Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Start Of Another Week

So, I bought a book for cheap on Black Friday. "The Lincoln Lawyer"  I bought it from Audible,  cuz it was cheap, and I needed another book for work. I thought I saw the movie before, so it would be fun to listen to the book. As I was listening to the book it seemed maybe familiar,  but not really. When I got home I rented it from Amazon. It had a pretty big cast. I don't think I ever saw the movie, or if I did I forgot almost everything. 

The book starts off pretty good for the first few hours, it's why I wanted to see the movie. After the movie I watched a bit of football,  and there was a big bang marathon,  and that's what I was in  the mood for. I fell asleep at a reasonable time, and I slept good. I needed it considering my crappy sleep the night before. 

I was thinking of getting some stuff done today, but being lazy sounds good too. Maybe I can just watch a movie, and start the day after. I am under no stress to really get anything done today. We will see. It is still dark, and cold,  and I am having my coffee still. I probably will watch a movie. 

It was kinda surprising how mad I got the other day. Then again people I guess can do stupid things. Who knows another's internals?  I don't,  and maybe I don't even want to. 

People are people. You can watch them take themselves down strange paths. You can see the detour signs. They should be going another way, but they ignore them or don't see them. Blinded by the allure of something that really isn't there. I don't 

I don't really know another's internals. I know there is bad stuff inside us that overpowers us. Makes us less than we'd like. I know this, but you don't. You don't really know yourself in that regard. 

My life goes on I guess. Another day today,  and I am not sure how it will pan out. I should at least get my workout in. I am not predicting a busy day for me, but I might be. Lazy seems okay, but so does getting stuff done. Lazy wouldn't bug me today, like it usually does. I have many days this week to get stuff done. I did a big project last week. Bigger than I thought it  was. 

We will see.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.     :)

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