Wednesday, March 31, 2021

How Things Work For Old People.

Yesterday I tried getting medical stuff about my dad to his new doctor. For one I thought all old people get Medicare or medicaid or whatever. They may. He has a humana card, and he's had shit done through the VA. I gave them some stuff, but I have to give them VA stuff today.  

I originally didn't sign up for this shit. Since I am doing it though,  I had to ask my dad questions.  He's losing his faculties,  I've learned that. If he wasn't so busy making my life a living Hell being brought home by the police, getting in accidents,  and giving crack whores all his money i could have known more,  but whatever.  

What I learned is in his 70s he probably had no primary doctor.  Ummm, you have cheap Healthcare,  and you are in your 70s.  He doesn't know how to take care of himself.  

Another thing I learned is there is no medical database where medical records for people are pretty easy to get. I think everything is hidden through a maze of primary doctors,  and their networks.  I am hoping my dad's latest VA doctor has access to all VA stuff. 

Regardless who cares. He's 86, he's lived a long time, so if they don't get the full medical history of all 86 years who cares.  He never had cancer, he hasn't smoked in 40 years. He's on medication for blood pressure and stuff,  but there isn't anything major in his past besides the heart attack, and they already have all his holland hospital shit. 

So I guess I'll take an active part in this stuff. Its not how I usually operate.  Typically I take an active interest in nothing. 

Anyway, I see Michigan lost. It was a pretty good run. They started the year outside the top 25. Bottom of the lot in the Big 10. They did pretty good. I saw the game before last. What I noticed was they play good defense. That is a good sign for the future. Being coached good defense. Juwan concentrated on the defensive side of the ball when he coached in the NBA. 

Baseball is starting up now, I think the NFL draft is coming up. I'll check boxscores I guess, but I don't watch much sportsing. I don't stay up late, and I am pretty busy. Summer is coming too. I may listen to some Sox games through Sirius. 

My grass people came yesterday.  The Springtime application I never remembered to do on time. This service is worth it to me. 

I guess that's about it. Today will be busy. I have to drop off more doctor shit, walk the dogs,  workout,  and cook dinner. Nothing wrong with a busy day.  

Laterzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeeee.           :)))

MWAH.           :)

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

A Tax Windfall

We got our taxes done yesterday. I was hoping for $1000 back since I put $5000 in to my IRA. Turns out part of the current stimulus made $10,200 of unemployment, tax free. Lisa brought home a little more than $10,000 in unemployment. I brought a little too. We had taxes deducted for it. Turns out we will get $3500 back from state and federal. I had absolutely no idea. 

Our pool gets delivered next Friday too, so things are starting to shape up. I read a good bit of my book yesterday too. Remember I want to finish it this week. Due to taxes I didn't take the dogs,  and I didn't work out though. I planned on that though. You would think we celebrated our windfall by going out to eat, but we made an easy meal at home.  I wasn't even that hungry for some reason. 

I didn't watch TV, after dinner I went down,  and read,  and then slept. I had a good sleep score.  82.  Oh our grass company is coming out today. The Spring feed and weed.  The one I never ever do.  It's why I wanted a service in the first place. That's kinda exciting too. 

I think that is about it for yesterday. Another day done. I have to do my dad's medical stuff today. I've been dreading it. It will be nice to get it done. That's basically the final thing. The electric company I use should call, and set up an appointment today probably,  but that's it. Smooth sailing from here on out. 

I guess that's about it.  

Laterzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.        :)

Monday, March 29, 2021

A Book, And Basketball.

So I listened to another book by Celeste Ng. She is a good author. This book was everything I never told you. Its about a perfect daughter with a great future who was found dead in the bottom of a pond. Her perfect family was shaken to their core.  The book tries to find out what happened. We learn the family wasn't perfect, she wasn't perfect. The daughter's future was what her mom wanted for her,  not what she wanted.  

It was a perfect replica of the perfect family,  cuz they were fucked up. Just like anyone else.  There is something refreshing about fictional books that portray way more truth than any non fiction book. Celeste I believe is an American of Chinese descent. She brings that aspect in too.  Asian people look different than typical Americans. As much as black people do, so they have their own issues growing up in this culture.  Us whites have no idea what it is like to grow up every day looking different than anyone else.  Growing up white ain't no walk in the park. Imagine having extra shit thrown on your back.  

The other book I listened to from her was little fires everywhere. It was a book I almost bought,  but actually listened to. Anyway I was entertained for 10 hours yesterday, and then I watched some basketball. First off Michigan was going to struggle to beat LSU, but they beat them. FSU was going to be a real struggle too, cuz they are so tall and athletic. Our guards were undersized. They went out and clobbered them anyway.  I didn't see such a blowout coming.  

There are 3 number 1 seeds remaining.  Michigan was the weakest link of the number 1s.  Illinois in my opinion was a can't miss team.  They were too good,  but they are the ones with the early exit. What's up with the pac 12?   

Yesterday ended up being okay. I plowed through another book, worked 8 hours.  It was a shitty 40 degree day, but I stayed busy, and active.  I don't have the Monday morning after a complete lazy ass weekend to deal with.  My taxes get done today too. I'm going to try to finish my book I am reading this week.  It too tells a story of a family.  A family with secrets.  

Anyway,  I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzz.          :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.         :)))

MWAH.        :)

Sunday, March 28, 2021

A Work, And Book Day.

I got all my stuff done, all my clothes folded and put away. I think that's the big one. If I don't do it that day, I may not get them all folded. My tax lady called, and our appointment is tomorrow after work. I still ran out of things to do yesterday,  or perhaps motivation left me. I did take Hope,  and got workout #3 in. 

Once again though I am glad to be working today. Plus I got a book from Celeste Ng I think her name is. I listened or read one before, and I liked it. I tried looking for another one at our library,  but they didn't have any available. 

Fictional storytellers I feel get closer to the truth of stuff. Less pressure maybe to make oneself look good. Just telling a story. Not making heroes.  

I did sit outside yesterday,  and pictured where our pool will go. It should be good. Just the other side of the yard where we planned it, but I like it better there now.  Who knows why we originally wanted it on the other side.  

We ate Arby's for dinner last night cuz I didn't feel like cooking. I got stuff for the rest of the week. Lisa is scheduled for her vaccine. We will all be vaccinated, except the old man.  I meant to see if I could sign him up,  but I am pretty busy,  and I forget.  He could do it himself too,  but that ship has sailed  I guess.  If he can't even figure out a remote control what hope is there.  

