Friday, July 17, 2020

Just Another Day In This Seemingly Unending Supply

That kinda says a lot huh?  This neverending supply of days. That's how we think too, unless we are taking chemo or something. Yesterday wasn't as productive as the day before. I had to run, and get prescriptions. Lisa came home early from work,  I basically just chilled, and made an easy meal. Raviolis with spaghetti sauce. For some reason that really hit the spot. I slept for over 8 hours last night. 

It's been 7 weeks since I started putting in the approximate money I'd spend buying cigarettes if I smoked, in a savings account. Money is a crazy thing. Probably the people who think about it the least are the paycheck to paycheck people. Debt free people can save money at a pretty good clip, but never quick enough. Our hearts in this matter always want more and more. 

I am the same way, but I don't want more and more stuff. I buy food, and the occasional other things.  Travel we obviously won't be doing.  What do people shop for?  

The stimulus ran out. Payroll protection and the extra $600/ week. That might suck for some people. In the Holland area for sure cuz of layoffs and stuff. $300/ week might make the rent/mortgage payment for those without work. As long as they don't need to buy other stuff like food. 

People will have to find jobs at other places I guess. Retail,  and jobs having to do with food production are always good. Restaurants no. Restaurants might be doing okay now, but no restaurant was ever going to get rich on what I spend going out. Even before covid-19. They probably aren't doing as good. 

As you go through your hierarchy of needs security is a pretty vital one. Without security we end up shortening our leash on things we will do. That affects the economy. What will be really interesting is if we don't get control of this come the wintertime the outside gets taken out of the equation for a lot of people. Then they will be really couped up. 

Life seems different to me,  but really I am bad at these types of things. I lived the covid-19 lifestyle before there was covid-19. so I don't know if normal people changed their day to day at all. I don't see movies, and I work out at home instead of the old people's gym. Outside of work,  I am just not very sociable. It's not I don't like people. but I rather do enjoy my own company.  I am happy in my own skin. Comfortable with my own thoughts. Not making any kind of mark,  and I am okay with that. 

Content just living my little life. Going through my day to day with seemingly ease.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.    :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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