day. 30,000 steps 13 miles busy. I was tired to finish the day. I went to bed after dinner. Those 3 booksi just read they made a show on HBO, so I have HBO now. You remember the golden compass books. Super stoked for that. I watched the first episode. 

I got my workout in, made dinner,  and that is that. Pretty excited to get all my financials taken care of. I made money overnight with ordinary dividend payments. I think those come out quarterly. That was a nice surprise. 

Not much else. I feel I am healthy,  getting healthier. I am taking a more assertive role in what I eat. I think and plan a bit more. I try to eat good stuff more often. Just adding fruits and veggies. Day over day I think it will improve my performance. If I cut back on drinking that too will help. So far this week I have 2 days off, and it's been a while when I could say that. The 2 days off were easy, and the day on I fell to a trigger, and chores after a long day. 

I don't know how today will turn out. We shall see. I do have a few things to do after work. I am not sure if a couple cocktails is one of those things.   :)

My legs were super fatigued yesterday. Mainly my quads. It may have to do Hope, and I had a good sprint. We saw a dog, and wasn't sure if it was tied up or not. I think the overnight sleep helped me recover pretty good. 

Everything I guess is going good. I am busy, money comes in, i save. I am active and healthy. i don't know what triggered me to try and be healthier. It's fun to do,  but not easy to get that trigger. Look how many people fuel up on energy drinks, and eat no veggies,  and a lot of fast food and stuff.   I guess if I spent a ton of time playing video games or whatever maybe I'd run out of time to plan for these little improvements. I don't know. A good trigger is a good thing to have. God knows we all have enough bad triggers.  

Anyway, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

A Busy Day.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. For a non-workout day it sure was busy. I worked a full day. I had to meet my investment guy at home.  The money I am adding to the IRA is coming out of a different account than regular. I have two accounts. The retirement one, and one that isn't. You can only add so much money to an IRA, so that is why I have two. It is nice having the retirement one, if only to help our tax situation. We probably are close to break even, and adding to the IRA will probably give us a refund. I hope so anyway. 

After that I had to vote. The guy won too. I was surprised. I know yesterday I said he was a Democrat, but I have no idea his political leaning. The incumbent wasn't a horrible person, and Holland is thriving. The biggest problem is affordable housing. Housing prices are ridiculously high, and rents are too. Also there is a good chunk of land not being used on Lake Macatawa. They want to do something with it. Holland has houses on the Lakeshore, not shops,  restaurants and stuff. 

Really though, I will pay no attention at all to whatever happens probably. After that I had to pick up a prescription. I picked up a bottle on the way home too.   Bad me. I still had a lot to do. The kitchen got messy, so I had to clean that, and I was making Chinese for dinner. That is always time consuming. The dinner came out great. I found a good Chinese oil. 2nd time I used it. It's good. So, I got everything done. I did have two drinks, and maybe 6 Halloween candy bars.  :) I was approaching 30,000 steps,  and 13 miles. Zero running too. 

I got 6 hours of sleep, so I am ready to do it again. We'll try the not drinking thing again today. Yesterday, I got the trigger while driving. It passed quickly. I could have easily not bought a bottle, but the housework, and cooking is more enjoyable with that little something.  :)  pretty ridiculous right?  I drank less than my norm though. FWIW 

I guess that's all. My State taxes payment went through. I had to amend my return, due to a K1 from the finished estate. Federal I paid a while ago. Months actually. I finally got the State bill last weekend. Now it is time to make money, and save. Also, I can always add money to my IRA account easily from either account. Just call the guy, and tell him to add $1000, or whatever. At my age I can add $7000/ year. My regular investment account they take money every week. 

Everything is set up pretty good. Now I may never want to spend money. Just save, save, save.  I'll probably still take a trip or two for vacation, but I don't even really like traveling as much as hanging out at home. 

Gotta run. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeee.         :)))

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Day 1.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I did my day 1 of no drinking during the week/whatever I am trying. It was fine. I thought of biking to the liquor store, and starting today,  but I didn't. :) I did get what I wanted on day 1 though. My heart rate being around 10 bpm less than if I was drinking during my rest. That is worth it. Also my blood pressure should always be good too. 