I stay active, but will I stay mentally sharp?  I have people invest my money now,  cuz I don't take time to do it myself. I tried before, but it is a lot of time.  Why not let people who spend probably 80 hours per week pondering that stuff do it.  Just like you can bet in Michigan on sports,  but I don't even know enough anymore.  I have no confidence to place even a straight up money bet for any game.  

I did put money on the Bulls game. They improved their team with some trades.  They got killed.    :)  am I intellectually getting lazy not absorbing as much info about this stuff as I can?   Does listening to books help keep me sharp?  

I do plan on working all things being equal for the next 15 years full time. Now is the time for me to make money,  and save.  If social security is still around we will live comfortably.  I wanna save to have a healthy nest egg obviously.  Will the current generation fund social security like my generation did. That is to be seen I guess. 

Who even knows what the future holds anyway.  One thing I don't do a lot of is watch TV. Wouldn't surprise me if excessive amounts of that are what leads to decreased mental capacity.  

Today is a new day, and new week.  I think it should be good.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.          :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeee.         :)))

MWAH.         :)

Saturday, March 27, 2021

So Many Things.

Getting correct pool codes from anyone is like pulling teeth. My guy almost threw me a curveball. "Oh, I forgot to ask, you don't have any powerlines overhead do you?"  Well yes I do. We thought it might be something to consider,  then we were told it wasn't,  then told it did. It's not a huge deal, cuz we had our pool marked off in two ways. Without powerlines too. It might not even matter if our lines meet up to code such and such so have extra grounding such and such. I called the electric company,  but they were gone for the day.  That dept. Our lines as I looked again go way over to one side of the house, so not really even a concern.  The call at work and my visual is different than my at home visual.  At work I pictured the lines going from the middle of the yard.  

Anyway, I got the permit,  and got my $5000 into the IRA.  Called the tax lady,  and left a message,  and I got my paperwork to fill out for my dad's doctor's appointment.  Paid off the pool, and will have it set up for delivery.  Its kept off site somewhere.  

I lost two pounds last week.  Not by trying, I am at a loss each week where I will stand.  Next week I might gain a pound back, who knows?  I am at 165.4 I think.  

I am not running for a bit. I am pretty sure my right knee had swelling. I do know it doesn't hurt to walk,  but really isn't bending great. 

Life goes on. I guess this pool thing is a bigger ordeal than I planned on. How I got sucked into all this I have no idea. It wasn't my idea to get it. Lisa is the one who wanted the pool. 

Really though a lot of stuff got done at the end of the week. IRA, and pool shit.  My taxes aren't great, cuz of my 2nd job. Barely any federal money gets taken out cuz it looks like I don't make any. A contribution to an IRA helps.  Last year it turned me from break even to $1000 refund. Plus some state.  Hoping for the same thus year.  What a crazy year.  

Okay,  I have a bit of day off stuff to do.  

Laterzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.            :)

xxoo.            :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.         :)

Friday, March 26, 2021

It All Came Together.

Yesterday I got the okay for the pool permit,  and this morning my savings account is over $10,000 richer.  Transferred $5000 to an account my investment guy has access to, so I can put it in an IRA. Also called an electrician to switch our outlet outside to a gfi. For the pool.  All that shit I've been waiting for. 

I will pay for the pool today, and either pick it up or have it delivered.  I have a pick up so I can pick it up, but it may have to be delivered.  I have no idea where they store it. At the shop or somewhere else. 

Just more grown up shit I've been getting done. Besides that yesterday was normal. Work, dogs, eat, sleep.  A sprinkling of grownup shit sprinkled between. 

For dinner I bought a couple expensive steaks. $22 per pound at our local small grocery store.  It is a prime cut. Better than you can get at like Meier. It was pretty good. I don't even think buying a steak at a restaurant is even affordable.  Add a drink or two.   Sheesh.  

This time of year is exciting I guess when you got a lot going on. This time last year we were worried about covid-19,  and I guess Michigan is just trying to keep that going. We are having another dramatic increase again for some reason. Why, I am not sure. Hopefully the vaccines help. I am a couple weeks away from my final shot. 

My watch now tells me my sleeping blood oxygen levels,  and soon my skin temperature.    :)  last night my blood oxygen level was 94%  it tends to go down a bit during sleep cuz of less frequent breathing.  So basically mine appears to be normal. 

Not much besides that. Today is another day, and it will only be a high of 43⁰  yuck. There will be work, and dinner,  and pay-off the rest of my pool. Tomorrow I have off. That sounds exciting,  but my days off are boring. 

Anyway, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeee.         :)))

MWAH.          :)

Thursday, March 25, 2021

An Easy Work Out Day.

I don't remember the last time I had an easy work out day. I felt really strong during my workout. Is it Vitamin D?  I've been out in the sun lately. I take the dogs in the winter too, but with more layers. I don't know the reasons. It has been a while since I felt that strong. One of the best things of working out is waking up,  and feeling your stomach is firm. 

Yesterday was a pretty good day. I took the dogs,  and it was sunny. I got my workout in like I said. I called on my pool permit. I'll probably get it today. Now we can get the ball rolling. I made an appointment for my dad.  He doesn't have a primary doctor,  so got that going. They set me up with an internist I think they said, since he surely doesn't have his full mental capacity.  Not that there was much to begin with. 

Anyway,  I got that ball rolling. It seems I have increased the amount of grown up things I have to do. It's been a smooth transition I think. We all struggle against change probably when confronted, so doing this stupid shit hasn't changed my outlook much. I go to the doctor every year, and get my blood work. I guess it started there. Also I don't take an extra day off, so I don't have lazy weekends.  On my day off each week I have a plan of things to do. 

Anyway, I guess life still has stupid shit attached to it. Tomorrow my CD will automatically go into my savings account. I lucked out locking in at 2.3%.  If I had it rollover it probably would have been like 1% or something dumb like that.  I made a little money with it. I wasn't doing anything with it either.  Next week I can put some into an IRA, and make my tax appointment.  

I have a pretty good memory I think.  I don't make to do lists really,  and I still always have a pretty good idea of what I need to do. It could be cuz my life is easy too. Not a ton of shit going on.  

Then you kinda wonder does me doing this help me mentally?  I don't know. It could.  It definitely makes you think about yesterday, and today,  and days down the road. 

I do wonder if a life of too much tv leads to decreased mental capacity. It wouldn't surprise me. My days are typically pretty busy. I will watch a show or two with dinner. I fall asleep or go to sleep shortly after. You always have  those one people who couldn't possibly see all the shows they talk about, unless their butt is in front of the TV for several hours every day. I don't know all the negatives that come from that.  Obviously weight gain etc..., but besides that I don't know.  

