Wednesday, September 30, 2020

What A Dummy

Instead of going to bed, I fell asleep on the couch. I woke up a little after 9:00. The debate was on. Dammit, I watched that debacle. It was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. The bully in the pulpit is definitely a type of person I hate the most in this World. If he was a boss of some sort I'd quit my job. Here is a man who makes people's lives worse. A microcosm of my Dad I guess. If you are in your 70s, and are personally still highly leveraged, than to me that is a failure. I really have no words. 

Worst of all I stayed up to watch it. At least I know not to watch anymore. Also, i learned what a complete jackass the incumbent is. I wasn't going to vote for  him anyway, cuz he is just a product of far right websites. Makes you wonder how many people read these far right websites. 

At 54, I am at the age I can choose my friends. Turns out, I don't really hang out much so it doesn't even matter. I am comfortable in my own skin. I am comfortable being at home. At 54, I am out of debt. I inherited money, which obviously helped, but even prior to that, I had under $100,00 in house debt, and maybe $2-3,000 owed on a car. I was headed to debt free anyway. 20 years from now, I don't see me being highly leveraged. It would be stupid. The only reason one would be in that position is if they spent a lifetime there. In my book that is a failure. 

I did watch the Sox. I wasn't planning on it, but I turned it on after I took the dogs. It was entertaining. The A's had a lineup of people hitting .230 up and down the order. Who the heck have they been beating I wonder. I think the Sox have a good shot to win today. Our pitcher will pitch to contact, and the Coliseum is a monstrosity. Anything can happen,  but we have an opportunity. Undecided if I watch today. My routine is so out of whack this week. 

I promise to go to bed early, and get back to normal. We got our mail in voting things yesterday. That's 5 votes in my little circle that wants to say farewell to the highly leveraged loser. He is a loser too. 

I spose.   

Laterzzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.       :)

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

What To Do On A Rainy Monday

A rainy Monday where I am tired I should say. After work,  I had to do some shopping. Mostly veggies for my salads, and veggies for the guinea pigs, and rabbit. I had enough stuff for meals. What I did was nothing. I watched like 5 or 6 soprano episodes. I slept for only 4 hours the night before. So I was tired. I slept pretty good last night though. 

Today is the presidential debate. I bet that would be good tv. I won't stay up to watch it, but it probably will be entertaining. Maybe boring. Who knows?  

Some news came out about taxes. Is anyone really surprised though?  A highly leveraged person hiding behind a shell of organizations to hide a failed business. Did anyone think any differently?  The dude is a walking bankruptcy creator. When someone is afraid to publicly disclose their taxes it means they are hiding something. I have nothing to hide. I take my standard deduction,  and move on. I think my adjusted gross income was less than $50,000 for both of us combined. We live comfortably. 

I am not wealthy as far as those things get decided by the normal person,  but I am so much more wealthy than anyone who has to hide shit. 

I am not a saint,  never tried to play one. I am not a genius or whatever else people want to say about others, but I have an easy life. The struggles I have are mostly against my own self. 

Baseball playoffs start tonight. Today I guess. I don't know if I'll watch the Sox at 3:00 PM or not. Leaning against it now. I have to do something for dinner. We will see. I do have some outdoor work to do. I have to work out, and take the dogs.  It will be a busy day I guess. We have to watch the series by the books by Robert Galbraith too. Sopranos too. 

It feels so good to not drink, I wonder why so far I always go back. It's just a mental thing I guess. 

Anyway today is a day. It will be a full one. I think it should be fine. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.      :)  

Monday, September 28, 2020

Another Week

Its Monday again. I didn't get all my shit done yesterday. Most of it, but laundry isn't folded. I didn't go shopping,  cuz its raining today,  so I have to drive to work,  so might as well go today. I did cut the grass. Perfect timing since it's raining today. I watched football,  and baseball. We also started watching the series from the books by Robert Galbraith,  aka JK Rowling's pen name. Lisa read all 3 books, and I listened to them. Lisa actually read the 4th one too. I have yet to listen to it. It's good. 

I didn't drink yesterday, and football,  and me drinking, historically have gone hand in hand. Work for me will be busy. I have a lot to do. I guess it's like that every week. I didn't work out yesterday either. Looks like its Monday, Wednesday,  Friday this week. 

Baseball playoffs start Tuesday. I am not too excited, cuz the White Sox have 2 starting pitchers. Tough to win that way. The two would have no margin for error. The Bears look like an average 3-0 team. Foles looked like an NFL quarterback though. One who could make NFL throws accurately. Mitch is not that guy. Who knows?  The NFL always has some screwy team that outperforms,  so you never know. 

I have no idea what to do for dinner tonight. I am shopping so I can pick up something to cook. Outside that not much. I have a Monday which is following a Sunday of not drinking. That's always nice. At 54 drinking is not the best thing. A couple drinks are fine, as long as you stop there. Watching sports and drinking, the stopping thing doesn't always happen. You get into the game, and yadda yadda yadda. 

I wonder the percentage of people who drink on Sunday. I wonder the percentage of people who drink. I have no clue. Are there a lot of people hung over on a Monday?  

I got nothing again I guess. Just trying to feel good about my days. That typically coincides with being busy. Today I will be busy. I'll watch more of that show, and have a meal. Should be a good enough day. It's almost October, and there is that sober October. I think I'll try that again, but starting now. Last year was a real eye opener. I had no idea how hard not drinking was for me. I never really tried it before. This year I'd stop a while,  start a while,  stop again, start again. It still is hard I guess. Just cuz at the end of the day it's how I chill. 

Anyway, I think I'll have breakfast. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.       :)

Sunday, September 27, 2020

A Lazy Saturday Morning

I stayed in bed past 9:00 AM. Don't do that much. I cleaned the kitchen yesterday after work,  and ran the self cleaning feature on the stove. We did different shit at work yesterday too. Some normal shit, and something new. I let the other guy do the fun thing. Basically ride a zamboni like thing to sweep the warehouse, and I did the unfun thing. Sweep, and mop shipping docks. It actually wasn't unfun,  cuz I took my time,  and did a good job. They are busy as fuck now. Working 7 days in some areas. 

I did have the Saturday after work dread though. Now what?  I did end up with 77 miles last week. Hold on...  I weighed myself. No change really. Lost .7 of 1 pound. 166.1. I thought maybe my jeans were a bit loose yesterday. I don't have much to do today. Regular Sunday shit with some of it already done. 

Bears have an Intriguing matchup today. Intriguing cuz they are 2-0. Sox played better offensively yesterday. They have only 2 starting pitchers though. 3-5 = yikes. 

I have no idea about dinner either. Another day in the life I guess. What else?  Not much. I am not thinking about much I don't think. I know I don't feel great about myself when I am lazy. It's why I like working. If I sat all day watching tv I wouldn't feel good about myself. If I laid around all day I wouldn't feel good. Our goal is to feel good too. Different strokes for different folks. 

One thing I learned yesterday was there were a ton of people working. I would say 1 in 100 would be considered moderately attractive. That was odd. I never got that feeling before. Is that America right now?  I don't get out often, so I guess I don't really know. I think I have sat inside a restaurant 3 times in the last several months. The servers weren't really attractive. The food was good though. 

Anyway, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.       :)

Saturday, September 26, 2020

What To Do On A Saturday

I work today, but then what?  Not really sure. I'll play it by ear I guess. Yesterday was pretty normal. Every day is different, but you know. 

I couldn't find my wallet yesterday before work. It was one of those things too, I couldn't swear I had it the day before either. I might have, but I couldn't say for sure. Usually I check my pockets. Wallet,  phone,  chap stick stuff, and mask. :)  I ended up finding it. It was in a place I don't normally keep it. That's the worst though right?  

