Friday, November 22, 2019


I was just staring at the title thing,  and kept coming up with nothing. Yesterday was okay. I was busy. It was rainy, and forecast all day, so I didn't mess with the leaves. Almost thought about raking the leaves in the front, but didn't. My yard doesn't look so bad, and others are soooooo full. it makes my heart happy.  :)

I did get the dishes done, and cleaned the kitchen. It was a longer job than expected, cuz I threw out leftovers from the fridge and stuff. I started watching curb your enthusiasm. First two episodes from season 1. I took my blood pressure when I got home. 125/70. 

I did have a couple drinks last night. I drank them slowly, and my heart rate did not stay elevated during sleep. My sleep number has been high all week, cuz my heart rate hasn't been elevated. It never says my sleep number is really high, cuz it always assumes you need 8 hours of sleep. Pretty happy with how the week has been going in that regard. 

That was pretty much it. Work, eat, sleep with some shit thrown in. I may drive today,  as the wind seems to be howling. I rode my bike all week long anyways. My mileage may be close to my norm lately. Almost assuredly going to pass 72 miles at the least. I like keeping track of this stuff. Its good to know my cholesterol is low, my blood pressure is good, and I am healthy. 

I made a minor change to my diet,  by keeping bad stuff out, and putting more good stuff in. Alcohol is the one bad thing, but if I keep it to where my heart rate doesn't stay elevated I think it's okay. Basically don't suck down drinks fast. If I do that,  my consumption goes way down too. Not way down,  but it takes at least one drink away. That is because I start the end of my day tired anyway. 2 drinks in say 2 hours, a meal,  and I want sleep more than another drink. The secret will be to not suck them down. 

I don't know if that will be a challenge. It hasn't so far this week, but maybe once in a while I'll get a wild hair. 

I think about me a lot I guess. My health and whatnot. I am healthy, financially in a pretty good spot. One I assume most people want. No debt, house paid for, and saving money... trying to anyway. It isn't exciting to be like this. You still wish your balances were higher. I lived not being rich for so long though, I ain't all of a sudden going to live the high life. I continue to work, eat, sleep. It's a good use of my time. 

Others I know not, I just feel good about me you know?  I assume others still seek for that elusive feeling of contentment. Kind of a troublesome barrier from how you are to what you want huh?  

Anyway, I better take the monsters. 

Laterzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.     :)))

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