Anyway, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.         :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Nothing Spectacular

That was my day yesterday,  and maybe all days. Nothing spectacular. Work,  dogs, dinner, sleep. I listened to 2 more of those 90 minute things.  Aristotle,  and Nietzsche. Such flawed people  being remembered for generations.  Just men trying to figure out what we are doing here.  Its kinda what we all do.  Okay, here I have this life.  Why?  What's the purpose?  To make money til I die?  

We all get sucked up by society. So people make families,  buy cars and houses, and maybe the questions get drowned out. Eventually we turn 40, and realize I haven't made any mark with my life.  We draw up our bucket lists,  and start crossing the items off. 

Still the questions remain. Why life?  What's the point?  

Like Solomon I don't really see a big purpose to it.  Soooooo many people before us gone, and forgotten.  

In the end life is just a thing we are thrown into.  In my case I am sure I came into creation in a brief interlude before the 2nd film at the drive in.    :)    haha.  J/k, I have no idea.  

We grow up not really sure what we want.  Me too, except I did find what we all want.  We want our hearts to feel content. This is my life,  and I am fine with it. We want security too. To not be afraid of our future.  Also I guess to be accepting of our past,  and accepting of ourselves.  The philosophers did not make a claim to sainthood. What stops us from striving for that?  What stops us from achieving that?  

In that we all are equal. Short of sainthood.  Its just not all know it. 

I have my little life. Its fine.  I am not afraid of the future,  although I don't know what it looks like.  Today, I'll have another unspectacular day. Just the way I like them.  

Laterzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.            :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.         :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

A Sneak Peak At Spring.

It was warm and sunny yesterday. I was able to take the dogs. We went on a slow run. I got my workout in too. I listened to a short story, and an educational something on Karl Marx. Audible has subjects on individual people in less than 90 minutes. All the famous philosophers,  and stuff. I listened to Karl Marx. Having bought "Capital" decades ago I found it refreshing the author of this 90 minute thing found it to be almost unreadable like I found it to be.    :)

Europe in the middle to late 1800s had to be a disgusting place to live.  Will people think the same of us 150 years from now?  

We just ordered out for dinner. I went to bed early,  and woke up to see Michigan won. I believe they are the only Big 10 team left. That's disgusting. College basketball is changing. Maybe it is just a strange year. 

Not much besides that.  I did sit outside in the afternoon as it probably was 65⁰ outside. Lisa did some Spring cleanup. We don't have a lot of cleanup. Looks like I got almost everything out to the road last fall. It will be warm today too, then turn more seasonable for the rest of the week. 

On Friday I have a CD maturing,  so I can put money into an IRA, and get my taxes done. I now am just a saver of money as much as possible.  It is boring,  but I like my simple routine. It keeps me busy and active. Whatever fun and exciting things one is "supposed" to do my heart does not yearn for. 

We all want to be debt free. Its kinda what we yearn for since we first started going into debt.  It isn't exciting in the least. Once you hit that point,  then all of a sudden you switch to saving money. 

No happiness really comes from inside. Like the girl from the crawdad book. She was happy in her environment,  but lonely.  One would do good to not be lonely too. The World isn't all that exciting you need to explore it. Your heart and mind might be more fascinating.  Like why do unwanted thoughts aiways pop up.   :)

I know the secrets of our imperfection.  I dealt with them accepted them, but was willing to take the path for a better me. A path out of my control to make. In the meantime I live my simple life.   

I spose.    

Laterzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.        :)

Monday, March 22, 2021

Not In A Hurry.

One new thing for me is I am not in a hurry to get home after work. Yesterday I probably could have skated a little early,  or do a little extra. I stayed,  and did extra working a full 8 hours.  I don't really have anything to do at home on Sunday. I didn't want to watch basketball. I only was interested in the first game. That one would have busted my bracket.  I thought Illinois had a good chance to win it all. Michigan has a tough game today. They could very well lose. Remember how deep the Big 10 was?   

I did listen to the crawdad book. It was good. I'd recommend it I guess. It's not a book the old me would pick up, but I've expanded my reading material, and it has been a positive thing. 

Besides that not much. Today is Monday,  and it isn't really the start of my week. I worked yesterday. It's nice I worked yesterday, and listened to a whole book. It was a 12 hour book. If you wanted a lazy Sunday you may read a lot. I worked,  and read... sorta.  Win/win. I wonder how many books I've listened to total. Audible I think keeps track, but I listen to most of my books through the library. 

Today will be a normal day. I'll take the dogs for a run. My typical route. No sense getting injured. I have to work out too. I did sit outside for a bit yesterday. We're one day closer to those things.  We can probably start mulching soon.  

I spose.   

Laterzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.        :)

Sunday, March 21, 2021

What The Heck Is Corned Beef?

I decided to make corned beef and cabbage yesterday, cuz why not?  Meier had a ton on sale,  I like it, and I never make it. Later as I was chugging 3 glasses of water I was wondering what is corned beef anyway?  Turns out I have no idea. 

With the extra cabbage I am making my own sauerkraut. What a simple thing to make. Cabbage is cheap, besides that all you need is some salt,  maybe other seasonings if you desire. Sauerkraut is one of those foods I can just eat. Spoonful after spoonful.  

I didn't run yesterday. I was nervous.  Mostly cuz I need my legs to work,  and I can't say I felt 100%  I think I'll try tomorrow. I did take the dogs, and I got my workout in. Only 70 miles for the week. 

Besides that not much. I watched Michigan basketball. That's about it. I started watching Ray Donavon,  cuz I have xfinity, so I have Peacock tv automatically. Its another one of those things. Then I slept.  

Today is just a work day. I am going to listen to where the crawdads sing or whatever it is called. I've been eyeing it. Lisa has it, so I was thinking of reading it, but I never got around to it, so I am going to listen to it instead. Sounds like it will be pretty good. 

Besides that not much. Not much at all. One day closer to the pool permit, and one day closer to my 2nd vaccine. We have a lady who kept her restaurant open during our closure. She ignored all warnings, and even remained open when they pulled her permit. She's in jail for being a stupid bitch, and of course people are protesting over it. Meanwhile Michigan is inching up again for positive cases. 

For the record I never eat there. Maybe once in my life. We used to get pizza there decades ago when it was under different ownership.  She's going to be dumb as fuck about this whole thing I am sure. Get released on bond, and go back to try running a restaurant she has no permit for anymore.  Let her rot in jail.  I don't give a fuck. The protestors look exactly as you would picture them. They probably never eat there either.     :)

Really stupid.  I got better shit to do. Maybe they don't.  Too early to snort meth, and drink natty light I guess. 

Laterzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.         :)

Saturday, March 20, 2021

A Day Off, And Not A Ton To Do.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I had a great sleep last night. Laid in bed for a while too. A nice luxury to have. I really can only do it one day per week. Unless of course its done from not sleeping good. I did dishes yesterday,  so all I have is clothes,  and a bit of shopping to do. 

I've been cleaning out my freezer so, I haven't really been getting a lot of stuff. I like simple meals. I took the dogs for a walk yesterday. My leg felt fine. Still wasn't bending 100% at work, but pretty good. I feel comfortable going for a short very slow run today. Like 2 miles,  and maybe tack on one mile if I feel like it. It may turn into a walk suddenly too. We will see. I have to work out today too. Only 2 for the week, due to my Thursday tiredness.  I felt fully back to normal yesterday. Maybe the first dose zapped me a bit. 

It's so hard to tell. I didn't sleep as good the night before. The weather was a bummer. My knee was a bummer too. Too many variables to get a clear picture. 

I watched the Ohio State basketball game. They impressed the heck out of me during the Big 10 tourney. I didn't fill out a bracket, but I probably would have had them going a ways in the tourney. I started rooting for them in the Big 10 tourney, cuz they were underdogs,  and rooted against them yesterday for the very same reason. They lost. Their big guy Liddell who is a great college player. Strong,  can play inside, and he can pop from 3 too. He got a lot of hate messages on his IG account.  Like hate, I want you to die, cuz they lost a basketball game. What in the actual fuck is wrong with people?  

I guess in the heat of the moment we can say anything.  

What's wrong with me actually.  You would not want to see my unfiltered thoughts on all kindsa things. My head can easily be filled with some pretty hateful shit. 

That's just me too. Add all our hateful shit we have inside. Imagine if it was on full display. We think it's all hidden,  but it isn't.  From our eyes yes, but its always the invisible things we don't take into consideration.  

This World would be a pretty ugly place if our thoughts were on display 24/7.    Can you imagine?   All our hate,  lust, jealousy, greed, cheating, envy, you name it for all to see. There would be nowhere to hide.  We'd all be walking around so damn embarrassed by ourselves.  

It would be pretty awesome.  As long as I didn't have to be in the game.    :)

Just throw me in a dungeon now,  and throw away the keys.    :)


I spose.    

Laterzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.         :)

Friday, March 19, 2021

What A Week.

It's been quite a week. First off my right knee started bugging me after my Tuesday run. Typically my left knee bugs me this time it was the right. My leg didn't want to bend very much. I wasn't worried about it. Yesterday I looked,  and there probably was swelling, but I  think it feels pretty good today,  and I can try running tomorrow. 

Before I woke up I was pondering other things to do if this running doesn't work out. My heart feels optimistic though. Regardless I always have stuff to help me busy and active. I guess running would be my first choice. We will see. 

Another thing I haven't been sleeping that great. Last week was one of my best weeks of sleep,  and this week every other day is throwing a bad sleep in. Last night I slept good. I was tired yesterday, and took the whole day off.  My knee wasn't 100%, and I was just tired. I got the vaccine the day before too, so maybe internally my body was fighting that.  Who knows?  I was just tired. 

I stopped by the pool place yesterday to check on delivery schedules and stuff. Once I get my permit,  I'll get all that squared away. 

Maybe pool, stimulus, knee, vaccine etc... just added too much stuff for me to contemplate.  Good stuff is stress as well as bad. Also the weather has been kinda shit this week. Yesterday I had to drive for the first time in a couple weeks I think.  I was able to go to Sam's after work,  and get that out of the way. 

One thing is new for sure. I never contemplate going out to dinner anymore. I've already stopped going to bars. I don't like beer so I guess that helps with that. All I needed was a pandemic to steer me to social distancing. 

I remember listening to Howard Stern interviewing Miley Cyrus. She was talking about her family when this thing first started. Her Dad wasn't really worried.  She said, "he's been socially distancing for the past 35 years."  I get it. I am social at work,  and I think that's enough for me. I am pretty busy outside work too, so I don't even have a ton of time to be social anyway. 

Also I am comfortable in my own head.  I don't need to be seen, and heard, or known.  

I'm fine you know?  Nothing to prove.  

I spose.    

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.      :)

Thursday, March 18, 2021

When People Work Together

So, I got my first shot yesterday. Really uneventful,  except how organized the whole operation was. They lined us up according to our time. 2nd shot people had a card. I have mine now for next time. You went to the table to check-in,  go to the shot area, which they probably had 50 shot tables. Get a shot,  and go wait for 15 minutes to make sure you aren't getting a reaction. They had national guard people,  and other people running this not so small operation. There are always several hundred people coming to get their shots and leaving. I am assuming it is a major hub for our county. Lucky its 1-1/2 miles from my house. 

Very organized. You see people working together so well, you wonder how we can be so divided. I can only see so far. I am a knower of barely anything,  but I would say talk radio was the start, and fox News picked it up. 

Then again the nation was divided during the Vietnam War, so maybe things just always run in that direction. 

If we stopped watching the news maybe we wouldn't hate each other so much. I don't know.  Regardless the vaccine shot operation in Ottawa County runs pretty darn smooth. I was impressed. 

We got our stimulus yesterday. It occured to me $2800 is a lot of money. I guess if people are behind on rent payments maybe not. I paid my house insurance yesterday, I actually saw the bill in the mail. 2 years ago I got a call in Seattie from my agent's office I hadn't paid my bill. Last year I called them wondering when it was due, it was overdue by a week. This year I opened up the mail.   :)

It was due March 26th. My insurance payments have gone out automatically for probably 2 decades. If insurance payments change by $1 I'll get a letter. We get a lot of junk mail from state farm. I rarely open them,  unless checking for a proof of insurance. Oh, and if you don't have a mortgage you actually have to pay that bill. 

Not much besides that. Just another day, and another one today. I was kinda getting a glimpse of how insignificant my life is. I am cool with it. No biggie.  I accept it wholeheartedly. It is just kinda trippy when others don't really get it yet. The insecure person trying to show significance in oneself. That kinda stuff you know?  You can only watch in wonderment knowing there is very little chance that person comes to the truth. 

Maybe insecurity and arrogance walk hand in hand in some ways. You can tell these people.  There is never a conversation that comes up where they aren't almost always all knowing in their mind. Stop everything they are doing to go butt in to a conversation to bless the people with their wealth of knowledge.    :)

Anyways, it was neat to see us all in great clarity, our insignificance.  One can only play the fool trying to get around that truth.  

