Good morning. How's it going? I am doing okay. I didn't have a great night of sleep. It was okay, but I just woke up in the middle of it, and didn't fall asleep right away. My blood pressure read high at the doctor's office. I just couldn't relax for some reason. He did tweak my medication a bit. My problem is the good medication gave me a nasty cough after a couple years. Others don't work as good, but this morning my BP isn't bad.
There was an owner of a small business near us who went on a tirade. He wanted to kill George Soros, take over the Michigan Militia, and overthrow the Michigan government, among other things, because he had to wear a mask at work. Citing rights, and yadda yadda yadda. It went to his business page instead of his personal page. Ooops.
So this tough guy seemingly deletes it, and apologizes once he knows it is out there. You say it, you own it. This "tough" guy is afraid of the Economic consequences of his words I guess. Well, that's not tough in my book. I lost a job due to an outburst, but I still owned up to what I said. Lisa worked at a place for 20 years, and some new unhappy miserable Bitch treated her like shit. My wife actually came home in tears. FROM WORK. A retail job. Tears. I mean really. So I went off on the stupid bitch. Online.
The dude said his shit, now he owns it. For the record. I never have been to the place. It does a good business, especially in the summer. Its goddamn corn dogs though. I don't give one fuck about his rant, if I travel the 20 miles to Grand Haven, I am not eating corn dogs. I was never going to go there in the first place. He didn't lose my business. He never had it. I don't give a shit about his post. Chances are 150%, I would never be friends with him too.
You hear people downplaying this virus. and you can tell where it comes from. The President talked for one hour last night, basically a stump speech in the rose garden, which is a first. He didn't even mention the virus. Bad news he does not want to see so he pretends it isn't there. Meanwhile 130 people died in Florida alone yesterday. I don't know how this virus all of a sudden is a hoax.
At least you can see how Nazi Germany's views got so out of whack. The information they were fed was whack. It made them angry. It gave them a scapegoat for their anger. Information is pretty important to a democracy, and some stuff out there is a pile of shit.
The only people with something to lose are those where the information makes them look bad. See President, and unprecedented stump speech at the rose garden. See no talk of the virus. I've never seen a virus like this in my life. I don't pretend it's not here, because it is bad.
A tough person can face the truth. Geez, as long as I've done this, no one is tough.
The corn dog dude is like the song says. He's a slave to money, then he dies. That's what he's mad about. He wants to go live on a beach or something. He's probably sick of eating corn dogs every day. I would be. :)
He isn't content with work, eat, sleep. I don't know how to help people with that.
Anyways, I spose.
Laterzzzzzzzz. :)
xoxo. :)
xxoo. :)
Byeeeeeeeeee. :)))