Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Well, I Didn't Sleep Late

I hate when I wake up too early. I don't know what my problem last night was. I was tired after work,  so I binge watched the Sopranos. I am on season 2 now. Today is a day I cannot afford to be tired. I have work,  run, workout, and make dinner on the list today.  Dinner should be easy, just making spaghetti. 

It is September now. There is enough sports for everyone. I don't know how this year will fuck up a normal next year, sports wise. Will this year make a shift change in how people normally live life? Will we always wear masks in public?  Wouldn't bug me any. I really don't have a big need to be in public spaces outside of grocery shopping. We may start to get the movie theaters open soon, I will probably do that again. 

Kids are going back to school. What a horrible thing to have to deal with. My life is full enough doing my regular day to day. I'd hate to have to add more. Of course I have my dad which is kinda like having a shitty kid. but I don't have to help him with homework. 

I think I saw Warren Buffet is 90 years old. Still smart as a whip. Probably cuz he keeps his mind active. I've seen two people during their retirement, and it was filled with tv. I think an abundant amount of tv has negative health on mental abilities. It isn't based on some research or anything, but just personal observations. 

Outside of work,  I am not real social. I don't do anything, I wonder if I'll be socially awkward for being like that. I am around people 5 days/week though. Maybe not. 

I took my dad to an assisted living place, well their office place. A big office area for maybe 10 people working there. It seemed to me to be a brutal way to make a living. I have no idea what they do there in their jobs. Its gotta be a lot of sitting. Can you imagine sitting in the area of offices and cubicles for 8 hours only to go home and help with homework,  and making dinner?  

The place was way too expensive for my dad, but I did talk to his case worker, and we will get him started on a section 8 type housing. They don't call it that anymore, but the V.A. has a program for veterans. That way he can get his own small place for cheap. 

I wonder if he's always made his life harder?  I see that a lot. People doing things to make their life harder. Having more kids is one way to do that. Living in an unhealthy way is another. Watching too much tv, not being active enough, you name it. Our vices can be a hindrance to an easier life. I battle alcohol. One day sober.   :)

I think of the plight of the ciggarette smoker. That's gotta be brutal. The ciggarette break is probably the best thing in the World. Also probably the worst. 

It's easy for me to justify drinking, cuz I don't drink a ton if I do,  so I am like who cares. It's the leap from man it would be nice to have a drink, which always = 2 or 3. To it actually feels pretty fucking good to not drink. Feels pretty fucking good when you do too.    :)

My goal is to watch more tv shows. When I sit outside it's a nice time to drink. I've blogged 90 something days in a row,  I'd like to say the same about drinking. Drinking is a type of time filler for me, and I definitely need my time filled. For me that is reading probably or tv shows. I am active enough in my day to day. 

Anyway, a hodge podge of stuff on my mind. That office though looked like a horrible place to work. A depressing existence for those people. A job full of activity is the way to go. Your face in front of a computer is no way to live. 

Life is strange. 

I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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