Last night was kinda a blur. We picked some stuff up for dinner, ate, and I went to bed. I got a good amount of sleep last night. I needed it for staying up watching the stupid Sox. I've already tuned them out. I am a horrible fan. Maybe I am just starting to find sports to be pretty dumb. I  definitely don't spend a ton of time thinking about it. 

We are like 5 weeks out from the presidential election. Not much news for me on that front. I'll spend very little time thinking about that. There will be debates I won't watch. Spin about debates I won't see. 

There really isn't much to my life at all. Nothing really significant going on. I am glad to be working today, cuz I don't know what I'd do otherwise. 

Yeah, I pretty much got nothing. Nothing crazy on my mind. What a boring update. 

Sorry.    :)

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.     :)))

MWAH.       :)

Friday, September 25, 2020

Time Sure Flies

Geez, its getting late. I was just googling David Spade. Wanted to know a little bit more about him. Like,  I assumed he partied it up heavily with Chris Farley. Guess not. Actually to my knowledge he isn't much of a partier. His career is actually pretty impressive. He's made some good movies. He's done some really funny stuff. I am listening to his audible book, which is only available in audible from. It isn't a written book. 

He has a daughter.  He also has some stories of Chris Farley, which are funny. Also I bet he considers Chris Farley more talented than himself, and maybe if Chris Farley were alive he'd think the same of David. 

What on Earth made David Spade try stand up?  He's made a pretty good career with that as his start. 

People's lives can be interesting. As long as people show real life shortcomings.  Imperfections I guess, not so much shortcomings. 

Wanna know something of me?  I watched the full Sox game last night. Well the full end. I went paddle boarding around 6:30, which was fun. Anyway, I was just as entertained watching them get beat as I would watching them win 10 in a row. You know how I love a good shitty Bears season?  I see the white Sox now as a beat team. No way of climbing out. I like seeing that shit. What kind of fucked up shitty fan am I?  

I loved watching the Bulls going like 12 and a million a couple years back. What a strange person I am. My sleep number was great last night even though I went to bed late. Paddle boarding at dusk?  Who knew?  

Anyway my new grass is coming up. That's exciting. Fall is definitely the time to do that shit. David Spade's house is worth 20 million dollars.  Why?  Mine is worth ~$200,000 give or take. Maybe a million if it was placed in Seattle. Still more than enough for me. 20 million though. Why do people want those houses?  

Anyway.  I am glad I found this biography thing. It's entertaining. Just some real life shit you cannot always find. 

I gotta go.  

Laterzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.       :)

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Theories Of The West End Massacre

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I stayed up a bit later watching the Sox. Not the whole game, but like through 7 innings or so. They are as I predicted earlier. Improved,  but not a top tier team. They faked us by clobbering lesser teams. I can get into watching games, but I have very little invested in Sports. If my teams lose I don't think twice about it. Baseball is humbling for hitters. There was a time when Luis Robert was actually in  the MVP talk. Now he's like 0 for his last 30 or something with a lot of Ks. Doesn't even look like a major leaguer. 

Yesterday was pretty busy. Work was a full day, and I had to go to kohl's to do an Amazon return, and pick up a few things for chili. I did take the dogs, and had to clean up the kitchen, and actually make chili. It was a busy day, and I like busy days. 

I don't have much to worry about. I listened to some more Anna Kendrick,  and now have a David Spade, and Keith Richard biographies to listen to. 

What I've been learning is people need to fill their day no matter how famous. People all seek for that which makes them feel good. Seek for what will make them happy. All decisions in search for what makes one happy are not always good ones. I guess what I am learning is all are lost as to the reasons we are even here.  What's the purpose?  What will make us happy?  Content?  

There are other things about us too. Why anger?  How do we really feel. I remember in my younger years always pretending to be in a good mood. That's a tough burden to carry. You wake up one day realizing oh wow, no one knows me. I don't even know me, cuz all I do is pretend to be in a good mood. 

Life is tough. We all probably strive for shit, but contentment seems to always be out of our grasp. Sometimes anger pops up for no reason really. Why are we how we are?  

That's a long answer kinda. One people cannot really comprehend right now I guess. So much is not in our power, but we believe so much is in our power. I cannot take you on the path of learning about you, cuz you weren't willing. Too many things to see to. That really is just a trust thing. I get it. It wasn't with courage and confidence that I went. I was just kinda broken. In life I saw no purpose,  so I gave up my one mostly worthless, and pointless coin. 

I think the biographies will take the place of blogs for me. I liked reading them. No one does it anymore, and the best parts of blogs were the hardest to write. 

Hi, I am fucked up, and I don't know why. I hate some people cuz of this and that. I hate myself cuz of this and this. Easier to paint rosy pictures, and maybe that's why those biographies do take courage. 

Famous people are famous, but they'll let you know they were fuck ups. Seeking for what we all do. Contentment. Getting famous doesn't make you content. The days still have to get filled. Famous means you probably have more idle time, and there is danger in that. As we all know.  

Anyway, I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.      :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Who Am I?

I actually enjoyed listening to the autobiography, so I searched for a new one. I went to the library app to find one to check out,  instead of using an audible credit, or purchasing one. I am now listening to the Anna Kendrick one. 

I kinda have a weird fascination with her anyway. She's kinda quirky,  and kinda funny. Her engine seems to be 100 MPH. How girls and guys get along at 18 years old is one of those odd things I guess. 

Anyway, I am not sure how long I'll be doing this. Hopefully this is my last one. Although I  think there is something about a person telling their life story through their own eyes. It might even take courage,  but I wouldn't know. I do this, which is sorta the same thing, but I don't find it takes any courage at all. Maybe jumping off the high dive takes courage at first, but if you do it enough for 10 years there is no courage needed. 

I know I was scared at first to advertise the blog. Now I am indifferent to it all. The only thing that keeps happening is I feel like doing it when I wake up. 

Maybe some people browse the internet, or social networking. I typically just blog. I can't say I really get anything out of it. Currently I have a consecutive streak I had no intention of starting. 

Yesterday was just your typical day. I did get my workout in. I wasn't particularly strong yesterday either. One of those things. I have started taking the dogs on a longer route. I think it's a good idea. A longer normal route. Dogs love walks. I don't mind them either. 

What else?  Not much. I have another day today. it should be okay. It is going to be nice weather. I think I am going to make chili today. That sounds really good. Other than that not much. 

No great thoughts on this end. No words of wisdom. Just living out my days I guess,  which is all we really are doing. Life isn't really that significant. I did try messing with the bucket list stuff, and none of that stuff is significant. The most you can wish for is to eat, drink, and be merry. For me I'd call it being content with work,  eat, sleep. It helps everything. 

I cannot take credit for a content heart though. Those we don't make. My outlook is a gift. How I'd be otherwise I have no clue. We do all want to be happy and content, we are just not sure what makes us that way. Somehow most think it is tied up in some form of happily ever after. They will be disappointed.  

Anyway, I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.     :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.        :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Sex And Drugs And Rock~N~Roll

So you know how you see something online,  and all of a sudden you want to learn about it or them?  Yesterday for me was Tatum O'neal. Don't ask me why it happened it just did. I got a book from her on audible and listened to it. 

I cannot say it was all too shocking. She wasn't crazy active sexually,  but Hollywood sure was... is?  Drug use is over the top in Hollywood back then.  Still?  Her life was different than most growing up. I don't particularly think that is harder to overcome than the typical family of 4 or 5 or whatever others were brought up in. We are all fucked up growing up. 

It was interesting for a 1 day escape. Lifestyles of the rich and famous I guess. I don't think she really thought herself rich or famous is what I gather. Youngest actor at the time to win an Oscar though. I don't know if anyone passed her on that. 

I didn't have much to do on a Monday, so that's what I did. I ended up with just under 12 miles. I did walk the dogs, and water the front. I didn't sleep good Sunday,  so it was a good use of my time. I just woke up Monday morning around 1:30AM, and couldn't fall asleep again. Last night I slept good. 

