Saturday, July 31, 2021

The Golf Outing.

Today is my golf outing. It should be fun. I slept good last night too. It is going to be mostly sunny with a high of 77⁰  Pretty good weather. 

I really don't have much on my mind. I start today with 75 miles which is pretty ridiculous. My BP was 130/85. 85 is a little high, but I get a similar number once in a while. It may have gone down with a 2nd reading,  but I no longer do that since my first reading is generally pretty good. 

Tomorrow is August. School will be starting pretty soon which doesn't really change my life at all. Before you know it college football,  and the NFL will start. I watched football in the past, but I won't be if I am golfing,  and I work on Sunday. I may golf on Sunday too. After work. Who knows?  

Today should be fun. Life is looking pretty good. A nice Saturday morning out on the golf course. What more could one ask?  

I really have nothing on my mind. My checking account is down funds cuz of property taxes, and ac, and golf clubs.  $5000 last month on those,  but its property taxes.  A once a year bill. I still live as cheaply as one can without being homeless. Of course my checking account currently has much more than we used to carry in it during the normal years I guess you'd call it. Me living with a surplus has not been my usual state. I also have a savings account I don't ever want to use,  and an non Ira investment account I only want to keep adding money to every week. 

I think its good to live with my account depleted,  cuz I  can get used to it,  and every month throw money to my IRA til its maxed. If I can do that, and finish next year before the end of the year, that would be ideal. 

We are always making plans. My plans revolve around saving and golfing and getting my accounts up,  and working,  staying active etc...   being healthy too. 50+ is when you think about these types of things.  50+ can be the dying years. A lot depends on how you lived after high school I suppose. 

Anyway, I spose. Today should be a day.  

Laterzzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.        :)

Friday, July 30, 2021

Some Much Needed Sleep.

I got a really good night sleep last night. I don't remember even waking up once. I was so sore yesterday. I tried to go hit my 8-iron, but I was never going to get loose. I believe there still is value in taking weak swings. Active recovery, and see how the ball reacts, with a slower swing. I didn't even take one full swing. 

I guess the NBA draft was yesterday. Who knew?  Kofi whatever from Illinois didn't get drafted. Dude is a monster. The Bulls got the other Illinois star. The guard with the weird name. Detroit got Luka Garza late too in the 2nd round. I thought those guys would be first rounders. An NBA talent scout I am not. College to pros doesn't always translate. Remember the Jimmer Ferdette from BYU.  I thought for sure he'd be a good NBA player. 

I went to Sam's yesterday after work. First time in a while. I used to go every week, but I have to take my dad every week to the grocery store. He's retarded. 

Not much else going on. We are covering a vacation next week, so we will be busy. I didn't have to make cookies this week either,  which means next week might be a cookie week. That's fine though. No biggie. 

I really don't have much on my mind. I think its been a while where I slept all the way through the night. 

My BP is staying quite consistent. 128/81 today. It sometimes might hit like 130 or 131, and maybe sometimes 86 or something,  but really pretty good numbers. I still have to wait a couple weeks to get my blood work done. I am assuming that will come out real good. 

Since I eat a lot of fruit and veggies, I poop a lot. Those are good diet foods just cuz you poop like a rabbit or guinea pig. I bet you can eat more bad stuff if you increase fruits and veggies,  cuz you basically are popping so much stuff out. I am not saying that with scientific certainty,  but just by my observations. Rabbits and guinea pigs are constantly eating veggies,  fruit, and hay. They also are constantly popping. I eat fruit and that big salad most days. I am constantly pooping too. Also,  I am very active on my feet,  so the two go hand in hand. 

Just shit I notice.  

I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.      :)

Thursday, July 29, 2021

We Are Having A Nice Little Storm.

We are having a nice little storm now. Wind, rain, lightning, and thunder. It is perfect. I didn't water yesterday, cuz I knew it was coming. It is supposed to clear up quickly. 

I was able to go golfing last night after two people canceled. It was my best round of the season. It wasn't my best score due to a couple bad holes, but I struck the ball good with my clubs for the most part. I played all balls where they landed. I did lose one ball in the water, so obviously I didn't play that one. It was the only ball I lost. I reached the sand a few times and got out no problem. I was happy to see the improvement. I am playing a best ball charity event on Saturday. Free cuz of work. The bakery is donating a bunch of stuff so. That will be fun. 

Not much besides that. Kinda crazy how golf took over my life. I realize I talk about it a lot on here. Quite boring I am sure if one were to read it. I realize I just do this for myself. Its just my morning routine. How can I not do it?  Its like having a cup of coffee in the morning. 

I was super tired yesterday for some reason. Usually I am rarely tired. It was strange for me, but once I found out I was golfing I pepped up a bit. I did come home and relax before golfing though. I hit a bag of balls before I played too. My driver was fine. I hit like 3 or 4 with my driver,  and went back to my irons. It is nice to have my driver and woods back. Irons are coming along. 

Am I talking about golf again?    ;)    hahahaaa.  

Life goes on. A summer filled with golf is turning out to be a pretty good Summer indeed. So glad I picked it up again. 

Not much going on besides that. Our birthdays are coming up, so we get to renew our license plates.   Yay.   :)

I guess I got nothing. I did see Simone Biles drop out of the Olympics due to mental health reasons. I saw some right wing crazies were making fun of her for some reason. We see that coming up more and more. Tennis, golf. How about all the sexual assaults,  and domestic disturbances from baseball and football too. That too probably has some mental health things going too. 

Everybody probably thinks they are normal, but maybe everyone has issues. We have addicts,  gaming addicts, gambling,  you name it. If a tiny black girl has stuff to deal with, it is no sweat off my back. Her life is a real thing. Sportsing is a game,  a competition.  Not really very significant,  although we make it seem so. 

Our idolizing of athletes is not healthy for anyone really. Our viewpoint gets exaggerated,  and it probably Fucks up the athlete's view too. Its not real shit.  Real shit is your husband of however many decades just up and dying one weekend. 

Laterzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.       :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

I Almost Lost It.

A bad day on the golf course can shake your confidence. I got a lot done after work, so I was able to take my 8 iron out. Couldn't hit it for a bit,  but it all came back. A golf swing is pretty fragile I guess. 

I was able to take the dogs yesterday, cut and bag the grass, do dishes,  and we flush and rinsed our pump. I was going to start digging around the pool, but I'll do it today. All I have to do is walk the dogs,  and I'll take my 8 iron out again. 

Not much besides that. We had dinner, I watched a bit of the Sox before bed. Just another day that ended up being okay. I worked,  got a lot done after,  it was over 30,000 steps,  and 14 miles. 

Really boring shit my life is made up of. Not even really worth writing about really,  but its hard to take that out of me. As with most stuff its just a waste of time,  but time is a thing we need to fill while alive. 

