Thursday, July 23, 2020

We Did It Again

We had to pick up our car yesterday, so we had dinner in Grand Haven again. A different place, but one we in the past have gone to a lot. They have an expanded sit down area. It was a lot like yesterday. I was tired before going to pick up Lisa,  then I have dinner, two beers, and I stay up til 9:00 PM. My watch also says I slept good the last two nights. So that's strange. Tonight we can just have a normal night. 

You know whose sales have exploded during this pandemic?  At least near us?  KFC. Ours is always busy now, and the Grand Haven one had a line too. I like KFC sometimes, but the crazy lines for the drive though are unexpected. I don't like it that much. 

Not really much besides that. Our schools I found out are opening in a few weeks. I have absolutely no stake in that pie. I have no clue if it is a good idea or not. Teachers take care of the kids a good portion of week days. Not to mention not all home lives are good, so it's kinda a big deal to be open. It's also kinda a big deal more people don't get the virus. I know the schools will be spraying door knobs, and stuff. The cleaning staffs job is pretty vital now. The company I work for on Saturday takes care of some public schools 5 miles south of us. Lisa's daughter and her husband do that so I know. A pretty secure job I'd say, so that's good. 

Baseball starts today at some point. One of the big 4 I guess you'd say. I can't say I am really too excited. I'll check box scores. See how the White Sox do. They should be better this year, but how much who knows?  Sports just don't seem like much of a priority anymore do they?  

My life has been away from sports for so long, I don't really care that much. It seems our Health has taken center stage perhaps. I mostly feel pretty safe. I am not by people much. I social distance, cuz that has been my lifestyle anyway. I should just say I distance,  cuz I just am not very social. Looking around Grand Haven yesterday, I think it wasn't very busy for a very comfortable Summer evening. Traffic is down by my two night observations. Restaurants are still probably doing okay, but not killing it like normal for this time of year. 

I guess all we can do is see how it all turns out. 

Anyway I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.     :)))

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