I do not have a lot to do this week, so I'll need stuff to occupy my time. Weather is too nice to sit inside and watch tv. 

Today is a workout day, and it is pretty nice to get Tuesday out of  the way. Just cuz it is Tuesday, the beginning of the week still, and I only have 1 workout left. 

I guess I am awake,  and feel pretty good about today. It shouldn't be too stressful. Work, eat, sleep. 

I wonder what actors do to fill their day to day when not working. Being idle probably can be dangerous. Regardless of who you are the hours of the day have to be filled. I am lucky being me I guess. I like working. How are people who don't like working?  If I had a lot of money I would still want to work. Naturally I don't daydream about a better life. This one is fine. Its good enough. I don't have to look upon my past to come to terms with who I am. I have no need to be fake, cuz I am no saint. That isn't in my power. 

Anyway, I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.       :)

Monday, September 21, 2020

What Am I Going To Do On A Monday?

My Sunday was pretty good. By good,  I mean I got all my stuff done. I tried the shop and scan thing at Meier. Pretty nifty. I always use it at Sam's club so. Sam's is awesome, cuz they have a person to check everyone out anyway. Its pretty awesome walking past the people in line, cuz you already paid. 

I did listen to  the Bears game on Sirius. didn't realize it was being televised locally. I finished my stuff though to watch the last Giants drive. The Bears are 2-0, and that's a pretty bad team to be 2-0. Wins are wins in the NFL though, and winning does breed confidence. You never know. 

I made a new recipe. Mexican quesadilla casserole. It came out good. I'll do it again. I have one of those apps where you can try new recipes all the time. 

That was about it for the day. Laundry, and dishes all done. I ran the robot,  and watered the front. I watched the Chiefs and went to bed. 

I have no  idea what to do today after work. There isn't much I need to do. Take the dogs, and that's it. That doesn't bode well for a big step week, unless I can figure out a project. I guess I can organize my  tools, and wash the vehicles. There is always something I guess. 

If I had Monday off I don't know what I would do. Guess it's good I have to work. Not really much else going on with me. We are having a stretch of nice weather. Highs in the 70s, and upper 50s for the lows give or take. Life life life. Just taking the days as they come. As long as I don't have more days off than Sunday I should have no lazy days. The secret to my contentment I guess. 

We will probably get our ballots in the mail this week. Our job will be over as far as that is concerned. 5 against the incumbent, and I will not help my dad figure out how to vote. His vote will be for the incumbent,  so let him figure it out. 

I had a friend request from someone I went to HS with. He graduated two years before me. I found out he is Republican,  so I didn't accept the friend request. That's not my type of person. The incumbent ruined that. Maybe it's been heading that way anyway. I don't do politics really so I don't let anyone shove that crap in my face anymore. 

It's my life, and I like to keep myself calm. Today its Monday,  so I guess I'll have a day. 

Laterzzzzzzz.    :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.       :)

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sleeping In

I slept in this morning,  cuz I stayed up to watch the Sox. I don't know how good this team is. Maybe better than i expected. Maybe the pitching is better than what I thought. It seems they have a never ending supply of guys to come out and throw 98 MPH. They called up their first round pick from last year, and he was throwing 101. There are other good teams too though. Its always a crapshoot.  

They are working all over the place at my  Saturday job. It was a ghost town for a while, and now the opposite. They were laying people off, and now they are working overtime. I think they are hiring again too. Same with another car place by me. For the life of me,  I don't know who is buying new cars. 

I am not sure how the typical consumer is. What percentage of people make car payments I don't know. The last car payment I had was $100/month. Before that many many years ago. 

Not much really going on with me. Yesterday after work I picked up stuff to make for dinner, and watered the front. Listened to my book too, which is really good. I  think I have 1-1/2 hours left. It was a 12 hour book too, which I almost demolished in a day. For dinner I made shake ~n~bake porkchops,  and green bean casserole, with rolls,  and baked potato. That's a good fall meal. Not sure what I'll do today for dinner. 

I do have to take Hope,  and my regular Sunday stuff. It's not a lot today though. I can probably finish in an hour, besides waiting for clothes to dry, and shopping. I don't need much for shopping though,  since I picked up some things yesterday. 

I am not sure what I'll do today. I won't get the Bears game, so I don't care to watch football. I could watch the Sox. Watch the Sox, and listen to the Bears perhaps. Not really sure. I could go shopping for something,  but can't think of anything I need or want. That's why money would be wasted on me. I have nothing to spend it on.  

When I did get money I got new for us vehicles,  upgraded our house,  and paid it off. We took a couple small vacations, which were fine, but I realize I don't really like doing that. Its stressful for me, and expensive. I am fine with my little World.  

Today is a day, so I guess I better get started. Gotta weigh myself, and workout,  take Hope etc...   

I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)

MWAH.             :)

Saturday, September 19, 2020

An Easy Dinner

I didn't really have a ton to do yesterday after work,  but I stayed busy. I took the dogs for a walk instead of a run. My legs are tired. 68 miles in starting Saturday will do that I guess. I figured I had time to make a dinner, but what?  I opted for chicken enchiladas. they came out good. I had frozen chicken breast in the freezer, so easy easy. Plus I had a little queso too, which I snuck in them. A good meal with little effort. I make my own refried black beans too. They are better than canned. Not  that I am a good cook, but more I can follow a recipe,  and tweak it to my likes. I like garlic, and cumin, so I add that in generous amounts. For dinner I made something out of what we had instead of paying to go out or whatever. 

I watered the front grass, soaked my masks to clean. Oh I transplanted my basil plant to a pot. See if I can keep it healthy inside this year.  

That's about it. I don't have a big Sunday planned. I don't have to do a lot. I guess it will probably be a football Sunday. I was trying to  think what made my last Sunday busy. I cannot even remember. 

Life goes on. Our temps have been lower this year to start the fall. it means we will lose our leaves sooner. Its always the hope to get them to the end of the yard before the snow flies. Fall is busy for yard work just like spring. Come to think of it I do have a bit of garage organizing, and shed organizing. I should bring my snowblower to the garage. Gotta take my winter bike in too for a tune up. 

I  guess  if I look year over year I wanted to be more productive after work. I am now. Just a desire thing. I don't know where it came from or why I didn't have it before. Maybe I did, but so much stuff was tied up in running. I don't know. We can't do all the things I guess. Could you imagine how mad you would be if you did do all the things?  Geez people would be looking like they were having so much fun, and you are just doing all the things for whatever reason. 

There are angry people too. Lisa works  with a guy who is just angry from what I gather. He is the worst employee she's worked with. A non profit organization. Customer relations is a thing that makes those things possible, but someone pisses in his cheerios all the time, so he's an ass to the people who make the organization viable. The customer. I'd write him up, and start the paperwork. Those people end up costing so much more than the paycheck they receive. Those people are the worst. 

What makes a person have an angry disposition?  We all get angry, but the people who live in a perpetual state. 

I don't know. I don't like those people. They do no good. 

Anyway, I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.         :)))

MWAH.        :)

Friday, September 18, 2020

It Is Friday

The end of the week. Not for me really as I work Saturday, but that's at  a different place. That does make a difference. I don't think I have much to do today after work. I'll run the dogs, and water the front, but then I am not sure. I have no idea what to do for dinner. All week I've had a plan after work,  but not today. Me being busy after work jumps my steps up a bit. I'll probably be around 76 miles or so this week. How about that writer who has to be walking at least 25 miles per day. I  wonder how long he tried to keep that up. Maybe he still does it. 

