Thursday, November 26, 2020

I Am So Over Painting

I prepped, primed, and put two coats of primer on half the closet wall. I planned doing half, cuz clothes moved to one side for one half, and then move to the other side to do the other half. I am tired of painting, but maybe it was just the day. My dad called me 4 times through the night. He said he butt dialed me, but he was probably trying to call the hooker heroin addict. So my sleep wasn't great. My dad has no idea how to use any gadget pretty much. 

With age that happens I guess. Technology keeps going, and we slow down. I dont use a computer anymore. I used to spend hours on one each day. I use my phone now, but not for hours each day. I guess I did play a lot of this stupid football game yesterday, so maybe I can spend a lot of time on the phone. There is an app that resembles the old tecmo bowl from the old Nintendos from back in the early 90s.  

Anyway, between bad sleep cuz my dad kept calling me in the middle of the night, and a cold rainy shitty day I wasn't feeling the painting thing. This morning I feel fine though. I slept really good. 

I am probably going to finish the painting. I do have to do some cooking though. Its thanksgiving you know. I filed for unemployment,  so I have to update in two weeks. It shouldn't be a problem. Not sure how much I'll get. It is $362/week less my 8 hours from my 2nd job, but I think there is still a kick in from the feds. Not sure what that is. Maybe there isn't too,  I am not sure. We'll see in two weeks. 

It should just be for two weeks. The World sure is different compared to last year. I don't even remember what last year was like. It wasn't like this. I dont remember Thanksgiving though. The years are a blur. 

We think we are creating memories, but I have none from last thanksgiving or even prior ones. I have almost no sentimentality at all.  I am not lonely, I am not sad. I miss no one, so its hard to be sentimental if you have no reason to be. 

It's just life. I find myself living it in a pretty easy fashion. Not a ton to worry about.  I just got an email from unemployment. I am still not sure how much I get. Maybe $160 on top of my $362 less 8 hours. Maybe $600, I have no clue. There was a step for verifying income, but not w2 income. 1099 stuff,  like contact work I guess,  which I don't have. Kinda confusing.  I think it will be like last time.  How many hours did you work at the bakery?  How many at ASBS?  Then I'll get my amount. 

Anyway, its thanksgiving. It seems like maybe i could afford a lazy day, but I think I'll finish the painting.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.       :)

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