I spose.   

Laterzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.        :)

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

It Is All New

Yesterday I took the dogs on a 4 mile run. In my rememberable past a 4 mile run isn't anything, but now a 4 mile run sure is something. I guess for several years, I've been a 1 to 2 miler. 4 miles is definitely something different. At the end I stretched and massaged my legs cuz they were sore. I don't know if it is running or those 4 miles put me well over 14 miles on my feet for the day. 

My jobs have always been labor jobs, its now I know how many miles I put on my legs every day. Also I am 50+, and not 40+, so I know nothing.  Except if I keep running I'll get better. That I do know. I did get my workout in yesterday too. Working out is not something I've always done while running, and you cannot take that out of me. I find it to be too important. Just not as fun as a run. 

A run is so great,  cuz you know you cannot go from couch to run without a tremendous amount of hard work. Running is the hardest thing for your lungs to get used to. It is a super power if you can do it. 

Besides that today is covid shot #1. Pretty happy about that. I'm on my way. I don't think it will change me much, but I feel good about it. I probably will get the stimulus today too. An extra $2800, that most will go to the pool excavator, and installer. Speaking of covid shot #1, I am that much closer to getting my pool permit. 

This March is starting out better than last March. Although we did a lot of work last year so we can really enjoy our house. Things for me I guess are pretty positive. I am back to a kind of normal. A lot of work,  running,  and working out. 

I spose. Busy day today, but not crazy busy.  

Laterzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.        :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Not What I Expected.

I was still sore yesterday, and tired. I decided to take the whole day off after work. I just read my book, and then we made dinner. I slept hard last night, and long. I think I'll be back to normal today. 50 is different than 40, but I am not sure by how much. I've been doing resistance training for a few years just for that reason. 

All muscle memory from long runs is gone though, so basically I know nothing. I am glad I took yesterday off though.  Glad I read my book too. Those do get neglected sometimes. At least I neglect them sometimes.  

Besides that not much. Tomorrow I get my first vaccine shot,  and I guess my stimulus should get deposited tomorrow. I still check to see if I am an early bird depositee,  but most are scheduled for tomorrow. Its a good thing my workouts start on Tuesday, so I don't have to workout after my vaccine. Just cuz I don't know what time I'll get home. I am scheduled at 2:25, but if it takes a while I might not even get home til 3:30 or so. My vaccine takes place like 1-1/2 miies from my house,  so I assume it will be quick 

Anyway, today is another day. I start it off with a good sleep. My legs feel much more recovered than yesterday too, so that's good. 

I am about a week out give or take for getting my pool permit. Just a waiting game. Then we can get the ball rolling. 

Yeah, I pretty much got nothing.  I want to get home, get my workouts in, and get back to my book. Then dinner of course.  I'm gonna assume my TV watching is done for the most part til next winter. At least during the week. I'm bad at tv.   

Laterzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.           :)

Monday, March 15, 2021

Yesterday Was Something.

I didn't really plan on feeling any effects from a 6 mile run, but I did. I was sore. I wasn't walking with any pep, and work was getting harder and harder as the day went on. So strange. 

Today should be fine. Kinda excited about running after work. I did watch the Big 10 final in basketball. If I were a betting man,  I would have easily put money down on Illinois covering the spread.  That's why I am not a betting man. That was a heck of a game. Ohio State played a great tournament, and I give them a ton of respect.  Illinois potentially can win the whole thing. Do I care?  I don't think so. I watched probably less than 10 games,  and I probably won't watch much of the tourney.  

Yesterday I did get notified I could schedule my vaccine. Wednesday at 2:30. It is the Pfizer one, and that is actually the one I want,  although I'd take any. Me having a vaccine won't change me much. I'll still mask up,  and socially distance.  Turns out I like that lifestyle.    :)

I am excited about getting the vaccine, and excited about running.  Not excited about the tourney.  I did get free money for signing up for a gambling site. I bet on a few games this weekend. It was fun, but I am bored of that already. I have like $68 in the account. $20 of it mine,  the rest winning,  and free money they gave me. Gambling is legal in Michigan now so we've all been bombarded with advertising. I thought I'd check it out. Maybe I'll gamble during football season, or a baseball game here and there.  Til I run out of money.  I don't really enjoy Gambling much. Its why I never go to a casino. 

We saw a concert before covid at a casino, and we didn't even bet anything. Just not fun for me. No one gets rich at a casino. 

Anyway, I spose. 

Today is a run day, and I get vaccine shot #1 this week.   That's the start of a good week.  

Laterzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.        :)

Sunday, March 14, 2021

When 6=20.

I got my "long" run in yesterday,  and it was just like long runs of the past... well besides not being really long. My average pace was quicker than 11:09/mile. I forgot to pause my watch a couple times when Hope stopped,  and I chatted with someone I know. Most miles were in the 10:00s. 

My body is not used to 6 mile runs,or putting in that kind of effort for an hour. My legs felt the effort after, and my mind had that long run feel after. 

I still had to finish my day off stuff, and go shopping,  and cook dinner. Workout too.   :)

I did get everything done with a ton of time to spare. I did learn some things. 6 miies running for me is ~10,000 steps. Not all steps are created equal obviously,  but I did appreciate my daily approach of 30,000 steps.  Also if I were to give someone advice, I would definitely tell them increase your steps.  Also for me,  I constantly eat when I am my most busy. Those are free calories.  Typically I don't eat crap, except the occasional pig in a blanket. Mostly fruit and veggies. 

Also I learned there are a good amount of people who will never know what a long run is like. There is nothing like running that makes you feel like that. 

I enjoyed yesterday. It was fun. At 54 I don't take running for granted. Injuries are a real thing. I think there are things I can do to keep me healthy. Diet, frequency, and length of runs. As I build mileage I can cut out garbage miles. You know where all my runs approach 6 miles or more. Only run 3-4 times per week. 

It is all pretty exciting I guess.  The only thing I don't want to do is lose much weight.  I am at marathon pr weight already.  I gained a half pound last week. I don't want to get down to 150 pounds. I hope running doesn't make me lose much weight.  I'd be fine at like 158 pounds. Running long fucks up your appetite too. Maybe the body goes into some kind of shock, and you don't want food. 

I do remember long runs of the past. The mind death after. Just being mentally drained.  

Like I said.  Yesterday was good.  

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.        :)

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Yeah, It's A Problem.