I definitely don't have a keep up with the Jones'es mentality. Don't give a shit about it. I am free from a lot of stuff I guess. I have no bucket list. 1 million dollars would be wasted on me. I would have nothing to do with a million dollars. I'd still work 2 jobs, and wouldn't change much. Lisa could probably stop working if she chose to. She would be the type of person who could not work. Actually her whole family is that way. Maybe that's the normal way people are, and I am the outlier. I sure don't want to travel anywhere. More so now with the stupid virus. Even without the virus I was quickly learning I don't care much for travel. A good way to waste money. I like being at home. 

Maybe people have a lot of rubbish in their hearts. If only I had this life would be perfect. 1 million dollars would be one thing,  especially for those with debt. I don't need anything to make my life better. My life is fine the way it is. It's not too hard, and not too stressful. 

The only thing I have to worry about is what to do after work. As of now I don't have much. This week has been good. I like doing shit after work. It gives me a positive feeling about the day. I still haven't stretched, and I still haven't started writing the book, I'll probably never start. Don't think it is in me. 

I did get my workout in yesterday, and my muscles are feeling my workouts. You know you are probably getting stronger, but you just feel tight,  maybe a little sore. A working the muscles sore though, and that's always a good thing. 

I guess my life is busy. That makes for a better me. Maybe we all fight lazy. If I am lazy I don't feel as good about me, so being busy is best for me. It's why I like working. 

Anyway, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.          :)

Thursday, September 17, 2020

A Different Week

You know how I think we all are a bit manic/depressive?  We typically go through peaks and valleys. I am having a peak week, or perhaps just a bit motivated. I've been getting a lot done after work,  and I got more planned today. There isn't a big difference between peak,  and valley,  but just enough. Just that extra spark. It is possible there is no peak and valley,  and I am just motivated. More so than last week. I'll take the motivated me though. 

Besides that not much going on with me. I felt pretty darn good yesterday.  It was a good day. I planted my grass seed. And watered. I'll water every day now, but I can set the tractor at a higher speed. The temps are getting pretty cool at night,  and not too warm during the day. In my experience it is perfect for starting grass. I'm just doing spots too. Spots where there were once a patch of weeds. It typically would maybe fill in on it's own, since I have a service, but I figure I'll help it along. 

All in all it's been a pretty positive summer. I have no regrets. Next year we will have a pool. That is kinda Lisa's thing. I am not a big pool guy, but she is. I can see me putting in a little basketball hoop though. That would be fun for me.  God, I am even too old to make 18 year old girl jokes. You know invite them over to come swimming.  I guess 54 years old does have some downside. If it's just in joke telling who cares. 

Anyway, I am glad to be busy. I have the perfect lifestyle for going to bed early before all the tv watching goes on. 

I feel that is good for a number of reasons. One no after supper snacking. If you eat dinner around 5:00 give or take,  and stay up til 10:00 or past, you'll be hungry again. Maybe hungry enough to eat the equivalent in calories another meal. 10:00 at night people aren't making veggies or a salad. I'd imagine its easy to eat bad stuff before bed. From 8-10:00 pm I feel I miss out on nothing as far as tv goes. I probably will be on a stretch of minimal tv watching again. Too much to keep me busy. Plants will start dying soon. A chilly fall can bring early snow. Luckily I already had my snow blower serviced. It's ready to go for the season. 

Another day in store. It should be pretty good. I got stuff to do after work,  and it's a workout day. Even those I am looking forward to this week. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.      :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Some More Outside Stuff

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. My day went pretty much as planned. I am going to start planting grass in spots today, so I didn't do that yesterday. I did cut the grass, and took the dogs on the long route, which isn't really long, but longer I guess. We did a couple other things. Oh yeah I did my workout too. I didn't stretch though. 

We had dinner, and I went to bed. Lisa was watching a show I didn't want to watch, so I went to sleep. 

One thing has been bugging me, and I finally figured myself out. When you know people won't change, there is no effort needed on your part to try and change them. Wasted energy. That is how this political season is, and maybe every season. I am not a news junky, or political junky. When people shove political stuff in your face, especially stuff you don't agree with, I don't need to see it. So, I stopped seeing it. It's that easy. 

I think we are all at that stage where most of the people on social networking we barely even know, so what's the big deal?  For me it isn't a big deal, cuz I am solo anyway. We aren't that important in any stretch. 

I don't want to understand the other side. Go do your thing. I don't care. I am just going to choose not to be a spectator. I won't see it, cuz it is a waste of my time. 

All of a sudden your timeline is cleaned up. 

So what I learned is to walk away from what you cannot change. Maybe to walk away from what you disagree with too I guess. I am not very important. so it is no big loss either way. Its the significance thing I guess. We all lack it.  

I am smart enough to know too, or I finally learned, political season is never over. I saw something the other day about Benghazi.  I was like who is this person?  **unfollow**  it's that easy. 

Anyway,  I've just been doing this to keep life easy. People are free to do as they choose,  and go for it, I don't care. I just don't need to see it. As far as people are concerned I have a lot of I don't care in me. Best to know how you really are I guess. 

If you could see inside your true heart it isn't the most perfect thing out there. Our hearts just aren't that great. It's a thing we definitely need help improving,  but it takes better vision to see our hearts. It kinda takes a different perspective I guess. What if I am not a very good person?  

All this rage, and hate etc...   what if that isn't a good thing about me?  If you took a day, and tried to analyze your reasons for being not a saint I guess. What would they be?  What is it that makes you less of who you wish you were?  

I know. I know the insides of us. I can't read the sword,  cuz I don't have understanding. I don't use it either. A sword in the hands of a fool is nothing but foolishness. That's me.  A fool as far as those things go. 

I know where we all stand though. I know what I deserve. This vessel isn't perfect. The heart is lacking a lot. I am willing to go where I deserve to go. Freely I would go. 

I find that remarkable.  It used to be cuz it was the path, but now I see it as a destination suitable for a person like me. I think that's new. 

Pretty crazy.  I trust though. So my heart is not scared.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.       :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The Dump

Is there anything better than unloading a pile of  shit to the dump?  We just got rid of some old fence boards plus just a few other things, but fence boards are shit you don't really need in the yard. For free too. 

I took the dogs after, and weeded the side of the garage. We stopped by the local lumberyard too to pick up a few things. Today will be busy. I have to take the dogs, workout,  cut the grass, and start seeding parts of the front. I don't think I slept that great last night either. After 1:00 AM, I checked the SOX score against my better judgement. Couldn't fall asleep right away, which I knew would happen. 

My legs don't feel fatigued today. I think they were yesterday cuz of my little Sunday run. I  have yet to make time to do things like stretching. Things do slow down eventually. Once the outside work stops I guess. 

I just checked my sleep,  it was better than I thought. I think sometimes you stay awake less than you  think. Also yesterday was approaching 30,000 steps, and 13 miles. not quite 60,000 miles for however many days in a row that would be.  :)  that crazy guy. 

So life moves on. We could probably hold the election today, cuz nothing will change people's minds now of how they will vote. Might as well go through the motions I guess.  No predictions from me. Just can't wait til it's over. 

What else?  Not much. My days are going to be a bit busy for a while. I'll have to water the grass every day while new grass is planted. That's not a big deal just a daily thing that needs to be done. Daily things can be a drag. See stretching...  

I guess I don't have much on my mind. Nothing too significant. I do see the division of the country we live in to be complete. Its like we are one of those 3rd World countries from S. America, who the CIA tried to overthrow. Divided. Completely.  Who is to blame?  As someone who was right of center to one who is significantly left I can say it is right hate groups. That can be from Limbaugh on down to radical websites. 

It's like they knew there was no future, cuz the natural shift is to the left. They have buzzwords like socialism,  but they are the ones who bailed out big business,  whether it is banks, auto, or airlines. Division is a poison,  and it cannot be cured. Little chance of cure anyway. The truth cannot be seen if fox news has you in its grasp. I will concede the same can be said too about MSNBC, and maybe all cable news. It's why I stay away. 

