Friday, January 8, 2021

It Is Friday, Does It Even Matter?

Are Fridays even like Fridays anymore?  In Michigan no one is going out to eat, or to bars. The normal stuff, so does Friday even matter?  My Fridays never really did for years so who knows. 

Yesterday was a pretty normal day. Work, dogs, dinner, dishes, wash my masks. Just normal stuff. I made pulled pork, which came out good. I've been listening to Hillbilly Elegy. I got it free from the library. In the preface the writer warns he's done nothing remarkable,  and he has no right to write a sort of biography to date. He's correct. The book is so far unremarkable. Ron Howard obviously thought it had something to say. 

Basically someone who should have been protesting at the capital yesterday due to his upbringing, and stuff didn't. He is a graduate from Yale Law. 

In my life I see plain and simple people can be lazy. Complain their life isn't better, there isn't enough money,  and yadda yadda yadda. The amount of white people in and hovering at the poverty level has grown at a pretty remarkable rate over the last 20 years or so. 

So people are angry. Something is unfair. Not really. People have kids who have no reason to have kids. Fathers leave, mothers are addicted to some kind of drug.  Broken families etc...  

People no longer are willing to stand up and take responsibility for their life. 1a, you are going to have to work. You need money coming in. That's the way of the world. Be good at it. Even if it isn't your final destination. 

I think that would help a lot right there. In life you will have to work. Be good at it. That is a good start. People will feel better about things just from that point. 

In my life I see first hand lazy people who don't want to work. They are the angry ones. Talk about unrealistic expectations of life. The most poisonous of all pills. 

Anyways, that is what I was thinking of so far in this book. The kid who should have been protesting at the capital,  cuz he was Appalachian all the way. Through and through. Broken family,  mom addicted to drugs, you name it. He had a sister,  a grandma, and a grandpa though. He wasn't a slave to his upbringing. That's a hard thing to overcome I gather. 

Anyway, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.       :)

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