50 + is pretty good though. You no longer feel the need to be sociable. You no longer feel the need to go out and party or whatever. Life isn't that interesting really,  but I like it fine. Mine is easy. 

I don't really know how others go about their lives, and really I don't much care. I like mine, and wouldn't want theirs. Its nice walking the Earth being confident, assured, and content. I wouldn't want it any other way. I know others don't walk in my shoes cuz they can't. Mine are the best ones too, cuz I don't have a lot of anxiety,  and nothing to escape. 

I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.         :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Up Two Steps, Back 5.

Yesterday's golf outing was probably one of my worst. It isn't a relaxing game if you play like shit. We played a course we had no business playing. Save it for people who are good. No part of my game was good,  and I looked like I haven't been practicing at all. There was a 600 yard par 5 where it looked like you had to cover a ravine of 250 yards to hit the fairway, or lose your ball 400 feet down or more in a mess of brush and trees. I kept thinking I don't know if I can cover that. I overswung, top spinned the shot. Not sure if it covered 100 yards before a sharp dive down.  :)   i dropped on the other side. 

One thing I noticed is I wasn't relaxed. What a crazy game. It was pretty frustrating really. Usually you finish an outing feeling good about some part of your game. Yesterday not so much. 

My bad golf outing didn't appear to raise my blood pressure.  :)  I am glad I check it every morning. Its a good thing to know. 

Speaking of a neighbor of mine died suddenly this weekend. Maybe a heart attack. I am thinking maybe 10 years older than me. You never really saw him a lot,  but the wife you did. She always walks her poodles. She colors her hair blond. She's cute for an older lady. She still looks young.  She seemed to get around better than him. He wasn't fat at all.  Seemed to be in good shape,  besides maybe having a bad knee or two. Something like that.  Maybe he was having circulation problems though, and his feet hurt. I just had a check up though, and my circulation is good. 

Still though you think of the house. A big truck she probably has no use for. They have a big 5th wheel trailer too. She won't be using that by herself. There is a widow two doors down from us. She's never been real sociable,  I did talk to her husband before he passed. Must be 15 years ago or something. He knew me from Menards or some shit. Fuck they just remodeled the garage. I don't envy that lady her pain at all. She looks like she has another 20 years plus. I'm assuming 65 years old give or take. 

Anyway the real side of life I guess. Don't sweat the small stuff like you played a really shitty game of golf.  Life will hit when you least expect it. 

I have a fuck ton to do today after work. On the bright side I like a busy life. I think that helps keep me healthy.  

Laterzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.       :)

Monday, July 26, 2021

I Am A Nerd.

It just occurred to me, I am a nerd. After work yesterday I went to the driving range with my driver. Afterwards I went to the park with my 9 iron. I was the only one at the driving range, and the only one at the park. Afterwards I watched golf on TV. 

The Olympics are going on, and I don't care. The only thing I've seen was girls softball when I was sitting having a beer when I went to the town over to get pizza last week. I really don't care about the Olympics I know, cuz I have no idea who is winning or losing what. Other sportsing things I have some interest in I would check boxscores and stuff. 

That doesn't make me cool or anything,  cuz I am now a golf nerd. The uncool really. Just a thought about myself. 

I did hit my driver pretty good. I am getting better at golf. I'll have to see what golfers do in the off-season. 

That was my day though. Work, golf, eat, sleep. Today we are playing golf at a new course. New for us. My muscles are getting used to golf. I am not getting so sore. 50+, you don't just start new shit without a muscle learning curve. 

I have shit to do this week. It will be busy. Some of the shit is going to take time away from golf I think. That sucks. Part of being a grown up I guess. Goes to show you golfers aren't grown-ups. Actually I would venture to say anyone with an obsession probably lacks *balance* to be a particularly good adult.  We definitely are sacrificing something.  

Golf unfortunately is perfect for me, cuz I was obsessed with it in my younger years. I wanted to get good. So naturally it is easy for me to pick up at 50+.  Especially since I had the money to invest in it.  It is a healthy way to occupy my time. Outside,  steps, exercise etc...  

I did want to reinvent myself I guess. Looks like it is golf. Winter I am not sure. I'll search for something.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.         :)

Sunday, July 25, 2021

I finished my golf purchases.

I purchased a golf caddy. A 3 wheel thingy, that is pretty sweet. I walked 9 holes with it yesterday.  You can save a lot of money just walking. Also I bought a 4 hybrid. Taylormade m4, like all my other clubs. That finishes my set as far as I'm concerned. 

I struck the ball pretty good yesterday. Not a lot of shitty shots. I didn't putt terribly good,  but I didn't doink a lot of shots. Two I can remember. My driver wasn't straight though. 

I did get all my shit done yesterday, included is clothes folded and put away. That was about it. Get my shit done,  and go golfing. 

I have no idea what people do on weekends. My weekends seem boring from the outside, but I am fine with them. As you get older you aren't excited about as much things like when you were young. Geez 40 was the beginning of the bucket list, and 50 you realize the bucket list is dumb. At least for me. 

I don't know what the 50s are. Easy for one thing. Work, eat, sleep.  I guess I take an active interest in my health. Changed some things over the last few years to be more healthy. No sacrifices or anything. Just added more healthy shit I like. No crazy diets or anything. I like fruits and veggies so I added more to my diet. 

Really I don't know what the 50s are. Disinterested maybe?  

I don't belong to clubs,  and I work too much to be real sociable. We all have our lives,  and I guess I am glad I have no one else's. Mine is easy. No kids, no responsibilities really. I don't owe anyone anything. 

In my 40s I think I was interested in getting to know people. I've learned enough to realize people aren't that interesting. I've seen enough.   :)  

I am into the wild solo. My life is lived on Walden pond, except I don't give a fuck what the price of beans are. 

What those two were searching for they thought was freedom, but really they wanted their heads and hearts to feel content. 

I labor for others, but I am fine with it. I labor for a wage, and my wages make my life comfortable. 

I have what those two were actually searching for. The secret is we don't control our hearts or minds, so you cannot create contentment. It's why there is so much anger and frustration,  and bickering etc...  

The truth is not self evident. I did take that path though. It did me good for sure, but I helped no one along the way. I think I was supposed to, but I didn't fail along the way. No one wanted to take that path. The World enticed too much. 

I am solo and I am fine. 

Gotta go. 

Laterzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.        :)

Saturday, July 24, 2021

A Risky Tee Time?

I am going to try golfing today at 3:12. There are chances of rain,  but mostly after I should be done, so hoping to sneak in 9 holes. I went to the park yesterday, and scorched my 8 iron. So much so, I have to drop to a 9 iron at the park. Just a little change to my swing did it. Hopefully I cam duplicate it at the course.  It is just a much more fluid easier back swing. Hard to explain. 