So, I definitely planned on not running yesterday. Just to be safe. I was at work for an hour, and figured me not running when I got home was probably not going to happen. I was talking myself (pretty easily) to run. 

It was Friday though. The last two weeks I don't even think I took the dogs cuz I was tired cuz the end of the week. 

When I  got home my legs were pretty fatigued. I didn't think they would take me on a run or even a walk. 

Here is my thinking, if my knee starts hurting, I still end up with ~72 miles on my feet every week. A slow run is as safe as a walk. My knee gets better while still on my feet for 72 miles. 

I did get my run in. My fatigued legs warmed up, and had absolutely no problem running. I made sure I slowed down a bit, in case maybe I was going faster than I thought the day before. I haven't been timing my runs. Long gone are the days of me knowing my pace by my effort. I'm kinda like I don't think my legs are running fast, it must be an easy run. Why am I breathing so hard?  

I slowed it down yesterday, and kept it easy. It was better. Today will be my long run,  which I am speaking in relative terms. I doubt I even go 6 miles. Tomorrow I take off everything.  I'll still get 20,000 steps cuz of work,  but nothing else. 

What I have now is runner's legs, just not runner's lungs.  That's the last thing to come,  and I probably won't get those til I go to the track, or run hills.  I'm a couple weeks from that at least.   Maybe.  I'll probably rush this process.  

Besides that I watched a bit of basketball yesterday. Big 10. Illinois is the real deal. Holy shit. I don't know if Michigan can beat them. No one can if they play like they did yesterday.  

Michigan won the Big 10, and they didn't have a first team all Big 10 player. That screams team to me. Their best player scored zero points yesterday, and they won by 13. Their point guard had 15 assists.  What?  

It's a fun time of year I guess.  Especially since I am running.   

I spose.   

Laterzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeee.         :)))

MWAH.         :)

Friday, March 12, 2021

2 For 2

So I ran again yesterday. My legs felt like they could do it,  and they did. My lungs currently are not on par with my legs. I felt my effort was too high for the speed.  It will help get me in better shape. I do dream of like old times just going out for a 6 or 8 mile run for the heck of it. Like its the most normal thing. I made the jump once,  so I can do it again. If you told the 42 year old me at 54 I would have to do this I'd be surprised.  Especially while still being at marathon PR weight. 

The work is kinda fun. I don't say it's a challenge really,  it's kinda like going out to play, and getting in better shape while doing it. 

I got everything in to pull the pool permit. We have to get the pool delivered,  and once the permit comes our guy is ready to go. It is March,  so I assume the permit office is busy. Permits are so official sounding,  and they are important for things like driveways, and garages,  and additions and stuff. Above ground pool where we aren't in any danger of hitting gas lines,  sewer lines,  or water lines is more is it far enough away from the house?  Okay good to go.  I am assuming anyway. 

I got the dishes done,  and made dinner. After work I did ride my bike to city hall to ask some questions on the permit. Usually contractors pull permits, so it isn't something we know anything about.  Their website isn't great either. Our laptop is a piece of shit too. 

Yesterday was a successful day though. I definitely got everything done,  and an extra run in too.   I slept good too. 

Today I got nothing.  Just figure out what to do for dinner I guess. Not even sure what sounds good. Maybe burgers.  We don't do those a lot. 

I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeee.         :)))

MWAH.        :)

Thursday, March 11, 2021

That's A Wrap.

I got almost all my stuff done yesterday. I would have liked to have done the dishes, but didn't get to them. My run was okay. I went my little extended distance. Most noticeably were my legs weren't fatigued. I thought I might be sluggish after work. I wonder if my legs may be whipping into shape. I got my workout in too. One day of each left for the week. 

The stimulus will be going out. We will use it for the pool, so pretty boring basically. My CD matures in a couple weeks, so that will give my cash on-hand an extra $10,000 +   still gotta add to the IRA though. 

Pretty soon it will be April. People should be getting vaccinated at a pretty good clip. Hoping to get mine soon. I am not high on the priority list however. I still socially distance. I have no desire to go to crowded areas. That may have nothing to do with covid. Covid made me realize I like the socially distanced lifestyle. 

Concerts were way too expensive.  Ballgames are a pain in the ass. Everything is expensive,  and I have become a cheap ass. More interested in my routine I guess. Its more fun than a vacation.  I may take a staycation to get mulch and yard work done. Maybe I don't need to. I can get a lot done on my days off. Even days on, I have a lot of time in the afternoons. 

Life goes on. Mine moves in a simple way. I did learn if you have a lot of stuff on your mind it can affect your sleep. When you wake up you might not fall back asleep,  cuz your mind starts churning. My routine is a positive in my sleep,  cuz its simple, predictable,  and helps me sleep good. Typically I will fall back asleep. 

Anyway, another day today.  

Laterzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeee.         :)))

MWAH.         :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

First 60⁰ Day.

It got up to at least 64⁰ per my phone yesterday.  Took the dogs with just shorts and my work t-shirt. I'd say there was a little pep in my step. We will get back to the 40s by the weekend. 

Our pool is in so I hope to submit my permit by today or tomorrow. I need contractor numbers and license numbers or something.  Gonna shoot the contractor an email after this. 

I was pretty ignorant on the English monarchy nonsense. Guess it is a pretty ugly thing. I had no idea. 

Yesterday was pretty normal, and all of a  sudden I have a shit ton to do today. It is a run,  and workout day. I have to sketch a drawing of our backyard with pool in it. Its part of the permit. We had to do it with our driveway too. I am making chicken quesadilas for dinner. I have to take my dad to the bank, and work is going to be a full day for me. Garbage has to go out too. 

Busy is better than not busy. 

Speaking of I just thought of what was so depressing about Atlas shrugged. Our unemployment situation. You have people like me who would not like it if I didn't work. Not everyone is like me. Then you have people who feel comfortable doing nothing. They would collect unemployment for as long as they are giving it. 

Between these two extremes there is not a one size fits all policy that is a good safety net. Also you are probably not going to change the people's desires for what they want. 

A helpless situation. I am happy living as I do. How others live I don't really care. The non laborers I don't really understand at all. They seem content enough living as they do I suppose. Lisa's brother who lives with us would be more than happy living his life playing video games, and eating pizza. Outside the fact he is not long for this World,  cuz that lifestyle attaches health problems to it. He remains fine doing what he does. He wishes he didn't have to work though.  

The one thing we cannot do is change people. Policies are made to fix things, but we cannot fix ourselves. Hard to explain I guess. 

