Thursday, August 20, 2020

No Coffee This Morning

Gotta get blood work done this morning. I am going to leave work for an hour to do it though. I am not going 20 hours without food to get my blood work done. 14 is enough. Actually they say 10-12 is fine. They just want to double check my potassium. It kinda sucks I have to do it, but good to know the importance of potassium. Remember last year I was eating a banana everyday?  I got off that for some reason. My potassium read low last week though cuz I was peeing too much is my guess. I was at that peeing every half hour stage for like 3-4 pees. We will know for sure. They are doing a Hepatitis C screening too. Something typically done with people my age. 

Yesterday I was tired at the end of the day. I did ride my bike to the drugstore. It was a nice day for it. I took the dogs too, and made dinner. Watered the front again too. Surprising to me is my muscles were tight from working out. I worked out 3 days last week,  and Tuesday was my 2nd workout this week. No real reason my muscles should be tight. 

I don't think I have anything to do today after work. Walk the dogs, but that's it. 

Not really a lot on my mind otherwise. I mostly think about what I have to do, and how my day will fill up pretty much. There is a Presidential Election coming up,  and the days float by without any changes really. I pay very little attention, and that is nice. 

This election is a no brainer to me. Like hello, we all know who should win this election just by default. Then there is a whole other side who miraculously think otherwise.  No sense in me getting into any arguments. For one, I am not even that mad. I don't want to see the people whose whole life boils down to political arguments, or news blurbs and whatnot. What a bore. 

My life is busy. My days fill up. I eat meals. I work out, and that isn't exactly fun. It's kinda like a chore you have to do 3 days/week. Even if you are tired. The health benefits are worth it. I see guys with no muscle at all, and that's a harsh thing to do to oneself. 

I judge in that way sometimes I guess. A lifetime of drinking alcohol is a pretty harsh thing to do to oneself too, yet here I am. Judge away. :)  I have changed things through the years though. 

Actually I started working out only a few years ago. Lucky I had a base built from childhood. I did work out even in 8th grade. 

I am so far removed from running any distance. Pretty sure I never want to get it back either. Too many times my knee couldn't hack it. What I have noticed is I do a ton stuff more around the house now. Switched from one labor to another. House labor never ends. There always is more to do. 

My life is pretty easy, and that's because by just working  I am active. I don't have to worry about lazy days, cuz I don't get any. If I have a lazy Sunday it puts me behind, so not even worth it. 

Life isn't exciting in the least. Its routine after routine kinda. If your routines are unhealthy you may want to switch it up. Regardless it can be boring. I don't get bored, I am never sad. I am happy with my routine. I accept my little life with a grateful heart. 

I see lives of the unhealthy at home too. Lisa's brother is obese. He eats no fruits, and no veggies. Drinks only pop. Diet consists of frozen pizza,  frozen chicken tenders, and sometimes tacos. Tacos with no veggies.  Plays video games when not working, and gets high. He has asthma bad too. He'll die soon of pneumonia,  a heart attack or something. He is gross to look at. 

My dad is ridiculous too. He can do nothing for himself really. He has turned into a 4 year old. He cannot cook a meal for himself. He'd eat toast all day long. The thing is I don't think he was ever good at life. Can't control his finances for the life of him. He's disgusting to look at too. It's even worse talking to him. 

We are vile creatures huh?  Pretty disgusting. 

Anyway, I spose 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

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