Friday, March 19, 2021

What A Week.

It's been quite a week. First off my right knee started bugging me after my Tuesday run. Typically my left knee bugs me this time it was the right. My leg didn't want to bend very much. I wasn't worried about it. Yesterday I looked,  and there probably was swelling, but I  think it feels pretty good today,  and I can try running tomorrow. 

Before I woke up I was pondering other things to do if this running doesn't work out. My heart feels optimistic though. Regardless I always have stuff to help me busy and active. I guess running would be my first choice. We will see. 

Another thing I haven't been sleeping that great. Last week was one of my best weeks of sleep,  and this week every other day is throwing a bad sleep in. Last night I slept good. I was tired yesterday, and took the whole day off.  My knee wasn't 100%, and I was just tired. I got the vaccine the day before too, so maybe internally my body was fighting that.  Who knows?  I was just tired. 

I stopped by the pool place yesterday to check on delivery schedules and stuff. Once I get my permit,  I'll get all that squared away. 

Maybe pool, stimulus, knee, vaccine etc... just added too much stuff for me to contemplate.  Good stuff is stress as well as bad. Also the weather has been kinda shit this week. Yesterday I had to drive for the first time in a couple weeks I think.  I was able to go to Sam's after work,  and get that out of the way. 

One thing is new for sure. I never contemplate going out to dinner anymore. I've already stopped going to bars. I don't like beer so I guess that helps with that. All I needed was a pandemic to steer me to social distancing. 

I remember listening to Howard Stern interviewing Miley Cyrus. She was talking about her family when this thing first started. Her Dad wasn't really worried.  She said, "he's been socially distancing for the past 35 years."  I get it. I am social at work,  and I think that's enough for me. I am pretty busy outside work too, so I don't even have a ton of time to be social anyway. 

Also I am comfortable in my own head.  I don't need to be seen, and heard, or known.  

I'm fine you know?  Nothing to prove.  

I spose.    

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.      :)

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