Wednesday, July 29, 2020


So, I just checked my numbers yesterday. 30,000 steps,  and 13 miles. Didn't expect that. Work was busy, and we worked late. I had to take the dogs for a walk, plus I had to workout. I pulled some weeds,  and the amount I pulled surprised me. 

Spring is kinda neat as everything starts coming alive. I noticed for the first time this year how plants just start to take over in Summer. Holy cow. This could just be a bad year too, but I wouldn't know. I wasn't really paying a ton of attention before. It still is pretty impressive how ridiculous plants are. 

I am at that stage where my workouts never make me feel sore anymore. This morning I cannot even tell I worked out yesterday. I'd say I am back at my peak working out wise. It wasn't easy,  it's just my muscles are used to it already. My abs didn't even get fatigued after my 4th set. I could usually feel the last reps. 

I feel I have a good amount of labor in store for me the next month. Labor accepted. It's nice to have a little work to do when you get home. Just filling up the day. 

I have no idea what another's day to day looks like. Mine is easy, but still active. I am pretty fine with how my life is. I sleep good. I go to bed tired, or like last night after I fell asleep on the couch for a bit. 

Today is another Summer day. It should be fine. I'll be busy, and that is how I like my days. 

In life I have what I always wanted, and what we all really crave. A content heart. I wake up in the morning ready to start my day. I eat a meal at the end of my days, and I sleep. I don't have a ton of shit to worry about. 

I am healthy,  at a good weight. I lost like a pound or two last week, but gained a bit of fat as a percentage...somehow. We will see how this week goes. 

I don't have any words of wisdom. I just do my own thing. I don't have anything really troubling me. Nothing in my past, and no real worries about the future. Just taking the days as they come. 

Anyway, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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