I saw the people running to Trump's thing in Nevada I think. Americans are not a good looking people. We are fat. We are disgusting. That's looking on the outside. On the inside we have a lot of hate. Me included too I guess. 

It's why I just keep to my day to day. I don't really need friends. I have my life. It's easy.  What is one to do with friends anyway?  Who has time for it?  In my past I didn't want to be solo, and now I welcome it. Maybe cuz I see little that can change the chasm between you and I. If the gap can't be closed what use do I have of anyone who is like the pre-turn version of myself. I am not going backward,  and the majority natural movement is in place.  Not forward. 

Anyway, gotta run.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.       :)

Monday, September 14, 2020

A Much Better Sunday

It was a good, and productive Sunday. Best way to start out the week. I got a run in, my workout, kitchen cleaned,  laundry done, shopping, dinner made, and truck loaded up. 

I read... well listened to a book on Saturday. It was from David Sedaris, the running with scissors guy. Anyway he had a bit about the Fitbit. He kinda got addicted to it like me. Only way worse. First he was excited to hit 10,000 every day. Than it was 20,000. It didn't stop til he was walking 60,000 steps every day. Dear Lord. Why????   How???  He's a writer, so that would be part of his day. He'd listen to books and podcasts. 60,000!!!  

I just like to see my numbers. My Sundays are light, cuz I don't work,  but I don't feel the need to walk more to hit a number. It says something about him, but I am not sure what. For one, in that regard he is different than me. He also picked up garbage along his route. It is by his house. Compulsive I guess. Maybe that is why he is a writer. He can work on writing every day. I suspect I am like that too, but I just write. I don't work at it. I thought maybe it would be fun to work at writing a book. You know, day after day put the labor in. Maybe still. I don't know the first thing about writing though. like that. I'm a blog writer. I write whatever is on my mind. I have probably over 2500 updates,  but it hasn't been work. 

I don't have to worry about character development,  and story lines. I don't have to worry about conversations, or describing shit. The two are different, and I have no reason to think I'd be good at the other. No real reason to think I am good at either of them.   I do have time though. I think.  

Besides that not much going on. I did watch some football. I guess you don't learn anything in week 1. The only definitive thing is the Ravens are good again this year. Besides that nothing is definitive. 

The Twins and White Sox have a big series this week. Only 14 games left. The White Sox have been good at beating lesser teams. That's part of the equation of being a good team. 

I do feel good today. A productive Sunday,  and a good sleep. I didn't waste my Sunday getting drunk and only watching football. That is different than last year. Today will be busy with work, and the dump. I'll have to take the dogs too. My favorite type of day. One where the day is full. 

I have absolutely no desire to make sure I step a certain amount of steps each day. I guess I hope to be around 72 miles at the end of the week. That's it. If I am short who cares. I do want my 3 workouts though. That's pretty important. 

Anyway, I am excited for today. A lot to do. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.            :)  

Sunday, September 13, 2020

It Is A New Week

Good morning. How's it going?  I am doing fine. It feels like a new week. Last week was crazy. We had the extra day off, and Summer ended, so it was Fall. Football would be starting and yadda yadda yadda. I didn't like last week. My normal got out of whack. I think I was only 55 miles. I did gain a pound. My body fat went from 18.9-19.0%.  No change really. I do need to come up with a plan for after work. Find stuff to keep me busy. 

This week feels like a new week, because it is back to normal. I have my Sunday today,  and I will be relatively busy. We have to load up our truck for the dump. I doubt it gets filled,  but how else do you get rid of old treated 2xs,  and other boards?  We will then have all our projects done we wanted from the start of 2020. 

I slept good last night, and I stayed up and watched the White Sox. Their lineup is as good as I've seen. Your 9th place hitter is batting .350 I think. There is power up and down that lineup.  I still don't think their rotation is deep enough. I guess if Rodon, and Bummer come back from injury it would help the rotation. You wouldn't want to pitch to that lineup though. 

Not really a lot on my mind. Excited for a new week though. I will have the time, and ability to remake myself. There will be labor, and dinner tonight. I may be able to watch some football too. I got a late start though,  so we'll see. 

I think this week will be a good one. Everything seems new again. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.         :)))

Saturday, September 12, 2020

I Got The Day I Planned

I got the day I planned yesterday. I worked a full day, rode my bike to the library to return a couple books. I went next door to City Hall, and got my free dump pass. I took the dogs,  and got my workout in. The week was so screwy cuz of the holiday,  and my laziness I was excited to get my workout in. It wasn't easy. it never really is, but it seemed tougher than usual. 

I am not really excited to do more and more and more. I don't want to prove myself superhuman. I want what I do to be sustainable. If I can build on that fine, but to not work out is such a bad thing in my mind, so I gotta do it week after week. 

I don't know if I can read the hearts of what others write or if I judge what others write with my heart. There isn't much I consider to be significant in my life, so nothing is really of lasting importance. Yesterday was 9/11. I really am over it. Time turns things into memories, and memories fade the importance. 9/11 was a crazy day, and then days for sure, but isn't it approaching like 20 years?  My heart does not go back year after year to relive it. My heart isn't capable. Personally I don't give a shit anymore. I'd be surprised if others don't feel the same. 

It isn't politically correct, and Presidents have to do a bunch of silly and stupid stuff. If Trump doesn't want to go to a burial site of downed soldiers from whenever ago, I get it. I wouldn't want to either. 

A downed soldier gave their wrong coin to Caesar. Life is harsh too. Once you signed the dotted line you have to follow orders. Was your heart pulled before?  I don't know. I do know when hearts get pulled the tendency of the masses is to harden their hearts, and pretend what they were hearing from it wasn't true. A heart pulled does not always pull us to an easy exit. 

I gave up a promotion right after College because of it. Went in withdrew my name from consideration all while playing the fool. It's what the others thought of me. With shaky hands, and an abundance of nervousness I said my piece though. Shortly after my story really started. Those 6 days, and the Summer of my discontent all leading to the hospital,  with me overcoming for the first time. 

Anyway, here I am and no one is with me. I don't know if hearts were pulled, and the people hardened their hearts. It may be. The only cure for that is forgiveness. In my walk I was obedient the whole way. To go the opposite, I knew the wages for that. No thank you. I've been battling for the opposite of what a disobedient person gets. My story is not quite complete. 

Anyway, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.         :)

Friday, September 11, 2020

Unexpected Fatigue

Yesterday was a pretty normal day. We worked a full day. I did get my new tires put on, which is surprisingly a nice feeling. A security thing I guess. We definitely got the most out of the old ones we could. 

It was $650 all said and done, which seems like a lot,  but I feel good about the purchase. Truck already has new tires, and rims. 

The surprising thing to me was getting out of the car. My legs did not want to move, and my back and arms were sore. On a day I should have taken the dogs I couldn't,  and on a possible workout day I didn't. Its not been a real busy work for me either.  That was surprising to me. It may be riding my bike home from work keeps my legs loose. Sitting in a car for an hour or so after work probably does the opposite. I didn't plan on that. That's for sure. 

Not much really going on with me. Another day another dollar as they say. I definitely have to  work out today. I am definitely riding my bike. I have to pick up a dump pass, and return library books. I have to take the dogs too. Dinner, dinner. What to do about dinner. The day will fill up nicely. At 4:30 AM I feel pretty good about that. The weekend will be upon us. 

I am not sure how Saturdays work will go. They've been working more and more, so we are not always sure what we will be walking in to. Football starts this weekend. Oddly, I am not too excited about it. The Bears will be disappointing.  If they start out like 0-6, I'll have to start listening to the SCORE.  Chicago sports talk radio. Chicago fans get all worked up. It's fun to listen to. If they start out 6-0, that would be surprising. If they start out 3-3, who cares.  BORING.    

