Saturday, November 7, 2020

Back To Normal

Hey, I go back to work tomorrow. I am ready. I did another round of leaves yesterday. The front yard is pretty much done. The back yard had a big batch yesterday,  and we will have other major dumps in the back too. A week off is definitely way too much time. House labor just doesn't feel the same as job labor. It isn't either, my steps will be about half their normal. 

It is definitely not my thing. We did do a couple other things too. Put these insulating boards around our foundation. They are expensive, but we only needed one box. We have some mildew from condensation, and we think that will help. Just in the wintertime obviously. Another one of those shitty jobs you don't really want to do, but it is nice to get it done. Today we will get another couple packages done of the ceiling. We are going out to lunch today too. Yesterday the timing didn't work out. Plus I wasn't hungry, due to the huge omelette for breakfast. 

So next week I'll get back to normal. Work,  eat, sleep. Too much downtime just isn't my thing. I'll never be able to retire. I'll just get old. What do people do to fill their time when retired I wonder. Seems like it would be awful. 

The election is still going on. Right wing conspiracies are going crazy as you can imagine. I do know why Trump didn't want mail in ballots. It would increase turnout. As you see the popular vote, and how it trends that isn't a good thing for the right side,  although they still show their I voted stickers all the time. 

Trump ran a good campaign, he got his people out to vote on election day. There is a pandemic going on. Georgia went blue, under a Republican governor, and secretary of state. Republicans did very good with Senate,  and house votes. Trump had baggage for whatever reason, as did Hillary for whatever reason. That hurts at the ballot box, and still the pandemic goes crazy. I don't know how these people are getting it. Its gotta be a social thing. 

Anyway the internet makes for crazy information. a crazy amount, and crazy content.  I don't get my news from YouTube, Facebook,  or Twitter. I am never on YouTube,  and rarely on the others. Peace of mind I guess = keeping a safe distance from the crazy. 

Glad I have a busy life, and as important is I am glad I enjoy it. A dinner after a day of honest labor is a pretty remarkable thing. Ya gotta like to work though, and I do. 

Anyway, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.      :)

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