Saturday, July 18, 2020

Kinda Like The Other Day

I  had another one of those productive days after work. Like Wednesday. I took the dogs, cleaned the kitchen, watered everything, did my workout. Called to make an appointment for a car recall thing. Gonna have them change our oil too. It will turn into a date night kinda. We'll drop our car at the dealer on Tuesday night, and have dinner after. The dealer is in Grand Haven. 20 miles away. We wont be going to the corn dog place. Not cuz of the dude's rant, but rather corn dogs?!!!?   Really, who wants corn dogs?  

I picked like 11 more cucumbers. I have 17 now, which is pretty ridiculous. I eat them though. I checked the health benefits of cucumbers, and it is pretty much water,  but you do get some important minerals. One of those things that is actually pretty good to eat every day. Garden veggies are pretty remarkable. Those cucumber plants get huge pretty fast. Spread out everywhere they are allowed. The leaves are shaped like satellite dishes. Same with zucchini.  Neat how that works. 

My blood pressure is doing good now too. Everything is under control. Outside that not much. Life moves on. Another work week done, except for my Saturday job. You know what occured to me yesterday?  I am approaching the end of garden watering season. It will be nice to have that burden gone. I am almost 100% gonna get underground sprinkling next year. I just think how nice that would be. 

I am the guy who is always up too, so it won't be running while it is raining outside, or if it rained the whole day the day before. I can be kinda anal about stuff. I pretty much decided to up my reps to pull ups,  and dips. I am getting stronger. It occurs to me, you don't have to kill yourself in the gym to get good benefits. I am happy with my direction. Also my exercise routine is sustainable. Meaning I can get it in if I don't feel like doing it, or am tired. That's kinda important, cuz your mind and desire will switch on you like a dime. 

We are all very much New resolution kinda people. Gung ho to get started,  but once desire turns we are out. You have to keep things sustainable. It comes to knowing your weakness I spose. 

Anyway things are going good here. I feel pretty good about stuff. I have a day today, and a day off tomorrow.  

Fun fun. 

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeee.         :)))

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