I am at 75 miles to start the day,  also I am back in the 150s. Not by much. 159.9 I think. My BP was 133/83 I think. I had one extra drink last night too. I feel it too. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Not really, its just stupid stuff we do. 

Today should be okay. Really curious to see how I strike the ball. I am going to hit a bag of balls first. My Discover payment went out, and so did my property taxes. Finally that is done. 

Besides that not much. Just life. 

Laterzzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.       :)

Friday, July 23, 2021

A Day With Golf.

Well the little change to my swing ended up being nothing. I did find something else though. Just a way to relax my backswing. Go real slow,  and use my legs and hips more. I try to take loft off too, but my balls if hit correctly will always be on the high side I guess. I am just going to embrace that I think. 

That's the allure to golf. Those times when you hit the ball squarely,  and it does what you want. It's pretty satisfying. Also the desire to be that person we all want to be. That person who seemingly hits all their shots well. 

I did take the dogs after work, and I swear I hit my 8 iron for two hours after. You see what I mean. 2 hours of free swings is quite a saving of money. Also a great way to practice. It gets expensive if you only learn on the course or driving range,  although those two should still be used. My park I can't go lower than an 8-iron. A 7 goes too far. 

Lisa was sick, so I made her a grilled cheese,  and I still made tacos. I watched some golf TV, and went to bed. I know I know golf TV?  What can you do.  

Not much besides that. I'll probably hit 72 miles today maybe pass it. I do want to go to the driving range today too if it doesn't rain. 

Not a lot on my mind either. My BP was like 128/84. Golf is good for me. Having something take up so much of my free time is a good thing. What else would I do with my free time?  Probably nothing good. 

My lawn service is coming to aerate and overseed my lawn. I am going to cut and bag it this weekend. I don't always bag it, but this year I started to every few times or so to clean it up. The overseed and aeration is a pretty healthy thing to do for the lawn. 

Once again just simple shit occupies my mind. 

I spose 

Laterzzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.         :)

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Maybe Some Rain.

We have chances of rain this weekend. That may mean movie time for me. I really want to see at least one movie per week. I didn't see any last week. 

Our property tax bill went out of our account, and I just paid my high Discover bill for this month.  Rain may mean Sam's club too. Driving to work helps with those types of errands,  or not golfing on Saturday cuz of rain does too. I thought of that cuz I haven't used my Discover card for anything this month, and I usually use it at Sam's. Its set up for scan and go, and pay automatically without having to go through the register. Its pretty sweet. I do scan and go at Meier too, but I have to still pay at a kiosk. Not many people use that feature,  and its so easy. 

I went and got pizza from the place next town over. Its called Vitales. It's good, but not worth the drive over. It isn't that good. For some reason I thought it was better. I did sit at the bar, and had a couple beers before I ordered. Its been forever since I did that. Before the pandemic hit. 

Speaking of pandemic, I am probably going to wear a mask again when shopping. I am vaccinated, but I think the anti vaccinated are going to get hit pretty hard soon. All things point to this next strain being pretty bad. 

Today I finally get to work on my golf swing. Just a simple little correction. Of course there is nothing simple about golf, since there are a ton of moving parts, and you try to duplicate your swing each time. I am pretty excited though. The missing piece to my swing, and it would have been hard to figure it out when I was golfing pre internet days. Like those born in the 1800s switching from horses to cars, I lived and SOMEHOW survived in the 1900s before there was internet. I lived when there were only 4 stations to watch on TV too. 

Actually a pretty good time to grow up all things considered. 54 is a good age to contemplate the changes you lived through. 

Yesterday I was really tired for some reason. I took the dogs, and watered the grass, but I probably could have napped really easy, and I am not much of a napper. I slept good last night. My BP was 131/81, so good. I didn't check it yesterday. I like checking it every day. First thing in the morning. Waiting for my coffee,  and after I feed the guinea pigs, and rabbit. 

I tell you what. It feels good to have the property taxes done. Now all I have left to do is money in the IRA. Doing that gives me an extra $1000 back during tax time. It would be a good goal to have my IRA investment for next year already done by this time next year. I will be 55 soon, and I don't plan on taking social security til after 70 years old. So 15+years to accumulate money. All while paying only $180/month to live. 

That won't change much either,  cuz taxes are based on purchase price,  and the city of Holland, and most places got a hefty raise just by normal turnover. Our soon to be new neighbors will be paying more than me in taxes, plus they'll have a mortgage. She anyways. A single mom with two kids. If there is an ex around I don't know. We will see when she moves in I guess. 

My life is pretty easy. This is definitely a good way to be. 

I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.        :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Mind Freeze

I could have probably sat all morning thinking of a title. I got nothing,  which may be a foreshadowing of my entry. 

I didn't shoot my clubs yesterday, and I am not today. I felt like I had a pinched nerve in my shoulder,  so I am going to rest it. I did some exercises for it, and it feels good today. 

I have a meeting today at 4:00, so I am not shooting today. I did watch some videos though, so I have something to work on next time out. I found a slight flaw in my swing. 

I am going to get pizza at a place the next town over. Its where my meeting is at. The pizza is real good, and we never go there, cuz it is the next town over. 

We will have an early dinner, which is good. Maybe, I'll watch a show or two. I made ribs yesterday. They came out good. I bake ribs for 2-1/2 hours at 250⁰, and grill them after. I grilled veggies,  and potatoes too. It was good,  I also did all the dishes,  and took the dogs. 

I watched the beginning of the Sox game,  and went to sleep. 

I saw the county I live in is only 45.7% vaccinated. 65, and up is like 80%  I was surprised by the 45.7%  It isn't hard to get vaccinated,  so I assume there are a lot just refusing to get vaccinated. To each their own I guess. I don't think its a terribly wise stance to have. People die all the time though. Its our ending anyway, and if people go out like that, little old me surely doesn't give a fuck. 

I've met many people in my life. Yet here I stand on my own. I have no "have to" parties to go to,  or commitments to different things. I work,  eat, sleep, with golf thrown in. 

I had a little inheritance given to me, and currently I am worth more than what that was. I didn't blow it. My house is approximated at $244,000. I have no desire to sell it though. I don't care if it was worth $100,000. It costs me only ~$180/ month to live here. Property taxes and insurance. That's as cheap as I can live. 

Living cheaply is better than accumulating a lump sum. Living cheaply helps you build up a lump sum. 

Anyway, I spose. 

Its late,  I gotta make my lunch.  

Laterzzzzzzzzz.          :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.        :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Mondays Aren't So Bad.

