Friday, August 28, 2020

Nothing Much On A Thursday

There really was nothing too significant on Thursday. My run was a run walk, cuz of the heat and humidity. I am in no running shape to run good in that crap. I did get my run, and workout in though. Workout was fine. I did see footage of the black guy who got shot. "Oh Shit" were the words that came out of my mouth. What the fuck?  I saw the white guy who came from IL walking with his long gun.  I don't know how many people he shot, but who are these people?  How many schools are going to be shot up this year?  By dudes like that. 

I don't know the typical person at all. I don't know the typical dialogue people have in their minds. I don't know what makes them tick. 2nd amendment stuff,  socialism is a word thrown around. I don't know how killing and hate became the norm. Just for random people.  What poisoned people?  

There are serious problems. People who get hooked on meth, and heroin are in real trouble. I don't know the cycle of the inner city. Gangs, drugs, etc... I don't know a thing about. I don't know the percentage of kids being brought up in broken homes. I don't know how a person breaks out from a home of poverty.  Advanced schooling is overly expensive. I can't imagine many good jobs coming from poor inner city communities. Schools probably aren't the best in those areas. 

It's bad out there. Talk that riles up a powder keg is foolish, dangerous, and really dumb. Hate sells. Hate gives people something to hold onto. Hate gives people a feeling of purpose. Once hate has you in its grasp there probably is very little that can be done. You might as well be addicted to heroin. Looking for your next fix to feel your thoughts are justified. 

A lot would have to be done to change the narrative. The first step is to get rid of Nero in office.  My god, you can't just throw fire around.  You'll burn the whole place. 

I don't even know if that would help anyway. The narrative is pretty entrenched in people. 

Its Friday though. I got my 3 workouts in, and my first 3 runs, since injury. The rnc is over,  and I watched none of either. Time is just going to slip away, and next thing you know it will be November. Hard to make the Sunday news cycle if there is football,  or another hurricane. There probably won't be much movement either way in the polls.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

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