Sunday, September 6, 2020

2 Days Off In A Row

I rarely get two days off in a row. I don't remember the last time. During the original shutdown?  Today I stayed in bed past 8:00 AM. I don't have that Sunday rush to get all my shit done. I will still probably get a lot of it done today. but I have tomorrow off too. I am not dreading the consecutive days off like I might in the past. 

I realize I am different in this regard. People probably like their days off, and can't get enough. 

There was no one working in our regular areas yesterday, so we worked 9 hours. That's pretty typical. I don't mind working 9 hours. I got nothing to do on a Saturday anyway. More money to me right?  

Lisa went out to her friends family thing, so I made salmon for dinner. I drank last night, and watched the Sox game. Also watched the rest of the NBA game. I stayed up late... for me.  

The scale did not move at all this week, and my body fat % stayed exactly the same too. 18.9%  I only had 68 miles last week. Low mileage on Sunday,  and the day I watched the Sopranos all day after work. Otherwise the days were normal. 

Remember I started the vice funds?  Putting money each week into accounts like I am paying for vices I don't have. Those account totals are starting to inch up pretty nicely. Just one of those stupid things. Remember how my Discover savings account I actually make good money on. Significantly higher than other savings accounts. Interest rates are so low, that is only .7% now instead of 2%  it fluctuates with the lending rate. I do have $10,000 locked into an 18 month cd for 2.3%  it matures in March. That looks like smart investing now. Not that $10,000 at 2.3% is going to make a shit ton of money, but I wasn't doing anything with that $10,000 so what the heck. I think I saw an offer a few months back for me to do the same, but for like 1.7% interest.  I laughed at that. 

Anyhoo, that's some of the shit I think about.  My credit union gives me points for using my debit card as a credit, so I have $100 Lowes card coming. I think my Discover card cash back will be $45 this month, so I can turn that into a $50 Lowes card too. It usually takes me 3-5 months to get my cash back up to $45. I always turn it into a $50 lowes card. You can always find shit you need there. 

I feel really relaxed, and calm this morning. A day off with one again tomorrow. A good night sleep,  and a cup of coffee gives one a good outlook. To be honest though I usually am pretty excited to start my work day too. I guess I just wake up usually feeling pretty good about stuff. 

I may get another cup of coffee, and watch a Sopranos episode. I can do that cuz its not going to be hot today,  so I can take Hope whenever. I can start my Sunday chores whenever too. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH!!!      :)


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