Mondays aren't so bad if you have golf after work. I didn't play exceptionally well, but better than Saturday. I stopped by the Mexican store, and got stuff for Fajitas too. I even watched the Sox for a bit. Nice to see they won the 2nd game on a walk off 3 run shot. It will be interesting to see what happens when Luis Robert, and Eloy Jimenez come back. Who goes back down?  Both are on rehab assignments. 

I am going to have to take the day off of golfing today. I am sore. Probably I'll take the day off. I hate to though. 

Not much besides that. Today is a pretty normal day for me. Take the dogs after work. Its going to be hard not to hit my 8 iron at the park. I hope things loosen up. 

I think I an going to make barbecue ribs for dinner. Then we can do tacos tomorrow. I have to do dishes today too. 

It is pretty much just simple shit that occupies my mind. Yesterday I drove the car, and I used the AC. It was pretty nice. 

Yesterday was a pretty relaxing day. Getting on the golf course is always pretty sweet. My BP this morning was 123/81 too. 

I spose. I have a day today. 

Laterzzzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeee.         :)))

MWAH.        :)

Monday, July 19, 2021

Just Another Sunday.

Yesterday was just another Sunday. I did take my 8 iron to the park after work. We are playing today,  so I just wanted to hit again. Especially after my bad round on Saturday. I was tired, but I felt it was important. 

I then watched the Sox. The Sox are a good team. Carlos Rodon was coming off injuries from last year, and won the #5 starter role. Except as the #5 he has turned into a #1 quality pitcher. With Michael Kopech coming back too being lights out, they are a good team. All of a sudden our starting fielders will be getting healthy for the first time this year. The replacements have been doing pretty good though. 

Like any Sport if your team is doing good its exciting.  If your team is doing bad it is fun to listen to sports talk radio from that city.   :)

That was pretty much my day. Work,  golf,  Sox. I watered the grass too. I wasn't lazy yesterday so I start the week off good. A good frame of mind. Work will be busy for me today. Monday the order comes in, so. That usually takes an hour out of my day. This time of year we don't have an extra hour either. 

My property taxes should clear this week,  and I am paying off my Discover bill of $3000. Golf clubs and car's AC basically. It will be nice to get that off my chest. Then we can start getting our accounts up again. 

Not much besides that. It is July 20 already. School starts back up in August for those who that affects. Me it doesn't except how it may change work. 

This has been a good Summer. Our weather has been perfect. Our AC has been barely on. We've got a lot of rain. This week highs in the lower 80s, lows in the upper 60s. I mean really.  You cannot get any better. 

Oh my book is really good too. Its a 17 hour book, so I am sure I still have like 6 or 7 hours left. Not sure how it will go. This author develops her characters as good as anyone. Think Stephen King's IT book. As far as developing characters.  

Anyway, I spose 

Laterzzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.         :)

Sunday, July 18, 2021

I Must Be Doing Something Right.

I stayed up late watching the Sox last night,  which was stupid. My blood pressure read 132/83 though on the first try. Sometimes if it reads high the first time I'll read it a 2nd time usually to a better number. 132/83, I am fine with. I must be doing something right. BP is a crazy thing. A heavy drinker probably will have high BP a lot. I must have been that before. I eat better now, also I am very active. I ended last week with 84 miles. As to why the good BP reading I couldn't tell you really. Invisible shit that seemingly has a mind of its own. 

I played golf yesterday,  and not well. I thought it would be relaxing, but it wasn't. I had a foursome ahead of me, and a threesome  on my ass. I wanted to just be on my own doing my own thing. I should have done the other 9. I did have to repair my ball mark on a par 3. First one of the year. On any green actually.   :) I was still a million miles from the hole however. I am sure I 3 putted or worse. 

I was pretty disappointed in my play all things considered. Probably cuz I didn't feel relaxed. I am not a good golfer. What a hard game. 

I did get all my shit done yesterday. Cut the grass,  laundry all clean,  folded and put away. If I don't fold and put it away right away, there is a good chance it doesn't happen the rest of the week. I don't know why that is. I suspect its like BP. There are invisible powers at work making it so.    ;)

We went out to dinner with Lisa's friend and her new boyfriend. They seemed to really like each other. Holding hands and he put his arm around her at the table. We don't do that anymore that's for sure. Good for them. They probably went home and had sex. We don't do that anymore either. :)  I don't know why that is either. I don't give a shit about sex anymore.  Probably a girls ideal husband.    :)  

Today is a work day. No clue what I'll be doing. I assume they are working. I got another Kristin Hannah book from audible,  so that will be good.  If I didn't stay up watching the Sox,  I may have played golf again today,  but I am tired. Oh well. 

I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzzz.    :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.         :)

Saturday, July 17, 2021

My Day Had Golf.

Finished my work week by taking Hope for a walk, and the driving range for driver,  and park with 8 iron. I think I start today with 76 miles already. I weighed 160. Out of the 150s. I am such a fatty. I am checking my blood pressure every morning again. I think it was 130/82. Not bad. Good blood pressure, good circulation, and good blood work = good health. 

A guy at work my age has pregnant lady ankles. A pretty gross dude. He had some crazy surgery to not make him eat so much, but he's still all fat. I doubt those things ever really work. He talks bad about coworkers all the time too. Trying to elevate himself over others I guess. I don't like him. He's lazy, a bad worker. At the end of the shift we all  cleanup,  and throw out garbage,  if we don't have a dishwasher we do dishes. He has never done any of those things. As far as character goes he is severely lacking. His weight and character run in opposite directions. Not in a good way either. I just try to ignore him. He's just annoying. 

Anyway besides that not much. I have my day off stuff to do today. I have to cut the grass too. I'll be busy for a bit. I think I am kinda sore from taking so many shots yesterday. I may go golfing in some form. 9 holes maybe or the range and park. Probably 9 holes. We will see. I wouldn't mind seeing a movie if time permits. We will see. We are golfing Monday after work. That will be fun. 

Besides that not much I guess. I'll be busy on my day off. That's always good. Lazy days are the worst. 

I spose.  

Laterzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.          :)))

MWAH.         :)

Friday, July 16, 2021

A Clean Bill Of Health.

I still have to do the bloodwork, but that will be in August. Gotta wait one year. Of course my BP ran high AT THE OFFICE. I checked it this morning,  and its fine. I am always nervous about my BP reading at the office. Its like my top number jumps 10-20 points higher because of it. My bottom number was fine. 

They check the pulse everywhere checking for blockages. I was fine. My feet had a strong pulse so good circulation. He even checked for weird moles on my back for like skin cancer I assume. Said that looked really good. Mostly I am concerned with invisible to the eye blockages, and his diagnostic testing came out free from that. Peace of mind shit. Now I just wait to get my blood work done. 

My job helps keep me healthy. Speaking of jobs I'll be getting a .50/hour raise at my Sunday job. It all helps. That isn't even part of the annual review. The company we do the work for is paying more now, so they passed it along. I may get another raise in the future. 

