Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Days Off Don't Feel Like Days Off

It is hard to keep track of days when you have a week off. I did not start on my closet yesterday, time just got away. The paint guy mixed the wrong color paint, so I had to exchange it. I picked up Prime rib, and other groceries. Time just got away. I finished the 2nd coat of the basement walls, and it was time to start dinner. I also juiced a LOT of apples. We were going to bake ~100 apple pies at the bakery,  and we baked zero. We still had apples. I have a juicer, so I can take a lot. It is pretty shocking how little juice you get out of produce. Also shocking how much juice gets sold. it takes a lot of oranges to make 1 quart of orange juice. Same with apples. 

So I have volume shock,  same as when I was contemplating who is picking all these cucumbers?  Restaurants have pickles, grocery stores have pickles,  and cucumbers. One town like Holland,  MI would seem to need a ridiculous amount of cucumbers needed to fill restaurants, grocery stores etc...  extrapolate that outwards, and it is inconceivable. Then you wonder who is picking these cucumbers?  

Anyway, I guess the World has a lot of people,  and we need a lot of food. I guess we don't need a lot. I imagine a good percentage of people eat more than they need,  or eat fast food a lot. Maybe calories in-minus burning very little- just does the damage. I eat more when I work. Yesterday, I ate something for breakfast, can't remember what, and I had one of my salads around 2:00pm, then dinner. 

When I work I eat something early, a sandwich, fruit, a salad, and I'll probably eat something after work too. Then I'll have dinner after. Just something I noticed. 

Anyway, life goes on. I sure am getting older. I once was young, but that was a long time ago. I am a grown up now. I dont remember really what it was like to be young. I am not interesting really. I'll never get a million followers on tik tok. I know I know what you are thinking. Doesn't one need to download the app to get 1 million followers?  That's just minor details.  You get the idea. 

What I mean is I am fine with me. I dont need some great name. I dont need to be famous. I accept my little life, and I am fine with it. 

We are here on this earth a short while,  and then we die. I am pretty okay with how things turned out. I am getting older, but I am pretty content. There isn't a lot of have to in my life. The have tos I have I like to do, like work,  and stuff. I dont have to mail out Christmas cards, and worry about other people.  A lot of the unwritten rules do not even apply to me.  Very little baggage I guess.  

Anyways, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.      :)

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