Monday, November 30, 2020

Lazy Day It Was Then

Yesterday ended up being lazy. Like not even one total mile of walking lazy. That will happen when you watch "The Queen's Gambit" in one sitting. Then you gotta reload your chess app, and play that. That is a great mini series. Gotta be one of the best I've seen. Eventually I did what everyone else did. Google the girl, is this a true story?  

It is fiction,  but it totally could be true. She has parts of the author in her from what I read. Anyway, a great show. I actually stayed up and watched most of the Bears. Went to bed at 41-7. I woke up at like 1:00AM or something, and it took forever to fall asleep. No activity, and no tranquilizer in the form of alcohol, and my mind was racing 100 miles per minute. 

I was thinking of alcohol, and pool halls, and chess tournaments, and writing. You name it. The authors books were made into "The Hustler" "The Color Of Money".  He was a writer. He drank. He considered himself a drunk, but it might have been the times. He had some drinks late night. Never during the day, and he hid it. He drank alone. He died of lung cancer, which was also a part of those days. A lot of people smoked, and I dont think anyone thought it was bad for them. 

Pool halls had to be quite the attraction back then.  Drink, smoke,  competition,  and gambling. Probably a better lifestyle than one could find in the suburbs. Can you imagine back then?  

Anyway, today, I am going to be busy. I am going to do some cleaning,  cooking, take Hope,  workout. It should be a good day. I recovered from my first week off. I lost weight again of course. Another pound. You just can't eat a lot if you don't work. I can't anyway. Schedule is all whack. 

I slept til 8:30 AM today. Crazy right?  

Today will go by quick,  but I think it will be good. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.       :)

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