Sunday, January 31, 2021

It Was A Good Day Off.

A good day off for me is one where I get all my shit done. I did. I was busy. I had a really good run too. One where I effortlessly added to the distance. I only ended up with 71 miles for the week. If it was important to me I could have got 72, but it isn't. 

I took a pic of myself with my shirt off. What I see is I am at a pretty good weight. I probably am in pretty good shape for 54, but I am not cut by any stretch. I am not perfectly tone either. I wouldn't mind getting in better shape, but I am not going to worry about it. 

When I  was done with my stuff I played chess,  and listened to music. I didnt really feel like watching TV. We did start to watch the  girl with the dragon tattoo,  until I decided to go to bed. If you haven't read those books I recommend them. The first 3 were as good as books as any out there. I remember I think I read them during a week off forever ago. When I was rewatching the movie I just remembered how good those books were. 

Not much to report besides that. I'll have to run the snowblower again when I get home. I didn't even check the weather so I didn't even know it was supposed to snow. 

I guess that is about it. Not much really going on with my life. I really enjoyed my long for me run. It reminded me of my first 4 mile run.   I had a 3 mile route I always did, and it was hard. Running was hard in general,  and I had an inkling I wanted to run a marathon,  cuz 1000s do. How I have no idea. That first 4 miler post HS taught me. If you go slow you can run forever. That's how I felt yesterday. Like I could run forever. When I stopped to let the dogs sniff, my quads were fatigued. When I ran again though I felt I could continue indefinitely. That's a good run. 

Anyways,  I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.       :)

Saturday, January 30, 2021

9 Hours And 47 Minutes.

That's how much I slept last night. Pretty crazy. I must have needed it, but didn't know it. I didn't do any pre day off stuff cuz I have many days off. I didn't even take the dogs yesterday. It ended up being a lazy night. I did play chess... badly. I'm a bad player. Probably shows me much about my cognitive thinking or something.  Actually me not really knowing what cognitive means says something about my cognitive thinking.   :)

Anyway, I'll still play and learn. Its one of those games you just have to play a lot to get good at. I am not going to be the next grandmaster  I guess. How much time do I really have anyway?  I have work, and dogs, dinners,  working out etc...   one day off each week. Plus it will be spring time before you know it. Then what?  

Last year was a pretty good year for us, but we had a lot of time off. Luckily we don't have a ton of shit to clean up this year. Fence is done, driveway is done.  We will be starting out the year with a nice front grass, and we have two gates to the back yard. One from each side. We just have to get the pool in, probably in March. 

Anytime you get 9 hours and 47 minutes of sleep you think good, but also you think sometimes you do too much and you get tired.  9 hours and 47 minutes in January seems crazy. 

You can only tackle so many things in life I guess. Chess is something that will take me years to get good at. That's how my life is set up. Busy busy, and not a lot of time for hobbies I guess. That's what 9 hours and 47 minutes tells me. Its fine though. I like busy. 

Oh, I gained a pound last week. It may all be the cinnamon roll I ate yesterday.  :)  I felt like something sweet. Not a donut though, so I ate a huge cinnamon roll. Fucked up my appetite for lunch though. 

Anyway, I have a pretty busy day today. I got shit to do this week too. That will be good. Gonna do my pork butt roast today. I gotta work out, and take Hope for a run too.  Lazy day yesterday means I need 8 miles for 72. I'll go for a little longer run walk today. 

I spose.   

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.       :)

Friday, January 29, 2021

Hard To Wake Up Today.

It was hard to wake up this morning for some reason. I was tired yesterday. It was a full day. I was even tired taking the dogs. It did end up being 14 + miies. That could be it. I don't know. My sleep number was good too. 

Today is my last day of work for awhile at my regular job. I didn't get any of my day off stuff done yesterday. Too tired. A friend stopped by which was super weird. How long has that been?  We didn't wear masks either,  which seemed weird too. He's one of my bosses so it's not like we haven't been in close contact numerous times over the last year. I didn't realize how weird even going to a person's house is now.  

That was about it for yesterday. There was no sign of that pretty lady yesterday by the house. NOT FAIR.     :)

Not much going on with me. It almost  doesn't seem like a new year does it?  Isn't this still just part of last year. 

It is kinda nice there is no news of Trump finally.  Now we are worried about Gamestop stocks.  So refreshing.  

I really have less and less stuff to write about. One thing I noticed is I have little faith in people. We are unteachable.   We are all so brilliant we are the only ones who are right. For this reason I let people go their own way. You know that saying give a man a fish  vs. Teach a man to fish?  Well we cannot teach anyone anything.  So don't bother. Why waste time?  

I am 54, and maybe that's the way its always been, and I am just noticing.  I don't know. It is annoying though. Not that I am great or anything,  cuz I am not. I just feel you cannot reach people. You can't show them the error of their ways, cuz everybody is a goddamn genius. 

Thank God there is a pandemic so we no longer really socialize. Cuz why bother?  

Anyway I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeee.    :)))

MWAH.     :)

Thursday, January 28, 2021

An Idea.

I have some time off coming up, and I came up with a couple projects. Enough to keep me busy. That's a load off my mind. Days off in February are not ideal if you have nothing to do. I now have stuff to do. 

Yesterday I went for my run. Roman was acting like an idiot sticking his face into the snow. Behind me was a car checking out the new structure that has finally been built. It is a cement block addition with a deck on top. There is a big picture window to the back,  and windows on one side,  and door on side facing the street. I don't get the addition. The deck fine,  but why a cement block structure beneath it?  

Anyway it was the lady of the house checking out her structure. First time I've seen anyone besides kids in the summer. What I noticed when she smiled at me was she is pretty.  :).  Pretty blond haired thing riding in her Merdedes SUV.  Wow.    

I go past that house 6 days per week, and that's the first I saw of her.  That surprised me. Just in that way guys get crushes.  

Anyway,  I got my workout in, and made tacos for dinner. Finished season 2 of major crimes. 19 episodes in season 2. Its a pretty good show. I did up my dips to 4 sets of 10. They seem pretty easy. Pullups are the same. 3 sets of 7, and last set of 8. Those aren't so easy. They aren't hard really,  but those take effort. Everything else I kept the same. 

Besides that not much. Another day down. I have no idea what to do for dinner tonight. Maybe spaghetti. I just have to take the dogs after work, and make dinner. 

Should be an easy day. I may start laundry. Get my day off stuff going. Guess that's about it. Another day in the life. 

Laterzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.       :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

This Uneventful Life.

Trying to come up with a title for a blog entry about nothing does not come automatically. The craziest thing about yesterday was it was over 30,000 steps,  and 13 miles. I wasn't especially busy. I did have to snowblow. I took the dogs etc...  I think I just kept doing shit. 

I made chicken for dinner. We had this bag of chicken quarters for some reason. Like 10 of them. I just made it to get rid of it. I don't need that taking up room. I'll make chicken salad out of leftovers, and maybe a couple other meals. 

One of the best things of yesterday is my driveway is clear. Once I ran the snowblower it all melted.  Not many can say that. When I took the dogs,  I'd say less than 50% were even plowed. It feels good getting shit taken care of. 

Besides that not much. I made my lunch already. I even googled how to cut a mango correctly. How simple. It seemed before that like an impossibly messy fruit. One I rarely would buy. Today is a run,  and workout day. I an getting close to multiple days off. I am not dreading it. Not sure what I'll do on those days yet. Might even pick up hours at the other job. Not sure. We will see. 

There just isn't a lot going on with me. Nothing of any significance. That is fine with me. Life just isn't a significant thing we do. We ain't changing the World that's for sure. Just living out our days for no point really. Best to do it in a good mood I guess. A busy day = a happy me. Yesterday just keeping busy with stuff was great. That's a good day. Remember too it was only 13 and 30,000. That one writer would have been 25, and 60,000.  :)  you want to lose weight that will do it. Just walk, and walk, and walk. Preferably outside,  and not in front of a TV. Listen to podcasts, and audiobooks.  Activity will normalize your appetite if you eat food for the heck of it. 

I think that's what we are made for. Steps,  and activity. There is enough shit out there to fuck us out of a normal routine.  

Money isn't the key to happiness,  but activity is.  In my opinion.  

Anyways, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.      :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

I'll Be Running The Snowblower After Work.

It snowed overnight,  and it is snowing now,  so I'll be busy after work.  I guess it is fine. Yesterday I got my run in, and it was fun. I wasn't excited about doing it til around 30 steps in. Then it was fun. A good work. I also got my workout in. That I didn't feel like doing. Almost wanted to save it til today,  but I got it in. 

We made an easy dinner, and that was that. I slept good for the 2nd night in a row. We will be off for like 10 days after this week. I have no idea what I'll do for 10 days. I tried thinking up projects,  but February is February. You know how I say I'd like to write a short story or something?  I don't think I am a sit down and write person. I do this early morning, but that's it. 

It just doesn't occur to me that sitting and working go hand in hand. Work is labor, and sitting not so much. Maybe that's how humans are supposed to operate. Be busy. Do stuff. 

Technology seeks to change that actually. Having said that I am glad there are writers. I like reading and listening to books. Remember that one writer who still tried to get 60,000 steps in each day.   :)

Anyway, it seems to me I may have started the week on the less than manic on the moving scale.  It may be, cuz work has an end. Work is a going concern. When you shut down for 10 days that changes. All of a sudden you mentally shut down too. Now, I have to fill my hours in another way. In February.  

Oh well I guess we will see. 

Laterzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.          :)

Monday, January 25, 2021

Beginning The Week.

It is Monday for better or worse. Sunday was fine. Work was a mash up. They were working,  so I did things I wasn't actually planning. One area I did by myself for the first time. It took quite a bit longer than I expected. 

I came home,  and watched football. I did shovel at half time. There was just like an inch or so. Not enough to use the snowblower,  but enough I didn't want to freeze. That was about it. I went to bed before the 2nd game ended. 

I'm surprised the Packers lost. They are like Ohio State. Every year they are the best team in the division,  and you go through history,, and they haven't really done a lot outside being the best in the Big 10. Packers even less so. 

Today is Monday though. As good a day as any. We find out the plan for next week. I am assuming we will be off. What will I do?  

Besides that not much on my mind. It sucks you can't go see a movie on Monday our theaters are only open on the weekend. I guess I do have to run,  and work out. Plus do dinner of some sort. 

I bought this big pork butt I have no idea what to do with. It was cheap, so I  thought what the heck. 

My day to day is pretty dumb huh?  Probably pretty boring sounding,  but I am fine with it. We all have to fill up our hours, and I am fine with how I do it. There are no big goals. No big accomplishments I am seeking. Just going through my day to day. Its fine,  and actually pretty easy. The best thing is I usually do it in a pretty good mood. 

I don't spend a ton of time sitting on my ass. A lot of times there is stuff to do, which I feel I am better at doing now, than in the past. 

Anyway, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.     :)))

MWAH.       :)

Sunday, January 24, 2021

It Was A Day.

Pretty uneventful,  but still a day. I bought too many groceries,  but I guess I won't have to buy much next week. All laundry, and dishes are done, I made a pot roast for dinner. I took Hope, and got my workout in. 

I weighed myself after eating again. :)  My weight stayed the same, so I probably lost some weight.  Just as my day ended around 3:30 or so I was like now what?  I listened to music,  played some chess. We watched a show. I ate dinner,  had pie,  and fell asleep. 

Pretty boring. I can't just sit, and watch TV all day. Mentally it would make me not feel so good. Lisa's brother who lives with us only plays video games, or watches shows.  My God, I'd hate myself. Maybe he does. He's obese,  he eats like shit. Never eats fruit or veggies. If one leg is in the grave,  and you don't change shit,  I guess you hate yourself.  

People are a trip. 

I got my 72 miles last week. That's good. This week should be close. The week after forget it. We will probably be off. I guess a lot of chess playing. 

Anyway,  I spose I got nothing. Today should be fine. I have work, and books to listen to. I am still not a big fan of days off. 

Laterzzzzzzz.    :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.        :)

Saturday, January 23, 2021

The Day Off.

So starts my day off. I have a few things planned. I should do a good dinner. I have to run, and workout,  and stuff.  Nothing major. I am probably going to have a week off after next week. The northside bakery will be closed due to new wood floors being put in, so they are just going to close both locations for a week or so,  cuz it is February. Plus we may be getting a new round of payroll protection. Have restaurants been closed for 2-1/2 months?  What did people do?  

I don't know what I'll do for that week. I could try and pick up hours from my other job. We will see. Not sure of any projects around the house. 

I did something cool yesterday. Through my credit union I linked all my accounts, so I can see them on one screen. You can run a budget,  see what you earned,  and what you spend money on etc...  I even added credit cards,  and investment accounts. I am pretty excited about that. 