I mailed out my property taxes yesterday. The house payment for a year. It isn't due for a month,  but still nice to get rid of it. 

All in all a pretty good day. The nurse who checked me in, and took my BP was off work for 5 weeks. Turns out she has celiac disease. An Italian who can no longer eat regular bread or pasta. That sucks.  

The highlight of our day is our main meal kinda. Sucks if you can't eat what you want. Speaking of eating, I made chipped beef on toast. "Shit on a shingle"  talk about a cheap meal. Buddig beef they sell at Meier again. For like .69 cents. Butter, all purpose flour, milk,  and free bread from the bakery. Such a stupid easy meal to make. Next time I'll scramble eggs with it. 

That was the day. I fell asleep toward the end of the next virgin River episode. Probably from not sleeping good the night before. Last night I slept good,  and I get the day off tomorrow.  Fun fun. 

Laterzzzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.         :)))

MWAH.         :)

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Not Much To Report.

The story of my life, and really probably everyone's.  I did go to the par 3 course. I didn't play as good as I would have liked. I am getting better at putting, and I used my sand wedge, and gap wedge a lot. Trying to get used to those.  

Par 3s are hard if you are not sure how good you'll hit your iron. Let's just say the flag sticks were perfectly safe from me.   :)

Its a learning thing. Just gotta stick with it. Today is doctor's appointment. Blood pressure is fine like I said, so really just going for a checkup. Renew medications if necessary, and schedule the annual blood work. Walking the 9 holes yesterday put me at almost 16 miles. 

For dinner I made barbecue chicken. Dark meat for me, and breast for my wife. We backwashed, and rinsed our pool filter. That's about it. We did watch another episode of Virgin river. I didn't sleep that great last night, which basically means I didn't fall back asleep when I woke up. 

Like I said not much to report. Life goes on, and it's going fine for me. One thing I wonder about is I keep pretty busy with golf. What about this Winter?  What then?  I really have no idea. Maybe an idea will pop up. Something to ponder that's for sure. 

Everything is new at one time or another. Blogs were new at one point. Friendships were new at one point. None of that really stands the test of time. We even had new objectives or purposes at some point. New is like new years resolutions. Exciting at first, and then whatever. Screw being in the best shape of my life by August or whatever our thing was. 

Geez, I was going to write a book, and quit drinking. I do drink only half of what I used to, sometimes a bit more than half. As you age drinking to extremes is bad. I still blog though. It is just my routine. I should check, hold on.  This will be update 196 for the year. I have no purpose for this thing, I just do it. This blogging was new at one point, and I still like it. 

I used to think there was a purpose to me, and there really isn't is there?  Oh this story will get told maybe. At least finished, but I am just of such little consequence aren't I?  I kinda like the story this way. Makes me such an unremarkable vessel to be used huh?  

Our hearts cannot really handle the story for us on our own. We want to be special and unique, and if someone told us the truth we'd harden our hearts. We cannot accept we are of little consequence. We cannot accept sainthood is quite a bit further from us then we think. 

Personally I don't really have any use for anything that isn't true. The World would be one thing. What a crazy place.  The people in it too, holy cow.  

I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.         :)))

MWAH.        :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

On To Another Book.

So, I finished my latest book from Kristin Hannah. As I was walking the dogs. There may or may not have been ugly crying going on.   ;)  stupid book trying to make me look like an idiot.    :)   Her books i listened to so far have been really really good. I'll probably check for more. I don't think I checked Audible yet, only the library. The library doesn't show all written, just what's available. I have the next detective dd Warren to get too. 

I went to the park, and hit my 8 iron. I got my shot down, and now I have to practice and practice. Its got to be 2nd nature. Golf is a hard game. I really want to get good at it. 

Lisa went out with the girls, so I made brats, and bought potato salad for dinner. I watched TV for a bit, but turned it off. I wasn't feeling it. I just went to bed. I slept good again last night. 

My doctor's appointment is tomorrow. I checked my BP,  and it is fine. I expect a pretty good visit. Weight is down, although I've been at a pretty good weight for years. I made those little changes to eating. Basically that salad almost every day, and try to eat a lot of fruit. I think it should be okay. 

Picking up golf is one of the healthiest things I've done too. More steps = more exercise. 

Besides that not much as usual. I think I might go to the par 3 course today. If I can get a tee time after I take the dogs. That should be a good test. Then dinner. 

An easy day of work, dogs, golf, eat, sleep. Simple simple.  

I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.        :)

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Traveling For Golf.

We went to a new for us golf course. It was seemingly in the middle of nowhere. I don't know how anyone could ever find it without GPS. Every Monday they have a senior scramble,  and there were a ton of cars. The course had wide fairways, and were well cared for. It definitely was a really nice course. 

I didn't shoot great. My driver was fine, mostly. Didn't get in a ton of trouble.  Irons weren't great, which is disappointing. I think with just some more practice I can really harness in the improvements I want. Of course its golf so those words will always be true. 

A golf day is always a good day. I didn't get home til 7:00 pm. Dinner was already done. I was starving. We watched one episode of Virgin river, and went to bed. Season 3 episode 1 was kinda cheesy, but whatever. 

That was it. Sleep after that like I said, and I slept good. Just a day of work, golf, eat, sleep. I'll probably do the same today, just with my 8 iron at the park. I'll take the dogs too, and cook dinner. A nice summer day. I should make sure of no rain. 

I have my doctor appointment next week. Shouldn't be anything major. Check blood pressure, and make sure he feels a pulse in my feet. More exciting is the blood work to follow.  My blood work was pretty great last year. Hopefully the same this year. 

Nothing really exciting going on with me. I guess that's the normal state of things.  Nothing really exciting. Its just life. Day after day. My book on the depression was interesting.  The author had the people flee Texas for California around 1935. They basically became migrant workers. There they became slaves to jobs, with a pretty hard life. Looked down upon for having found hard times, when many had a proud past. 

We as a people don't have to work hard to find hate. You are not like us therefore I discriminate against you. Pretty depressing story yet still rings true. 

You can look everywhere for saints, but you won't find them, although some many? think they've achieved such status. You can find the downtrodden too. I have no idea how people in other countries live. 

The same truth holds true. People procreate, and bring people into a tough World.  Hindsight is 20/20 of course, and I was given hindsight toward this at least.  Don't do it.  You really have no idea what you are doing.   

I spose.   

Laterzzzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.         :)

Monday, July 12, 2021

If I Needed To Catch Up On Sleep.

My asleep time was like 8 hours and 19 minutes. That's not time in bed, but actual sleep time. I rarely get that. I was tired after work yesterday. Actually I feel I was tired the whole weekend. 