We like the idea of a safety net,  and I am all for it. Some fear if people were given the opportunity to be lazy, and collect money they will. Some are like that. You won't change them. The safety net would be there cuz those at the top don't play fair. You are right they don't. You won't fix them either. 

The formula is a mess. Really the only truth you can come up with is humans are the worst.     :)

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.          :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

A Different Run Day.

Yesterday my legs weren't fatigued. I ran without a jacket,  and I added a little distance to the end. It was the kind of run that makes me want to do it again today. I won't of course,  cuz I don't trust my ability to stay healthy. Also I am pretty serious in wanting to get in running shape again. I got my workout in yesterday too, which starts off a good week. I even sat out back with the dogs, cuz it was sunny and warm. 

It is supposed to get up to 60⁰ today,  which for us will feel like 90⁰.  I don't really have anything to do except take the dogs, and dinner. 

I am excited for Spring. It definitely is different than winter. Winter I take the dogs,  and that's the extent of outside stuff. As it warms up we typically spend a ton of time outside. 

First time in a while we are starting this time of year with little to do. Last year the kids moved out, we got a dumpster,  and moved downstairs. Finished our back fence,  and did a lot of yard work. Once we survived the initial scare of covid-19. 

Already things have changed. I haven't played chess in a week. 

I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeee.          :)))

MWAH.         :)

Monday, March 8, 2021

Ummm, We All Know Monarchies Are Stupid Right? It is 2020.

So Oprah inter.... who cares. I have no idea who is what in that nonsense. I guess England has had a monarchy since forever. My history isn't so long. I did think about it last night before bed. My history is really just as dumb as a monarchy. Things back in our mid 20s seem so unimportant now don't they?  Like what was the point?  

Fast forward to 50+, and life didn't get any more important. Still achieving nothing significant. My life is pretty easy. I am healthy, financially in a good position. I work, and am active. Really though I am not important in the grand scheme of things. We just spend a little time here. Carving out some kind of life. 

Seems silly kinda huh?  Why do people even kill each other?  

Yesterday was okay. I worked,  finished my one book, which was really good,  and started, and finished the new Stephen King book.  "Later"   it was good. Short for him. Only like a 7 hour book, but there will be a sequel at some point. I ate a lot yesterday for some reason. On my way home I got the Spring bug. I figured I could do almost anything. I am excited for Spring. I have the Spring energy. 

I just watched some sportsing when I got home. All my teams lost.   :)

Aa days go it was fine. Mondays are pretty good days. You work,  and before you know it you are done. 

I think I'll try and get my workout in before work.  

Laterzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeee.           :)))

MWAH.          :)

Sunday, March 7, 2021

A Successful Day Off.

I got everything done yesterday I wanted,  so that's good. Including a run, and workout. My run was fine. It wasn't particularly long, but my quads were fatigued after the effort. It's like I am learning to run again. I was well past 72 miles for the week. I made chilli for dinner too. 

It is nothing too exciting, but all the clothes are clean, folded,  and put away. All the dishes were cleaned,  and put away plus shopping is done. 

Today I have work,  and books to listen to. That's about it. I guess there isn't much going on with me. Looks like they will probably pass the stimulus. Its a whopper. I am more than happy we will get $2800. Also getting everyone vaccinated will be good. 

Life has changed though due to this pandemic. I drove by downtown yesterday,  and there were a lot of people. Its only March,  so that bids well. Everyone had masks on. Even outside. I should get a call soon to get my first vaccination. I am over 50. I still don't think I will stop wearing a mask anytime soon. 

Life goes on. Mine is pretty uneventful. We just have to get our pool in, and then it's just basic Summer stuff. Hopefully the pool comes in tomorrow. Lisa is going to pull permits tomorrow. 

Life is simple. I work today which is great,  cuz I don't have anything better to do. I have no idea what I'd do with a day off today. I could organize my tools I guess. They are in a heap on my workbench,  and other areas. You know how that goes.  

I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.           :)

Byeeeeeee.         :)))

MWAH.           :)

Saturday, March 6, 2021

This Kid Needs Sleep.

I love sleep. I wonder if I need more as I age. I used to want to be superhuman,  and function on little sleep. Now I want to function on a lot of sleep. As you get older you think of health things more. I bet a good night sleep consistently helps your quality of life,  and probably prolongs your life. Just my hypothesis. I know of no studies. Not that I searched,  I am sure they are out there. 

I drove to work yesterday,  and ran some errands after. I was too tired to take the dogs. I need 4 miles today for 72, so its a typical week. I lost a pound last week too. 165.9. I slept a long time last night. I woke up at 3:00 AM, but fell asleep again after a while. 

I have most of my day off stuff to do today. I didn't have a chance to work ahead. Its not actually a lot really. Once I get started it goes quick. 

I assume we will be getting stimulus checks soon. I live in a good area. The cut-off is $75,000 per person or $150,000 per couple. Together we don't make $75,000 so we are eligible. We lived pretty comfortably even before our inheritance. That's why I mean we live in a good area. It's not expensive like city life. 

Kids growing up today will struggle. Housing costs are high, and education prices are out of this World compared to when I went. 

I could afford to fuck around and grow up while going to college. I ended with $10,000 in debt total. 5 years of taking loans. I did get grants too. These days you can be $10,000 in debt for one semester. That's an expensive price to pay for the growing up part of college. 

I feel very fortunate. Even after I graduated my first real job was at Menards as a Manager trainee. It gave me an extra dollar an hour, but more importantly that job was a labor job. We put freight away, loaded trucks with paneling,  and ceiling tile,  so I was busy from day one. Nothing has changed in my jobs, I still am on my feet, and active. 

I never wore a suit to a job, and I could always just wear jeans. I gotta say I am most fortunate. Even by getting in a house for under $100,000 when we first bought it. 

Also, I am most fortunate to enjoy living simply. Little known fact is when I started at Menards,  I didn't have a car,  so I walked a couple miles to and from work. I've always been a commuter. Still to this day. I started again when gas went up to $2/ gallon and never looked back. I am most fortunate to live in an area where commuting is really easy with biking, running, or even walking. 

I spose.  

Laterzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.          :)

Friday, March 5, 2021

We Got The Truck Back.

Our truck won't go into gear, unless your foot is on the brake. There is a sensor telling the truck your foot is on the brake. If that goes bad the truck may not go into gear, cuz the truck doesn't think your foot is on the brake. I think I speak for us all-- "DEATH TO ALL ENGINEERS."

On the brightside I did get a little longer of a bike ride than usual. I got my workout in yesterday before work too. Something I may try to do from now on if I can. I don't think I really enjoy working out too much. It is harder for me to get excited to do it. I definitely feel stronger doing it though. 

