Sunday, January 10, 2021

Just Another Day Off

Yesterday was pretty uneventful. I was going to make biscuits and gravy for dinner, but roasted a whole chicken with veggies instead. Its easier. It's like making a turkey. I watched a stupid dubbed show on Netflix,  which isn't actually stupid,  yet still dubbed. Its called the mess we leave behind. It takes place in Spain, and there is a dead teacher. She has skeletons,  and the new teacher has skeletons. The death is mysterious, and someone was blackmailing both teachers, cuz of their skeletons. The first teacher we think was murdered,  and the 2nd one may be in danger. We don't know who the culprit is. It is actually pretty good being dubbed, and all. Maybe it is just a day off show that's good,  cuz that is what days off are for. 

Besides that the day was pretty uneventful. I did watch like an hour of football too. The end of  the 2nd game. I went to bed after, so I could get up earlier today. The Bears play today. My guess is they get killed. Saints are the better team. You almost see no way the Bears can win. I'll probably watch til they are down by 4 touchdowns.  

Besides that not a lot. 10 days, and we will have a new President. Sounds like we will get more stimulus,  which sounds good to me on a personal level. I may not have to dig into savings at all to pay for my pool. I will for the IRA investment. Put in money, and get a refund on my taxes. 

That all is pretty exciting. I think the new administration is excited to do the job of public service. It's kinda what you want from people who run. How policies can have a macro impact for the better is beyond my knowledge. They'll try though,  and they will have studied these things. It will be more than cut taxes, build a wall, and simplistic shit that sounds good to a certain part of the population. 

We will see how it comes out. The pandemic is still wreaking havoc in every day life. 

Basically, I got nothing. I have work today, and it should be okay. I got another book to listen to, so the day should be fine. 

I guess that's it. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.     :)))

MWAH.      :)

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