Monday, December 28, 2020

I Ran Out Of Things To Do

I ran out of  things to do around 1:00, so I watched the Bears. I hope they make the playoffs. Why, I don't know. I guess cuz in the playoffs you never know. You do know if we play  the Packers we would lose. That's a given. Outside that you can win pretty much on any given Sunday. 

I made Turkey noodle soup,  and I learned something. Cook noodles separate from the broth. Noodles soak up a lot of liquid. Sometimes I learn stuff so after the fact it is crazy. Duh, Steve. 

This week is going to be a short week.  It's almost the real start of winter with the holidays almost over. I had two days off of work last week,  and I ran out of things to do. How much tv do people watch who don't work?  Working from home sounds awful to me. People kinda wish for that simplistic lifestyle, and it sounds to me like a nightmare. If you work from home you gotta be in front of a computer for much of  the time right?  I guess if you are a prosecutor or defense attorney you are going through a lot of stuff. That probably isn't horrible. 

I was listening to a true crime podcast yesterday cuz I didn't have a book to listen to while shopping.  It occured to me there really are nuts out there. People who actually go out of their way to screw up people's lives for some profit for themselves.  Maybe they think with enough profit they wouldn't have to work. I could tell them don't strive for that. You still will have to fill up the days somehow. Outside of work there isn't a lot to do. You could be a writer, and that would be okay I guess. 

You'd kinda have to be like me with my blog writing though. Get fulfillment out of it for whatever reason,  without getting paid for it, and without anyone reading it too. I imagine there are a lot of written "War And Peace " books out there. Not as in a lot of classics. but as in started but not finished books.   :)

Working I guess is kinda my theme this year. I like working. It helps me fill my day in a positive way. Those who don't work probably have trouble filling their day in a good way. That's my opinion anyway. 

Anyway, I spose. Better make my lunch.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.      :)

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