Thursday, November 14, 2019

2 Of 3.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. Yesterday was pretty normal. A big step day. I did get my workout in, and picked up stuff for green bean casserole,  and shake~n~bake porkchops. Those are awesome btw. While I was shopping I was wondering what to do at home. I decided to have a couple cocktails while I made the meal. Only reason I did it cuz it seemed like the most entertaining use of my time. 

Yesterday was kinda odd in my hunger. I could not stop being hungry. I ate in different order than normal. I ate my salad before my sandwich. I had a grapefruit too along the way. I just felt hungry all day. At dinner I  didn't eat a ton. I ate the porkchop, and beans, but didn't even try the potato. I am finding that to be common these days. I eat more during the day, and a smaller amount for dinner. 

My salads I love. It is tasty as Hell, but you can tell there isn't a lot of calories in veggies. If you  eat a big salad you'll still be hungry soon after.  I eat the salad to jam veggies in my system. More than my previous norm. I have celery, carrots, jalapenos,  beets, beet stems, cucumber, greens of various kinds, and sometimes I add tomatoes. Red wine vinaigrette, and olive oil is my dressing. The beets turn everything red.  :)  It's a good salad. I should check to see if I should add more stuff. Almost forgot,  I add a ton of onions too, cuz I love them. 

My  sandwich is ham, salami,  mayonnaise,  green of some sort, and cheese. Sometimes I'll bring leftovers. 

I eat the same as always. I cut out French fries at work,  which really are easy to gobble up. I cut out pigs in the blanket too. I used to eat 3-4/week. I have my sandwich, fruit, and salad. I've been bringing a bowl of berries along with a grapefruit. Dinners are the same, but I add a bigger portion of veggies. Last night was green bean casserole,  so that is way too good to be healthy.  :)  I'll still eat hamburger helper, and chicken kiev thingies,  and that probably is processed food and stuff. I add my salad during the day, and fruit. Adding good things,  and taking some bad things out, like fries. I don't take out all bad stuff. Just a small positive change. I am not rewriting the whole playbook so to speak. 

Outside that not much. Tonight will make me 3 of 4. I could easily not have drunk last night, especially since I post shit on here, but I wanted to, just cuz cooking with a couple drinks is fun. I had no remorse, and actually once I decided to do it, I felt good about the decision. I definitely still feel good about drinking less too. Glad I am doing it. 

Anyway, today is a day. Should be pretty easy. Most of my hard shit at work is done for the week. 

I spose. another day about me. I am not very interesting,  and either is my life. I am fine with it though.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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