NBA,  I don't really care about the teams. NHL, I am indifferent. Baseball, I don't think the Sox can do much damage this year. Next year watch out. I need a new book to listen to for tomorrow. What will I do this Fall?  I may get sucked into sportsing watching, as I do a lot,  but it doesn't seem exciting right now. I guess we will figure things out as the time comes. Luckily I still have plenty that keeps me busy. 

Anyway, another day in the life. One which found me oddly fatigued. I did sleep good last night though, so that's good. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.       :)

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Sometimes Driving Ain't A Bad Thing

Today will be the 3rd day in a row of me driving to work. That doesn't happen often if ever. The first two days was cuz of rain, and today I get the new tires on right after work. Monday was good, cuz I actually went to do the tire thing, which I've been meaning to do. Tuesday was good, cuz I needed a haircut. I procrastinate getting a haircut a lot just cuz I ride my bike to work most days. So all in all driving this week has been good. 

Yesterday I also shopped for a dinner, since the grocery store is right by my haircut place. I took the dogs for a walk after, and cleaned the kitchen. Then I chilled for a bit, and made dinner. Shortly after dinner I went to bed. I love sleep. It turns out I went to bed around 8:00. I woke up for some reason at 1:00 AM, and had trouble sleeping after.  So it actually wasn't a great night sleep, but I feel fine. 

I've been cooking dinner a bit later. I used to try and have it done for when Lisa gets home, and now I shoot for an hour later. No reason really. My days are pretty full, so it gives me some time to just chill I guess. 

Things definitely are different. My haircut place there usually was a long wait to get a haircut. Sign in on your app, and there may be a 2 hour wait. Now there is none. The lady said they are not near as busy as before. So, that's strange. 

One thing I thought about is the number of DUIs has to be way down with bars being closed basically. I have to imagine tickets,  and DUIs are a major bread winner for the police. Police are funded by the states. They don't actually make money. Police are a cost of society. I have no idea what police pensions are like. How do those get funded?  

If police don't do a good job well there salary comes from taxes. Same with teachers. We really pay their salary. They aren't bringing in money. 

Personally I don't mind paying taxes. I am happy with the police near me in my Wonder Bread community I live in.  :)  teachers I don't give a shit about. No percentage of that pie is my concern. I am happy with the library, and yard waste collection in the Spring,  and Fall. If we are paying for the Aquatic Center expansion,  I am all for that too. Once done I plan on swimming again, since running is not ever going to be a major thing for me. I can swim a mile or so right after work a few days/week. 

Yesterday was pretty good. I was tired after work,  but I still got a lot done. Lemme check my to do list.   Work--check.  Eat--check. Sleep--check. Nailed it.   :)

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.       :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

I Guess I Got A Lot Done

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. Yesterday, I ended up working a bit late, although typically I won't be doing that a lot til maybe around Thanksgiving. I got a lot done though. The rest of the week should be easy'ish. After work I did order new tires. I'll get them put on Thursday. 

I am not a good shopper. I didn't really "shop"  the guy said he recommended a set. They had such and such rating for driving in snow, rain, and regular temps. It was probably the best set, and not the cheapest. I was like,  "that's fine"   :)  I didn't even go through other choices. He said they would be good for up to 70,000 miles. In my lifestyle that is good for  the rest of the vehicle. 60,000 miles would put the car at 100,000 miles,  and that would take a decade. 

Also,  I made dinner, and kinda just sat and vegged. I didn't feel like watching tv. TV'd out from the weekend I guess. I went to bed early, and slept really good. I woke up once around 10:00, and fell back asleep til 3:38 or something. I mean I was out. Usually I remember waking up a few more times. Oh, I got my workout in too,  which was much needed. I'll only get two in this week. 

We did get the okay to take a vacation sometime yesterday.  I am not sure if I want to. Having Labor Day off was the worst. I don't know about 7 days in a row. What would I do?  I don't think I want to take it. 

What else is going on?  Not really much. The days keep going by, which means the Presidential election is that far closer to being done. I get very little news on that now, which is awesome. 

Outside this blog I have very little to say. and this blog says very little. I can't imagine how boring this would be to read day after day, which makes you wonder why it isn't boring for me to write. I don't know. 

It seems I wake up ready to do this thing, with no clue what I'll write. I remember in my younger years, I wanted to portray someone who is always on. Always in a good mood. I typically am always on. You want to be consistent,  and I guess I am. My outlook is pretty good on all days. As long as I don't have too many days off in a row. 

Even in my younger years that is what I guess I always wanted. To feel pretty good every day, and to not have a lot to worry about. I did learn after a stretch of laziness. That would be during the college years. I learned I feel much better when I work. I guess that was always part of the equation. I worked part time at Montgomery Wards during parts of my college years. I liked it. It's where I met Katrina. Those types of stores died. 

I think it was Montgomery Ward who said "The customer is always right" proving himself to be a complete douche bag. :)

Anyway, just thinking about the past. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.       :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

I Can Be A Real Lazy Piece Of Shit

Good morning. How's it going?  I am fine. I slept good last night. Yesterday, I did my shopping,  and I think that's it. I made dinner I guess. Less than 2 miles on my feet yesterday. I didn't even do my workout. That's why I like to work.  Left to my own devices I can be lazy. It is possible if I was lazy for a couple days, I might start being productive... not sure. Regardless I'll never be as busy as when I work. Busier is healthier for me. I am on season 4 of the Soprano's. Sometimes I feel bad I am a bad tv watcher. I am doing good with the Soprano's. 

There is a Mercedes car salesman Tony meets. They become involved. She is pretty fricken hot, so I googled her, hit the images link.   ;)  anyway found out she was a rape victim of Harvey Weinstein. She's not so pretty now that she is older,  but man she in her day was pretty fricken hot. Not all people age well. 

I am so glad I get to work today. Get back on my schedule. We are getting a ton of rain so far overnight. That's good, we need it. We are going to get a dump pass this week. We have a few things to get rid of. Mostly wood from our old fence. Might as well dump it for free. There might be a couple other things too. Other than that the rest of the week should be normal. I am going today to get new tires for the car. We are just under 40,000 miles on the car, and I an sure they are original. With winter coming up I might as well. I may get it done today if I can, or make an appointment for tomorrow after work. 

I'll have to take the dogs if it stops raining. My lazy ass didn't do it yesterday. I need to get a haircut sometime too. My hair is beyond ridiculous. We have like 3-1/2 months before Christmas season. It shouldn't be too crazy busy at work. Weekends will still be strong,  but school is in full swing. Soon we will be dealing with leaves, and getting plants out to the road. Plenty of shit to keep me busy. I need to plant grass seed in spots. get it started.  This is a good time of year for that. 

Basically life is back to normal for me. I have plenty to keep me busy, and I am glad for that. I don't know if I'll take any vacation days this fall. We were gonna for a few days, but we decided we'd get bored.   :)  Maybe I will take a couple later on to get ahead on Fall cleanup. We'll see. I do like my normal routine the best, and still not a fan of more than just my Sunday off. 

Oh well, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.       :)

Monday, September 7, 2020

Day Off #2

I really really tried sleeping in, but I ended up just laying awake. When it comes to sleeping long hours, I just am not very good. 

Today is like a Sunday, except all my laundry is done, and the kitchen is clean. I watched a lot of Sopranos yesterday. It was an okay day I guess. I didn't get my workout in, so I'll be a M,W,F guy this week. Can't miss any days. 

Outside of getting my Sunday shit done it was a pretty lazy day. Today,  I got nothing major going on. Too many days off is not a good thing. At least for me. I don't know how people keep their mental health when not working. I guess it becomes their norm, and they get used to it. I feel better with very few lazy days/year. Is there anything better than being active, and celebrating with a nice meal to finish the night?  It took me forever to get hungry for dinner, cuz I wasn't really active. 

I am already done with the days off. I am ready for it to be over. I do have a few things to do today, so it shouldn't be bad. Not sure what to do for dinner. 

