Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Time Definitely Keeps Moving.

Thanksgiving is next week. We have 4 weeks of Christmas, and then January is upon us. Crazy I know.  Yesterday we had a scare. I smelled gas in the garage when I went to get my bike. Our vent-free heater's gas line runs in the garage. I opened the door, and it cleared up. I told Lisa to smell it when she wakes up. It still smelled. She picked me up from work, so I could shut off the valve. She called up the gas company. He figured the problem easy enough. I accidentally turned the knob on to the gas grill, and that was our problem. So dumb. I should shut off the tank each time we use it. I will from now on. I'm gonna put it in the shed for the winter too. I am not a grill outside in the winter kinda guy. I love our breezeway, it would have sucked if we had to be without heat in it. I drink coffee,  and do this in the breezeway each day. It's actually the warmest room in the house. 

I slept good again last night. It was only 6 hours, but I was up before my alarm. I felt energetic,  and my heart rate was down. If I drink my heart rate stays a bit elevated. Drink a certain amount I guess. Maybe if I drink too quickly. We've already established 95% or more of the time I drink less than a pint on a drinking day. Speed should equate in that factor I think... obviously. In the past I could suck down drinks pretty quick,  and be buzzed pretty quick. 

Anyway, what else?  I did get some shit done after work yesterday, and I always feel that makes for a good day. I was tired, and slept good. I tried watching episode 3 of his dark materials, but fell asleep pretty quickly.  :)  I'll watch it today after my workout. Not sure what to do about dinner. Probably hamburger helper. 

Not much else going on besides that. I have some shit to do. We definitely need to organize the garage. The kids will be moving out around Christmas. That will open up the house more. We have a sofa in there now, which is totally in the way. It's how I turned the propane grill on. Moving shit around to fit my bike. 

I guess its not too early to think of next year. We don't have to paint the house or have a driveway put in. No major projects. One pretty minor one, and yard work. It took us several years, but we pretty much can have most stuff squared away. Not too much shit laying around like hoarders. I don't need a dumpster to get rid of shit. We don't have that much. Plus we get 2 free dump passes each year. 

I feel like maybe I get more done year after year. One can always do better at that stuff, but I feel I am on a good track. My life is relatively easy,  but still busy you know?  I still have shit to occupy my time. In the end it doesn't really amount to anything, but my heart is happy to do it. That is the secret to the good life. A happy and content heart. It's what we strive for. Unfortunately it isn't something in our power to make. It has to be given,  and created for us. 

Geesh,  I had a long story just getting to this point. That was before the wait started. I have no idea how many years just this blog has gone on. A lot.   :)  Kinda funny huh?  

Today is a day. It should be full. I'll check off my list, as I always do. Work, eat, sleep.   :)

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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