Besides that not much. January is a slow period. I took the dogs for a walk yesterday, and even dogs don't get out as much as usual. Mine do however. Even runners would only be doing 10-12 miles I bet for an April/May marathon. It is just slow. 

I have no idea what I will do with another week off. We will see I guess. 

Anyway yesterday was okay I guess. I only need 6 miles for 72 for the week. I'll get much of that with my run and walk. Its hard without that on a day off with no outside work to do. 

I spose, I'll get my shopping list done. 

Laterzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.      :)

Friday, January 22, 2021

A Different Thursday

I got out of work early, which typically isn't the case on a Thursday. So I switched my day around a bit. I decided to get my day off stuff done yesterday. A start anyway. I did take the dogs for a run. It was hard,  but good. It was sunny out too. I also got my workout in too, which was super easy for some reason. 

My phone's port broke though,  so I had to get a new one. I was going to wait til today, but I figured I'd get it over with. That way I could transfer everything from my old one. I got that all done. Stupid phones. I would have been fine with my old one. It ended up being ~$200 out the door with an otter box case for the new one. I definitely don't buy a pimp daddy phone. Although I use my phone for everything I can't imagine why you would need to spend a ton of money on one. 

I guess yesterday was okay, except having to get a new phone. Oh, I forgot almost. My dad ended up in a ditch yesterday with his car. His bumper is off, and he had to get toed. A ticket for suspended licence, and no insurance.  Its going to be over $600 all said and done. What can you do?  Us Pejchls are not too bright. 

Besides that not much. My chess book will be here by Saturday. "Modern Chess Openings"-- from the Queen's Gambit show. That's pretty exciting.  

I am happy I am running again. I got a start on my day off stuff. A workout Saturday gives me 3 workouts, and also the run. 72 miles should be easy too. That's a pretty good week I guess. I made all the dinners with shit I had in the freezer too. Sometimes you gotta get rid of shit you accumulated. 

I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeee.          :)))

MWAH.          :)

Thursday, January 21, 2021

I Wonder How That Looked

The inauguration was yesterday. I wonder how that looked to outsiders. I turned it on for a bit once I got my stuff done. Definitely a lot of pageantry. 

Anyways we will see. I have no idea what the next 4 years will be like. I guess I can vaguely predict the upcoming weeks being full of work, eat, sleep. I ran the snowblower yesterday, used the roof brake etc...  I also took the dogs. I didn't work out, so I'll have to do it today. I'll have to run today too. That should be fun. Besides that not much. I got a new Hunt A Killer package in the mail. I can work on that. 

I do look for houses after a snow to see who gets icicles. I didn't listen to anything yesterday when I took the dogs. I kinda just wanted to be in my own head. That too is fine for me. 

I don't have a lot of anxiety. Not sure if I really ever did. Life will go on as it does. I have a little life of little significance. There is no pageantry in my life. I'm not out to make a name for myself. I don't really do any good deeds. 

I'm fine with all that. Today is a day. It should be fine. We will have a simple meal, and I will sleep. Easy easy. 

Anyways I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.     :)

xxoo.    :)

Byeeeeeeeee.     :)

MWAH.     :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Waking Up With Nothing

I definitely got nothing to blog about. That's usually the case, but I don't even know where to begin with today's nothingness. 

Yesterday was an okay day. I  took the dogs for a run, and that was fun. I 
think I'll do that 3 days/week. Nothing crazy, nothing long just a little run. I don't think my knee would react kindly adding a ton of miles,  but a little run is definitely better than none. 

We got enough snow for me to use the snowblower after work. I really like having things to do after work.  Me not taking Hope really early was a good idea. Just the extra sleep is good for me. My lifestyle over the last year has evolved into a better one I guess. The thing I got from my run yesterday was I wanted a bit more. 

Nothing all consuming like something to take over a big chunk of my life, but more a healthy additive to help things move along. The run was hard as I am out of shape,  and I bet that made it all the more fun. I can even run, and go for longer walks after. When walking there is no time limit. With dogs there adds purpose. That makes a difference. Listening to a book or podcast or whatever helps too. Necessary probably. 

Anyway, it is January,  and I guess I am pretty excited for how this year will go. Slowly I am turning into someone I would rather be. I do get annoyed at times though. Human nature I guess. 

Anyway, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.        :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Might As Well Get Up

I woke up early today,  and decided to just get up. I don't know why. I did get a lot of sleep the two nights prior,  so that may be it. 

I finally saw WW 84 in the theaters yesterday. Its pretty bad. It's like they tried to make a super duper epic story,  but kinda missed it. Oh well. Still part of a good day. 

The dogs got a walk, I got my workout in, and did the dishes. I watched one episode of Major Crimes,  and went to bed. We had McDonald's for dinner too.  :)

Not much besides that. Just a regular day I guess. Tomorrow is inauguration day, so I guess the current Pres. will be leaving Dodge. How can a 70+ person still act like a 7 year old who lost a baseball game?  Boggles the mind I guess. 

Hard to tell what to expect this year. I'll just continue doing what I do. I stay busy with work. We have a meal,  chill for a bit before bed. I am not going to be around big crowds in any way. I am not going to any concerts, just cuz I wouldn't have anyway. I don't go out to bars or anything, cuz I pretty much stopped before the pandemic. I sometimes would go have a beer after work here and there.  For the heck of it. Maybe once every 2-4 weeks. Its boring. 

I have become interested in other stuff. Year over year in think I've improved, or maybe just grew up. I am pretty happy just doing my own thing. Turns out my own thing isn't much. 

There are a lot of unwritten rules of what you are supposed to do to have fun, but really I just follow my heart.  My heart tends to like uncomplicated. Plenty happy with my day to day. I don't need to travel,  I don't need company. My days are full, and I go to bed tired. That makes me happy. I wake up the next day ready to start again. 

Living this way is a pretty inexpensive way to live. It's a good way to live if your heart is content with such things, and mine is. 

When I am 70+, I will not be trying to achieve great things. Make some name for myself.  I'll just try to fill my days as I do now.  It's a good thing to know your own insignificance.  It is the truth, and that matters. 