My sleep wasn't as good as pass out sleep, but I suspect it will get better. not to mention I probably eventually won't need as much, cuz I don't have to sleep off alcohol effects. This part I guess is what will help. Me seeing statistical evidence that what I do is working. There are triggers though. That odd out of nowhere feeling where you think it would be cool to have a drink. 1 always seems to turn into 3. Alcohol works that way. Some people cannot stop at 3 either I guess. That would be bad. 

Other than that I got my biking jacket. It is pretty sweet. Seems like it will keep me real warm. I am actually voting on the mayoral election today. Mostly I don't give a shit about that stuff, but the Democrat guy is the guy we want to re-do our will through, once we finally make an appointment. Been meaning to do it for a year.   :)  I ran with his wife like10 years ago too. I was just starting running with the group, and she was training for Boston I think. I'd see her and her husband here and there,  but not really sure if she remembers me. 

Also I am adding money to my IRA today. It will help me get a refund this year probably, not to mention it's a good thing to do if you can. All our major expenses are done, so I really want to save a lot. Oh I was really tired yesterday when I got home as I figured. I did my workout. It was harder to do, cuz I usually finished the home part after sucking down a drink, feeling a bit recharged as it were.   :)

I am excited to see the new me if it happens. Just gotta deal with those odd triggers that come randomly. Triggers are a Bitch. Glad I don't smoke. That would be horrible to quit. Maybe damn near impossible. 

I am excited to see my resting heart rate go down, and my blood pressure be normal. Come my next blood work, I bet my triglyceride number shrinks too. It was around 250 instead of under 150.   :)

Anyway, I guess a lot if stuff for me to be excited about. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.           :)

Byeeeeeeeeeeee.        :)))

Monday, November 4, 2019

A Pretty Good Sunday.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am doing good. I got a lot done on my day off. My normal Sunday shit, shopping. We got a new tablet. Those things are cheap as Hell. Who knew? I also bought a pair of Winter boots. I didn't have any. They will come in handy for snow blowing, and whatnot. I also premade my salads for the week. Included was beets, stems of beets, and the leaves too. I should grow those next year. It's kinda a super food. It takes a while to make a salad. Other greens, carrots, onions, cucumbers, celery etc...  it was more time consuming than I thought it would be. 

There were no good football games to watch. I listened to the Bears. They lost. I don't really care too much. I am not even interested in listening to the score. Not really interested anymore. 

Today is a workout day. Plus I have to work. Not sure what I'll do after that. If I am tired maybe nothing. I should bring my snowblower from shed to garage. Get it started up,  and stuff. 

I guess not much planned yet. I'm kinda thinking I could go in any direction, but I think I probably will fall to being tired. My days go like that. Yesterday I felt I was busy, and got a lot done. I had under 11,000 steps. Today I'll be over twice that much. Maybe even approaching triple that number. It seems ridiculous right?  It magically happens, and I don't even think of it. Kinda surprising. 

Oh you know what I was able to do on my tablet?  Transfer my apps from my phone to the tablet. Pretty awesome right?  I don't need two alarms going off simultaneously though. Fixed that.   :)

I think I want to give up drinking during the week again. If possible. It's not something easy for me to do. It's my one thing that hurts my health. I'd like to try giving it a break again.  I failed the first time. I didn't know it would be a challenge actually. I had no idea.  Strange right?  I could be even more productive without alcohol. I just need the desire to do something. Not sure what that will be yet. I'll let you know if I succeed, fail, maybe screw up a day here or there. I just know NOW it isn't something easy for me. It's not like I even drink a lot, it's just I am consistent. Every day of a bad thing doesn't make it good. 

Nothing wrong with reinventing yourself. It's kinda fun actually. Exciting. Changing a bad habit isn't easy. Lesson learned. 

Anyway I spose. Hope,  and I have a running date. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Starting The Day Early.

I've already been up a good amount. Pretty much doing nothing. I ended up with 77 miles of activity last week. That was good. I didn't stay up late last night. That too was good. I fell asleep watching a movie. its daylight savings. I forgot so I wondered why I got up so early. Like 2:00 AM. I did get over 6 hours of sleep. 