Not much going on in my neck of the woods. Fall is here, and that means football. The White Sox will probably make the post season. They will bow out early is my guess. Not enough pitching, but they will have a legit shot to do real damage next year. Their offense is one of the best, and going to get better. Pitching is what needs to improve. One prospect opted out this year, and we've had some injuries,  but they have a dominant #1 guy. Keuchel has been solid at #2, and a hodge podge after. Bullpen isn't that great either. It's an exciting team to watch. It will be for several years too. 

The Bears should be average. I don't see a big change from the mediocre year last year. The offense will disappoint. The defense will probably be good,  but will give up those nasty 3rd and longs they seem to always do. The ones that lose games. 

Will college basketball be played?  I don't have any real fall goals. keep working,  eating, and sleeping. Life gets less busy for me. Eventually the only outside work will be snow removal. That's easy. 

This year looks much different than last year. Better. The kids are out, we got rid of a bunch of shit with the dumpster.  Finished our fence in back, and added another gate. One on each side of the house. It won't be too long til we turn the heating on. 

The future looks good for me. Easy you know?  I will not be getting any kids ready for school. Won't be worrying about homework or extracurricular activities. 54 is a good year in life. Not many worries. 

Anyway, just touching base. Pretty excited to have a holiday with no drinking. That's something different.   :)

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.     :)

Sunday, September 6, 2020

2 Days Off In A Row

I rarely get two days off in a row. I don't remember the last time. During the original shutdown?  Today I stayed in bed past 8:00 AM. I don't have that Sunday rush to get all my shit done. I will still probably get a lot of it done today. but I have tomorrow off too. I am not dreading the consecutive days off like I might in the past. 

I realize I am different in this regard. People probably like their days off, and can't get enough. 

There was no one working in our regular areas yesterday, so we worked 9 hours. That's pretty typical. I don't mind working 9 hours. I got nothing to do on a Saturday anyway. More money to me right?  

Lisa went out to her friends family thing, so I made salmon for dinner. I drank last night, and watched the Sox game. Also watched the rest of the NBA game. I stayed up late... for me.  

The scale did not move at all this week, and my body fat % stayed exactly the same too. 18.9%  I only had 68 miles last week. Low mileage on Sunday,  and the day I watched the Sopranos all day after work. Otherwise the days were normal. 

Remember I started the vice funds?  Putting money each week into accounts like I am paying for vices I don't have. Those account totals are starting to inch up pretty nicely. Just one of those stupid things. Remember how my Discover savings account I actually make good money on. Significantly higher than other savings accounts. Interest rates are so low, that is only .7% now instead of 2%  it fluctuates with the lending rate. I do have $10,000 locked into an 18 month cd for 2.3%  it matures in March. That looks like smart investing now. Not that $10,000 at 2.3% is going to make a shit ton of money, but I wasn't doing anything with that $10,000 so what the heck. I think I saw an offer a few months back for me to do the same, but for like 1.7% interest.  I laughed at that. 

Anyhoo, that's some of the shit I think about.  My credit union gives me points for using my debit card as a credit, so I have $100 Lowes card coming. I think my Discover card cash back will be $45 this month, so I can turn that into a $50 Lowes card too. It usually takes me 3-5 months to get my cash back up to $45. I always turn it into a $50 lowes card. You can always find shit you need there. 

I feel really relaxed, and calm this morning. A day off with one again tomorrow. A good night sleep,  and a cup of coffee gives one a good outlook. To be honest though I usually am pretty excited to start my work day too. I guess I just wake up usually feeling pretty good about stuff. 

I may get another cup of coffee, and watch a Sopranos episode. I can do that cuz its not going to be hot today,  so I can take Hope whenever. I can start my Sunday chores whenever too. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH!!!      :)


Saturday, September 5, 2020

A Busy Day

Labor Day is not a bad holiday weekend when working at a bakery, cuz school has already started. so it's not crazy busy leading up to the weekend. We were on cruise control kinda for Friday, but someone from the front end called in. (Customer service), so the bakery had to help out. 2 people,  cuz Friday is busy anyway. We worked a long day. We got 2 orders in, which always takes time, and yadda yadda yadda. We got out late, I was tired when I got home. 

I took the dogs for a walk instead of a run,  cuz my legs were fatigued. I did get my workout in, and cleaned the kitchen, did dishes,  and watered the front grass. I did have like 1-1/2 drinks before dinner. Not a lot, as my resting heart rate dropped 2 BPM this morning from the day before. 

That's a good start to the holiday weekend. My guess is it will be a ghost town at work today, cuz of the holiday weekend. Typically they won't work, but this year you never know. 

There is a lot of uncertainty in the World. We don't really know what next year will be like. How will the virus affect us this Winter?  Regardless, I feel pretty secure in my jobs. I keep my eyes open to the World. You never know when things may change. 

I have two days off this weekend. Other years I am not sure how I would do with the time off. I have a few things I want to get done this weekend. 

What else?  Not much. I continue to dream a lot. Last night I dreamt 6 people came to visit me. 3 were guys. One from HS, and the other 2 I don't remember. 3 girls were former bloggers who I am friends with on FB. The HS guy stuck around a while,  but was bored. The former bloggers didn't stay long, but I was shy, which would not be uncommon for me at a first meeting. It was vivid. Didn't really mean anything, but I am dreaming a lot these days. 

I am thinking of things more as a "normal" person now. See how I would appear to people maybe a few years back. 

I am solo though. I am fine with it. At the beginning of me past the turn, I was soooooo scared. Man I wanted company,  someone to help me, someone to give me pointers.  These days I don't need it. I have help. I have courage,  strength, and confidence. You know how I used to struggle through the day long long ago, but always wake up strong. I typically am always confident,  and strong throughout the day. 

This all leads somewhere else though, and that is why i keep my eyes open. My day to day is pretty easy, and not a big concern, but still my eyes seek out the future. What may happen to make things different. 

The best things out there in our minds are fiscal independence,  the esteem from others,  and to be a person who matters. Really the best thing is confidence,  strength, and courage to face the future. Also independence.  My future is not dependent on anyone. I am solo. Also not solo,  but that is something you cannot see. 

I think what you wish for to live your best life is not exactly a true vision,  cuz you don't even know how it is to be me. I am not even the finished product. 

I tried to lead in this direction, and it obviously didn't work. A teacher stops teaching when he knows his labor is in vain. I am not going to teach my dad how to use his phone, or to watch Netflix or amazon Prime, cuz he would never in a million years be able to duplicate what I taught him. He's accidentally switched the tv controls to hdmi 2, or tv, and the cable doesn't work. He's done it a million times, and he still cannot get back to hdmi 3 or whatever the cable one is at. I've showed him 1000 times. You know?  

That probably is why I am different now. My job now is to wait. To see how the story teller corrects us out of the dead end we are at. 

I happily do my day to day. After overcoming 2 of 3 times, it ain't no thing to me.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

Friday, September 4, 2020

1 Again, Or 3 of 4

I was tired yesterday after work. I mean really tired. I skipped my workouts til today. My watch says I went to sleep at 9:30  or so on Wednesday,  plus being busy, plus having a couple drinks, so no wonder. Yesterday I binge watched the Sopranos. It was pretty awesome. 

Usually I am not a good tv person. I am always trying to get stuff done, and workout.  Normally I don't find tv relaxing, and really a good use of my  time. On the other hand if I am not watching tv, but am drinking that's not exactly a good use of my time either. As I got up this morning it feels pretty awesome without drinks the night before. My cup of coffee seems different too. The heart rate thing probably. Drinking elevates your heart rate 8-10 BPM during sleep. The coffee after not drinking kinda gives you a jolt. Not as much if you drank the night before cuz your heart rate is artificially high already. At least in my experience. There is no actual research I've seen. 