Anyway, I think I'll read my book for a bit. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.      :)

Monday, January 18, 2021

Well It Is Monday

Sunday was your typical Sunday. Nothing too exciting to report. My book of 4 short stories ~(16 hours) from Stephen King had a surprise. The 3rd story has the girl from The Outsider. That was a nice surprise. She is a good character. So far she is dealing with another type of Outsider. I am at the point where she is about to confront it. He could definitely do more stories with her. 

I watched some football, and went to bed after the early game. I wanted the Browns to win. 

That's about it. I went to bed early, and got over 8 hours of  sleep.  Today is movie day too, so should be a fun day. 

Yesterday was a pretty good day I'd say. Just doing my thing, and not much to worry about. I felt good working. I was up early doing productive stuff. I was being active, and Sundays otherwise could easily be lazy days. If I didn't work,  I bet I would have watched movies or something. instead I was on my feet, and I listened to a book for about 10 hours. 

That is the great thing of audible books. You can do productive stuff, and plow through books at the same time. I listen while I commute to and from work,  and while I take the dogs too. 

I lose concentration if I am grocery shopping,  so this past week I decided to just listen to Howard Stern interviews. He's a great interviewer, and he always has interesting people on. On Saturday I listened to a Chelsea Handler interview. I didn't know her. I heard the name. I had no idea she was a stand up,  and that she once had her own show on some network at some point. 

She is pretty attractive. She's 45. She has some pretty risque pictures online. One where she is basically nude, but has a piece of fruit hiding her vaginal area. I didn't like that. Threw me off. a bikini would have been a better look. Then I wonder why would girls want to show themselves nude. A disconnect between me, and those types of girls. She is proud of her body, and with girls that might be saying a lot. 

With eating disorders being done more on the female side. 

There are so many disorders in general anyway. Drugs, alcohol, undereating,  overeating,  sexual disorders too. We probably all have some type of sexual disorder. 

Life is hard in that way I guess. I guess I am like Chelsea Handler with this thing. I can show everyone my shit without a care. I can't say I am proud of who I am, but I am comfortable with me. I don't worry about a lot, and I don't think I really care what people think. I am strong in that regard. I am on my own too. I am held accountable to no one. I have my life,  I live my days, and what others do is no concern of mine. 

We each make our own way kinda. I am pretty happy with how I am. Proud to say I really have no friends either. I am like Thoreau living on the pond, except I am still in the middle of the World. I didn't need the pond. It's a neat trick if you can do it. I had help. I made a turn decades ago, and that  really made the difference. You cannot walk in my shoes. Yours aren't so great either. 

Anyway, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.       :)

Sunday, January 17, 2021

A Productive Day Off

It feels good to get everything done you want on a day off. I even went for a little run. I stopped cuz of knee issues, but actually I didn't even start really. I guess if I can just run short for a few days per week that would be fine. I got my workout in too. I bought a chess board, so if I go through other contests, I can play along on the board. I can do it online, but I think its better on a board. 

I finished listening to my latest book, and got a Stephen King book of 4 novellas, I guess you'd call it. Here is my thing. If I didn't work today, what would I do?  I think working today sets me up for a good week ahead.  There would be very little chance I'd spend much time on my feet. 

So I feel good about working today. I already made my lunch too, so I don't have to do that. Oh, we decided to see the movie on Monday, cuz it is open on MLK day. Monday is such a good go see a movie day. My movie thing has been suspended. on pause I guess. That's fine, cuz they aren't open enough for me to take advantage. I don't know why people don't want to see movies. 

Restaurants will be open in a couple weeks. I wonder how that will go. I know old people who shouldn't go out will flock to the restaurants probably in this bizarre scenario. Old people seem pretty dumb. My dad is out driving again with a suspended licence, and no insurance. What are you going to do?  I won't bail him out. He gets caught it is $500. If he can't pay, then a day in jail = $100. I found that out on accident.  There is a FB page showing mug shots of people busted in Ottawa County. There are a lot of comments on the mug shots.   :)   it is stupid and funny. Anyway one guy was spending 5 days in jail to pay the $500 fine. 

So, I guess that's about it. I bought another sheet set yesterday. Pretty comfortable. All my clothes are folded and put away too. I told you it was a good day off. 

I guess that's about it. Today should be good. Work, a meal, and chess, tv. Just a good day I guess. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.      :)

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Some Things Just Don't Change

Today is weight day, and I lost .4 of a pound. I weigh 167 exactly, which also is my marathon PR weight. I haven't changed much at all for months. A pound or 2 in either direction maybe, but usually hovering by the 167 mark. I could stand to be more toned. My core is strong,  and back, and arms. I do body weight exercises 3 times per week. 

I don't have 6 pack abs though. I have a little excess weight around my belly. I could stand to lose about 5% of my body fat. All things being equal if I did more cardio that would help. 

I can't say that is exactly a goal of mine, cuz really my weight is  pretty healthy,  and no one gives a fuck if a 54 year old has 6 pack abs.  If I was 25 well things might be different. Getting laid was on my mind oh, let's say 9000 % more than it is now. I don't really concern myself with such stuff anymore. 

Anyway, I will be hard pressed to hit 72 miles this week. Lemme check. I would need 9 miles on my day off. Its not like the old days where a Saturday this time of year may be 12-16 miles of running before 9:00 AM. My miles typically are just routine miles as part of my day.  During work it accumulates,  and not so much on my day off. Especially with no outside work to be done. 

Anyway, I really don't have much. I got my haircut yesterday finally. I stopped by Aldi to see what all the fuss is. I'll still shop at Meier I guess. I don't feed a lot of people so Meier is fine with me. Aldi is fine though. Nothing wrong with it. I like Meier though. I buy a bunch of fresh veggies. for me,  and the rabbit, and guinea pigs. I do get some stuff at Sam's too, and I like that too. 

That's about it. I took the dogs for a shorter walk, cuz it was snowing those little styrofoam balls on us, and the ground was wet. Of course I saw a lady taking her dog for a speed walk. She passed us, and was going way farther than me. Mostly cuz she is a Bitch.   :)

Anyway, i think i will get another cup of coffee. Gonna go shopping for a few things, and we will see. We are going to see Wonder Women,  and pick up take out from Wild Chef. Kinda a date night, except we've been married for 1000 years so there is no such thing. Every night is date night really. 

Anyway, it should be an okay day. 

Laterzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.      :)

Friday, January 15, 2021

The Weekend Is Upon Us

So yesterday was pretty nice. I took the dogs for a little longer walk. The sun was out, and it was warm for the time of year. I swear it felt like 50° in the sun.  