I am kinda excited for today. We pick up our laptop today. There was something wrong with it. Slow as heck. I rarely even used it so you can't blame it on porn.    :)  I honestly think its always been slow I think it had a virus before too. Anyway, I think we are going to get a tablet today. We've had one before,  and they are useful. I am surprised how much I've switched off all high  tech stuff. I use my phone pretty much for everything.  I am guessing it probably isn't a lot compared to others. I check my bank stuff, do a little social networking. Not much though. I don't think I've ever been a huge social networker person. I do check my feeds at least once/day I'd say. Some times more than that I guess.  I do my blog thing too, and that's about it. Check scores and standings. Check weather too I spose. 

I just know people would quit FB for a certain amount of time for whatever reason. To not have their heads in their phone. My head isn't always in my phone. If I am eating a meal I don't need my phone to look at. I have no need to quit social networking for anything, cuz I am not on it a lot. Others may be different. 

Think over the last 10 years give or take. I did earlier. Thought of people who I may once have known. It's kinda a trip really how strange life is that way. People come and people go. I am still here. Still doing my silly blog. it may be that no one reads it, and lately I've accepted I never really did have a ton of readers. 

What was the point?  I don't know, but I am still here. Still very much different than you. Earlier I was thinking how mostly spirit I am. That you cannot understand. I can feel it. It helps me know I am seen. It can be kinda scary sorta I guess, but mostly I am not ashamed of me. My story is the wineskin parable. I need a new me to be able to hold what I will be filled with. What I am now cannot hold the best of the best, so I need a transformation. How exactly that will work I know not. 

I thought before I knew a lot of my story,  and I guess I don't really know how it will play out. Those who I thought might play a significant part may not at all. I just think of all the people I no longer even know. This blog may have done nothing. More folly than anything else. I still like doing it for whatever reason. I can't imagine why anyone would want to read this day after day. Me, and my life aren't that interesting. I don't think so anyway. It's just a life. 

I do have a story that will go on. it will have a finish kinda, and then I will be the best a person can be. Until then I still feel good. I am super excited about shopping for my daily salad. Gonna add beets, and probably kale too. You know how you get in a zone in training?  You want more and more to get better. Well,  I can't stay healthy for that,  but I feel I can get in a eat healthier zone you know?  Where you just do better at that. 

I am still active. I still run, and bike for commute.  I just don't think I'd stay healthy for long distance training. Short distance either.   :)  I can do a little though, and I like it. The eating thing is all of a sudden sparked my interest. 

Anyway, today I'll have a day. I have to run, do my Sunday thing. Go to Bestbuy. I ordered a biking jacket too. My windbreaker died. The zipper. 

I guess I'll start it now. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

Friday, November 1, 2019

I Got Done What I Wanted.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. Yesterday was once again a busy day, but I did get done what I wanted. Basically clean the house after work.  I am on a frantic pace this week activity wise. I'll probably eclipse the 72 mile mark again this week, which was my Summer goal. Yep, 18 miles left, and 2 work days left too. That's pretty much a given. 

In the mornings I keep thinking of activities I want to add to keep me busier, but i swear i come home, and i am tired. You consider M,W, and F are work out days too. I don't know if I have the ability to add. 

Anyway, we'll see about all that. Not much else going on with me. Day in day out. I don't even remember what I thought about yesterday when I finished all my stuff. Probably nothing. Probably how tired I was. Also probably felt good for getting my shit done. 

I guess my day was full. I went to bed tired. Probably was approaching 13 miles of activity. I consider myself very lucky my lifestyle just has me being active. Just by working I get way more steps than people probably even think about getting. I have to be pretty busy on my day off to get 5 miles in. On a work day 10+miles is normal. I work 6 days/week. All things being equal, I'd like to do this til I am 70, and then maybe cut back. 

I know people probably dream of retirement so they can do all the things they want. I don't want to do anything. Work,  eat, sleep I am fine with. I get tired at the end of my day, which is how things are supposed to work. Typically feel pretty recharged after I sleep. 

It is a busy life, but easy too. Ya kinda get up and go. I wouldn't want to be anyone else. I wouldn't want to stand in anyone else's shoes. 

Anyway. Today is a day. Guess I'll start it off with a run. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.     :)))