Thursday, November 7, 2019

You Can't Really Predict Yourself

So yesterday there were no triggers. Not drinking was not a big deal. It was once again a busy day. 30,000 steps 13 miles busy. I was tired to finish the day. I went to bed after dinner. Those 3 booksi just read they made a show on HBO, so I have HBO now. You remember the golden compass books. Super stoked for that. I watched the first episode. 

I got my workout in, made dinner,  and that is that. Pretty excited to get all my financials taken care of. I made money overnight with ordinary dividend payments. I think those come out quarterly. That was a nice surprise. 

Not much else. I feel I am healthy,  getting healthier. I am taking a more assertive role in what I eat. I think and plan a bit more. I try to eat good stuff more often. Just adding fruits and veggies. Day over day I think it will improve my performance. If I cut back on drinking that too will help. So far this week I have 2 days off, and it's been a while when I could say that. The 2 days off were easy, and the day on I fell to a trigger, and chores after a long day. 

I don't know how today will turn out. We shall see. I do have a few things to do after work. I am not sure if a couple cocktails is one of those things.   :)

My legs were super fatigued yesterday. Mainly my quads. It may have to do Hope, and I had a good sprint. We saw a dog, and wasn't sure if it was tied up or not. I think the overnight sleep helped me recover pretty good. 

Everything I guess is going good. I am busy, money comes in, i save. I am active and healthy. i don't know what triggered me to try and be healthier. It's fun to do,  but not easy to get that trigger. Look how many people fuel up on energy drinks, and eat no veggies,  and a lot of fast food and stuff.   I guess if I spent a ton of time playing video games or whatever maybe I'd run out of time to plan for these little improvements. I don't know. A good trigger is a good thing to have. God knows we all have enough bad triggers.  

Anyway, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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