Friday, August 7, 2020

A Fighting Chance

So, I am at 48 miles with 2 days left  It is usually easy to assume I'll get at least 10 miles in during a work day. If 10 miles is 12 miles instead I'll be at 72. Not unheard of in the least. The last 3 work days were over 12 miles, and yesterday over 13. So, a fighting chance. My miles come naturally. I am not going to do extra shit to get more miles. No need. Don't really give a fuck, but I check numbers at the end of the week. This week is different cuz Sunday I didn't do shit. 

I watered the grass for the first time in a while. We did get rain a few days ago. It looked really good. Better even since I didn't water it every single day. That is such a good thing to know. I always assumed you water it every day,  since people have been watering their sidewalks every day for as long as I can remember. Those who ride their bikes to work early know who is watering their grass and sidewalks. We dodge or get wet, depending on traffic.  Can I dodge in the street to escape water?  

I just took my blood pressure again. 132/83. That isn't too bad at all. 2 days in a row. For me, I bet drinking adds at least 10 numbers to the top, and maybe 20. Drinking is a factor in high blood pressure. For me it is the major one. Genetics may play a part too. If I didn't develop the side effect cough from my first medication I could probably drink still no problems. 

Not much going on besides that. I am getting my first tomatoes. Big ones. I have been getting cherry tomatoes. Cucumbers I am still at the eat one stage, and pick 5.  

Welcome to my boring life. I wonder how much has changed since I've been doing this?  A lot has changed just from the pandemic, but how I am.  Does my personality seem different I wonder.  My writing voice. Did it change at all?  I can't really say. I don't go back and read it that's for sure. I bet you I am approaching 2500 posts since the beginning of  the wait. A 40-something to a 50-something years old. 

One thing remains constant I guess. Still confident,  still assured. I don't get that from anyone else. That I get elsewhere. It's a good thing to have too. The best. I could be poor, and I'd still be confident and assured. I have been poor during these 2500 posts too. 

I've seen the plans of the young as they try to make their way. I once was young, but I gave up my plans. The turn if you will. That is where my confidence and assuredness comes from. The young and their plans don't always come out as planned. I cannot imagine how different I would be if I had plans I followed. Probably not good. I feel I may have been destined to be a piece of shit otherwise.  It's so hard to know. 

Confidence and assuredness > fame and fortune. Fame and fortune is more exciting to the young. Fortune people always strive for, cuz we think that is where security comes. 

Anyway, just thinking out loud.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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