Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The Dump

Is there anything better than unloading a pile of  shit to the dump?  We just got rid of some old fence boards plus just a few other things, but fence boards are shit you don't really need in the yard. For free too. 

I took the dogs after, and weeded the side of the garage. We stopped by the local lumberyard too to pick up a few things. Today will be busy. I have to take the dogs, workout,  cut the grass, and start seeding parts of the front. I don't think I slept that great last night either. After 1:00 AM, I checked the SOX score against my better judgement. Couldn't fall asleep right away, which I knew would happen. 

My legs don't feel fatigued today. I think they were yesterday cuz of my little Sunday run. I  have yet to make time to do things like stretching. Things do slow down eventually. Once the outside work stops I guess. 

I just checked my sleep,  it was better than I thought. I think sometimes you stay awake less than you  think. Also yesterday was approaching 30,000 steps, and 13 miles. not quite 60,000 miles for however many days in a row that would be.  :)  that crazy guy. 

So life moves on. We could probably hold the election today, cuz nothing will change people's minds now of how they will vote. Might as well go through the motions I guess.  No predictions from me. Just can't wait til it's over. 

What else?  Not much. My days are going to be a bit busy for a while. I'll have to water the grass every day while new grass is planted. That's not a big deal just a daily thing that needs to be done. Daily things can be a drag. See stretching...  

I guess I don't have much on my mind. Nothing too significant. I do see the division of the country we live in to be complete. Its like we are one of those 3rd World countries from S. America, who the CIA tried to overthrow. Divided. Completely.  Who is to blame?  As someone who was right of center to one who is significantly left I can say it is right hate groups. That can be from Limbaugh on down to radical websites. 

It's like they knew there was no future, cuz the natural shift is to the left. They have buzzwords like socialism,  but they are the ones who bailed out big business,  whether it is banks, auto, or airlines. Division is a poison,  and it cannot be cured. Little chance of cure anyway. The truth cannot be seen if fox news has you in its grasp. I will concede the same can be said too about MSNBC, and maybe all cable news. It's why I stay away. 

I saw the people running to Trump's thing in Nevada I think. Americans are not a good looking people. We are fat. We are disgusting. That's looking on the outside. On the inside we have a lot of hate. Me included too I guess. 

It's why I just keep to my day to day. I don't really need friends. I have my life. It's easy.  What is one to do with friends anyway?  Who has time for it?  In my past I didn't want to be solo, and now I welcome it. Maybe cuz I see little that can change the chasm between you and I. If the gap can't be closed what use do I have of anyone who is like the pre-turn version of myself. I am not going backward,  and the majority natural movement is in place.  Not forward. 

Anyway, gotta run.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.       :)

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