I didn't really have a lot to do, so I cleaned the kitchen, did a load of laundry,  made my salad for today. I made Shepard's pie for dinner. Cleaned all the dishes after making dinner too. Basically getting day off stuff done early. 

That's a pretty good day if you have it in you. I slept for almost 8 hours too. What to do today?  It's raining, so I think I'll finally get my haircut after work, since I'll have to drive. 

What else?  Not much. Just living out my days. Oh, I did get my workout in yesterday too. It's not always something you feel like doing. The exercises don't bug my elbow,  which is good. 

So I guess I got pretty much nothing. Just another day today. 

I am kinda floating through life goalless right now. I want to get better at chess, and that is just practice. I can read books, but you don't get better at golf by reading books. You really have to play a lot too. 

I guess once Spring rolls around we will be busy again with outdoor work. I guess that book writing could be a thing, and I should really try with a short story. I may do that. 

For fun. Isn't that why anyone would do it in the first place?  For fun?  

Anyways, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.     :)))

MWAH.           :)

Thursday, January 14, 2021

This Week Has Been Kinda Busy

I have been pretty busy this week, just from having to do shit after work. I had to go to Best Buy 2 days to bring in my robot. 1 to make an appointment with geek squad, and 2 for them to take it, and now ship it to get fixed. Seems crazy to make an appointment for what took 5 minutes. My app says I probably need a new garbage bin, cuz of suction or something. I'll be without a robot for a couple weeks. 

Anyway, I get home a little later than usual, and still have to take the dogs. The dogs I guess I am kinda firm on taking. Good for me, and good for them. In life you get a win win, I guess you take it. I'll have  to workout today, and Saturday. 

Besides that it has been a pretty simple week. Dinner, watch our show,  play some chess, read some. One thing I've learned throughout the last couple months is I eat a ton during the day. A lot of fruit, my salad etc...  a pig sometimes, a sandwich. I end up eating a lot when I am most active. It tends to make my dinners not so big. 

I didn't intentionally start doing this, it just kinda happened. Turns out, I  think that is good for me to do it that way.  My weight stays basically the same, even if my mileage may be down. My miles are mostly ~11, instead of the 13+ during Christmas. I still should stay around 72 miles I hope. Remember there is no outside work either. Especially with very little snow to date. I am not complaining though. 

As you can see not a lot going on with me. Less than a week, and we will have a new President. I wonder what inauguration day will be like. I guess we will see. 

Anyway, like I said, not a lot going on with me. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.       :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Crazy Crazy

Boy 2021 sure is starting off strange. I wonder how many people are looking for strange cars to show up in their driveways, cuz they were at the capital a week ago?   

That's what they wanted to do with their lives?  That's what they came up with to do on that day?  

Meanwhile yesterday, I worked,  got a chess book at the library, took the dogs, ate, and watched a couple shows. 

I guess in the past if I fucked up, I started a revolution with myself. The blame starts here. With ME. Not  the Government. Spending hours and hours fucking around watching questionable news outlets, or reading questionable shit doesn't help you. 

Before you start a Revolution against the government maybe start one with yourself.  It is you in this life. No one else. If you followed a piper well, that still won't end well for you. 

Everyone whoever fought a battle knew for a fact Providence was on their side. Before I graduated College I wrote I better throw everything out.  Even society and upbringing is a bit of a piper. Why should I follow them?  

What I found about myself was I wanted to be a good person. I wished I had saintly qualities I guess. As I looked into the mirror of my actions I realized those qualities are far away from me. Ultimately I learned they were completely out of reach. Impossible to possess. I did take that path though. The path where those things are available with help 

Anyway, it is easy to follow a pied piper. Most will feel they are in the right. Few will follow the path of the mirror. I guess cuz the World doesn't want you to look in the mirror. The mirror shows the truth. None of us are the fairest in the land, and that can raise one question for you. 

Why aren't you the fairest in the land?  If your answer is you are too the fairest in the land, well then by all means start a revolution. You've already nailed perfection. 

Anyway, I spose.   

Laterzzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.       :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

A Change Of Plans

I got home from work, and was looking up movie times, and find they are only open on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday now. 

Change of plans. This day and age, a change in plans just turns into no plans. No biggie. We still did arby's for dinner. I finished the mess we leave behind short series I started watching the other day, and did dishes,  workout,  take dogs etc...  Read a bit before bed. 

Today, I have to run some errands. My robot needs to be taken in. Probably need a new garbage bin. It is under warranty so I am not paying for it. The library is open so I want to see what kind of chess books they have, and probably get my haircut. I'll still have to take the dogs, and do dinner. It will be a busy day, but should be fine. 

Not much really going on besides that. Just another day. Geez, I really got nothing on my mind. I picked up another book to listen to yesterday, and it is good. 

One thing I learned this past year is there are a lot of English female authors who do pretty good, and also English actresses.  Seemingly a bigger percentage per capita than other places. That's not a scientific fact, but just something I gather through my observations. My book was another popular,  and available audio book. English authors use English readers, so the accent. The accent can be a bit rough sounding. 

Other than that not much. Another day today. More work,  and another meal. I have tennis elbow pretty bad. I am pretty sure it is from scooping flour, and sugar repeatedly. It happened to my right arm a while ago, so I started scooping with my left arm. Now that hurts. It really is the tendon or muscle that runs down your forearm. As with all pain you are surprised how debilitating it is. I wore my brace all night last night. 

I think it is getting better, but I do notice the tendons/muscles on each forearm react to massage,  meaning I can feel tenderness. That is why I workout though. To use muscles I might not normally. Use em or lose em as they say. 

Anyway, I spose.  

Gotta make my lunch.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.      :)

Monday, January 11, 2021

A New Day, A New Thing

As a matinee only person,  I am trying something new today. See a 4-5:00 movie. We are going to see the Wonder Woman movie. I didn't hear great things about it, but it  should be a good night out. Probably pick up a shitty dinner after. Fast food probably. Not shitty tasting, but shitty for you. I  think that will be fun. 

Yesterday was okay. I had work,  and I listened to my book, which was pretty good. It was a mystery, although i wasn't exactly searching for a mystery. it was popular, and available,  so that's what I was searching for. 

The character development was good. The guy who got murdered we didn't know was a bad guy til the end, and he was bad. Just in being a piece of shit guy who fucked over people in his life. He had looks, charm, a tv personality on a popular show. He was getting married on a secluded island. his soon to be wife ran her own online magazine. 

