Saturday, March 27, 2021

So Many Things.

Getting correct pool codes from anyone is like pulling teeth. My guy almost threw me a curveball. "Oh, I forgot to ask, you don't have any powerlines overhead do you?"  Well yes I do. We thought it might be something to consider,  then we were told it wasn't,  then told it did. It's not a huge deal, cuz we had our pool marked off in two ways. Without powerlines too. It might not even matter if our lines meet up to code such and such so have extra grounding such and such. I called the electric company,  but they were gone for the day.  That dept. Our lines as I looked again go way over to one side of the house, so not really even a concern.  The call at work and my visual is different than my at home visual.  At work I pictured the lines going from the middle of the yard.  

Anyway, I got the permit,  and got my $5000 into the IRA.  Called the tax lady,  and left a message,  and I got my paperwork to fill out for my dad's doctor's appointment.  Paid off the pool, and will have it set up for delivery.  Its kept off site somewhere.  

I lost two pounds last week.  Not by trying, I am at a loss each week where I will stand.  Next week I might gain a pound back, who knows?  I am at 165.4 I think.  

I am not running for a bit. I am pretty sure my right knee had swelling. I do know it doesn't hurt to walk,  but really isn't bending great. 

Life goes on. I guess this pool thing is a bigger ordeal than I planned on. How I got sucked into all this I have no idea. It wasn't my idea to get it. Lisa is the one who wanted the pool. 

Really though a lot of stuff got done at the end of the week. IRA, and pool shit.  My taxes aren't great, cuz of my 2nd job. Barely any federal money gets taken out cuz it looks like I don't make any. A contribution to an IRA helps.  Last year it turned me from break even to $1000 refund. Plus some state.  Hoping for the same thus year.  What a crazy year.  

Okay,  I have a bit of day off stuff to do.  

Laterzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.            :)

xxoo.            :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.         :)

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