Saturday, March 6, 2021

This Kid Needs Sleep.

I love sleep. I wonder if I need more as I age. I used to want to be superhuman,  and function on little sleep. Now I want to function on a lot of sleep. As you get older you think of health things more. I bet a good night sleep consistently helps your quality of life,  and probably prolongs your life. Just my hypothesis. I know of no studies. Not that I searched,  I am sure they are out there. 

I drove to work yesterday,  and ran some errands after. I was too tired to take the dogs. I need 4 miles today for 72, so its a typical week. I lost a pound last week too. 165.9. I slept a long time last night. I woke up at 3:00 AM, but fell asleep again after a while. 

I have most of my day off stuff to do today. I didn't have a chance to work ahead. Its not actually a lot really. Once I get started it goes quick. 

I assume we will be getting stimulus checks soon. I live in a good area. The cut-off is $75,000 per person or $150,000 per couple. Together we don't make $75,000 so we are eligible. We lived pretty comfortably even before our inheritance. That's why I mean we live in a good area. It's not expensive like city life. 

Kids growing up today will struggle. Housing costs are high, and education prices are out of this World compared to when I went. 

I could afford to fuck around and grow up while going to college. I ended with $10,000 in debt total. 5 years of taking loans. I did get grants too. These days you can be $10,000 in debt for one semester. That's an expensive price to pay for the growing up part of college. 

I feel very fortunate. Even after I graduated my first real job was at Menards as a Manager trainee. It gave me an extra dollar an hour, but more importantly that job was a labor job. We put freight away, loaded trucks with paneling,  and ceiling tile,  so I was busy from day one. Nothing has changed in my jobs, I still am on my feet, and active. 

I never wore a suit to a job, and I could always just wear jeans. I gotta say I am most fortunate. Even by getting in a house for under $100,000 when we first bought it. 

Also, I am most fortunate to enjoy living simply. Little known fact is when I started at Menards,  I didn't have a car,  so I walked a couple miles to and from work. I've always been a commuter. Still to this day. I started again when gas went up to $2/ gallon and never looked back. I am most fortunate to live in an area where commuting is really easy with biking, running, or even walking. 

I spose.  

Laterzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.          :)

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