I worked over 8 hours yesterday so that's good. I didn't do anything after just watched the Sox and celebrity golf. I think I was asleep in bed before 7:00 PM.   :)

In my younger years I would sacrifice sleep for fun,  now my sleep is a thing to look forward to sorta.  Not much better than a morning after a good sleep. After a cup of coffee of course. 

We are golfing today. I took all of yesterday off, and didn't hit too long at the park on Saturday, so I'll feel okay. I hope I play good. 

I am starting another work week. I feel the excitement of Summer is waning. Just another day type thing. I'll be in my routine of work, hitting golf balls taking the dogs. I haven't been working out, just cuz of time. After I take the dogs, and do whatever golf activity I have in store it is past 5:00 PM, so gotta do something for dinner. Typically I don't stay up much past dinner. 

At this point it would be hard to get the sleep early wake early out of me. It works for me. That probably sounds boring, but what else are people doing?  You'd be surprised to hear how many TV shows people watch. I think some people have two full time jobs. Work,  and tv watching. 

Speaking of TV watching, season 3 of mystic river is streaming on Netflix. I did watch season 1 and 2 at some point. It was good. It takes place in the upper Northwest. Off the beaten path is a little community. People who have escaped big city life, and more important jobs than they have now. They found a little area of small town life. Its a good escape, and everyone is good looking I am sure.  I know the red head lead actress is.    ;)

Anyhoo,  I spose. 

Work, golf,  and eating today. Maybe mystic river too.  

Laterzzzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.         :)))

MWAH.           :)

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Hey It Is Sunday.

Back to my Sunday workday. Last week I had less than 2 miles in after my Sunday off. This week I'll have 10 miles just cuz that's what happens at work. I still ended up with 72 miles last week. 

Yesterday we went mini golfing for the first time in forever. It was fine. There was a lady who caught my eye. Maybe 40?  She wore olive green pants. There were 3 generations in that group. Not sure if she had any of the kids. It looked like her sister probably had the kids.  Anyway out of the blue I was curious about her story. She was attractive so that's why I was interested.  Guys right?  I know keep us in a dungeon somewhere. 

She seemed patient and nice as a person. Probably didn't want to be mini golfing with her family is the vibe I was getting. Only the grandpa was there. No other males. Didn't check for a ring or anything. See how stupid shit like that happens. Remember the blond in the Lexus who gave me a smile?  

Anyway, we ate dinner out, and I went to bed. I was surprisingly really tired. 

Besides that Saturday was your typical Saturday. Not much to report. Today should be okay. I got work, and maybe see a movie after?  I got my Kristin Hannah audible book from the library. I had it on hold for like a month. There were like 8 or 10 people before me. Maybe more. Might have been on hold for 2 or 3 months.  She's a good writer. Her books usually have a female lead who lives in trying times.  The Alaska book,  and sisters who grew up during wwII were two books of hers I listened to already. Really good. The current one takes place during the Depression.  Kinda by the Texas Oklahoma border.  Depression,  drought,  and dust.  Its good so far, and it will be really good. Her books always are. 

Not much else besides that. Me just living out my days. These days will end at some point. Further down the road I suspect. Til then I'll continue doing what I do. Work,  eat, sleep. Retirement doesn't sound like it is something I'd be interested in. 20 years down the road who knows.  Idle time is not my favorite thing. I guess I like labor,  and I like to make money. Living debt free is nice. There is no living for free though. 

Rent payments and mortgages are always major. Some people have car payments too. I wonder what percentage that is. 

Most lives I view from the outside don't seem as good as mine. I guess most people look for an escape here and there.  Weekly,  daily,  I have no idea.  Time for yourself.  I get nothing but myself time.  Life ensnares us in many many ways, but I feel I am free from that.  

I spose. 

Laterzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.         :)

Saturday, July 10, 2021

I Got Nothing.

I think it's going to be like 118⁰ in Las Vegas today. That sounds fun. I gained a pound last week. Up to 159 pounds. 

I went to the driving range yesterday to work on my driver. It seems it was an easy fix. Same with my iron. Take a nice long easy backswing. Why that does what it does I don't know, but it helps probably with every club. My irons at the park were good too. So now I am excited to go out again. I may do both again. 

Besides that not much. I am paying my property taxes after this. My annual house payment. It isn't due til next month sometime,  but get it out of the way. In two weeks I'll pay off my Discover of $3000. All in one month.  :)  golf clubs, and air conditioner most of it. I wait two weeks cuz Lisa gets paid every two weeks, so it doesn't seem like such a huge hit to checking since we get paid for 3 jobs. That's it then hopefully.  Start getting the accounts back up. 

Its kinda fun having more money than you can possibly do anything with, but also boring. I still have to put money in my ira this year too. I might just do $1000/ month.  Just to get it done. 

It is good to be back to my regular weekend. We are golfing on Monday weather permitting.  Hope I play good. Golf is much easier with a drive on the fairway, and good contact after that.  I am close I think,  but you never know. 

Besides that not much. Another Saturday to get my shit done. Its a good life. Pretty simple.  Our highs for the next week are upper 70s to lower 80s. Much better than 118⁰  

Laterzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.          :)

Friday, July 9, 2021

A Fun Golf Day.

Yesterday was fun golfing. I started out really slow,  but played better after my first 3 holes. Not great by any stretch, but ok. Golf is a hard game. Just when you think you got it, you don't. 

I stopped trying to clobber my woods, and that was better. I still need more practice, but that will never end. If you like doing it practice is fun. Also potentially it gives you a leg up. Regardless I had fun yesterday,  and I laughed a lot. 

We made an easy dinner,  and I slept good. Tomorrow I have a day off. Nothing really planned tonight. I may try and practice my swing,  but I am pretty sore.  A day without golf doesn't sound too fun though.  I am glad I picked it up as a hobby. 

Not much besides that. Work is busy busy busy. My life is kinda busy, but in a good way. Nothing pressing on my mind at all. Just living out my days. They are pretty fun I guess. I do what I like. Work,  eat, and sleep. A little golf thrown in. 

That's it. Yeah nothing to really worry about. 

I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.           :)

Byeeeeeeeee.          :)))

MWAH.            :)

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Every Day Is Something.

Good morning. How's it going?  I am fine. I got a good night sleep last night. I was super tired for some reason, and went to bed even early for me. I may be tired from being so sore. I was able to practice my golf swing, which is why I am sore in the first place. It was hard to warm up. We are playing today, and I am taking two aspirin beforehand. I know I know the guy who takes aspirin mostly zero times/year. Golf is different. It is hard to get everything loose. I wonder if the Seniors take aspirin before their rounds. You would think they have some aches and pains that can use a little masking. Especially over a weekend.  

