Sunday, November 17, 2019

Shut Down Half The Stuff.

So last week among my regular Sunday routine I had to pick up leaves. The snow was coming,  so it was pretty necessary. I got it done,  and the snow did come. What's it mean?  Snow still is on the ground. It hasn't all melted, so no outside work to do. Not that everyday is filled with outdoor work,  but it can be when there is no snow on the ground. 

Last Sunday was busy. This Sunday will not be so busy. I'll take Hope,  but it may turn into a walk instead of a run. I think my knee might be starting to give me problems. It started late in the week, and some weird things since. Yesterday getting up while bending down on my knees my left knee felt weird. Weak kinda. 

I feel well rested today. 7 hours and 35 minutes of sleep. Sleep really is important. Just Thursday I was not happy with how tired I was. I was worried about my weekly mileage maybe wearing me down. It was just one day of not ideal sleep. Maybe a couple cuz how tired I was. Today I feel fine. My mileage last week was 77 for the 3rd straight week. The week before that was 76. My average sleep I get during the week is like 6-1/2 hours. I may get a bit more on Friday and Saturday. 

It isn't a ton really,  except work is filled with bending, lifting, pinning out dough. You end up always being very active. On a day off I've been known to have like 5000 steps the whole day. Its kinda normal for me to be at 10,000 at 7:30 AM during the week. Without even thinking I pile on steps. For me to be 77 miles, 77,77,76 is pretty ridiculous. I mean how can it be that consistent?  I sure don't plan on it. 

Other than that my dad is fine. Probably added 5 years to his life. He's just gotta stay together mentally,  and that's no given. Remote controls are hard for him to work. Impossible really. 

I think work keeps my mind sharp. I have to think ahead to be efficient. My mind has to stay sharp while mixing too. Missing one ingredient like baking soda to a cookie fucks up the whole batch. Missing yeast to croissant dough fucks up the whole batch. I am constantly rethinking what I am doing. Remembering details. Did I add this? Yes. Shit like that keeps your mind sharp. Always busy, always remembering the little details. I noticed that yesterday. Lisa ordered food,  had someone pick it up. I would have thought beforehand what could go wrong?  Name. Tell the person whose name it is under. She didn't,  order got fucked up so she had to go back. 

Also she has 4 days off in a row. She always complains the weekend is too quick so she doesn't get everything done. Her first day off she got nothing done. I have one day off each week, and I get everything done in that one day. I am not mad or anything, but better to get your shit done,  so then you can relax. Why have all these things pile up?  

I may get that from work too. I am always working ahead,  cuz working behind is so much harder. I guess what I am saying is my life is set up to keep me sharp. That is important for longevity of a sharp mind. Look how old Supreme Court judges keep their mind sharp. It's like a muscle. You don't use it you lose it. 

A turn pretty much gave me the best of all things. I am active,  my mind gets used a lot. Always thinking so I don't fuck up. I am content with my life. 

I am not famous, and I am not rich. Doesn't matter. I am happy on my inside. That really is all we want. There are an infinite amount of avenues that promise that to us, but only one that actually works. I think that Avenue was pointed out to you at one time, but you didn't take it. As far as I can tell anyway. When that happens I don't know how the story goes from there. A reconciling of some sort must take place I spose. I am not the director of those events, just like I am not the director of the events that have me where I am now. 

My work is done you see. A failure in every way really,  but I wasn't the cause of the failure. So my blog is the wait, and I should have known it was going to be a bit of a wait. All the stories are like that anyway. 

Meantime I am fine with things. Happy and content as it were. I am happy with my simple life. 

Time to start my day I guess. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.        :)))

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