Thursday, August 13, 2020

The Days Still Are Busy

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I got a good night sleep. Yesterday filled up as days do. I had to take the dogs, water the grass, get the garbage out to the road. I pulled two of my cucumber plants. They are done. I should have pulled the other 2. They are in the yard waste bin. We did chicago style dogs for dinner. Tomatoes, onions, pickles,  sauerkraut,  relish, mustard,  celery salt,  and sport peppers. I devoured 2-1/2, and my shirt ate the other half.  ;)

The day filled up. Today,  I have to take the dogs, and workout. Run the dishwasher, and whatever else pops up. Tomorrow I can get my blood taken. Pretty excited about it. Year over year I do better and better with diet, and exercise. Not so much running and stuff. but resistance training. Diet definitely. I am not a food weenie, but I do take care to eat a good amount of fruit and veggies. 

I mostly am interested in my good cholesterol number. my bad cholesterol is low, but so was my good cholesterol. I've been taking a fish oil pill every day to help that. My lipid number I want to see too. It tends to run high, which i assume has been from alcohol consumption. I've cut back quite a bit again in my never ending quit/not quit drinking battle I always have with myself. 

So much good can come from not drinking, but there isn't much any better than that hour or so of chill time before dinner with a couple drinks. Drinks + dinner = sleep time for me after. Cuts into reading and tv shows. 

My life is busy. I like it that way. There is a Presidential election coming up. One side is going to be pissed. No predictions from me. I will say I like Biden's pick for VP. Not cuz she is black,  or has immigrant parents,  and whatever. Not cuz she is a senator,  and a past State of California AG. More cuz she was a District Attorney of SF. 

I read a lot, actually listen to a lot of mystery novels. I think anyone who is a District Attorney of a big city already has a pretty good resume. It takes brains, strength, and time in the courtroom. 

I know a district attorney is a political post for sure. Typically it is a buck stops here post. She owns the shit her office did. It takes ambition sure, and courage. Senator,  and States AG are less impressive. More of a figure head post to my thinking.  I wouldn't mind a leader who as Truman said, takes a buck stops here approach. Own your position. God knows our current President has never made a mistake. Its always those around him, or someone else to blame. A man of weak character. A man of no courage. A man who NEEDS people to like him. Not a leader. A salesman. A con man if you will. He can sell snake oil to the ones who can succumb to such things. The right wing machine can peddle anything. 

Anyway, my 2 cents. I know nothing about Kamala Harris,  except she was a DA of a big city. In my little World of knowing very little,  I find that impressive. For whatever reason. The snake oil salesman I am unimpressed with. Despise his type actually. 

I am one man though. Living my little life of little significance. I like it. It is simple. I put in a good amount of labor for a fair wage. I eat good meals, and I like the place I live. Next year I'll even have a pool. The contractor will want us to pull permits in February already. Pretty exciting. 

Anyways, I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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