Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Finally Got A Pretty Good Night Sleep

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I finally slept pretty good. I actually ended up getting a lot of stuff done yesterday, although I had that feeling of fatigue from 2 nights of not good sleep. 

I got a lot done at work. you know where your list seems bigger than what you can achieve?  I came home, and walked the dogs. Yesterday was definitely for their benefit. I got my dad hooked up with a banking app, which is getting me hooked up to his banking app. I told him we will look at it every day. See what the heck he does. 

He let his insurance lap, so he is driving without insurance. Illegal in Michigan. Now he is uninsurable. High risk=high premium. He cannot afford to drive.  I'll have to take his keys soon. 

I gave him some shit to do. Go through your drawers. Let's get rid of the junk. Go through your clothes. Let's give to good will, shit you will never wear or throw it out. 

He's a mess. At least I can keep an eye on his finances. Lisa was kinda getting on me like I should take his keys away now,  cuz he is going to kill someone. I told her it isn't my fucking job to protect the world from my dad. Also I sure as fuck am not his dad. His keys will be taken soon, cuz he isn't driving on a suspended licence. 

Anyway, I feel I have a little bit more control of stuff.  I look at my bank shit almost every day, so it ain't no biggie to look at his. 

Anyway, I cleaned the kitchen, and made dinner, and read a bit. It was just under a 13 mile day, so that's a lot on 3 hours sleep. 

It was cold last night so I wore a sweatshirt to bed. Temps will pick back up in a day or two. I feel pretty good today. I got a good night sleep, and I am not in a irritated way with my dad. It's been decades since I've realized my dad is someone I don't want to be like. Mission accomplished. We have never been alike. 

Just one of those lives that probably seems big to him, but really so fucking pointless.  Like us all I spose, but his seems to have a little more pointlessness than others if that is possible. Here a short while doing stupid shit before he dies. 

Anyway,  I don't think my work list is too big today. That I can think of right now. The day should be okay. I'll probably cut the grass. I've decided my salads are gonna just be cucumbers and my homemade italian dressing. Way too many cucumbers. 

That's about it. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.         :)))

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