I took the dogs yesterday, and watered too. We ate dinner,  and I was like I gotta go to bed. I went downstairs around 6:00 or so, and watched a Nancy Drew and was asleep before 7:00. See, even early for me. There is nothing really exciting going on after dinner. I imagine people watch a lot of TV at that time. I sleep. That way I can keep people entertained with my early morning blog.   :)   I kid.   :)

Looks like we are hitting another nice patch of weather.  Only one day with a high in the 80s.  82⁰  other than that in the 70s, lows in the 60s. That's pretty ridiculous.  

Not much else to report. Life is busy,  but a good busy. I was almost 30,000 and 13 again yesterday.  Pretty normal.  On Sunday I was 1.78 miles. Goes to show you how the off days can really drag you down. A Sunday workday usually approaches 10 miles. I don't feel recharged after a lazy day. Quite the opposite. That's just one day. I can't imagine a person living most days like that. My dad does currently, and I can't say for sure he always didn't want to live that way. I know not the man at all, and he's not worth knowing.  

Can I say that about a lot of people?  Probably.   :)  is that a normal 50+mentality?  Maybe I am just comfortable in my life. I have no need for a ton of friends cuz I am fine as I am. Me going to bed early is more positive than me doing whatever it is people do later on in the night. 

I don't worry about what I am "supposed" to be doing, cuz I don't carry any of those weights on my back.  Sorry society. Climb on someone else's back. Mine is free from such entanglements.  

Laterzzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.         :)))

MWAH.          :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

The Swing Is Fragile.

I found my iron swing again yesterday. It tried to disappear. It's important I go through my warmup routine. I watched Mickelson,  Dechambeu,  Brady, and Rodgers for a bit. Outside the crazy distance those people get, Rodgers is a pretty good golfer. Brady's drive wasn't present,  but he putted pretty good. I would have stayed up to watch more,  but I fell asleep. 

I got everything done I wanted yesterday. Dishes, lawn,  Sam's club,  dogs. Lawn watered too, and I was able to go to the park. I used my 7 iron yesterday.  That's a busy day. A busy day culminating in tacos for dinner. I didn't totally check, but I was over 30,000 steps,  and 13.5 miles. Busy.  

Today,  I am hoping to golf. I may go by myself, or just go to the park. Get that swing locked down. Either way is fun. I really need to take my driver to the driving range. I have no clue what that thing is doing.  Regardless a fun day in store.  Summer is fun. Golfing was just the thing I needed. Having a park to hit my ball is huge. Golf does have a barrier to entry. If you don't have an area to practice your shot cheaply it becomes expensive. I have the park. How many hours already have I spent there?  Probably at least $200 worth or more driving range cost. On top of what I already spent. Its not cheap to practice every day. It is for me though. 

It is early July. This is turning out to be a good Summer. I am paying off the property taxes in a day or two. A couple weeks after that I'll pay for the part of my clubs I put on Discover,  and AC. My bag, and driver I ordered, and paid with my debit card. I'll get a good cash back this month. I may get a Dick's gift card this time.  

I know I know everything is about golf. Then we can start getting our accounts back up again. 

I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.           :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.           :)

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Back To Regular

Yesterday was a regular work day. We went golfing after. I started off okay,  and my swing disappeared. My putting was horrible too. I have to get back to the park. I think I was rushing my shot. So much to learn. 

I did stop by the Mexican store to get stuff for Fajitas.  What a simple meal, basically premade. I get precooked rice, guac, Pico,  I even got the beans this time. I enjoyed the dinner so much last night,  I am making tacos for dinner. 

I do have a busy day planned. Grass needs to be cut, dishes washed, dogs taken,  and balls to be hit. I love a busy Summer day. Kinda puts some pep in your step. I went to bed early/normal time. It was nice going to bed tired. Not so nice I woke up at 11:00 for a couple hours. I still got 5 hours. I'll sleep good tonight. Work will be stupid busy for ~6 weeks til school starts up again. It should slow down a bit after that. Busy is fine though. 

Not much besides that. Another day in the life. A day back to normal. The extra days off just aren't worth it. Not as fun as you think they might be. Me, I am not always as productive as I think I might be either. Life is better when I labor. I just feel better about everything.  I know others are different,  but I will never see eye to eye with them. I am made up differently.  No labor = low confidence and assuredness in my world.  

I spose.   

Laterzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.         :)))

MWAH.         :)

Monday, July 5, 2021

I Definitely Had A Lazy Day.

I don't feel bad having a lazy day, cuz I never do it. If I did it every weekend then yeah,  that ain't so good. Its kinda why I work two jobs, cuz what else would I do?  Hobbies cost money typically. Days off you may spend more money than you want. One day off a week is fine. Keeps lazy days far away. 

I didn't find a movie in the morning,  so I started watching Nancy Drew.  Kinda like Nancy Drew meets Supernatural. It isn't the best show,  but its fine. I watched 10 or 11 episodes.   :)  we saw the forever purge movie. It was fine too. I'm an A-lister so I get movies free, and Lisa's cost $6.50. We went to Menards, and had hot dogs for dinner. Lisa had Hailey's friend and her 3 kids over.  Lisa's chance at being a grandma. I stayed inside and watched Nancy Drew.  

I kinda just wanted to hang with myself.  Have my own lazy day. Lisa is fine with it cuz she had the kiddos over. A pretty good 2nd day off, but one I don't want to replicate often so I don't. I work typically.   That's how I live my best life. 

Today we are going into work an hour later,  cuz of the holiday. We can, because we aren't open on Mondays,  so fireworks, and dogs = let's start an hour later.  We are going golfing too at the par 3 course.  See if I can hit my irons good again.  It is going to be hot for two days, so I'll probably go swimming after for a bit. 

I am 54 years old. Kinda lucky I can turn off sociability whenever I want. Its just Lisa and I. Lisa has Hailey across the street,  and I don't have to be anything to anyone.  No kids to entertain or anything like that. That too is my best life. Not a lot of have to in my life. Work is a have to, but I like work. 

I think of people with kids, and to me that sounds like a lot of work. You can't really turn off like I did all of yesterday.  Do people wake up on July 4th and think yay, we get to entertain kids today. Unless of course they are already old enough to hate you. Of course parents may turn off anyway. Escape the weekly have to of work,  and raising kids. I don't know. I'm just glad in this regard I am free from all of that. 

I spose.   

Laterzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.            :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.          :)))

MWAH.         :)

Sunday, July 4, 2021

It Worked.

