Thursday, September 24, 2020

Theories Of The West End Massacre

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I stayed up a bit later watching the Sox. Not the whole game, but like through 7 innings or so. They are as I predicted earlier. Improved,  but not a top tier team. They faked us by clobbering lesser teams. I can get into watching games, but I have very little invested in Sports. If my teams lose I don't think twice about it. Baseball is humbling for hitters. There was a time when Luis Robert was actually in  the MVP talk. Now he's like 0 for his last 30 or something with a lot of Ks. Doesn't even look like a major leaguer. 

Yesterday was pretty busy. Work was a full day, and I had to go to kohl's to do an Amazon return, and pick up a few things for chili. I did take the dogs, and had to clean up the kitchen, and actually make chili. It was a busy day, and I like busy days. 

I don't have much to worry about. I listened to some more Anna Kendrick,  and now have a David Spade, and Keith Richard biographies to listen to. 

What I've been learning is people need to fill their day no matter how famous. People all seek for that which makes them feel good. Seek for what will make them happy. All decisions in search for what makes one happy are not always good ones. I guess what I am learning is all are lost as to the reasons we are even here.  What's the purpose?  What will make us happy?  Content?  

There are other things about us too. Why anger?  How do we really feel. I remember in my younger years always pretending to be in a good mood. That's a tough burden to carry. You wake up one day realizing oh wow, no one knows me. I don't even know me, cuz all I do is pretend to be in a good mood. 

Life is tough. We all probably strive for shit, but contentment seems to always be out of our grasp. Sometimes anger pops up for no reason really. Why are we how we are?  

That's a long answer kinda. One people cannot really comprehend right now I guess. So much is not in our power, but we believe so much is in our power. I cannot take you on the path of learning about you, cuz you weren't willing. Too many things to see to. That really is just a trust thing. I get it. It wasn't with courage and confidence that I went. I was just kinda broken. In life I saw no purpose,  so I gave up my one mostly worthless, and pointless coin. 

I think the biographies will take the place of blogs for me. I liked reading them. No one does it anymore, and the best parts of blogs were the hardest to write. 

Hi, I am fucked up, and I don't know why. I hate some people cuz of this and that. I hate myself cuz of this and this. Easier to paint rosy pictures, and maybe that's why those biographies do take courage. 

Famous people are famous, but they'll let you know they were fuck ups. Seeking for what we all do. Contentment. Getting famous doesn't make you content. The days still have to get filled. Famous means you probably have more idle time, and there is danger in that. As we all know.  

Anyway, I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.      :)

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