Monday, May 10, 2021

Ehhh, I'll Just Go To Bed.

Yesterday was pretty good. I was able to do my normal work stuff pretty much. We cemented two poles for our fence. We need one more bag of cement. The fence and gate will be up and running in a day or two. I can call the city for the final pool inspection after that. 

Its just when it was almost time for dinner I decided to just go to bed. I wasn't really that hungry, and I was definitely tired. After work on Sundays I've been getting a whopper. No fries or anything,  just a whopper. They are soooooo good. I did it one week a while back for some reason or another. I couldn't believe how good it was. Now I am craving one after work almost every Sunday. I pass a BK on my way home too. 

Besides that not much. I do like having that little extra work to do after Sunday work. I think usually I'd sit on my ass and watch sportsing. I listened to another deal of the day audio book. Another in a series I won't continue. Its okay, but it takes place in France, so all places in France sound weird. Sex scenes described by a Scottish dude are weird too. The story is okay. There is just too much of a barrier for me. 

There wasn't much on my mind yesterday. Just another day in the life. Work, eat, sleep for sure. I just skipped the final eat part. 3 more weeks,  and I have my year of blogging done. Hopefully I will have more to write about than today. 

We got some more shit to do today. Get rid of my dads car. He traded his car to someone for another car. The guy got my dad's car with a title. My dad got his car with no title. So Lisa called the police, and went through a whole thing. Got a police report showing last person with the title.  It wasn't this dude. Anyway our junkyard wouldn't take it without the title. Even with the police report,  so we are taking it to another that will take it. No money though.  So my dad screwed himself. Not anymore than he has the past few years by giving heroin addicts money. We finally get that piece of shit out of our yard. 

Now we will only have 3 cars in our yard with 3 people with licenses. We used to have 5 at one time. We are just waiting for Kevin,  and my Dad to die. One is old,  and one is old beyond his years cuz of a unhealthy lifestyle. Video games,  pizza, and a never ending supply of 2-liter Pepsi. No exercise or anything outdoors actually. Just an ever expanding waist line. 

It is really kinda gross to see people live like that. I see bad in people, and I don't want to be like them. Maybe that's why I am antisocial. Everybody is always angry about something or other.  In my head I typically am not angry. My dad is always angry. Been treating people like shit all his life. 

I spose. Better get this day started. I have a lot of mixing to do this week.  Probably most of the cookies, soda bread, bars, you name it. 

I guess my busy season starts now.  

Laterzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.           :)

Byeeeeeee.         :)))

MWAH.         :)

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