Tuesday, August 11, 2020

That Was Kinda Major

So, we went to check out about getting a pool. It turns out pools and spas are hard to come by. I imagine many of the parts and pieces come from overseas. The company had a deal going on. $500 down for Spring time delivery. The total price for a 24' round pool will be ~$6500 installed. I had no idea we'd be talking that kind of money. We decided to go for it. 

I knew nothing about pools. Turns out you don't have to empty and refill them. Winterizing, and start up is actually pretty easy.  You figure we won't be going on any vacations for a while. Plus we will probably be getting $2500 from the guvmint. The pool is actually pretty nice. It will take up a good portion of our backyard. What does it say, a fool and his money are soon departed.  :)  something like that.  It actually is pretty exciting. 

I got two books from the library. We stopped by the mexican store and got fajita meat for dinner. It's already premixed with peppers and stuff. Easy dinner. Today will be gyros. Guess what I found at the grocery store?  A jar of sport peppers. We will be doing chicago dogs for dinner sometime this week. I have never seen sport peppers in Michigan before. 

The school year is starting soon. Who knows what that will be like. I heard the fall college football season will be canceled, probably announced today. Sportsing cannot stand up to a pandemic. 

I wonder what the science people think about this corona thing. A flu evolves, a flu doesn't need civilization to survive. It uses birds too, and swine too. The flu of 1918 had a few waves. The 2nd wave doing the most damage. Will Corona have an evolved 2nd wave?  One that can do more damage than the first? I sure as heck don't know. I know when a virus makes a jump from animal to man, than those are dangerous. This they thought made the jump from bats if I recall. Is it nearing the end, or will there be an evolved 2nd wave?  One way more deadly?  

I don't know. Too early to say for sure we are out of the woods. I would just keep acting responsibly. 

I guess besides that everything is going okay. Does a weird school year mean an extra long summer?  The bakery could stay pretty busy through Christmas. We do anyway, but typically it slows down a bit during school. Tourism is gone, etc...   The final two weeks of Christmas is ridiculous no matter what. You cannot make enough stuff. 

It won't be long before we start making pumpkin muffins. and pumpkin bars. Fun fun.  I guess I better make my cucumber sauce for the gyros.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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