Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Some More Outside Stuff

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. My day went pretty much as planned. I am going to start planting grass in spots today, so I didn't do that yesterday. I did cut the grass, and took the dogs on the long route, which isn't really long, but longer I guess. We did a couple other things. Oh yeah I did my workout too. I didn't stretch though. 

We had dinner, and I went to bed. Lisa was watching a show I didn't want to watch, so I went to sleep. 

One thing has been bugging me, and I finally figured myself out. When you know people won't change, there is no effort needed on your part to try and change them. Wasted energy. That is how this political season is, and maybe every season. I am not a news junky, or political junky. When people shove political stuff in your face, especially stuff you don't agree with, I don't need to see it. So, I stopped seeing it. It's that easy. 

I think we are all at that stage where most of the people on social networking we barely even know, so what's the big deal?  For me it isn't a big deal, cuz I am solo anyway. We aren't that important in any stretch. 

I don't want to understand the other side. Go do your thing. I don't care. I am just going to choose not to be a spectator. I won't see it, cuz it is a waste of my time. 

All of a sudden your timeline is cleaned up. 

So what I learned is to walk away from what you cannot change. Maybe to walk away from what you disagree with too I guess. I am not very important. so it is no big loss either way. Its the significance thing I guess. We all lack it.  

I am smart enough to know too, or I finally learned, political season is never over. I saw something the other day about Benghazi.  I was like who is this person?  **unfollow**  it's that easy. 

Anyway,  I've just been doing this to keep life easy. People are free to do as they choose,  and go for it, I don't care. I just don't need to see it. As far as people are concerned I have a lot of I don't care in me. Best to know how you really are I guess. 

If you could see inside your true heart it isn't the most perfect thing out there. Our hearts just aren't that great. It's a thing we definitely need help improving,  but it takes better vision to see our hearts. It kinda takes a different perspective I guess. What if I am not a very good person?  

All this rage, and hate etc...   what if that isn't a good thing about me?  If you took a day, and tried to analyze your reasons for being not a saint I guess. What would they be?  What is it that makes you less of who you wish you were?  

I know. I know the insides of us. I can't read the sword,  cuz I don't have understanding. I don't use it either. A sword in the hands of a fool is nothing but foolishness. That's me.  A fool as far as those things go. 

I know where we all stand though. I know what I deserve. This vessel isn't perfect. The heart is lacking a lot. I am willing to go where I deserve to go. Freely I would go. 

I find that remarkable.  It used to be cuz it was the path, but now I see it as a destination suitable for a person like me. I think that's new. 

Pretty crazy.  I trust though. So my heart is not scared.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.       :)

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