Sunday, December 20, 2020

A Day Off

Yesterday was a pretty normal day off. Shopping, dishes, laundry, dinner. I made prime rib. Its always cheap around Christmas. I watched a bit of football, switched to basketball for like a minute, and switched to a HBO series I was watching. I ate dinner,  and fell asleep at some point. I ended up with 82 miles last week, and lost another pound. 

I feel like this is the start of a new week, and maybe we start the New Year now. Change something about me. We always want to do it every year,  and many weeks I hope to change something the current new week. 

I did get my workout in yesterday. 3 times last week, which is what I always want. I upped my reps of dips. I do 4 sets of 8. Pull ups I still do 4 of 7, although I may do an 8th on the last set. Push ups are 15, 20, 15, and 20, and knee to chest thingies are 4 of 10. That's it. It doesn't take long, and it is me just lifting my body weight basically. 

I can't say it is something I want to add a lot to. I am not always excited about working out, but I like to get it in. I feel way better. Also I can sustain this workout without getting injured. Starting out from scratch too,  I bet a person would struggle to get 3 pull ups done,  let alone 3 other sets. Using my muscles cuz I am 54 years old, so kinda a necessity. 

I don't know why,  but I am excited for work today. Just me  working,  listening to my book. Remember I listened to the Lincoln Lawyer book a couple weeks ago?  Watched the movie too. Well I am on the 4th Lincoln Lawyer book, and they are really good. So, that's cool. I played chess better yesterday too. 

Like I said,  a new day, a new week, and what the heck, a new year. I am looking forward to it. 

At work they were talking of a challenge. Run a mile with a weighted vest, which doesn't sound healthy,  cuz of knees and stuff, but you do 100 pull ups,  and 200 pushups,  and another mile. Push ups I feel you can do sets and sets forever,  so 200  seems easily doable. 100 pull ups seems like it would take a while. Maybe I should think of a challenge every week. I think you do a bunch of squats too. 

A physical challenge every week of some sort. That's an idea. 

I like it. 

Something to ponder. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.      :)

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