As the wedding weekend went on it turns out a lot of people found out the groom was the one who fucked over their loved one, and ruined their life. Anyway, it was good. All in day's work as they say. 

I watched the Bears, and it came out as expected. I don't know where the Bears go from here. We can worry about that later. I saw a thing online where Michigan was ranked toward the bottom of thae Big 10 in football,  so my season of football may be short next year. 

Let's see, what else?  Not much. I weighed myself Saturday, and I lost a half pound. That was surprising. cuz I figured I gained weight. Also I weighed myself after breakfast, which I never do. 

I am starting this week off right with dinner and a movie, although it will probably be movie and dinner. I'll have time to work out, and take the dogs before. I will probably get out of work early too. Not a lot to do. 

So yeah things are going fine. Just plugging along. Work eat sleep with a little entertainment to boot. Fun fun. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.         :)))

MWAH.       :)

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Just Another Day Off

Yesterday was pretty uneventful. I was going to make biscuits and gravy for dinner, but roasted a whole chicken with veggies instead. Its easier. It's like making a turkey. I watched a stupid dubbed show on Netflix,  which isn't actually stupid,  yet still dubbed. Its called the mess we leave behind. It takes place in Spain, and there is a dead teacher. She has skeletons,  and the new teacher has skeletons. The death is mysterious, and someone was blackmailing both teachers, cuz of their skeletons. The first teacher we think was murdered,  and the 2nd one may be in danger. We don't know who the culprit is. It is actually pretty good being dubbed, and all. Maybe it is just a day off show that's good,  cuz that is what days off are for. 

Besides that the day was pretty uneventful. I did watch like an hour of football too. The end of  the 2nd game. I went to bed after, so I could get up earlier today. The Bears play today. My guess is they get killed. Saints are the better team. You almost see no way the Bears can win. I'll probably watch til they are down by 4 touchdowns.  

Besides that not a lot. 10 days, and we will have a new President. Sounds like we will get more stimulus,  which sounds good to me on a personal level. I may not have to dig into savings at all to pay for my pool. I will for the IRA investment. Put in money, and get a refund on my taxes. 

That all is pretty exciting. I think the new administration is excited to do the job of public service. It's kinda what you want from people who run. How policies can have a macro impact for the better is beyond my knowledge. They'll try though,  and they will have studied these things. It will be more than cut taxes, build a wall, and simplistic shit that sounds good to a certain part of the population. 

We will see how it comes out. The pandemic is still wreaking havoc in every day life. 

Basically, I got nothing. I have work today, and it should be okay. I got another book to listen to, so the day should be fine. 

I guess that's it. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.     :)))

MWAH.      :)

Saturday, January 9, 2021

All In A Day

We got out of work early yesterday, so I was hoping to see a matinee. No such luck. First movies were at 4-5:00. I am strictly a matinee person. 

So, I  took the dogs, and did what I kinda hope to do before a day off. Do a lot of my day off stuff the night before. All I have to do now is workout, and go shopping. I'll figure something for dinner too. 

I finished the hillbilly elegy book, and it ended as it started. Unremarkable. It didn't tell a fascinating story. The author isn't a hero. There are no heroes in this story. I do not want to watch the movie on Netflix. Not because there are no heroes,  but mostly because I see no story. 

The one thing we learn is white rural America is increasingly poor. I have to imagine black inner city people are suffering the same. Drugs, addiction,  broken homes etc... are the common theme for all I imagine. 

The Economy has changed. It is out of the Government's hands to fix this problem. Yes we can repair roads,  and build bridges, and that stuff helps. I come from Michigan. The West side which is actually pretty affluent. Prior to that the Northwest suburbs of Chicago, which also was pretty affluent at the time, so I do NOT know the rural life at all. I grew up in a time where going to College was what you did. I fucked around, got my degree, and was $10,000 in debt at the end. The hey day of higher education. 

I don't think there is a real opportunity for an affluent life in many parts of rural America. Those who escape. and get an education probably don't come back. So there is a brain drain problem on top of it. 

There is no easy fix. The kids don't get educated more than what they see growing up, then they won't be any better. Drugs and alcohol will be pretty prevalent I'd imagine to the ones STUCK in their doomed life. 

There is no easy fix. We do make fun of the Kentucky senator of 1000 years for having what is it? 15 of the poorest 25 counties of the US are in his State. I dare say government, and education are not the only things needed to create jobs. There has to be useable natural resources for some type of manufacturing,  and a nice place for businesses to move. I doubt many people relish the opportunity to move to the great rural Kentucky areas. 

As to the politics white rural America vote Republican,  and black inner city vote democratic. Politics wont fix the problems there are. I don't know how to cure drugs, alcohol, and addictions like that. They are everywhere. 

I don't know how to bring jobs to rural America either. I don't know how to fix the inner cities. 

It isn't a policy here or a policy there that can be a fix all. We really need better people to change the look of the landscape. I don't know how to do that either. 

It's kinda like that Ayn Rand book. Too sad to read. There is very little hope to cure the landscape of American life. I do okay,  but you know what?  I help no one in rural Kentucky,  and no one in the inner cities. It is out of my power. 

Yeah I work,  eat, and sleep. I would hope others can find the good life like I have, but I do nothing to help them. 

Anyway, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.       :)

Friday, January 8, 2021

It Is Friday, Does It Even Matter?

Are Fridays even like Fridays anymore?  In Michigan no one is going out to eat, or to bars. The normal stuff, so does Friday even matter?  My Fridays never really did for years so who knows. 

Yesterday was a pretty normal day. Work, dogs, dinner, dishes, wash my masks. Just normal stuff. I made pulled pork, which came out good. I've been listening to Hillbilly Elegy. I got it free from the library. In the preface the writer warns he's done nothing remarkable,  and he has no right to write a sort of biography to date. He's correct. The book is so far unremarkable. Ron Howard obviously thought it had something to say. 

Basically someone who should have been protesting at the capital yesterday due to his upbringing, and stuff didn't. He is a graduate from Yale Law. 

In my life I see plain and simple people can be lazy. Complain their life isn't better, there isn't enough money,  and yadda yadda yadda. The amount of white people in and hovering at the poverty level has grown at a pretty remarkable rate over the last 20 years or so. 

So people are angry. Something is unfair. Not really. People have kids who have no reason to have kids. Fathers leave, mothers are addicted to some kind of drug.  Broken families etc...  

