Saturday, August 15, 2020

The Anticipation Sorta

So my doc got my lab results. Everything is normal. Liver function, kidney function, blood sugar etc...  my potassium was low, so he wants me to cut a dosage of a peeing pill in half (blood pressure), and retest on Thursday. I am not worried about that, cuz I fasted for 20 hours. Drank a shit ton of water, and peed a lot. It would seem to me my potassium should be depleted. I want  to know my other numbers though. Cholesterol,  good, bad, and triglycerides. It's not posted yet.  My bad cholesterol I think was 58 last time. Supposed to <= 90. I am sure it is still low. My good cholesterol was 56, supposed to be >= 60. Triglycerides were high too. Those are the numbers I am concerned with. Those are the numbers I want to know, but can't see them yet. 

Outside me impatiently waiting for my numbers, and  fasting for 20 hours things are okay. Work was fine. I was lazy after getting my blood work, so a low mileage day. Can't really have a big mile day without taking the dogs. I'll probably end up with 66 miles for the week give or take. I did get 3 workouts in though so that's good. One thing I am lacking is getting my heart rate up in the aerobic zone. I haven't been running for obvious reasons,  although I probably can start again. I haven't been biking in a non commute way either. It's hard to do all the things right. 

I know my Sundays are pretty busy. It doesn't really give me that one real chill day during the week. Sometimes I think it would be fun to have one of those,  but typically I am filled with self loathing once I do.   :)   hahaha. 

Hey guess what?  It's my birthday today. 54 years old. Pretty healthy. Weight, blood pressure, and blood work all pretty good, except for potassium.  That's pretty much what you want for 54 years old. 

Wanna know a crazy thing about me?  Maybe guys in general. The girl at the lab was an Indian girl. I'd say anywhere from 40-50 years old. Okay looking. but looks attractive in her mask. Masks are becoming a fetish of mine now.  :)  always something with us creeps. Anyway she kept sitting on one of those round stools that turns, and is on rollers. She sat on one of her feet. Bent her legs each time, and sat on her foot. I kept thinking that would probably hurt my knee, and ankle. I thought shit, I don't do any stretching either. She probably does yoga. I found that to be attractive about her. She sits on her feet. So now I got that fetish too. Haha.  Guys guys guys. 

You won't  see my birthday on FB, cuz I don't give one flying fuck about my birthday. Tomorrow is Lisa's. it's an easy one for me to remember. I didn't get her any gift, cuz I don't think we do  that to my recollection. 

Anyway, today is a work day. Hope to see my lab results,  but it is the weekend, so I have my doubts. I have a book to listen to, and that's okay by me. 

Have a good one.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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