So we went golfing yesterday. I shot a 52 I think. I could have cleaned some stuff up, and got in the 40s probably. Putting for one thing,  and I had no clue what my driver was doing at all. My irons though I hit good. Got the good contact I wanted. I hit a couple really good 6 irons. The more I practice the better I'll get. My change was keeping my left arm close to my body from windup through the swing. It must not have been, and that made all the difference.  Except for my driver. That thing went wherever. Mostly left.  I used to have a little fade, so me aiming a bit left wasn't such a bad thing.  I corrected that,  started aiming toward the center.  The ball still went left.    :)   lol.  I can always use my 3 wood til I get that figured out. That is pretty exciting though. 

I watched TV the rest of the day. I had all my shit done,  and Lisa went to Saugatuck. I am pretty happy with how my golf has improved. 

Today will be a fun day. First I am going to find a movie to watch. Then we'll see a movie.  I am going to Sam's for a few things, and I'll take Hope. I should go to the park with my irons too. Make the most of my extra day off. 

Besides that not much. I slept a ton last night,  but I had one extra drink past what I should.  I needed it.  The sleep,  not the drink.     ;)

I spose.  

Laterzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.          :)

Saturday, July 3, 2021


Wow, I am now 158 pounds. Pretty crazy right?  Probably the 16.6 miles yesterday had something to do with it. I feel I ate a lot this week too. I know being at 77 miles with one day left is a big activity week, but I thought I may have gained weight. Not to be. I am not concerned in the least,  just surprised.  

158 doesn't look bad on me. My BMI is still on the high side of acceptable.  :)   LOL.  How skinny are we supposed to be?   

I seriously cannot eat much more during the day, and activity wise I don't think I can increase much either.  I am busy,  and active.  I cannot imagine how a person can get down to medium BMI levels.  I'd have to starve myself taking in less calories with what my activity level is at. 

Once again,  I am not concerned with BMI levels in the least. Wonder if they are out of date.  Irrelevant in this day and age. 

I worked on my golf swing at the park yesterday. I think I ironed some things out. No pun intended.  ;)  I hit a lot of good iron shots. You know where you feel pretty perfect contact. I just don't duplicate it 100% of the time. 

The pool guy came,  and we have a couple things to do yet. Bond the pool, which sounds like ground it. Electrician is coming out in a few weeks to do that. We have to dig out some ground too. 3' from all sides of the pool it has to be 4' high from the top of the pool. There is an area where that isn't the case. Not a huge section. They don't want kids to be able to jump into the pool. What kids I don't know. We don't have any. Our backyard is surrounded by a fence. Some kid gets in my backyard,  and jumps into the pool, and drowns who is at fault?  The trespasser right?  Its not my job to keep unwanted intruders safe. Why would guns be legal then?  There are like no codes on those.  I digress though.  

What I have learned in Holland is no one knows anything about pools. We asked a lot of questions,  and no one had answers.  City people said all kindsa shit. Our builder never answered texts. City guy shows up,  and tells us a bunch of shit we never even heard of. 

I'm not mad,  but we should be able to get answers.  Someone should know something.  

Anyway, life goes on. We are going to play 9 holes today. I hope I play good. I have tomorrow off too. What a novelty huh?  I wonder how I'll do. Sometimes too many days off I don't enjoy as much as getting my labor in. I can work on the pool stuff though. 

I tell you what though. Spending a couple hours playing golf is pretty relaxing. Sure shots can be frustrating, but still a good afternoon in the sun. 

I spose. Not really much on my mind. 

Laterzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.          :)

Friday, July 2, 2021

A Golf Day.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I went golfing yesterday. I didn't play particularly well. I've been practicing so much with my irons (8-iron), I thought the par 3 would be a good checkup to see how i am doing. Not good enough apparently. Not one good tee shot on the par 3 course. 

I use my 8 iron so much that's all I feel confident using. Lost with the pitching wedge. Too long or too short. I took one shot with my 8 iron instead of the obvious PW I should have used. It ended up right next to the hole. From maybe 60-70 yards out. 

Still a work in progress. 

The inspectors are coming to check the pool today. Lisa kept forgetting to call. Obviously she schedules him or her for when I am here,  and not her. How did I become the pool guy?  That was her thing.  I think it will be fine. 

I have two days off after today. How about that. Our property tax bill came yesterday. My house payment for the year. $2067. That comes out to $172/month. Basically $220/month to live with house insurance in April. I don't think you can live cheaper than that. Not so close to Lake Michigan anyway.  

The house next door to us just sold. The new owners will pay $333/month just for property taxes, due to the amount they paid for it. 

I work two jobs. I try to save a lot. Still when you have to pay property taxes, golf clubs,  and car's AC, the cash supply can get hit, so I'll have to build that back up. 

My Summer of being cash heavy didn't last long.   :)  It's all relative though. 5 years ago I would have considered myself pretty wealthy with the cash reserves even after I pay these bills. Not to mention we just paid for a pool too, so.  I can build it back up pretty quickly. 

My life is pretty easy. Still finances can take a hit. I wonder how many people have financial stress day in day out. Best way to overcome that is to work. A weekly income is a pretty good thing if you are living in this World. 

Walden Pond, or into the wild doesn't seem to really be an option. How to make it so one likes to labor as much as I do I am not sure. I am lucky being me. 

How to make it so one doesn't need to seek out meaning to their life I cannot help with. Also I am lucky in that regard. 

I am pretty lucky being me really. Yet still unexpected shit rises up. 

I do have two days off after today. My new golf plan is bring my 8 iron, and PW to the park. Learn to use both clubs. Then maybe a 7, and lob wedge. Start using all my clubs. 

Fun fun. 

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.           :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.            :)

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Not Everything Done.

I had a lot to do yesterday. Take the dogs, cut the grass, make chicken salad with extra chicken I baked off yesterday, make biscuits and gravy for dinner, and take my dad to the bank. So after taking the dogs, and cutting the grass, I asked my dad if he wanted to go to the bank. It was such a big deal to him yesterday, but not today. Go figure. I took that as a good omen to go to the park and hit my 8 iron. I made real progress yesterday. 

I was able to hit the ball with my iron the way I wanted. Less loft, and more distance. I am going to the par 3 course after work to see how it goes.  I ended up making chicken salad, and biscuits and gravy for dinner too. 

All in all an okay day.  Weather was really nice. The weather outlook is pretty ridiculous actually.  Super good forecast. I have two days off this weekend too. Should be pretty sweet. I am going to see at least one movie. Probably two. I was approaching 15 miles when my day ended. It didn't seem like it. 

Now that I have taken up golf what happens in the winter?  I guess we will cross that bridge when we get to it. 

I was kinda tired when my alarm went off, cuz I was still in a deep sleep, but quickly woke up knowing today was going to shape up to be a pretty good one. I'll be busy, I'll play golf,  and I'll eat dinner. Hopefully clean up the kitchen too. Simple simple. 

See how easy my life is. I don't even have to work at having a pretty good disposition. I have like zero baggage.  

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.         :)))

MWAH.        :)