Wednesday, November 4, 2020

I Guess I Learned Some Stuff About Myself

Firstly, I don't know or even want to know like half the US population. What makes them tick is far beyond my understanding. Yesterday was a no brainer. A referendum on 4 horrible years of a Presidency.  Biden still looks like he will probably win, but it is closer than I predicted. Not that I am in the habit of predicting these things. In my small World this was a no brainer. Easy easy. Rural America I will never know. I won't ever know those people or understand them. 

I did sleep pretty good last night. I did wake up once, stupidly checked my phone, but eventually did fall asleep again. It was kinda nerve racking for a bit. Regardless,  hopefully the 70+ Presidential elections are done. 

The political landscape will change dramatically. I believe the left part of the Democratic party will take charge, and go big. There is no point for them to try and sway rural voters. Actually the only way is make politics about them, and their interests, and not 1950 slogans that really don't mean shit. 

I will retire from politics, and news again. I have my day to day, and that is kinda what I do. I do want to see $2400 in stimulus. I was gonna put that toward the pool. :)  Not that it matters much, I have plenty of money, but I don't want to spend it. I am that guy. 

On the bright side we have a pandemic, so that puts any thought of travel out of my mind. Traveling is so expensive. Airplanes,  rental cars, hotels. and eating out. I don't relax when I spend a shit ton of money. 

You know what else?  I don't relax with downtime. I had the day off yesterday, and I wasn't at peace. I can't turn off my motor. Days off labor aren't the same for me as job labor. Why I don't know. 

Anyway, today is a day. The election is still going on. I don't know how long this will take. I got shit to do. I have my life, and my day to day. It isn't my responsibility to affect elections, and what happens after. Neither is in my power,  and I won't spend too much time dwelling on it. No voter is going to be in a better spot than me one week from now. 

I'll be back to normal, and my normal is fine. I guess its time for me to delete news apps.   :)

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.      :)

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