People no longer are willing to stand up and take responsibility for their life. 1a, you are going to have to work. You need money coming in. That's the way of the world. Be good at it. Even if it isn't your final destination. 

I think that would help a lot right there. In life you will have to work. Be good at it. That is a good start. People will feel better about things just from that point. 

In my life I see first hand lazy people who don't want to work. They are the angry ones. Talk about unrealistic expectations of life. The most poisonous of all pills. 

Anyways, that is what I was thinking of so far in this book. The kid who should have been protesting at the capital,  cuz he was Appalachian all the way. Through and through. Broken family,  mom addicted to drugs, you name it. He had a sister,  a grandma, and a grandpa though. He wasn't a slave to his upbringing. That's a hard thing to overcome I gather. 

Anyway, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.       :)

Thursday, January 7, 2021

The Trials Of Azerbaijan

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I  didn't check my sleep yet, but I felt I slept good. I think a lot of time in REM. I  think sometimes when I am in REM, I am very very close to being awake, which is how REM is supposed to be I guess. 

I need a haircut bad. Its beyond ridiculous. It's kinda a pain,  cuz you have to drive and stuff. 

Yesterday was kinda crazy. Pretty stupid. Even my dad who was a trumper said it was stupid. Just an fyi, there will be no 2024. Probably Trump's biggest fear is his transfer to insignificance. That is what is going to happen. He will no longer be in the news cycle soon, and that is what he craves most. Seems to me anyway. 

Life will go on without him. Actually it already was until yesterday. 

Yesterday was okay though. I had work, got my workout in. I forgot how my week is screwy. I had last Sunday,  and this Saturday off. I wont be anywhere near 72 miles cuz of being off two days. I took two days off of working out before yesterday. I can do that again too with Saturday being off. I don't get that usually. 

I paid down my pool yesterday. Stimulus plus $900 of petty cash I had in my safe. I owe less than I  thought. I didn't realize how good of a deal we got. Sale price plus $750 off if we locked in when we did last Fall. I only owe $1800 more on the pool, and ~$2000 for installation. I guess I thought I'd still owe like $3600 for the pool. I would have without the deal we got. 

So yesterday was okay outside that stupid shit in DC. It looks to me like they bussed in people from the Appalachians. Crazy stupid. 

Anyway, today I will have a day. I think work should be pretty easy. Tis the season. Take the dogs play some chess, and start not watching the news again.  I'll work tomorrow,  and have Saturday off. Pretty simple.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.       :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

The Down Time

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. We easily skated out early yesterday. It will be like that for a couple months. I think anyway. I guess it may be different when the restaurant opens up. Schools back in session so. 

Yesterday was okay. I read, actually finished the book. "We Were Liars"  It was good. One of those books I never would have bought, except that one day. What I did is open up a whole lot more books for me to pick. Even in audible books. That is kinda exciting. 

I played chess too, totally forgot to work out. I can do it today, and Saturday. My day off. I took the dogs too. Watched another episode of major crimes. Picked up fajita meat at the Mexican store,  and their rice  they make. Easy dinner, and easy day.  I slept okay too. I dream a lot. Sheesh. I don't dream as much when I have drinks before bed. 

That's basically the day. I am riding my bike today. The last two days I drove. Monday I had two double cheeseburgers from Burger King, and yesterday I had a Wendy's single classic.  :)   don't ask me why. No clue.  I don't know the last time I had fast food. It's pretty good though.   :)

Besides that not much. I've been listening to the new prequel book of the hunger games. It started out good,  but glad I am almost done with it. Time to find another book. I do have Queens gambit on hold. I almost bought it a while ago. Now I'll listen for free through the library. I have audible,  and I use it. Especially when a book I want isn't available through the library, but there is a ton available through the library. Especially since I opened up to the kind of books I want to listen to. It doesn't have to be murder mysteries all the time. 

So life goes on. Its pretty easy. For me anyway. I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.      :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Not Too Bad For A Monday

Good  morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I slept great last night. It was a good Monday. I had work,  dogs, chess, reading, chicago style dogs for dinner, and another episode of Major Crimes. My book is really good, and I got clobbered in chess. I  just hope the more I play chess the better I'll get. It doesn't seem to be the case.  :)  I am sure I am getting better, but I do get clobbered a lot. 

My eyes were really heavy after the episode of major crimes so I went to bed. My sleep score was 86, so that's pretty darn good for me. 

Not much besides that. That is the type of day I enjoy though. Nothing too crazy. A little dinner, and chess, reading, and a show. I imagine people seek out something a little more exciting out of life. You'll be disappointed. Unrealistic expectations are people's worse flaw probably. Divorces stem from it, drug use. You name it. 

Then you couple the false vision in our heart that wealth equates to freedom, and the good life, then everyone is yearning and seeking that which does not fulfill. Even the rich have to fill their day. 

Alcohol gives you a sense of euphoria for a bit. I know, but as you get older it isn't good for you at all. Not to mention not everyone has the sleep gene. Drink to sleep doesn't always work as quick as it should, which leads to hangovers. 

The day to day of life is flat out boring. If your heart seeks for more excitement it just isn't really there. You can see the pull for billiards and gambling I guess. Excitement every day. 

Life is pretty boring. Been that way forever. People seeking for more excitement led many to their vices of choice. 

Having kids wont make your life more exciting. It just makes your life harder. Kids still have to grow up, and learn about sex and stuff. Their minds will be fucked up about that as all of ours are. Your parenting wont establish normal thoughts about that in your kid, cuz what is normal?    
Every person has a wealth of past thoughts which took us down many dark avenues we would be fine not sharing with others I am sure. 

In life we don't really win sainthood. Kinda out of our reach, so we just end up being a fuck up in some way. 

The true life probably should lead to repentance,  yet everyone is nailing up on their walls the many achievements which assure themselves of sainthood. 

Kinda gross huh?  

Welcome to your life.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.      :)

Monday, January 4, 2021

It Is Monday After The Holidays

Good morning. How's it going?  I am fine. I didn't sleep great last night, but I slept enough. I didn't have a lot to do yesterday, so I watched football. I did get my workout in, took Hope,  and went to Sam's. I did dishes too, and yadda yadda. I did play a lot of chess, and read some too. 

I lost a lot to the 1200 computer player Alena I think her name is, but I won some too. I think I am seeing the board better. Sometimes I'll make a critical mistake I don't even realize,  and lose in like 5 moves.    :)  I  think it only happened once yesterday, but I didn't see it coming at all. 

