Sunday, November 1, 2020

My Last work Day For A Week

I ended up being pretty lazy yesterday. I did get all my goal stuff done, but I watched football. My brother was visiting so whatever. I did get all my tools downstairs,  and my work area is ready for  tomorrow. I took my Summer bike  downstairs too, and am fully transitioned to my winter bike. I took the dogs too. 

I could have done a lot more, but I can get a lot done Monday. What I don't get done on Monday, I can get more done on Tuesday,  and yadda yadda yadda. I'll probably watch election stuff Tuesday night. In my personal opinion this election seems different than last time. Last time I voted cuz I thought it might be close. Turns out Michigan went red. A lot of states were close. It still was an unknown,  so I was like whatever. 

The unknown is worse than I could ever imagine. I voted early, and did the mail in thing. If others feel like me, that this experiment is an epic failure than the motivation is high to vote for the blue team. I am predicting a blue wave on Tuesday, and an answer to who wins that night. I think the blue team already knows they are sitting good. 

That's just me, I obviously have no inside information,  and it could easily go the other way I guess, but I am expecting a clear winner pretty early, and that winner to be Biden. how the Senate goes I am not sure. 

Today after work I get to watch the Bears. It might be ugly. In the NFL it is hard to run. I don't see any teams really killing it. The Bears O Line isn't great, and either is our #1 running back. Our receivers aren't great, and either are our quarterbacks. Our defense is average. At best an 8-8 team. We have a team with no great skilled position players. Some good defensive players, and that's that. 

I'll watch the game though. Saints should be able to move the ball against us, and we struggle to move the ball period. 

So, that's my day. Excited to get going on Monday. It should be fun. Well kinda anyway. 

Besides that not much. Just doing the life thing. I have this week off, and then start gearing up for working at a bakery during the holiday season. A lot of places are busy during the holiday season. This year will look different. How different who knows?   That's up to people. I am the type of person that doesn't need to go out anywhere. I am not going to sit at a bar. I don't even know if they are open. I don't even feel the need to go out to eat. Covid-19 is my normal lifestyle. Happy to be at home. I don't know how others are. 

Anyway here's to another week.  Should be fun. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

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