Tuesday, August 4, 2020

What Is My Problem?

So, I stayed up late again. Couldn't fall asleep. It already is fucking up my week. I didn't just lay there though. I did read a lot of my book. I love suspense books. You know where you cannot wait to see what happens next. 

I did come home and relax yesterday, cuz of lack of sleep. I plan on doing that again. 

I watched the new episode of Perry Mason. Only one left in Season 1. Unfortunately it is sometimes hard to follow along. Like maybe they try to put too much in. I hope season 2 will be better. I don't really have any shows to watch. I could probably search for another. 

Life sure is  different with a good night sleep. You wake up thinking all the things you want to get done. When you are tired you think of just relaxing. Sleeping, reading,  or watching tv. 

In my younger years I might fight fatigue. Pretend I am Superman, and that I don't need sleep. In my later years now I realize there are no points for stupidity. 

The weather has cooled down for a couple days, I am kinda looking forward to just relaxing kinda. I probably haven't done it all Summer. 

There are some new things in the house. Namely my dad is back. Day 1, and he is starting his same old shit. After work,  i am going through his finances. I know what it is going to look like. Piss through money by channeling it to the heroin addict. He is like a 4 year old intellectual wise. He called me like 4 times yesterday lying he was out doing this and that. Well, there is no going out doing stuff. You can't sit in a restaurant all day, or see a movie, or anything. I told him you stay here no heroin addict friend. If you cannot abide by those rules go live with her. I surely don't care. He's got a track record, and it isn't good. It's the stupidest track record I've ever seen. 

Anyway. I'll figure this shit out. He has to get a doctor's appointment to get a physical exam to make sure he is fit to drive. If he doesn't his license will be suspended. I think he should start doing that. also give away clothes you will never wear. Go through bullshit you don't want anymore, do you can dump it. He does have some productive things that can be done. He  does suffer from a lifetime of lazy though. Also a lifetime of stupid. 

Anyway I am out.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

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