Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Tuesday Is Becoming An Important Day

Good morning. How's it going?  I am fine. Tuesday is an important day cuz it is the 2nd day of working out. I was tired after work. it was a full day. Riding my bike home kinda rejuvenated me. I  took Hope,  and Roman for a run. Roman's first run with me. It was fine. Not bad at all. Squirrels are dangerous. Those two dogs can really pull. Especially together. I got my cardio in, and it felt good. I was excited to get my workout in, cuz it was Tuesday. 2 of the 3 workouts would be done. Pushups were easier than the pullups,  and dips. I don't recall that always being the case, but I noticed it yesterday. 

Me adding reps to knee to chest thingies is just adding another set of 10. I think I got 5 sets, but I sometimes lose track. Was that 3 or 4?  My workouts consist of only 4 exercises. Pushups,  pullups,  dips, and knee to chest thingies.  4 sets of each. pushups are 15/20/15/20. The other 2 are 4 sets of 7. Up from 4 sets of 5, and 5-10s for knee to chest thingy. It doesn't seem like a lot, but it does me good. 

We made a simple meal last night, and I went to bed. The day fills up pretty quickly, so I don't have a ton of time to do extra stuff. Trying to read my book, and watch the sopranos too. Today, I think I'll take time out. I didn't need to water yesterday, cuz we got rain. 

What else. Day 2 of the rnc was yesterday. I watched as much as I did the dnc. Zero. Nada. I'll keep that up for a couple more days,  and that's done. Basically we will have two more months left. Some side is going to be mad.   :)  

Jerry Falwell jr. I see is in trouble. It's not so much for what he did. Guys are pigs. Our foolish minds can take us down any stupid path, especially if we are thinking with the head between our legs. What he did isn't illegal. Maybe not even uncommon in some circles. It's just so bad for him, cuz of his "religious" position in life. 

Trump has his past which doesn't seem to matter. I think Boris Johnson just had a kid with his mistress. Not sure when the divorce I assume was. Clinton got clobbered for it. If every thought we've ever had about sexual fantasies were open for all to see, there would be no one casting the first stone. We'd be too busy defriending our so called friends who are obviously perverts.   :)

Religion and sex don't mix.  So things have to be done in the dark. The light is a bit too scary for us. Man can we all be judged pretty harshly. You won't find much/no light in this World. We surely aren't courageous enough to stand in it. Easier to judge ourselves better than Hitler, and hope we are lucky like most. Our dirty laundry, and sexual fantasies never see the light. 

Anyways, I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.    :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.          :)))

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