1200 rating is Beth Harmon at 9 years old. Beth Harmon at her best is 2700. I will lose more times to a 1200 ranked player than win. 

There were a couple plays the packers made against the Bears where our defense just was nowhere near able to make a play. It made me think the packers coach would probably see a chess board pretty good. We had a linebacker on a receiver in the middle of the field, and no one else around. I've never seen that before. They must have seen something where they knew that might be available. 

I didn't think the Bears could beat green Bay. I also don't think they can beat the Saints. If we somehow miraculously beat the Saints we get to lose to the Packers again. 

Anyway not a lot going on today. Work, and then chill I guess. I'll have to take Hope,  and do dinner. It is Monday, the holidays are over. Today should be fine. I got my workout done yesterday,  which is good. That is one thing you don't always feel like doing. Its kinda like a chore you don't want to do. It is so worth it though. 

Anyway, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.     :)

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Just Like Old Times

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. Yesterday was like old times. Work,  and then a movie. I saw "Young Promising Women".  It  was really good. Carey Mulligan was the lead actress. I never heard of her before,  but she was really good. It was a disturbing topic I'd say. Girl gets drunk, guy takes advantage. Not just some random fucked up guy, but pretty much guys in general. That is the disturbing part. Yeah guys in general would do that. I'm not saying at 54 we would do that,  but put me back in the game at 24 years old or whatever,  and who the fuck knows. 

I recommend it. Good for guys and girls to see I think. 

I watched another one of her movies. Based on a true story. Another promising young girl working her way to Oxford gets sidetracked by being wowed by a 30 something year old. She was 16. This took place in the early 60s. That seems crazy to me too, but it was 1962. Now you wonder do girls of 16 want to be treated as adults?  Is that shit still possible today?  I don't know, but I bet a case could be made. 

Kids who once were 4 and 5 years old are going to be sexually active at some point. It won't be pretty. That learning curve. 

Anyway, I guess yesterday was pretty good. Work was fine. Our list is longer than we can get done. I may have stayed later, but I had a window to see the movie, so that's what I did. I still worked 8-1/2 hours. The movies made me think of stuff, so that's good. 

Outside that not much. I don't have a lot of housework to do today. We do have a project to work on. It shouldn't take long. That's about it. I have time to read, and play chess before I get going. Holidays are over,  and life is back to semi normal. Restaurants will be opening soon again too. I'll probably go out once in a while. Not a lot. It is expensive to eat out. 

I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.       :)

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Starting Early

I am up early,  so I figure I'll get an early start. I can get out early or work late depending on how I feel. Also, I can maybe see a movie after. There is one I want to see. Also,  I have all of tomorrow off. After this week I will be working on Sundays. During the holidays they don't work much. At least I am hoping that is the case today. It is during Thanksgiving,  and Christmas. 

At some point they should slow down I think,  but new car models are made every year. Who knows?  

Yesterday was okay as far as days go. I got all my stuff done, and grocery shopping.  I made chili in the instapot. watched football for a short while. Not long,  switched to a show we started watching. I forget the name of it, but it is good. I played chess, and read some. Got my workout in, and took Hope. shoveled the frozen mix before it turned into all frozen on the driveway. It was a busy good day. I didn't feel lazy like I did on Christmas. Maybe cuz I could go grocery shopping. I cleaned the top of the stove too. 

You could say I started out the New Year right, but not really. I started it out how I have been living last year. There was no change. Nothing really different from other days off. 

As to College Football, talk about 4 teams in the playoffs I couldn't care less about. Sheesh, how boring. So, I shut it off after 5 minutes of the first game. The Northwestern game was good though. 

That was about it for the day. Chess, I am not very good at. A person/computer rated 1200 is very hard for me to beat. 1200 isn't a great rating. I hope I am getting better, but I cannot see the board like a really good player. 

That's kinda the story of me in a nut shell. Average.  You can't single me out having a unique talent or being special in any kind of way. Maybe we all are that person,  but we just don't know it. In society there are grades everywhere you look. It could be something as dumb as what car you drive. We want to stand out in some way. To show we are special,  but we really aren't. Just a sand pebble putting in our time. There were many who came before us. They are gone, and forgotten,  which also is our end too. 

I spose it can be considered a sad existence,  except I accept it, and am fine with it. Being as I am I don't have to try to make life something it isn't. Work,  eat, sleep.  Yes please.     :)

Laterzzzzzzzz.          :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.      :)

Friday, January 1, 2021


That's how many times I updated (about nothing) last year. I always strive for 300, so 324 is good. 

Yesterday was okay. I saw a movie.  :)  first one in a while.  Theaters were shut down again in Michigan. It was "Fatale" with Hillary Swank. It was okay. I had time after work,  and before the movie so I went to the bookstore. They had a buy 1 get one half off sale. I got two books I never ever would have picked up before. It was kinda a neat thing to try. 

One is called "Some Of Us Are Liars"  the perfect family of old money who spends every summer on their own island off Massachusetts.  The perfect family,  except they aren't.  It seems like a story you'd see on Instagram.  All the pictures seem like perfectly happy people living the best life ever, except. Everyone who tells a story with pictures is a liar.  It starts out okay. Pretty happy I did that. 

Outside that by midnight I probably had 4 hours of sleep in me already.   :)   

The holidays are pretty much over. Back to normal I guess. Although we will figure what that is as we go along. Restaurants in Michigan are still closed. So we aren't quite there yet. I don't even know what it will be like when they open up again. People weren't exactly flocking to the theater yesterday. Although there were a million cars like always at Planet Fitness. 

I don't really have any goals this year, and nothing I am really trying to improve. Not that I am perfect or anything, but I have nothing to sink my teeth in. 

That's fine with me though. I feel pretty good about stuff. I am not looking over my shoulder for a better life, and maybe that is what we really all are searching for. The feeling that this here is good enough. 

I still want to stay busy, and active. I'll still work out 3 times per week, and do what I normally do. That's all part of me, and my life. Before long I'll have gardening,  and mulching, and watering to do. Dogs need walks etc...   My life is plenty busy. That's all part of it too. 

A new year, and I guess same old stuff for me. Once I got past the original shut down in March or whatever, last year was fine for me. No clue what is in store for this year. 

It's all good for me though. My life is pretty easy. I don't have to outsmart the World. The world doesn't even come into the equation I don't think. For me. 

Anyway, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.      :)