I am on track for 72 miles this week. I don't really have anything planned this weekend. I've been listening to a book this week that is surprisingly good. I checked it out on accident. I thought I clicked either the book above or below it. I guess I have another author I like. Nothing like a good story. In this story the villain is dead.  They moved away from Alaska,  which is what the whole story was about. 3 hours left in the book, and I have no clue what's left. The author did a good job explaining life in Alaska. The villain was a dude who got messed up in Vietnam,  so he took out his problems beating his wife. Alaska made him worse. The long winter nights. Anyway, its a good book. Cannot imagine what's left for the next 3 hours. I figured the characters in Alaska is where this ends. 

I don't have a lot to do today. I have to do something for dinner,  and take the dogs. 

Just another day in the life. 

I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.       :)

Thursday, March 4, 2021


So, I was excited about my run yesterday. Perfect weather for me to just go out and enjoy it. I was tired, but no biggie. My legs it turns out were tree stumps,  and not legs. No idea why that was. My run ended up being super sluggish. I guess I realize running after work is different than running before work. 

Also, I am in no way in any kind of running shape. That doesn't help either. Still disappointing in it could have been a great run. One I added distance. Instead it ended up being one where I was just getting it in. 

I was super tired too after work. I fell asleep at 6:45 PM. Oh well. I got a good night sleep. After work I can bike to pick up the truck. I need to workout too. Strict deadline on workouts this week since I missed Monday.  

Besides that just more of the same. Life keeps moving. So do I actually,  which is the great thing about my jobs. I am active just by living. I am in no pressure to get my 60,000 steps like that one dude. He may not still do it, cuz is that sustainable?  I started working out a few years ago. I didn't go crazy, but I did create a sustainable plan. One I can do for the rest of my life. 

I feel those little steps help. My newest one is to buy a frozen triple berry pack from the grocery store. I take a cup to work with me each day. I don't know exactly what it will do in the long run, but you know those deep colors in food have to be good for you. One simple little change that is sustainable.  All things being equal that little thing is a helper.  I am sure we all have enough of not helpers in our life.    :)   aka vices. 

I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeee.           :)))

MWAH.           :)

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

That Was A Day.

When your day is pushing on 12 hours, and you can finally relax for a bit. That was yesterday. I had work, take the dogs, do dishes,  and workout. Then I could sit for a bit, until I had to start dinner. I knew I was getting fatigued,  cuz my workout was harder than Saturdays. 

We watched a bit of TV. I fell asleep on the couch til like 10:00 PM, and made my way downstairs. It was a full day. I was beat by the end. 

Besides that not much. March will probably fly by, and it will be April. Springtime. Who knows what this year will be like. More normal than last year that's for sure. 

We still got to get our pool in, do our taxes, put money in the IRA. By April all that will be done,  and I can get back to regularity. It was kinda the same way when we had our driveway done. This project looming over our heads. 

Not really much going on with me besides that. Work will start picking up ever so slightly. St patties and Easter coming up. Warm weather, tourism,  and yadda yadda yadda. Warm weather,  and longer days always brings a little excitement generally. My life stays the same generally. Over the years I became busier. It might be I take the dogs after work. 

Today is a run day, and I am excited. I won't be this afternoon before I start, cuz I'll be tired from work,  but it will be awesome after I start. Just getting that heart rate up. 

I really got nothing I guess. Just my typical gibberish. 

I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeee.         :)))

MWAH.         :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Hard To Believe.

Remember March 2nd last year?  Making plans for Spring,  St. Patties day was coming up. The year didn't end up as planned that's for sure. I wonder how this year will go. 

Yesterday was busy. I did take the dogs for a run,  and that was fun. My knee didn't give me any trouble. We dropped off our truck to the shop. The shift arm sticks sometimes. Kinda annoying when you are ready to leave,  but you cannot get your truck to go into reverse, neutral,  or drive. Strange. We picked up my dad from the hospital,  and we ran to Kohls. Lisa wanted a couple new bras, and I wanted new socks. One bra was like $42.  Holy shit. Who knew?  

It was a busy day. Lisa made a tomato,  pasta,  garlic,  feta cheese bake. Pretty fricken good. I had some ice cream, and went to bed. Just a simple, but busy day. The kind I like. You know the type of day where you go to bed,  and fall right asleep?  Yeah those kind. I was too tired to get my workout in, so it will be a T, Tr, Sat. workout week. Today I have to walk the dogs, workout,  and clean the kitchen. Maybe pick up the truck. Supper too. 

Also we are getting our ducks in a row for the pool installation. It should be in stock this week, or early next week at the latest. 

This time last year the furthest thing from my mind was a pandemic. Now I accept wearing a mask. If I end up doing it forever that's fine. I know no one who even got a cold this year. That is crazy. 

This time last year I thought Asians wearing masks in public were insane. Turns out they were smart,  and I am just some dumb white American. 

Anyway,  I guess bring on Spring. 

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeee.         :)))

MWAH.        :)

Monday, March 1, 2021

A Book Is A Book.

Yesterday I finished one book, which actually was a kids book. It told a story,  so what does that even matter?  Then I started one I didn't even know I checked out. It actually is really good. I ended up working for 8-1/2 hours yesterday. That's pretty typical. I think I worked close to 9 hours the week before. I came home, and listened to more of my book. Then I went downstairs,  and read my other one. Sundays are pretty low key. 

Besides that my dad had I am assuming an emergency surgery for a hernia pressing into his bowel. Seems like he should be fine. I think I can pick him up today  

I could have told you yesterday,  but he is 85. On borrowed time. It isn't a question of if he'll go, but when. That's how life goes. My dad ain't no saint. I don't know if it is an age thing, but he doesn't really have anything interesting to say. He's going to go sometime and that's that. 

Who I am now has very little to do with him,  except maybe knowing at an early age I didn't want to be like him. I ain't no saint either. You want someone with a caring heart it isn't me. Not anymore. I think I searched for the best in people perhaps, as I once maybe searched for the best in me. We both lack the redeeming quality. I am not the one who will cry cuz a pebble of sand gets lost or is no more. You would need someone better than me. Unfortunately we are not equipped to be like that 

All actions pretending otherwise is just make believe. 

Anyway, I can tell you about that, but you will still do your own thing. You still gotta believe a falsehood,  cuz what else is there?  The majesty of the human being is the falsehood you believe. 

My heart cannot cling to that nonsense anymore.  

Laterzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.       :)