Thursday, July 16, 2020

An Extra Push From Who Knows Where

Good morning. How's it going?  I am doing okay. I had a good sleep last night. Not so great the two nights prior. I still got a lot done yesterday. Where the internal push came from I do not know. First off work was a full day. I had so much in my mind that needed to get done. 

Dogs walk, cut the back grass. Round 1 of cucumber/zucchini harvest-geddon. 2 zucchini, and like 6 cucumbers, with at least another 6 ready to pick. I typically eat one cucumber each day. If I end up with like 15 cucumbers in my fridge tomorrow,  that is quite the challenge. 

Anyway the kitchen was a mess, I had to workout, and I had to make dinner. I got it all done, and watered. I guess it's nice to succeed when you know quite the challenge is before you. Summer is ridiculously busy. Winter I don't really recall having a ton of downtime,  and in the summer we have to take care of outside shit too. Who can find time to actually enjoy Summer?  Although I guess I appreciate a day like yesterday above all others. A lot to do, and I get it done. If we could bottle up one thing it would be to always have that internal energy to get everything we want done. 

Besides that not much else. You know how it says a house divided cannot stand?  That's kinda our country now isn't it?  It cannot survive a pandemic,  cuz even the people knowledgeable about such stuff may have some harsh truthful news. If it is bad for one side they won't believe guidance as being in their best interest. Why?  Cuz they are the messenger of bad news. Bad news is bad for our side (if the head people refuse to act on it), so all of a sudden it is fake news, and a conspiracy.  

If you have a President who is angry all the time, and now I realize angry for at least 8 years prior cuz Obama was in office at some point you realize the dude is just angry. There has been a hard push toward instilling anger from the right for approaching a couple decades now, and it is the right who twice have gutted the treasury. 

If I have someone always just angry, I gravitate away. Not to them.  I don't listen more I listen less, because life is too short for such nonsense.  

If I could give you some advice, do not follow angry people. They will make your life harder, not better. Their cause is not more just in any way. 

Life is what it is. I'll do my work,  eat, sleep. A pandemic came, and my life still is pretty normal. I am not angry. 

I am happy. and not disappointed with my life. My internals have me feeling pretty okay.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

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