Anyway it is Labor Day weekend. Summer officially ends. I like it. Football starts, which I am not as excited about. Probably cuz I don't think the Bears should be very good. No confidence in the QB position, no confidence in the offense. The defense will probably be overrated. Football is crazy in teams can magically make great strides in 1 year. I'll pencil KC to win again this year, cuz if healthy no one can stop them. 

Cooler weather, the change of seasons, yes please. The change is fun. 

Really not a lot on my mind. The first cup of coffee was so good I want another. 

I think today is going to be good. The morning after not drinking is different. It helps the coffee give you a different type high.  

Anyway I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.    :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

Thursday, September 3, 2020

I Didn't Make Day 3 This Time

Not cuz, I couldn't,  but it was probably the best day of the year. The day still was busy. Work was full plus. I went to the grocery store after work,  to get a few things. I didn't go Sunday. I then took the monsters, and cut+bagged the front grass. I pulled the squash plants, and put them in the yard bin. I also watered the front grass. I then talked myself into having a couple drinks. We decided to check out this new taco + bar restaurant. We both noticed it just opened up. They will be going out of business before too long. That menu will never survive. I had two blackened fish tacos. the tacos were super small. The fish was nonexistent.  Beans and rice were actually a small bowl of black beans,  and a small bowl of jasmine or white rice. You put in a bunch of time and resources, and that's the best they could come up with?

It is a hard place to get to, and without outdoor seating you fit maybe 5 tables. 5 tables of 2. Pretty ridiculous. The bar maybe holds 8 people. Maybe 10. It is just surprising to me. All that time, effort,  and resources,  and they came up with that. 

It was fine for a night out, but you think taco bar, you think munching on some good ass tacos. Not so much last night. 

Today will be super busy. So much so, I will probably work out tomorrow. Tomorrow will be busy too, but maybe not as crazy as today. I premade my salads for the next two days.  I am back to my regular salads. I actually had to buy cucumbers for the first time in a while. Tomatoes I won't have to buy for a while. 

Outside that yesterday was just a normal day. It was busy. I did have a couple drinks just cuz. It was a good day though. You get a lot done, relax, eat, sleep. There really isn't much to the life I lead. I sometimes surprise myself I can keep going after work. Running is so awesome early morning, but sleep outweighs running in the morning. At least now. I am somewhat different than how I used to be. Less drinking, and more productive after work. Even yesterday with my couple drinks I drank like 2/3 of my previous norm. I got a lot done too. 

Now that I think of it, I used to come home, and drink right away. I always wished I was more productive after work. I am now too. I am not sure if I wanted to drink less back a few years back. Now I think I just want to quit. Even after two days off, a couple drinks hold no more magic feelings for me. 

Today will be a busy day. If somehow I am able to get my workout in, and a run, that would be awesome. I may do real tacos tonight. After last night I think I need it. I bought ground beef, which I didn't need,  but it was $1.59/ lb.  I mean really. 

I spose.   Have a good one.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.         :)))

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Day #2

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. Yesterday, I didn't get a lot of sleep, and I had a lot to do. I had to work a full day, workout, run, and cook dinner. I did get it all done. I even did the dishes. You know when you start doing something,  and keep going?  

I even stayed awake enough to watch 3 more Sopranos episodes. My blood pressure this morning is 126/79. I am not a heavy drinker, cuz it isn't in my system to be one. I just can have like 3 pretty stiff drinks every day. It has health consequences in blood pressure,  and stuff. You've heard this before of course. This is my battle. It's so hard, cuz I never drink enough to truly fuck myself up. There never is a binge drink followed by a hangover. 

Anyway yesterday was pretty good productivity wise. My run was sluggish a bit, maybe cuz of humidity. It is Wednesday,  and I have only one workout day left. Hoping it is with a better night sleep. 

Not really much going on besides that. Schools in our town are all up and running. I  have no idea how that will turn out. I am not anxious,  so I guess that says something. I didn't hear any news about politics yesterday, so that's a good thing. 

I think today, I will cut the grass. I should do some work outside. I have to take the monsters too. It will be a busy day. I want to keep going on the Sopranos. I want another good night sleep too. 

So, I am 54. Going through my day to day. Things seem fine. I am in good health. Not a lot of stress. Things are pretty good I guess. My life is pretty easy. I wonder how many people struggle with stuff. 

My wife's best friend is breaking up with her live in boyfriend. His house, she has to find a new place to live. She doesn't make a lot of money, and she has pets. A spouse of someone who works with Lisa went through an alcohol self detox this weekend. True physical withdrawal from alcohol. I never even knew there was such a thing. That's gotta be drinking a Fifth each day plus kinda drinking. A system going near shut down mode withdrawal. It could be me if I wasn't a have a couple drinks then sleep kinda drinker. The sleep gene has been definitely been good for me. There are people with debt, and maybe general unhappiness.  

I bet there are more problems than you may see posted in typical daily updates. 

Anyway, life goes on. I think I'll have another day. 

Laterzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Well, I Didn't Sleep Late

I hate when I wake up too early. I don't know what my problem last night was. I was tired after work,  so I binge watched the Sopranos. I am on season 2 now. Today is a day I cannot afford to be tired. I have work,  run, workout, and make dinner on the list today.  Dinner should be easy, just making spaghetti. 

It is September now. There is enough sports for everyone. I don't know how this year will fuck up a normal next year, sports wise. Will this year make a shift change in how people normally live life? Will we always wear masks in public?  Wouldn't bug me any. I really don't have a big need to be in public spaces outside of grocery shopping. We may start to get the movie theaters open soon, I will probably do that again. 

Kids are going back to school. What a horrible thing to have to deal with. My life is full enough doing my regular day to day. I'd hate to have to add more. Of course I have my dad which is kinda like having a shitty kid. but I don't have to help him with homework. 

I think I saw Warren Buffet is 90 years old. Still smart as a whip. Probably cuz he keeps his mind active. I've seen two people during their retirement, and it was filled with tv. I think an abundant amount of tv has negative health on mental abilities. It isn't based on some research or anything, but just personal observations. 

Outside of work,  I am not real social. I don't do anything, I wonder if I'll be socially awkward for being like that. I am around people 5 days/week though. Maybe not. 

I took my dad to an assisted living place, well their office place. A big office area for maybe 10 people working there. It seemed to me to be a brutal way to make a living. I have no idea what they do there in their jobs. Its gotta be a lot of sitting. Can you imagine sitting in the area of offices and cubicles for 8 hours only to go home and help with homework,  and making dinner?  

The place was way too expensive for my dad, but I did talk to his case worker, and we will get him started on a section 8 type housing. They don't call it that anymore, but the V.A. has a program for veterans. That way he can get his own small place for cheap. 

I wonder if he's always made his life harder?  I see that a lot. People doing things to make their life harder. Having more kids is one way to do that. Living in an unhealthy way is another. Watching too much tv, not being active enough, you name it. Our vices can be a hindrance to an easier life. I battle alcohol. One day sober.   :)

I think of the plight of the ciggarette smoker. That's gotta be brutal. The ciggarette break is probably the best thing in the World. Also probably the worst. 

It's easy for me to justify drinking, cuz I don't drink a ton if I do,  so I am like who cares. It's the leap from man it would be nice to have a drink, which always = 2 or 3. To it actually feels pretty fucking good to not drink. Feels pretty fucking good when you do too.    :)

My goal is to watch more tv shows. When I sit outside it's a nice time to drink. I've blogged 90 something days in a row,  I'd like to say the same about drinking. Drinking is a type of time filler for me, and I definitely need my time filled. For me that is reading probably or tv shows. I am active enough in my day to day. 

Anyway, a hodge podge of stuff on my mind. That office though looked like a horrible place to work. A depressing existence for those people. A job full of activity is the way to go. Your face in front of a computer is no way to live. 

Life is strange. 

I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))